Saturday, December 27, 2008


“The Pocono Mountains Factor”
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
Morianity-Project From 1995
Datfile: 122708.713-----Begin Transmission:

Last night went OK at work nothing ever is spectacular when U work around a bunch of butt wipes. I got through it. WOMO gave me a mile bowl attack earlier during the Flyers game, but my DEEDEE HAWKS pounded these black and orange garbage pales into the ice five to one, despite a day of very nasty freaking aerial siege.

When I went 2 pick up some medication yesterday, I also stopped off at the Acme Food store as ice cream was on sale there 4 $3.14 per half gallon, and Bryers is hardly ever on sale anymore at any store. The days of $2 through two-ninety-nine a half gallon R almost gone now. When I went into the store, I left some of my blogger-tracts that show a finder how 2 get online and read about my nightmare plight, in some obvious 2C spots where I knew they would eventually B grabbed up and looked at. This is when on the way out after ringing up and paying 4 my 4 ice cream boxes, I was practically assaulted by an entire gang of giant sleazy girls right there at the door entrance 2 the store where the tracts were left. If this happened once or even every 4th time, or a few times a year out of say 40 times that I may do a little “shop-leaving”, as Dave and I used 2 call this advertising method back in the nineties, that would B one thing and the word coincidence could apply. But when a clockwork precision thing happens where EVERY SINGLE TIME that I do this counterstrike 2 WOMO-OTAMM-SCUM, I am then re-counter-struck and always right at the precise spot where I did what I did, none of U out there can possibly tell me that a rationally mind should then conclude that this is purely a happenstance event. This is one example of how I could prove 2 an army on my side of this nightmare fight someday, how real this is, and then they can follow them 2 their homes’ or destinations, and fight out exactly who they R and R in with, as long as my army or one of the army group has a legally licensed private detective’s license, making all of this a perfectly legitimate and legal activity, as is also a citizens arrest should that ever B needed 2B done as well. These puke heads think I am playing. Wait until I am on 10 or more good blogging sites and get a 5 digit readership, and eventually I get offers 2 indeed form this army, all legal, all above board. Would I print up my motive 2 do all of this if it were not legal, DUHH, buy a Hyundai time!!!!!!!! This is all coming. They thought 4 a solid year that I would B under the control and restraint of a library forever in my conducting my blogging project, but eventually, things moved from the planning stages into the operations stage. Simply read older past blogs, and just C the torment that I endured and suffered through B4 having my own private system in the privacy of my own room, it is all there on one or more of the 5 blogging books up on even without the blue underscore on the word document game, I guess ass holes like Billy billionaire Gates have so little 2 do with their time, that this is all real funny 2 them, totally freaking pitiful Mister Adam Deedee Shift. This is no different, enough sites, enough blogs, enough exposure of my story out 2 the world, and eventually I’ll get a few takers willing 2 join this army, we fight legally, we fight honestly, and we fight with the same motive that anyone should B fighting 4, and that is correcting the injustices of the world, and mine is a g=huge ass doozie bug, BRO, and nothing comes in the materialistic world without a cost. We all over the 1st grade level know this perfectly well. The worst thing can happen is somebody rich as piss gets sued to their bottom penny and we all split up our army-jury-award with our attorney, he or she gets half, and then the army split’s the other half. I am not looking 4 fame or the money, but no one should B permitted 2 totally destroy and decimate the entire adult life of anyone in this country that is law abiding, and get away with it totally freaking unscaved. Some deep pockets R behind this viciousness, and they need 2B judgment ordered 2 make full restitution 2 me someday. There really is no price monetarily that any same person could put on this. I will gladly agree quietly with a generous and fair jury award.

U may wonder YUR reading now after all of so much other stuff, what I will B printing in this blog. That is your right 2 wonder, but I do have my perfectly legitimate personal methods 2 my madness, U can trust me, or U can go with Terry Harbor and her druggie fields and Saturn mob contracts, and think of both me and my story as the quintessential scatterbrain work in literature. U cannot do my story inb ordered and structured divided sections, split up in chronological and subject related orders, not when all of the subjects R known totally by the author 2 really in fact B all one same subject, and that time has no significance in truth, and this is my truth so worrying about starting on April the 9th and running it through June the 24th 14 years or 44 years later, would B absurd and the ultimate literary futility. Yes 44 years ago when late June rolls around next summer, will B the very first time that I made eye contact with Sarah, but so much is involved with this GODDESS, that attempting 2 put her into a time-box, would make the best efforts of Tolstoy and his modern predecessor Patterson, do absolutely no justice 2 my true nightmare 45 year old story. Something taught 2 me long ago by the disco diva, Donna summer, will remain with me forever. It is always the thing that U least expect 2 happen that gets around 2 happening quite frequently. She was referring 2 something musical and about some of her musical works and projects, but I took the exact message that she was trying 2 put across and merely moved it out of the realm of only-musical.

The churches of this world totally kill me and they always have. All along they had a 20th century human that was able 2 verify without any doubt at all, how real the words of the holy book R, and that indeed there not only IS a powerful supernatural realm, but that it chooses parts of the material realm 2 connect into, and play all manor and sort of various games with it, and none of it unlike in the opinions of Doctor Goldberg, means this human race one bit of good, a perfect example would B the character from Star Trek Next Generation, that was called “Q”. This character and many like him R so much more real than any of U out there would ever dare 2 imagine. The only difference in the fictional show is the necessary ingredient of exaggeration so as 2 make this the great show that it was, but tone down some of the flashy wow’s and wo’s and ooh’s and ahhh’s, and the reality is still right on the money, Hollywood exaggerates truths not believed in 4 two reasons: The first reason is 2 make it more entertaining by spicing up the action that normal reality would simply never keep up in pace, and the second reason is the creation of DISINFORMATION, simply put, this is the way 2 make all the things that those in the know about many super hushed up top secrets that try and voice them seriously 2 the public or anyone, as fact, can B instantly labeled a space cadet, and sent 2 psychiatrists so that their pre-invented and pre-created enicks and itises and all of their many labels of mental illnesses that apply if patient X says this or patient Z says that, never mind that it may B the truth, U simply put, cannot win, not igf the DSM-4 shrink-book says that if U say and believe such and such 2B reality, U R a banana case, forget it, U hear the words STRIKE-3 BY even get 2 come up 2 the plate and bat, UR set up 2 fail, or as my lovely sixties Chiffons knew only so well, NO, U NEVER WIN, SO STOP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!! Does anything I tell U Blogaud even register at all in your dim 3 watt blinking bulbs????????

U may just have 2 grin and bare my bluntness, my tact 4 being more subtle is one of numerous adult traits that I never seemed 2 properly carry out of boyhood and into manhood, I tell it straight and loud, as did my great hero, General George Patton. Hopefully I will not scream and cry if Scylla throws her shoes at me, and refuses 2 wear her lovely brown with purply highlighted hair up in curls, but there really is so darn much about 1986, and how it fits so many fantastic cosmic jigsaw pieces together in my life’s nightmare puzzle that when fully assembled is the picture of eternal hell. When I called Goddess Scylla a witch back in 1993 in my copyrighted song that I in prior blogs mistakenly called “113 More shiny Big Moons”, but is one of the songs on the project from 1983 sent from my rented home in Atco, NJUSAESMWG, Blue-Nunggen and all CIA/NSA, one of their code words 4 personal vehicle or automobile that year, they change these coded words annually, I know lots of their secrets, but aniwho MCMCAAONMC, but the title 2 this song eludes me right now, but the title 2 the collaborated work was called, “SAGA OF SONGWRITER MARK MUD”. Scylla liked it a lot less when I made an image object and Dave Roth and I took it after it was MSM-empowered, 2 LBI, NJUSAESMWG, and buried it in the sand. Instantly huge waves came from out of nowhere, and a gale force wind just instantly blew up, this all happened BRO, I’ll swear 2 All of this in any courtroom or 2 any grand jury under oath anytime and anywhere. The problem was that I had no idea as my present personality and in that present time illusion inside of myself, who Scylla really was, that she was the great ALL MIGHTY, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, and that Dave and I had just committed dual suicide while not even knowing it. Shortly after the chain incident in early December of 1969, OBB-JH and I went up 2 stay overnight at a small retreat he had rented at the Pocono Mountains where today they call this area Camelback. All the way up there, I felt a huge power of some kind all around me, it was as though the empire State Building was falling down and I was attempting all by myself 2 keep it standing by pushing up against it. I knew nothing then of Robert McGuire, he did not tell me his name when he forced me 2 have sex with Paula King up in some building at the North Shore Inlet in Atlantic City, back the last July. I knew nothing of the names Mary Carter, Callio, Bassler, Perkowski, Tahren Gandhi, Kali, Kal Neringen, nor did I know the Quoddy mocker gang friends of my cuz Sandy from August 1967, such as lovely Nina Soifer, or giant gorgeous queen Paula King, I knew nothing about John King, the Martino family, Robert Ruffolo the antique dealer and great friend of Sarah J. Karge, and on and on. I had convinced myself along with some Svengoly help from McG’s lollypop medallion, that the first week of July was a bad dream, it never really happened, BULL KICK it never happened. It was about 0 degrees, I loved this cold and crisp air. I had my Flexible Flyer sled, and was racing down a huge hill that no one seemed 2 even B at all aware of or even know about, that is except 4 OBB-JH, or (Organizational Big-Brother-John Henningsen). He hollered loudly at me as I impulsively threw myself onto the sled and went down this wild hill through trees and all sorts of neat stuff that I needed 2 carefully steer through or get myself smashed 2 bit. All I could hear over a howling wind was NO, NO, MARK DON”T GO DOWN THAT HILL. All of a sudden, I was just as if I’d entered into one of those wild Christmas movies, because the sky was bright pink instantly, and it had been clear blue as a hypertext underscore. Then things grew darker and darker as I was moving faster and faster. Suddenly, I was convinced there had 2B an eclipse of the sun but then remembered that this was indeed going 2 take place in about 15 weeks give or take in middle March of seventy, I was into eclipses and had an entire solar and lunar schedule of them at home in my desk drawer. Then, it was grew nearly pitch dark and bright extra large stars came out almost winking at me. Then without warning of ant kind, instantly, I plunged right off of a cliff and was freefalling into the gods only know what and where. I was hanging onto my sled and laying face down 4 what seemed like just 2 ling 2B real, I should have hit bottom somewhere even if I had fallen off the tallest peak of Mount Everest, yet still there I was, continuing 2 fall, Then my sled began falling less and almost floating, until it actually landed, it freaking landed right at the mouth of a strange and beautiful looking cave. I stood up off of my sled and left it there, and entered into this cave. Instantly it was warm, 75 degrees would B my best guess, I took off my hat and gloves and heavy winter coat. I sat down and then almost instantly I began 2 hear this beautiful singing. A young girl was standing in front of me, perhaps 10 or so in age. She was adorable, and told me I was welcome at her home anytime and that I would remember thios more after I would B dreaming it was the end of the century. Sure enough as 1999 did give way inti 29-000 and beyond, I came 2 learn that this was somehow Krassleville, and that this magical hill and cave was some sort of a portal that connected the world of my adult life with that of the world of my childhood life. She said I could always come back in my dreams, and it would B more real than any waking experience. I know this happened and will never B talked out of it, NEVER!!!!!!!! However, John my BB was suddenly telling me if wee do not get an early start, we would lose the daylight as up here, the sun goes down very early on this side of the mountain. I stared at him. It seems that I was in bed and had not yet awakened after last night’s trip up here, and now was going to wake up and go sledding, “4-real”. I tried 2 brush off this wild experience, only U guessed it Twilight Zoners, I found the same hill, did the same thing, John yelled again, and it all happened all over again. And then again I awoke in my bed 2 John saying get up, we will lose the daylight if we do not get an early start, I beat him however 2 the next thing I knew he would say, and blurted out, “The sun goes down fast on this side of the mountain”. This went on about 5 or 6 times, I am not exaggerating, only finally, I had REALLY awakened, or did I, and there was no hill or magic cave, OR WAS THERE????????????

In closing out, MC says I must post this up 2 the world on my next blog, and this is my next blog. I am no longer permitted 2 make any mention of her parents or her cousins or what they R doing with me and or 2 me, on this material realm, or on the astral realm, on any more of my blogging texts. If I disobey and shellfish-out on her, she says I will BBBBB punished severely. Sorry, MC. IWALU. Then she went on ion my trance with her earlier today, and asked me how I’d like it if I went up on her site or message boards up on it and found her and her friends all talking about all of my family and what they did, all the bad things they did 2 her and her family on the island. I know I would B very ashamed, and hope she never does this, I am so very sorry, my beautiful TEEN GODDESS!!!!!

GOOGLE/YAHOO, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM, KS WORLD LABORATORIES, THIS IS ALL Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyright Michael Mountainpen, ADEG-2008.


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