Tuesday, December 14, 2010




There is no mother fucking way in dirt bag shit ass hell that I can ever do the blog the way I would like 2, it literally would terminate all fucking life on this planet in a matter of hours, and it most likely could not B done in reality, well enough 2 really count and thus really do in fact have this catastrophic ass effect on shit. I will however, do my very best right now here today, 2 do a college-best-effort here, and attempt 2 try and highlight shit that we can spend literally months if not years further exploring later on, me ol’ Morians, YARR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am at the library, and planned my previous blog 2B a little longer, but good old STINK-BOY had come in just shortly B4I terminated and posted upstairs on the internet computers, and left. I was in no fucking mood 2 put up with ass hole SB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U all a quick shit here peeps. I am not a people hater, and my heart is no ice machine. I cannot ever afford 2 trust anyone. If SSJK in HER human form thinks 4 one single minute that she has a copyright on this attitude, I hope SHE reads this blog of today eventually, and realizes that SHE is by no means the only one wearing “those sad shoes, or maybe hit by them”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me explain my fucking self, YO. This mentally challenged dude who I refer 2 as STINK-BOY, smirked at me, and I did not imagine it, in a way that only a fully operational brain could have done, and meant, as I was exiting this library last time I was here blogging. I mean a full and dirty smirk. PEOPLE, ANIMALS, WEATHER, MACHINES, remember this at all fucking ass times peeps, this compresses by the author of MORIANITY, me or the Mountainpen, as PAWM. The PAWM is real, and it is deadly dangerous, and more frightening than any horror movie ever made even using near future VR-TECK allowing a viewer a full and total mind merge with the program, huh Arnie Terminator Rippoffman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep the UMCLUBBERS happy and bust up my walls of text with many paragraphs. This is my quick opening 2 the 49th book-blog of “Safe Journal, Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version”.

This next chapter will B a super quick and abridged bunch of happenings, I swear B4 any and all legal systems, voluntarily, that every word spoken and typed and publicly posted is all the absolute truth, with no omissions and no additions whatsoever, no exaggerations, no colorings, and no personal bias. This is sworn now by me officially, under any and all penalty 4 perjury, libel, and or anything else that relates 2 punishing a publisher 4 printing and posting untruths or down right lies. There is no time order here with any of this, and is just my telling of the actual events that happened 2 me, and against me, by some unknown powerful entity, entities, person, or persons, over the past week or two or so. I have no reason 2 lie or make up shit so fucking monstrous and powerful and despicably fucking evil down 2 its total hub and core. First, 3 times now, total, time devices have stopped 4 me, in my house twice, and once at my work place. The time that the devices all stopped and froze up at was 10:30, twice in the AM, and once in the PM. But 10:30 was indeed the mother fucking time, RIGHT ON THE MOTHER FUCKING NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At my jobsite at the Orange Harvest, this first happened on Thursday morning. Then again it reoccurred at my home on Friday evening. It was my watch at work on Thursday, and it was my battery face clock in my home dining room on Friday. Then just today at work, my watch again stopped at precisely 10:30 this fucking morning, at the Orange Harvest. Now at this rate, I will B 100 hours typing and I do not have 100 hours, so let me just make a quick list and I will B elaborating on what I say quickly here, later on, not totally today, some will B today, and much will B further told and explained on many future blog chapters of this SAFE JOURNAL. Starting with my next paragraph, this will B a super ultra compressed list that U will just have 2 live with 4 today, but powers out there that know shit and what is really 4 real, will know that I know things, and this will really make their fucking diseased day and week and life, HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems that my “PRIVECODE MACHINE”, that I purchased from the International Mobil Machines Corporation in December of 1982, 28 years ago just about 2 this very date as I speak and type right now, was responsible 4 my glandular condition that I have agonized with and suffered through ever since June the 4th in 1983 around what time, TEN-THIRTY, in the Post Meridian, (evening). My learning this happened recently, just shy of when these 10:30 time-stoppages corresponded up here in late 2010. I have had floods in my house and there has been no rain in my area, I have been lied 2 by April Lee and Y am I not at all surprised? She told me that she updated my EBT situation with my new address, new job information, and new income and expenses and all other relevant information, and I came 2 learn just 24 hours ago, that she totally lied 2 me and did nothing. If I am in any legal trouble as a result of this, I will hire a public offender 2 defend me and sue her Corporation, Helping Individuals LLC. The obese lady is not only unfinished, she is not even mic’d up yet!!!!!!!!!!! Told U Gina that the Dow Jones would shoot up last week aft5er that horrific mother fucking Saturday I was put through 9 fucking days ago, YO!!!!!!!! They do not want THIS blog today on the internet, as I overheard a librarian say that the computers will most likely not B up and running today, some strange technical difficulty, yeah right, like the fucking day the entire system went down just last August when Rick was trying 2 help me post up a blog, and we managed 2 pull off a clever little stunt. So they had 2 sh8ut down the fucking entire internet system 4 a while, county ass wide, I was told!!!!!!!! What am I dealing with, who am I David Roth, Saddam Hussein? What is this, Fort Pierce, Florida, or is it really fucking Baghdad here?? Then there is my story that the entire world that wants 2 know, does in fact know, about something called, “TIMELESS SATELLITE”. U know about the robot-plan, the entire unfathomable operation that I conceived of totally just after reaching my fucking 16th birthday. What 16 year old kid is thinking about shit even a fucking trillionth this off the wall and out of the fucking Twilight-Zone 4 CRISSAKE??????????? Well, I had just been out of contact with THAT FAMILY and its branches of Atlantic City, New Jersey, 4 a year or two, and had not been with nor had I seen the mighty Paula King, but still thought of her and the entire Quoddy-Moc gang of Atlantic City and their leader, Sarah, very often, COPYRIGHT OFFICE, and Morians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now examine in your own minds the entire plan of how I was gonna raise this huge amount of money so that I could construct this satellite and come 2 live on it out in the future, and compare this with exactly what Julia White in fact does do, not just in her PAULA KING persona, but in so many more, from psychiatrists 2 Lab Technicians 2 hospitality related employee, and the list is nearly fucking endless. U know, a quick diversion here 4 a moment if my Blogaud will permit this, along with my ‘uncle’ Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, New York, but the book I wrote called, “The Permission Barrier” in 1994, speaks of Julia White, and the freaking Copyright Office knows all this only 2 freaking well, 7 times over!!!!!!! Many psychologists and psychiatrists and counselors that I saw around the time that I was going totally mad and bonkers with this (finding Sarah problem) back in the middle nineteen-nineties, were all so major ass totally and vehemently and powerfully against me being hypnotized so that I would hopefully better remember strange and potentially repressed and blocked memories about and regarding things that took place in the summer time in the year of 1986, and all of this major fucking bull shit is all blogged on blogs from 3 and 4 years ago, and up on the famous Google-owned original blogging website of www.blogger.com/. U know it strikes me funny, and I admit that I find myself needing 2 ask the question, could Paula King B from the future and also B a citizen of Timeless Satellite? I only ask this because there is such a phenomenon as round robin cause and effect space-time, and I renamed this wild shit in middle 1987, an ‘evental-time-warp’ situation. Mister Scott on the Star Trek 1986 movie about the Humpback Whales, discusses this, when he asks Doctor McCoy, and I quote, “How do we know he didn’t invent the thing”. Back 2 The Future, the movie, also does this when the music is played 2 the cousin who supposedly wrote and performed this in the first place. In truth, none of this is accurate, and hyperspace and the 5th dimension makes this entire thing just 2 overly simplified, but I use it now only 2 make a powerful point in ponder. We will get back 2 all of this shit later on, but 4 right now my list continues onward peeps. Every day on my job has become super fucking hell, just as with fucking Cifaloglio back in Folsom, New Jersey, it started out OK, and as all things do with me, they rapidly just turn magically into total mother fucking stinky shit. Yesterday, Monday, I went into work and began as I always do, arranging a proper order of drinks in all of the coolers. Other peeps who I do not trust as far as I could throw, begin their day there B4 the door unlocks 4 me and the other AARP program workers. Anyone could have done this. Behind an area that was obstructed from view, was a nasty sharp chunk of fucking broken glass, and when I reached in 2 move some sodas over, this piece of jagged glass slid right into my mother fucking left ring finger causing it 2 fucking profusely bleed. My day was botbar instantly at that point, but no day, anymore, is NOT fucking botbar. I can wake up and all ready mother fucking know that it is going 2B a very bad ass fucking shitty day. I managed 2 get the glass out and the bleeding stopped, but they wanted me 2 lose a day’s pay and go 2 a doctor. Fuck that shit Henry Fonda Weirdaudiovideoeffects!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 the “cut finger” and with “glass”, yesterday marked the precise one year anniversary 4 me being in Florida, I officially hit Jacksonville, Florida just minutes past midnight back in 2009, on that very same fucking day, December the 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was in 1986, on the 15th day of diseased fucking August, when I both cut my finger with glass, and sent my newly written song down 4 copyright 2 the Library of Congress, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”. Who knows, maybe cousin Sarah Callio will visit with U, MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, AS THEY SAID ON THE “LAW AND ORDER” television show episode yesterday on the TNT Network, number 43 channel here on Comcast Cable lineup at Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, “JURIES HATE COINCIDENCES”!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving on and just staying with the quick points of what has been happening 2 me basically ever since I fucking posted my real no-no blog of SJ-CH-0046, obviously, nighttime interactions R beyond wild. They R4 the most part simply not safe 2 blog. Yes I love the National Football League, and I hate Apollo-Lucifer 4 many of the things that HE has done 2 me; and the year of 1976 is certainly no fucking exception. Yeah, those juries!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Giant pussy is everywhere, and quite a lot of it is very friendly, well, so was giant teen queen Paula King, and 2 friendly upon 4 distinct occasions. If I am good enough 2 throw under the boardwalk on fireworks night back in 1969, Y was I not good enough 2 marry, PK???????????????? RU afraid, U will start vanishing along with Michael Jayshake Fox?????????????? Then there is the weapon talked about on many learning and educational television channels. The most recent show was on the HISTORY CHANNEL, I believe it is called, “Modern Marvels”. They showed the non-lethal weapon that was used on me back in the nineteen eighties, with the strobe light that makes one quite nauseous, and can effect and cause irregular heartbeat, dizziness, involuntary bowel movements, and many other ill effects on peeps physically, depending on intensity levels and particular settings. Let me keep the UMCLUBBERS happy and break up my text walls as I move this even further along now, folks.

At the very same time that PRIVECODE was delivered 2 my apartment, number 1802, in Voorhees Township in New Jersey, USAESMWG, in December of 1982, I went over 2 the home of Herbert Letts, and along with me was a man by the name of George Belton. Herby had constructed a wild group of machines, and had a powerful laser that I am sure was totally illegal 4 any private citizen 2 own and possess, and was actually bouncing it off of the moon, and then into a strange box filled with mixed gasses that somehow caused the distance of 1.5 light seconds round trip or LSRT, 2B sort of placed in a field that caused this delay effect 2 multiply countless times, and equal out 2 about 34 trillion miles instead of about 475,000 miles. He had a wild looking system that permitted him 2 view on a wild looking television screen, the very room we all were in, only when he zoomed into it, a calendar was clearly hanging on the wall displaying MAY 1977. A man entered the room on this television screen and all though no sound was heard, it was Herby, and he was younger, a boy in his late teens. I got up and without saying a single word 2 either George or Herby, walked out of the house and got into my 1978 Chevy Nova and drove several miles back 2 1802 Robin Hill Apartments. I did not C Herby again until the year of 1996, and things between us were ugly, and we can stop right here with this 4 today.

Not only did many shrinks and counselors have powerful anti-opinions regarding my getting hypnotized and remembering things about 1986, but there was a dude at the Saint Barnabas place where I received some counseling over a several year period shortly after being placed on the Social Security Disability System in the autumn of the year of 1994. He was the top doc there, and had a degree in psychiatry. He intentionally forced me 2 run into a patient that resembled SARAH from Atlantic City, who frightened me terribly. She was a giant, with long dark hair and huge chocolate brown eyes. I begged him not 2 make me come there at the same day and time, and he kept doing it. Now B4 he was seeing me, there was a dude named Keith. He also was major against the hypnosis. One day he called my mom on the telephone where she was employed at a famous Philadelphia shipping company, and said 2 her that he no longer wanted 2 treat me, and that he was having a nervous breakdown as a result of seeing me and learning of my story with the Krassle family and 1986. Now B4I saw this man, there was a wild cool dude named Lenny. Unlike another Lenny from 1980, I really liked this dude. He told me one day that I would remember him saying 2 me that if I ever do get hypnotized, it will lead 2 me finding out all the stuff I am seeking 2 learn about this family, but that it will B a serious mistake. He told me that he had, as I had, practiced serious I-Ching as a boy. He was only in his late teens or there about then, so this was just a short while back. Then he told me that I might need 2 talk 2 him someday again if I go against his advice and ever get myself hypnotized, and that he would show me a way 4 this 2 happen. Well, he did, and that needs 2B stopped right the fuck where it is 4 the sake of many, myself included.

When I reapplied 4 my EBT benefits yesterday after work, all fucking hellfire broke fucking loose peeps. There was a sticker on the bottom of my shoe that I noticed was just there, I must have somehow stepped on it. I peeled it off and it said, “The bright morning star is here 2 stay” A trinitrail set of lines in bright yellow were on the display and the black bold type writing was on top. Some peeps know the word asterisk, I say TRINITRAIL 4 many personal reasons that date back 2 this very era in time, and exactly 41 years ago, from Oaklyn, New Jersey, USAESMWG. The closest star 2 this planet is our bright yellow sun. On the Astral Plane, the greatest of all of the gods that the GODDESS SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE ever dream-created, Apollo-Lucifer, is also known in many spiritual circles indeed as the bright morning star. The rising of our morning sun, THE MORNING LIGHT, and Copyrighted in 1980 by me, the song that is, not the sun, Jimmy Cousinkisser Dean of beat-up year 1975, YO!!!!!!!!!! I put this sticky thing in my pocket and went into the place where I had 2 reapply 4 my food card bennies. Somehow, the computer or some enemy programmer thought they were super cute and fucked up the entire password system on my online account from last year when I had come here and originally applied 4 these mother fucking bennies. It is 2 complex 2 explain the details right now today. If the girl had not known me and gone 2 the trouble 2 help me set up new codes and re-do things, I’d B fucked out of my food bennies right now as I fucking speak, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the ASTRAL-PLANE, the word SUNGOD is spoken RAH. The H is not totally silent but can B, like the Christmas night that my 4th grandfather on my dad’s side wrote the famous fucking song about. Still, it is interesting how so many recording artists have been a major part of my life 4 more than 56 years now, or RA’s. He is a powerful and fascinating character. NFL’s, and AC’s, oh well, I suppose I asked 2B wall slammed and tackled a bit that time in my mom’s apartment in Media, Pennsylvania, USAESMWG. Playing around with things such as the ‘FASCITAR’ and the ‘I-Ching’ indeed can have some dire consequences, just as the mighty and eminent James T. Burr told me around these days and times, BRO. When I got 2 the place, as the place is in the same building where I work, but first I went home 4 a quick shower, it was maybe around 2”30 give or take a few minutes yesterday afternoon, and the winds were blowing hard and strong, both in and outside of Donald Rugtop Trumps mighty Castle Marina, Carlittia, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Normal small private airplanes were all grounded under Federal Aviation Administration guidelines and regulations I am quite positive. Wind gusts had 2B in the 30-40 knot range. Still, I parked and walked, and as I walked over that horrible sticker that ended up were else but on my freaking non-bloody lucky-7 Scylla shoe, glittering in the Florida sun on such a nice cold day, boom, out of nowhere, this crash low level private plane zoomed right the fucking hell over my head and over the Harvest building, the website of where I work is www.harvestfoodoutrach.org/ and there is ol’ Mountainpen right there, with my misspelled name of Marc, it is Mark, DUH!!!!!!!!!! Me and me’ ol’ swirvy light-bulbs and my empty food pantry. Hay peeps, I’d rather starve the fuck 2 death then 2B back there living as a kidnapped prisoner with my life totally fucking commandeered by distant cousins of MI. SHE says, vengeance is indeed HERS, oh well, who am I ever 2 argue with the All mighty SCYLLA GODDESS???????????????

Speaking of the great SCYLLA, and HER Earthly identity, 16=16 no matter how U perceive this. Letter 13 + letter 3, or if U wish 2 subtract, my song from 1996 on May the 12th, SARAH, Copyright ME, goes, and I quote, “We were but 10 and now we’re old, I loved her then but I never told”. She exists as a 16 year old endless entity and her current human life and how she lives it totally personifies every word I claim. Then HER insistence on agreeing with me really adds 2 my story’s credibility, first with the treadmill commercial shown during the “Sweet 16” show, and then also factor in the 2008 project name that SHE did, and my song called, “Don’t Hide, U Can’t Hide”, where it goes, “Mark and Sarah aren’t the only 2 that know the diction”. Any jury that would dismiss these John Jack McCoy coincidences does not know about the L&O television show. Obviously there is so much more, but today is not a day I am trying 2 prove anything 2 anyone, I have many better things 2 do, and I assure U, many bigger fish 2 fry. This great bay-fish is no shellfish. He is doing all he can 2 get this thing up on the U-TUBE 4 his powerful and eternal GODDESS, and 4 CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! But the song that discusses great fish in bays, known as “Real Good Girl” (RGG), is nothing more than subconscious evidence that certain things really did in fact happen. It is this very song in 1986 that is in fact the physical world evidence that the ERASED MEMORY of the event, DID IN FACT ALL REALLY HAPPEN. T—H—I—S is Y, and only this, my entire life changed when I made this song public, on the night of the 15th of August in 1986, by sending it in the United States Mail System, 2 the Office of the Copyrights, Library of the Congress. Still, just less than 15 years later and a short time B4 27 less than MMM as the Romans would put it so well, perished in the Manhattan attack of nine-eleven-one, I was at a place known as Technion Furniture, in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. I was guarding this building 4 the Assets Protection Security Company of Pennsylvania. Many blogs show where I have renamed this outfit, the Assholes Protection, but that as Moe Howard would say so well in-between eye plucks, is neither here nor there. A giant Paula King look alike and her husband the architect of the mother fucking building came over one weekend and wanted 2C the place. The girl told me she would pull the door right off the hinges if I did not let her and her hubby inside. She was wearing some weird outfit and on it were 5 large “A” letters all in a row, with the middle one as the largest one, and the 2B4 and after it, were both smaller, creating a mountain with the middle-A being the most tall and pronounced. Also it was bright red, and the other 4 of them were sort of darker varying colors. In my mind I felt she was trying 2 tell me something that had 2 do with music, such as middle-A on a piano. Well Middle-A is in fact exactly 330 HERTZ. That is a simple fact, both musically, and electronically. Several years later, I still worked 4 the Assholes Protection peeps, and was declaring a 330,000 dollar personal chapter 13 bankruptcy. When I was on my way 2 this place where the final adjudication of my bankruptcy case was 2 take place, and where I met up with my attorney and we had 2 sit and talk 2 a judge; I had stopped a half hour B4 this at the Commerce Bank in Absecon, New Jersey, and now is called the TD Bank, there was a girl who resembled this other giant from the Technion Building who had threatened me that she was gonna rip the door right off if I did not open it 4 her and her architect hubby, and this girl was with a dude who also resembled the hubby from back in 2001, and they were about 340 seconds behind me, and I was waiting in an area between sets of doors, where users of ATM machines waited until it was their turn 2 use the ATM. Intentionally, this girl threw this very heavy bank door open so hard, that she broke it right off of the hinges, and the glass smashed all over the place. Then she grinned at me and said, “I wasn’t even trying”. There was no reason 4 any of that, but I was shaking in my fucking boots. Later that very same day, it hit me like a fucking bolt of Diana (lightning). Middle ‘A’, 330, as in a 330,000 dollar personal bankruptcy. Does it get better than this, MISTER Steve Spielberg, SIR??????????????? Believe me when I say that I am tired and need 2 go home. I could list much more and go into huge details on thousands of things on any one of these given topics and points.

My DEEDEE birds follow me everywhere that I go and fortunately, look after me ands watch over me very carefully. This is all out of 1000 Twilight Zone shows. No one would ever believe 2% of my freaking bloody glistening red bloody shoe story, I know that, and I also know that their lack of belief does not dispel or disprove one single solitary mother fucking shit eating thing, YO, BRAHH!


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