Friday, December 5, 2008


“The Herbert Huntington Factor”
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
The Millionth-Council And Me
Morianity Project, continuing from 1995 audio tapes
All Other Subtitles Ever, in this Blog-book #5
Datfile: 1205.588-----Beginning Transmission:

I had a very productive talk with KS, and she has all my dying utterances saved and recorded off her voicemail, as well as printed out blog sheets from my postings on my horrific birthday, yesterday. Things have only continued bad and worsened, but some light is eventually forced 2 shine through this seemingly twisting infinitely dark tunnel of my hellish nightmare. I no sooner get up at 10 this morning, when Ann Silva gets a call from drunken hung over daughter amazon Dawn King, and she demands that I go and pick her up at Cuba’s house in Atlantic City. If I don’t, I will B basically severely injured and do not even want 2 know what she will do when she returns 2 this nightmare house of monstrous horror by bus. So Ann, who at first kept telling her over the phone, that “Mountainpen is not your slave or taxicab“, decided it is best 2 go, and she went along with me as she did on last nights’ trip down there as well, thank the gods of fortune, Fortuna Arteemis is the Astral Plane name of this head goddess, she has many subordinate hirelings below her blessing mortals here in waking realities, so 2 speak, this is not fiction, it is all true and real, just not in the way that any of U can most likely envision the actual mechanics that run this entire Shakespearian show. The threats were horrible, I feel like I have been tossed into a maximum security prison, and no one ever convicted me or prosecuted me on any crime at any time in 54 years and half of a day. She hurled and wretched into a bag half way home, it was nauseating. She still is in her room sick as a beaten dog, puking and moaning. Hopefully she will eventually fall off into what U mortals would think of as SLEEP. It is 2:22 in the afternoon right now on the east coast of America here in Hammonton, New Jersey, USAESMWG. Anyone anywhere in this part of New Jersey, needs 2 look at the sky. IT IS FILLED AND EVERY SINGLE DAY, THIS HELL IS WORSE AND WORSE, FILLED WITH HUGE DEADLY POISONOUS JET VAPORS, CHEMTRAILS, THAT R CAUSING OUT CHILDREN all manner of behavioral and mental disorders not 2 mention numerous respiratory disorders such as asthma and many other breathing difficulties, they R causing mood swings and major need 4 sike-meds 4 the majority of the population, was it always like this, come on seriously, I ask u, do U think that B4 late in 1987 when this all began with me that evil day in Mount Laurel, NJUSAESMWG that all these rages and disorders and diseases were running rampantly and overtaking our society at the speed of light cubed? Go here 2 one of these great sites and c all of this 4 yourselves, do a Boz Check Out, BCO: Play with the on again off again Flannigan Raymore Furniture word document all U want Microsucks hackers, making the blue underscore link work and then not work all U want, it is under investigation right now as I type this blog. KS knows some major things about how Paula King is way more and beyond what she appears 2B here in this waking world reality, still she will know the entire story as will the world, upon my death, I have a strong box deeply buried in the Jersey Pine Barrens, BRA!!!!!! When Dawn was still in her phony, (B-nice-2-slave-Mountainpen-until-I-trap-him-forever) stage, when she would grow angry and hostile at the mere mention of a possible relation in family lineage with the Paula King cousinly line. I do not need 2 access an entire Nation Mister Dick Wolf, but I have had serious work done 4 me by sources that I was able 2 barely afford, here locally in my area, and I found out that Levy and all of these people, McGuire, and all of them have no more than 3 cousins with 2 marriage removals in the lineage. Some would say this is a huge gap, most {second} cousins never even met at a Thanx-2-Givens dinner get together, so don’t worry about it Lennie Briscoe. Here I am going beyond this to 3rd, and twice removed. U may B this relationship 2 President bush, and never even know it, but I do not think a 3 and 2 REL is that far off, not when my hell seems 2B so connected up withal of these miserable rotten characters. Think about it, we all have or had, 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great-2 grand parents, and with each great out further, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etcetera, this number continues doubling immensely and quickly in a relatively short time span, 32, 64, 128, hell we all have and had 256 G-G-G-G grandparents, and a total of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 is the simple rule of math, 2 get this sum easily, double the largest number and then subtract the smallest number, or shown here 4 illustration purposes, 256X2=512-2, a total of 510 total parental‘s, yeah us high rolling gamblers know lots of these whittle hidden secrets on number progressions, and here is the biggest one, getting off family trees and perennials and parental’s 4 a second, and that is that no method of staging up or progressing losing bets, will ever defeat a good casino in long run play that has a minimum and maximum betting level within a ratio of 8 maximum doublings from the tables’ minimum bets shown and displayed on any table’s regulations card. The only way 2 win in long running play is 2 cheat with a method called the “1-Long-Game-System”. U need 2 attack your game as not a broken series of many individual games, but from the start where U do this, until U never again do this, U must record, say if it is in the game of roulette 4 example, every number that ever comes out at any wheel and at any time, that UR PRESENT AND ACCOUNTED 4, SAID BETTER, THAT COMES OUT WHILE U STAND OR PLAY AT THE TABLE, OLD NUMBERS DISPALAYED ON THE RECTANGULAR VIEW BOX B4U ARRIVED, R MEANINGLESS, THEY R NOT YOUR NUMBERS, YOUR NUMBERS R THOSE THAT POP IN ONLY WHEN UR RIGHT THERE 2 WRITE THEM DOWN. Then if it is roulette, I choose 2 group a series of 4 numbers and make up 30 groups, one of roulette’s total 38 numbers is at least part of one group, some more. When U think how baseball bating averages R calculated, this is also how magnetic percentages as I term it, R calculated, only instead of 1000, I use 100, and here is what I mean. If the group randomly chosen by me 2B the 4 numbers of 00, 16, 23, and 27 have had 3460 hits, I then multiply this hit-amount by 1000, and create the number of this group, call it group CT, I use 2 capitol letters, RG, AA, U get the picture. So the CT-group number is now 3,460,000. Then I take the all-games-total-spins amount or the AGTS amount and use this 2 divide the 3.46 million, in order 2 arrive at my CT-GROUP HN or Hit-Number. The groups with the highest hits R played always. As time goes by, U can cancel out 2 or 4 or 6 or whatever zeros in all of the group totals so that the totals do not grow wings and fly off your calculator pad. Every wheel and game is the same, any time any place anywhere in the world, it could B the first casino of the moon 4 all I care, the cosmos retains a memory of all events including all numbers that pop out at wheels when UR actually there in front of the game. The proof 2 what I say is that after 38 thousand spins, roughly 1000 of all 38 roulette numbers will come out, yet this happens whether UB at one table all of your life and never play anywhere else, or whether U travel with the jet set and field travel set of 2310 into the blasted out colonies deeper into space light years beyond our solar system, in most parts of the hyperspace, but either way, still, after U play your 38,000 spins, U will have been there 2 get basically 1000 one’s, 1000 two’s, 1000 three’s, and all the way up to 36, zero, and double zero. This is Lawtronics. This is written in stone, it is inviolate. The wheels themselves and the little marble ball R inanimate mindless objects, and have no memory of anything, irt is the memory of the event-in-cosmos or the EIC, that is being recorded and makes this long run system work, as no one single system applied game 2 game ever can in the longest run. Now where does my murdering Bedford Stoddard atrocities relative, Herbert Huntington fit into all of this. First off, he was the 4th grandson I believe of Samuel Huntington, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He also was carrying this families best kept secret, a lost secret, that Dark shadows the TV serial show found out about somehow and used all of this including the Leviathan’s contract with Paul Stoddard and my birthday due date. PAYMENT DUE, and THIS, is Y Celine and others, THIS, is Y birthdays 4 me R major BRIGGER SIEGE EVENTS, and always have and will B, but, my 37th and my 54th were beyond anything I could have ever imagined, it was what made the expression of BEYOND-THE-PALE, come into existence. It is interesting 2 my mind, that adding these numbers together brings us 2 the total of 91. 1991 was the first full year that Sarah Karge no longer pretended 2 live on this planet in that personality, permitting her death and burial 2 take place in October of the ‘90 year. I promise U that many living here today R not who U think they R nor R they who they R pretending 2B, I know this, and whether U choose 2 ever open your mind up 2 the possibility that I may indeed B telling all of U a wild, yes, but very true and dangerous tale, this is entirely your business, but if the world remains in the dark 2 these hidden exploratronic truths, while simultaneously increasing technological advancements on a parabolic scale the way it has been advancing 4 many decades now, here is where society and humankind will eventually come 2 experience a real major super problem, and then, it will B2PKD late, I will not B around as Mountainpen 2 help anyone then, UR all on your darn own then, BRO!!!!!!!!! Now we can move back into the realm of ancestor Herbert Huntington. All my family on moms side or the holy side, going back as Mason, Eastman, and Huntington, and then into European royalty, leading back into Scotland and Mary Stuart many generations further back in the 12 hundreds, the great queen of Scotland. The Martin and Mohr line is all on dad’s side, where I got my musical talents from, however way back on the other line, King David was a fantastic musician and songwriter, and all though the family has no copyrights on these 150 songs printed in your bibles, we technically do own them. On Dad’s side was Joseph Mohr, writer of the great Christmas song, Silent Night. Let us not get on festive occasions/holidays, birthdays/ Brigger attacks, that is all they represent 4 me, major hyper time Brigger assaults. I detest and abhor the holidays, they always R total freaking hell 4 me. Herb Hunt lived in Braintree Massachusetts, as most of our family settled into the Massachusetts Bay colony in the late 1600’s and this included many new England states that read on current day mapping systems. This is Y the Dark shadows Bedford Atrocities got the idea 2 use the Braintree incident in my family, as well as some of the Briggers involved in making this show and going against the wishes of higher Millionth-Council power and authority, as originally, the place where the TV serial home called Collinwood was in Collinsport, Maine, was part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and Bedford was near 2 Braintree and still is. Briggers knew me and were following my family and the curse carrying-liner, or me, and enjoying creating shows around all of our lives. Ir was not all that long B4 many movies and songs were all over in the start of the 1980’s, messing with me and my life and the lives of my cursed holy family from Jesus. This entire thing and all of the miraculous stuff that happened, is no more than SUPERMIND EXPLORATRONICS. This man Herbert Huntington left some of the cousin line in Long Island, a city in New York state named after their 4th grand pappy, Samuel the signer, and went up further north into Boston’s suburbs, Braintree where he managed 2 eventually open up a men’s clothing store, and was quite successful I have been told. One day, something happened 2 change all of this, one day, Paul Stoddard had a payment due. Was this yesterday, or yesterday 39 years ago from the 59 year old fictional Leviathan Cult deal, or was it that t5he show copied the reality of my family, DUHH, yes it is obvious that the Brigger Cult blessed this man 4 those 20 years, as one day 4 no known reason, the mystery still haunting the area and historical societies in Massachusetts 2 this very day in2008, this well dressed mild mannered man was mowing his laws and whistling or so the story goes from his next door neighbor’s home. But that night when his wife and mother in law who was also staying at this home were fast asleep, he cut off their heads with an ax, and then proceeded into his basement where he went on 2 hang himself, the Bedford Dark shadows Atrocities of Daniel Collins Louis Edmunds, told in its truth and entirety now by a real family descendant survivor, now facing the curse of salvation or sacrifice 4 the sins of the world. Wanna try topping this one James Patterson, dark glasses, beach tears, lifeguards, Vincent VanGoeh’s and all?????? There is lots more about the secrets of my family and how the Knights Templar of the Mason Society R really involved in all of this, not fictionally, all though I thank Dan Brown 4 his interest in my family and my nightmare hell.

Let me do a quick close B4 the closing bell on Wall Street on another topic, the death at work in 2005. From my last blog, U hopefully gained some enlightenment on how I claim that I perished in a fatal heart attack and mam here 2 tell the tale. Well, I went 2 the McDonalds area 2 meet up with Frank Callio, but he stuck me in a squad car and said that he was taking me 2 Dogtown, across the great city walls, and I looked up, and it was no longer the human world Atlantic City, it had become the Astral Plane that now my spirit was interacting on, and sure enough he placed me in his vehicle and locked me in. But right B4 he was about 2 get in and drive me down the 240 lane wide astral world linelane from Sahasra Dal Kanwal into Dogtown, or mortal world word HELL, the door 2 the car opened, and the brother of my 61st grandfather grabbed my shoulder. Frank Callio was frozen, no one could move a muscle except 4 me and Uncle Jesus. He took me out of there and closed the cop car door gently and as it closed, Callio and the car vanished, poof, and then HE spoke this 2 me, “Go in peace, UR free”. Then I instantly awoke in my body hardly able 2 breathe, it took an hour B4 any wrist pulse was back. I will continue this OOB/NDE experience on another blog, Soulcast and all other audiences.


1 comment:

Steve Barman said...

What happened to your website? We need it back.