Thursday, December 4, 2008


“The Callio Cover Up”
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
The Millionth-Council And Me
Datfile: 120508.027.55---Begin Transmission:

Now that I have survived through my horrible freaking 54th birthday, and am a little bit calmer, emphasis on the word little, shall we cogitate and examine things more closely and objectively as a stand back observer not directly in a major hyper time mess. First, the Callio and the Martino families R involved in the hugest cover up of “SOMETHING” and we will leave it at the word something 4 right now, on this planet. I said a while back on prior blogging texts that we never really hear much from the true world owners, or the fortune 500, and this needs B expanded on B4 properly proceeding on with this point is really possible. First on this 2 part expansion 2 this point, is the true fact that this is not really 500 billionaire families, period. There really is no absolute standard first of all 4 drawing a line, as notice I said billionaires, but does it start at 1 billion, or 2, or 700 million, or where? Also who is the ‘they’ that makes the distinction is another quest 4 any real truth seekers on this topic. Still more data on this would B, can they also fake out as other lesser persons, blending into society in other movable and alterable identities, and this is not a question, I mean a net worth of 9 and 10 figures, come on, B real, if they can’t do what I just suggested, then man cannot fly yet, Orville Popcorn Left of Saint Louis Avenue on the Eastern New Jersey Harbors. U hear the name and so much about the man 4 twenty three plus years, the Donald this and the Donald that, and I say, maybe he and those like this R indeed part of TAWF or WOMO, the Earthbound counterpart of this powerful Astral Plane click and culture and cult or whatever, but if this limits them 2 play only this one part in Shakespeare’s show, I will B a monkey’s uncle at the speed of light squared. Remember that what is confusing 2 both myself and all of U in my gargantuan hellish nightmare true personal story, is that intentional confusion and obfuscation is a powerful weapon and tool in TAWF’s arsenal. It is just like a game a chess, show me one chess master that is not all ready thinking a minimum of 5-10 moves ahead of the current game in progress, just show me one, if U do, I will blatantly tell U he or she ain’t no chess master. So first off my point is that they never do one thing without 10 alternate moves, cover stories, and along these such lines in anything that they partake in involving themselves with. Do I believe that a family next door can B one of these powerful-people described 2 me that day in my bugged car, bugged by me, the very powerful people, by Scott Ransom in the late winter of 1988, U bet your smell hole I do. When I told Congressman Robert Andrews’ office about this 4 the first time back in 1995, all hell broke loose and I instantly fell under a siege that was beyond horrific, and the Dow Jones shot straight up like an arrow of antigravity, all damn year long as a result of the parallel event between it and me. Google up old charts of stock index prices for 1995, do a BCO, take my word 4 nothing pal. I knew as soon as I told the people in the office on that hot summer day in 1995, that I struck solid McCoo GOLD from here throughout the 5th dimension. I never forgot HER, I was just like all of the other normal persons who grew up. I placed children’s things in the children’s memory box of my mind and went on 2 live my adult life, only somebody forgot 2 tell me, that time does not run regularly with Sarah Krassle, or me, we share a fantastic bond, and whether I like it or not, it is real and undisputable. This entire multiverse is merely the result of an upline girl’s one single thought, and that thought IS all of this and all of us, and this is truth son, believe it or not Ripley. So what was SHE thinking about in her upline closed curve infinity? Answer, HER (THAT-BOY) as she always refers 2 the upline ME in her upline world. She had a quick thought of her days at the Trinidad Motel area, her shop, and this from there, downlined an entire unfathomable reality, where Atlantic City and the 1960’s just happens 2 fall somewhere into. This is the beyond gigantic complexity 2 the reality of what THOUGHT really is in its total form, far from being close 2 being known about in the 2008 year part of the 4th dimension, in this part of the 5th dimensional hyperspace. Doing the math in reverse, it is quite obvious Y thought itself IS THE 6th DIMENSION. The reason things appear 2 connect in some wild fantastic unknown and hyper complex way, is because indeed they R connected in the energy stream of spinning sub atomic particles that form lines or super strings, flowing throughout cosmos and through us, the real true us, the part of us while awake that a surgeon can cut open your brain and yet never B able 2 find this “U” that I speak of is there. UR not in there, it is a smoke and mirrors illusion. The real U simply exists at void-infinity, and what I term as PHASE-1. Then we all dream out and away from this EWI or Existence Without Interaction, into the Astrallity, or as I term it phase-2. Continued thoughts on tangible precepts results in a dream down off of the astral or your existence continuing on thorough the hyperspaces as physically, having a point of illusion start or entry and a point of illusion of stop or exit, birth and death R the translated English mortal words that fit real nicely here. Also direction 7 and 8 on astral regions is another way of describing this same reality/truth. The Callio family is not on the surface, wealthy on paper like Donald Trump. They may have close 2 10 million dollars but that is a poverty pittance by WOMO standards. They R beyond money because they know how 2 dream. This means, and U will not find this in any other place on the net unless someone claims it as original product after first reading it from me, first, properly perceiving dream direction, and that simply put means knowing that this so called waking world is the astral dream down, and that the realer and bigger U, is in the dream world as mortals perceive this thing that happens when we do not focus on any waking stimulus 4 a given time, and R then caught up into where they really were 2 begin with. One thing that is not known except by WOMO clickers or the Brigger Cultists, is that U can if U die or wake up from this dream, and R part of any show that causes U2 exit prematurely, U will reenter and all damage in your body B it from a bullet or the explosion of a heart, whatever, is totally dreamed out of this dream, or in waking world translation, the apparent miraculous heeling of your physical body just took place. The Callio and the King family know how 2 dream. Both Dawn and Ann and Paula, all of them, can create dreams and become a supermind exploratron. Without knowing and realizing what is happening, it is just happening. Look at it like this. If U went through your entire life brain damaged, U would pass through a lifetime in a meaningless motion way. Normal people pass through it on an average aware and awake level. But supermind has the ability 2 know while in hyperspace as a physical entity, that they can block out the waking world and remain totally aware, make a change, and then re-dream into the new changed life in the dream, or as U all c it, the waking world. I know this family is real, I have met all of them. I have no desire 2 ever C any of them again 4 the rest of my miserable dream. I hate my family, and I hate this family, and I hate the TAWF family, and I despise the living guts of all of these games playing entities. The reason that they play games is because they R totally aware that nothing ever starts or stops, we simply exist, and at truth or void-infinity, or EWI, this is it, like it or scream forever, that is that. So they divert their attention away from this horrific knowledge of endlessness, with GAMES. This is Y the gods brought GAMES down into the waking mortal worlds out from the astral into out dreams here. This is Y the Romans had the Gladiators and the coliseums, and is Y we have football and baseball thousands of years later today. The more time goes by in this present Mountainpen lifetime, the more disgusted I grow at these diseased evil ASTRAL GODS. This thing since August of 1986 with parallel event and me and the 2 Philly sports teams and the stock market, 2 them it is just the coolest game and show in the astral town, to me down in this dreaming hell as a human, in this Mountainpen lifetime, I suffer an unspeakable nightmare as a result just so these sleazy gods can keep their attentions focused away and properly diverted from the truth of never ending existence. What u all consciously think of as a great blessing, is the ultimate curse of hell, and none of U regular non in the click TAWFS understand this at all. Pathetic, totally pitiful. Callio times Martino times the CIA’s Mary Carter truly does equal out 2B the material counterpart or the mass of this very negative energy, and my pop and his Princeton pal knew it all along. I always knew deep inside that my dad knew the Callio family, I had numerous psychics tell me the same thing back in the nineties. Y is the CIA involved in a paint company U ask? Simple as all hell lads and lassies and labbers. There is an unknown chemical top classified secret, that is mixed into paint, and it works as a marvelous antenna system 4 governmental eavesdropping purposes. They can match your car or house or anything, and at 3 AM, they will get it on there if they want 2. Y is everything monitored? Simple. They R worried 2 death that there may B truth 2 the Christianity religions, and they want 2B ready 2 make what they think may happen, appear as alien contact. All the UFO sitings that R not a hoax belong 2 our own force, the secret air force system or the SAF SYSTEM as some insiders dare 2 term it. They R ready all the time 2 reopen the magic blue-book should this rapture thing ever happen, it will not, but they cannot B sure of this, it all is bull. Planes cannot merge, and the life and death channel is accessible by becoming aware of the truth and reality of the world of dreams.

When I was on the job in 2005, for the soulcast audience, I will add this 4 tonight, a bunch of Sarah’s friends popped up out of nowhere and suddenly the dreamshift became May of the oh-six year, or the following spring time. Sarah drove her white sports car out of the warehouse building and parked next 2 the other vehicles that had just come there out of the poof. They were all talking about sports and music, and Sarah drove off, and then her friends told me 2 take a song I had written in the year 2000 called “Atlantic Queen”, and take it 2 a certain A&R lady and gave me a record company address, and told me she loves flowers, and if I bring a tape of this song and a large bunch of lovely colorful flowers, she would sign me as their labels writer. I did not really care about any oif this, I knew I was dead. Then it hit me that they knew all this as well, and it made no difference whether U think UR dead or alive, on any realm, the dreamshift is just that, U think, and that is what is. First they told me to go and meet up with Frank Callio at McDonalds on the Black horse Pike in Atlantic city, he had 2 discuss one thing with me first regarding this song. This is where I leave my Soulcast Blogaud 4 tonight on this story and my overall blog as well. If U can stomach lots of anger and horrific cussing, and want 2 know what my TAWF enemies did 2 me today totally ruining my 54th birthday beyond description, then click onto my blogger dot com hyperlink, and if not then don’t, there is lots of nasty angry language there in. Caveat Emptor. U simply highlight or click here. They R covering up much more than some smarty-pants people think they know. This goes beyond the sill stupid entertainment world, or whether or not I will ever bother 2 pursue the DNA test. Really, Tom of Somers Jag-officer Point, New Jersey, I could care less anymore about anything.

GOOGLE/SWIS/KSWL/ bleeee-blaaaaaa-blummmm, etcetera. Copyright Michael Mountainpen in ADEG-2008.

End Transmission:

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