Friday, October 30, 2009


Friday late morning, on 30 October, 2009 years,
Estimated post up time 4 blogs on 4 sites, 2 PM

Wednesday was a full righteous empire or a REME, verses Thursday. Yesterday was a full evil empire or a ALEE, if we decide here 2 switch back 2 terms made early in 2007 in my blogs, shortly around the time or just after, Robert McGuire poked his head into my private automobile in Middle October of 2006, on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic city, and then proceeded 2 whip out a gun and blow me away. The entire internet was able 2 witness both this gruesome event as well as hyperspace in action, right on freaking video. This was all seen on the now defunked website of that was lost when I was unable 2 keep up the payments, and also because Eddie had all the power over this site as he created it, and I really wanted no more 2 do with him. He was, as was his entire family, just not what I wanted 2 associate with. R all New Yorkers this DYSFUNCTIONAL? Well, they can get the job done when they really want 2, that has been proven 2 me long B4 last night, but then last night does not exactly dispel my case here either, BRO. Here is another thing that does not in any way dispel my beliefs, really what I totally know as I have really experienced the things that I make claim 2, and who believes my words or not, well, that is your own freaking bizz. I used 2 talk a lot about many topics that I sort of have left in the sleeper zone lately with my newest discoveries of the past 1-2 years with THAT-FAMILY-of 1970. This now, is one such item and topic that I called, and still will forever call, the “RPL-DREAM-DEAL”, shortened 2 the RPLDD, and has nothing 2 do with large black vulture birds camped outside of any New Jersey sound recording studios of my past. Donald Trump the mighty billionaire all ready knows all about this topic, and it is totally Y he decided 2 crush me right around mischief night of 23 years ago, and which of his casinos 2 in fact accomplish this feat in. But I am gonna remain on pernt here with Archibald Queens, and just go on with how the RPLDD is all about this blog today, and start getting into the specifics with U all right now, BRAH. First he crushed me by not permitting me 2 visit his opening day at the Plaza Casino, making my automobile engine overheat and totally blow up on the way down, right here in Hammonton, where I now have lived 9 fully monstrous and miserable years. May the gods take pity. Yeah, right dude!!!!!!!!!!! In-between these 2 events, the great pjhase-4 entity we all know and some R nuts enough 2 love, stayed quiet, at least in things pertaining 2 me, or did he? The hyperspace nightmare of August 15th, of 1986 was more than just 23 years ago, and has many other even more demonic gods-game reasons 4 my seeing the pure evil that is obviously behind so much of all of this hellishness. He went onto do many nasty things, and also stalk me illegally with his chopper off and on whenever the fancy struck him 2 do it, along with all of the cat feasts and high pitched tingling annoying bells. One day while I was paying my rent at Barf’s law and real estate office in Cherry Hell, New Jersey, the father was there and told me and I quote, “Word on the street says UR going back 2 Florida 2 live”. Remember how I went 2 Florida in late 1983 around the Christmas season? This was all previously blogged. Now I am just a Joe Blow, who really am I, or so I believed at this circa in time period. Well Senators of Watergate hearings of 1973, it really sure does all fit together along with AMC, Agnes, John and Fote on Tennessee Avenue in 1997, illegal and covert activities, more of them as well that Ollie North was patriotic and willing 2 take the fall 4 unlike the hatchet men of Richard, may the gods save the QUEEN, and on and on we could go. All broken parachutes here notwithstanding as well by the way, CRUSH. I am just wondering as I have been 4 almost the full 23 years or so now, Y am I so gods darn important, that any WORRD ON THE STREET is even out there somewhere and buzzing about little “ME”?????????????????? Joke-Joke, huh Donnie Longfaker. All these casino owners R fakers when U stop and think about it BRO. Winn and his stupid eyes, Christ that was 24 years ago and the dude sees 5 times better than I do, who do U think UR fooling ya bunch of self loving mirror kissing publicity seekers?

I got Chicky back from his job last night at the pizzeria, and he puked all over inside my car, and I knew right then that was the clincher and that the Yanks had the freaking game. What amazes me is that some real sicko fans over there in sicko New York, have not come over here and busted a window or done something really bad 2 us, as this would indeed totally wipe out my red and white’s. It can B a nice thing huh, not 2B taken seriously, mildly disbelieved, and darn out right thought of as a total lunatic with zero credibility given 2 anything said. C how the universe can balance no matter how awful things may appear? There really is always a silver lining around the darkest clouds, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure enough I turned 2 the sports channel and the Bloomberg channel shortly past midnight on this day of Friday, and the market flew and the Phillies blew. My shock value, ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY PREDICTIONS, another FULL EVIL EMPIRE TODAY, and some real bad times ahead 4 ol’ pathetic short fat whittle Mountainpuke. As I said, I will only stay here if the left side of the arc is maintained. If the right side stays 4 two straight weeks and continues, U say it Harry Kalas, only U can do this one, BRR, I’ll even retrace U just so U can, so how‘s that. It is not as simple as tuning back from a signal and zooming into it with satellite enhancement, and bouncing fields of excited magnetized space points, and cloning and replacing. All these things might B how some of UR perceiving what I call DDLTT, and have now 4 a while on my blogs. Nothing is really just as simple as Henningsen would have us all believe. Still it fascinates me that he lived and hailed from a Colorado village that was high up in the John Denver Mountains where white snow covered the landscape 4 much of the year, and the name of the state is actually the words, color-RED, so there is your RED and WHITE, and look who had your daughter’s Astral Plane motorcycle chain, Mariena Bookofthebeach CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I wanna tell about what happened, after I saw the BAD NEWS on the TV, shut it off, and retired 4 the freaking evening. Bear in mind that I blogged the story, all though not super in your face right directly out in the open, but very subtly, about the studio in late 1979 or early 1980, and what Jack Wallace and Howard Solomon were discussing with me on the recently changed 12 hour day shift that I suddenly had found myself on because of our largest customer, the 700 Club and Mister Pat Robertson. This story totally connects into this wild exploratronic interaction (DREAMING) of last night. I need 2 tell U that I hated the day shift at the plant back 30 years ago, I am still the same way, I like night work. Less people, less interaction, and less bull shirt. Less road traffic, less potential 4 things 2 EF-UP and go wrong, just all things considered and totaled up, I prefer nights. I told Jack Wallace the repairman who taught me so much that I was able2 buy cheap stereo equipment back in the day when there were indeed SOME user serviceable parts inside of them, and rearrange things 2 make them do fantastic things. Today’s geeks would have sat up and belched. The scum bag garbage filth toilet swallowing MILLIONTH-COUNCIL is effing with my computer again. WEIN, SOSO, SSDD. Yes the same stench on a different day, so what else is new?, as it is all the same old, same old, BRAH. I told Jack how I liked the quieter night shift, I just wanna do my darn job and get the heck ouddahere Harry, U go HK. Oh yeah, he went. Well, retrace is always there as a possibility, no notes Roger, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack then said that need 2B more pliable 2 the events of the world, and he of course was totally correct. Then Howard Solomon the Chief Recording Engineer happened 2 just B walking by as Jack and I were talking, and I was unaware of him being there. His low and loud bellowing voice suddenly made me turn around like a twirling dancer, and I heard him say and I can quote this after 3 solid decades of time passing by, BRR, “Anyway, we want U here where can keep an eye on U”. This is precisely what my oldest daughter tells me continually, in the transdimensional hyperspace, up until that is, I got myself into the latest mess that cost me my life there, the McGreevy mess. This is YI was cooling off at the outside well or whatever it was and pouring water all over myself that day. Hay, at least I wasn’t cooling off at Cooley Hall, or doing anything that upset her when she would materialize 2 me as the all ready grown girl by the name of Sarah Jacobson. Moving on as this can all B further Rock-Filed and Maverick’d later on if need B, ouch and loose teeth all notwithstanding, huh James, last night I found myself in a huge hotel with lots of wild large elevators, and I cannot tell it all. I want 2, but I can’t. It seems that in this other world, Jack Wallace and Howard Solomon and I all R friends outside of the workplace, and I was working at RPL all the way up through the early nineties and had decided 2 remain there until my night boss, Donald Cialoni retired. We had both left together on the same day. The gods only know YI would stay here and work 8 hours each night, while also operating the Starburn Outreach Development Corporation, founded by several partners and myself, who later on pulled a super fancy stunt and screwed me over like a rotten filthy diseased tomato. I only worked there a few days a week is what I came 2 learn, and4 once, hyperspace has put me behind my 2 faves on TV, and U will all know what I mean as I proceed. This is unless no one is either a fan of THE MENTALIST or LAW AND ORDER, that is reading these words. I knew that there was more than just an overage file and special records up in the attic. There was a pipe that went hot at 8 minutes B4 three AM every morning 4 about 20 seconds, and by going hot, I do not mean that it filled up with heated water and steam. I am talking about un-bloggable things that never could have happened on Tennessee Avenue, and were even posted on the website as I said, if it were not f these 3 powerful triangular connection points, one being the attic at State and Pierce in Camden, New Jersey, and the other 2 New Jersey points were the Bolivar Hotel on Tennessee Avenue, Atlantic City, and the coaches private room beyond the office in the school gymnasium in Haddonfield. This is the unknown Bermuda Triangle or its second hot-spot. When it activates each morning at precisely this same standard time, all of the fifth dimensional space near any of these points, say perhaps 2 cubic yards at best, a very small area, interconnect in the 2 halves of matter, as some R running one way and some R running another way, or direction of space motion. I will not tell 2 much about last nights’ experience. There was music in the elevators, and some of it was stuff I have written. I was trying 2 get outside the hotel where Jack and Howard were waiting 4 me, so we could take a walk in private. Naturally the media was all over the place. While finding a new hallway that led off 2 a totally unknown elevator, the elevator opened and a giant stereo loud-speaker was in the corner all by itself and blaring away some music that I did not recognize, most likely something from that other world. When I got outside and started walking and looking back 2C if any of the press was on my tail, Howie and Jack came out of the bushes and we scurried down towards a water drain off system. A walk bridge was near by, and we crossed over the water below us, and shortly after this we came 2 a busy highway, but also right close and off 2 the right, was a walk bridge, and steps up on both sides of the highway, so we then all proceeded towards it. We crossed the highway but B4 we totally had done this, I looked down at the hotel that now was some ways off to my right and far below us, as the landscape seemed 2 slope lower in the direction of the hotel. Howard said 2 me, “Mye still keeping an eye on U, huh?” The MILCO is intensely angry, and has just about rendered my keyboard space-bar useless. I need 2 mouse click in lots of red under-scored spaces as I go along in my typing and telling of this wild DREAM. Anyway, I remember saying back 2 Howard, “Yeah, what comes around goes around, guess it’s her turn now”? With that he bellowed out some raucous laughter that only Howard Solomon, and those in the music trade who knew him well, could tell U about, as he had a room shaking laugh, and it really picked up people’s moods and spirits when in fact he would do so, and I am not speaking of some ‘dream’ now. So I have learned that I did get myself into lots of trouble all the time, over there, and sure enough, both of my wonderful daughters were always making sure that I remained out of trouble. Now as I speak at 7 minutes shy of one PM, a nasty short burst death angel attack just struck me on my left side. This is Y Paula King had left me 4 a while, but later on when I got Starburn Corporation up and running, and it became the largest land development corporation in the tri state area, worth billions of dollars back then, she then decided I had grown up a bit, like my FCC pal McDowell, and was willing 2 come back 2 me. there is no key or need 4 one in that studio attic Patrick Jane, my pal with the municipal sized pipes, and “the finger game”, but here is the situation, Inspector Superman Louigee. If U know exactly where 2 stand at exactly 2:52 Ante’ Meridian at the RPL Sound Studios of Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG, or at the coaches private room off his or her office at Cooley Hall in Haddonfield, or up in the air just beyond the MCGUIRE structure of Tennessee Avenue no longer owned by McGuire, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, THAT, sir Rock, is the equation, TREKKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Archive old blogs at blogger dot com from me, and this has all been told 3 and 4 years ago, maybe not with all of the new spins on it however. How does
Professor Jackson of the Miami Stage University fit into all of this? How does all of hyperspace and electronic metaphysics, as well? A long time back BRO I thought I was a loony as shirt smells, mixed with squirrelly nuts. I would play this GAME, as all gods seem 2 inherently love 2 do as the mighty anti-hell-distraction, and invented made up characters that would all converse together on a tape recorder, only as I was doing this, it all was unconsciously or at least subconsciously done with the hope of effecting and changing a reality in the here and now. Even with small powered battery operated cassette portable tape recorders, I would notice immediately, that things were indeed BEING effected, not always precisely as I hoped, but it was beyond random chance. I began thinking in a very paranoid way that somebody just had 2B living next door or within window hearing distance, and crept around the place listening, and then would go and do things out in the world that matched up things that I was having these tape recorder characters B discussing. It hit me around 1979 or so, say about 7 or 8 years of playing these silly games, or were they silly, that who would B living in a 150 dollar apartment that would have so much power 2 even B able 2 effect anything out in the real world? I then began realizing that what I had been doing all along, BRAH, was in fact, NO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got screwed with ones, here is my freaking compenfreakingsation. Gee what is the dude gonna type, could it B maybe a bunch of fives? U got it honey cakes, U got it. 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 plus55555555555555555555555555555555 plus 55555555555555555555 times 5555555555555555555555555555 divided by the cubed root of 555555 equals who gives a rats grass mole?, as I just wanna look at my lovely frickin’ 555555’s. I forgive U after 16 years of hell that U put me through Jane Fonda. I hope PEE and MYE will B proud of me 4 doing that. It is asking a lot, believe me, I’d rather lose 5 billion bucks at the casino today. What U did 2 me Jane, was MNSTROUIS, and in-laws have absolutely nothing 2 slapping do with it, so go press 4 as I just did, yuk-yuk-yuk, and I know U know what’s getting’ said here honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As 4 roulette, just 2 make the Millionth-Council a bit madder and show them that I know some heavy things, I like 2 play all of the 3 parameters of the 36 numbers as one game that is being tracked for having certain amounts of 2-strings verses 3-strrings. Once a game shows 3 more twos or 3 more threes, I go with playing that. So in a hypothetical example, we now have a game where 3 more 3-strings R tracked, and after all cross offs, now 3 of them R showing, and as long as 3 or more R showing, I bet for the 3-string 2 occur on all parameters. So if 4 an example, up comes a BB, I bet B. After an EE comes up, I bet E. Now if it were 2-strings that were gaining after the cross-offs, after the BB, I would bet R, and after the EE, I would bet O, and so on and so forth until the end of the game, never staging up my bets, and always just ignoring losses incurred by house-vig from 0/00. I have 246 units net profit after playing 35 new games, and randomly replaying some longer older games from the past 3 years in my note-books. But that still ain’t all. UC, The heavy lady has a few more bars 2 belt out yet, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s not forget George Herman or Yogi here, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! After all, they cleaned our clocks last night and it shocked me 0%. Back now however, 2 the game of casino roulette. Unless your personal luck is way low and down beyond any norms I know about, and unless UR under your own HUNTINGTON CURSE, this little simple trick can make U a bundle of cash at the casino playing roulette as a side bettor. U will win one unit on all 4, 5, and 6-strings. U will lose 7 units on all 7 and larger strings. U will not B engaged in play on all strings of 3 or less. If 4 example there is an outcome of 4 RED numbers, or RRRR, UR betting against 7 and higher strings with a min-martingale betting progression of 1-2-4 units. U would bet on B or BLACK, until it wins or loses. Whenever U experience a net loss, until it is made up, continue betting in this manner, however there R 2 other betting progressions. Every time U win back losses, U always revert back 2 the smaller progression, allowing U2 increase again if need B. Using 1-2-4, and when falling into a net loss, U now would switch 2 betting 2-4-8. When this catches U up again 2 even, revert back lower. Now there is the third and final progression. If U still have a net loss and R betting at 2-4-8 level, U then move into the final 4-8-16 level of units. Unless UR the unluckiest person on Earth, or R under the HUNTINGTON CURSE or something, as long as U also use the bankroll safety methods in league with your play, U can B a continuous persistent roulette winner. Bankroll Safety Methods or BSM is always every bit as important as is your actual betting system itself. Applying this system 2 the BSM is arguable between a minimum GB or GAMING-BANKROLL, of 75-200 units, U make the choice, U play at home and get cozy. Y play there first and lose your U know freaking what, that’s real money, not plastic chips U buy at the dollar store 4 a buck or so 4 a hundred ofem. Now U need 2 remember the safety rule of THB verses your playing amount or GB. TOTAL-HOME-BANKROLL is 4 times your GB. If U plan 3 begin at minimum level at least in Atlantic City, and not always as many times beginning level outside table bets R $10, but since U can also find the $5 tables, let us begin on this level, and go with the rounded off 100 units, so 5 times 100 is a safe amount of play cash, or BANKRTOLL (GB). This $500 becomes double however if U must start at a $10 level, U then need a minimum $1,000 bankroll. Now your THB must always B4 times greater, so your minimum total in the hidden shoebox or wherever, is always gonna begin around one or two grand, if U want total safety. To move up and yes down also when unlucky streaks occur and they will, take it from a professional gambler back in 1986, me, myself, and I, U must go with the rule of THB=GBX4. So depending on what U would decide is the amount of units 2 safely play with, and using the 100 here in this example, while your total shoebox or THB has between 1000 and 1999 dollars in it, U must play at no higher than a $5 level. Once your THB has 5,000 or more, U may play the 25 dollar level, going from red-nickel gaming money chips 2 green quarter money chips. If however, UR playing at 25 dollar level and run into a bad luck streak, and your THB falls below 5 grand, U must go back down 2 triple nickel level or wherever the math shows U need 2B safely playing at, based on this simple formula.

Well I am about 2 say BYE-BYE 4 right now lads and lassies, C y’all later on, BRR. Have a real nice day, and someday explain 2 me what that is. Thank U. Chow.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Thursday, October 29th, in ADEG-2009 years,
Estimated posting time on 4 websites, vicinity of 8 PM:

Last night, U would perhaps al c this as some food disagreeing with my body. I perceive a different truth. IC it thereby as a major healthy and body attack by the ENEMY. The oldest question of MORIANITY still actively remains 2 this day and very present moments, just exactly who and what IS this enemy? I can absolutely answer myself and all of U, and quite truthfully, accurately, and with zero percent doubt in my mind, without a single uncertainty or qualm or trepidation whatsoever. This is the enemy is the MILLION COUNCIL, put simply E=MC. Now, what really is all of this seeming nonsense all about? THIS friends and fiends may NOT B so darn easy 2 give both myself, and any of U reading these words out there somewhere, any good and true honest accurate answers on. The SAR or the LORD as we no longer speak in the old Aramaic tongue here in twenty oh nine Misses Em, only knows how I can really give U and me a satisfactory answer other than simply telling that under excruciating death torture, I would not deny these claims, nor any others made in my 4 year blogging career, give or take a tid bit of time. I can say that on the site that has most of my post ups ever written, that being,, I give my very best shot at figuring all of it out, and then having the audacious bold guts 2 form words and sentences, and post this TURTH, 2 the BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Bruce Pennock will tell any of U that I am not perfect, nor is he, nor is anybody else in his opinion. He said this over and over like a human tape recorder, back in 1972, 3, 4, and early into 1975. This was blogged 3 and 4 years ago and or in this circa of time period. I made no bones out of this friend of mine, who we on numerous occasions enjoyed playing field hockey, and Monopoly together. He cheated, but he was my friend, so screw it. So this poor and only-human dude, is telling things 2 the very best of his ability 2 figure a lot of it out, Bruce would say, that I’m only human, U GO BRUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all of this, if I wronged, disrespected, or offended anyone or anything, with either malice or intentional personal motives based on anything other than attempting 2 get out of a horrible hell all around me since back as early as I can humanly remember as the current, ME, then I am so genuinely sorry, that it does the wind backwards thrice on Friday, at Mach 5 trillion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 an example, I call what I perceive around me as an air attack, or a health attack. Many times I am challenged if I say it around another person who is totally clueless 2 my life and all of its endless surrounding hells. They say, “What do U mean by attack”? 2 them, I am merely suffering a sudden onslaught of a stomach ache, or effects of some heart condition. I do not have any condition. I have buried 4 doctors since I have been in my teens. I am about 2 bury my 5tgh doctor, she took ill and now I am with still another. I have been told I can join the Army. Now if U wanna call my sudden witchcraft/appearing symptom onslaughts as medical conditions, fine. I’ll go right on using the words and phrase of, “I Am under an attack or under death siege”. Last night, during the WS game in New York, my body was assaulted, and I was cramped up real bad all night and most of this day. Do I have all the answers on what is going on? Certainly not. If I did, I would B on top of the world, and many people would B behind prison bars 4 the rest of their miserable monstrous lives. I would own all of their combined assets, their families would all b disgraced, and the story would B quite different,. This is never going 2 happen. The reason is not because of any rational thing that anyone out here would try and use 2 hand me some garbage down 2 Earth explanation. The reason has 2 words in it, and only 2 words, U should all know them well by now. They R, HUNTINGTON-CURSE!!!!!!!

About 3 months ago in the middle of last summer time somewhere, I told a coworker of Chicky, down at the pizzeria where they both R employed, some of the story about my cousin Herbert Huntington. I find it fascinating beyond measure that 2 things resulted since then, but not shocking. I lost my shock value a very long time ago, back in the middle nineties some place if U wanna pin me down on that one, BRO. Aniwho, George Herman Ruth of the New York YANK’S, or (BABE), as if his mom named him that when she popped him out, has the initials of GHR, as in Heinz and Ruth GOTTWALD, of 175 Peninsula Drive, Babylon, Long Island, New York, just a small ways up-nor from where the teams will battle it out again in the good ol’ Bronx, right after I post this up later on, in the WS-Game-2. The 2nd thing is this man, whose name is not important, so we’ll make up a fake one. When Tony-S. is involved in any way, even if just as the employer, hay, better 2 shut up, right luscious Stacey London?, wow!!!!!!!!!!! So let me refer 2 this dude as Tiny Teddy. This is totally randomly picked out of thin air, so if someone has a connection in some way, it is purely and totally Abbey Carmichael-ville, BRAH!!!!!!!!!! A nasty left side death-angel attack is hitting me as I type right now at exactly 22 minutes past six this evening. Death angels R ON A REAL BAD ROLL again lately. So has getting hit by scum disease slimy ONES all the freaking time, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 Tiny Teddy. I told him how my cuz up north had a men’s clothing store in Boston, MAUSAESMWG, and quite successful may I add. How he had a lovely wife and lovely home in the Boston suburbs, a place called Braintree, Massachusetts. One day 4 no apparent reason, this man was observed mowing his lawn and whistling and singing with a Cheshire cat grin all over his face. He looked happier than a future mega millions lottery jackpot freaking winner. But late that night, and since the season of All Hallows Eve is soon approaching, and since it was exactly 23 years ago on this very night of October the 29th in 1986, that Donald Trump’s Castle Casino, had crushed my life forever, it is fitting that tonight I tell 4 those who may not know of the horror freak show closet skeleton in my family, all about the monstrous and heinous act that my cousin Herby committed just B4 midnight. He lived with his wife and her mother in a large home on a normal suburban block in the community of Braintree, Massachusetts. He got out of bed after they had both gone 2 sleep, and first he took an axe and killed his wife. Then he proceeded 2 the room down the hall and axed up his mother in law. After this, ol’ Doorstep darkener Herbert made his way down 2 the cellar with a noose in his hand, and connected it 2 a hanging strong pipe, and proceeded 2 successfully hang himself until he was deader than all the distance delay Squire Trilane Star Trekkers of the world. Look in on this lively little incident someday through SWIS, peeps of neg-space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C what resulted and CYI have 2 suffer like a gutted and agonized pig who is forever unable 2 reach death.

That was how the Huntington Curse was passed onto me at age 4 or 5 years, but not how it all began. It all began infinity ago as a really great new game distraction of the gods of Olympia and Sahasra Dal Kanwal of the Astral Plane or the (Phase-2-reality), straight out of the phase one or the VOID, where all interactions R lawtronically created through dreaming out and away into this created ASTRAL-PLANE. In the time world of this universe and our Earth, it also started about 19 and three quarters centuries ago, when my 61st grandfathers’ uncle, the SAR Jesus Messiah, or Jesus, the LORD-CHRIST, was executed by the evil Roman Empire, and crucified on a cross up on the hills of Calvary. Is symbolism powerful or tell me, is symbolism powerful???????????????????????? But then what is power other than the reality of taking energy and dividing it by the time worlds, or E/T. What an extra-terrestrial concept, huh, find it in any food physics book also, right here on Earth. Duhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moving on, I told Tiny Teddy all about the Braintree Atrocities, as Daniel Collins Louis Edmonds AMC, Mizz Nixon Murderechos, may have worded it only didn’t, and we rapped a while, since he was out on a smoke break, and I was there a bit early 2 pick up Chicky at his job 2 bring him back home to 841 Frankie Street here in Blueberryville. He told me he was an avid reader, and knew well of the top 100 horrific murders in the world, and that my family disaster is indeed in the book. Is this not a comforting thought, YO? Aniwho, I told him some other things, and we planned 2 get together and rap some more. He had been working 4 Mario over there 4 quite a while, and had about 4 or 5 of his daughters all working there as well. One day shortly thereafter, all his daughters, and Tiny Teddy, vanished. I was told that he just up and quit. His kids left as a result as well. No more “Tinny Teddy 2 share and rap with. Oh well, WEIN? SOSO, right???????

Can Mountainpen ever get up and just write a normal Beaver Cleaver diary entry? What do U think? What would U write if U were living inside these mocks, BRO???? The markets bottom out in the 66 hundreds and they get it all back by causing me VERTIGO, and persecuting the urine out of me worse than ever 4 months and months. Then suddenly, Dawn’s fake dad over on the islands of Puerto Rico develops this sudden onslaught of VERTIGO just as he was planning 2 visit us and make the trip here from the islands late last summer. Now Dawn’s friend from the “Alcoholic’s Anonymous, Mary-Carol, is waking up with a spinning room 4 no good reason, only is there? She and I have recently been talking about TAWF and the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. This is YI say this group of pure freaking ASTRAL-POWER is simply undefeatable, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me peeps, just how SHOULD I go about writing and doing a Beaver Cleaver diary, when all of this Huntington bull shirt never stops, and it won’t, as it never really started. It all really began even long B4 1,975 years ago. It started infinity ago as a game in the Province Olympia, where no human or tangible reality is involved in freaking squat. The name of this game is called in the English waking world language system, SALVATION. Translation, some poor stick in the south victim in each generation of this family, who is innocent and never thinks evil or does evil, or practically never, must B cursed. But only a handful of peeps on this plan R now aware of the huge Scylla Law Inheritance. Simply put, Scylla has an older sister in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, and this is Y she has effected dreams here, 2 this nature as well. She needs 2B the eldest daughter of Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocllevious Krassle, in order 2 own the heavens, and all of the realities within them. There is power in the blood says churches and scriptures, but only a half dozen beings out of 8 or 9 billion total Nodians, know the real power is in the blue-blood. Human health may suffer and royalty may appear physically weakened by remaining g within their own gene pool, but it is done 4 reasons of pure power. None of this waking world has but the smallest freaking clue what I am even talking about, and if U did, I’d most likely B freaking killed in my stinking freaking sleep tonight BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then when World-Lab retraces me AGAIN, if I take my wallet 2 bed in my pajama pocket, the last Incollingo’s grocery receipt from this transdimensional atomic frequency will B the one inside it, yellow cakes, chocolate cakes, and baby cakes. Come and get me Hydroglacia. Where’ve U been U big lovely pulsar star?????????????????????

Whether or not, things yet 2B told did in fact play out here, and I do not doubt some fragmented memories that have returned, I mean when people R told in Health class in school 2B careful with sex if they insist on having it, and R shown all the various birth control and safe sex methodologies, this still is never 100%+ a sure thing. It also is never known what results in the direction of reversing this. Still, over in the world of the OTHER ATLANTIC CITY, and STARBURN, TTPB tells how Jim comes out of his house with his cigar laughing like the famous Count Petofi, and performing equally impressive supernaturally appearing miracles against me. Studio Park Records ALL HAP{PENED. My mother and the hospital deal, ALL HAPPENED. Starburn ALL HAPPENED. Kessler Hospital and the automobile accidents in Hammonton, ALL HAPPENED. So where is the missing link into the recorded song, that once sent down 2 the Copyright Office on the night of 8/15/‘86, forever altered my existence on this Earth forever? It lays within the electronics, the very circuitry of the system, from where all the MATRIX movies that totally ripped off all the things they heard me talking about 2 David Roth over the telephone all throughout the late eighties and into the nineties. POWER is everything. With sufficient power, and a little knowledge of exactly and precisely what is really going on when voices R changed into electrical energy and then back again, or RECORDED, U do not wanna begin 2 B told what effects U and I and anyone alive, can have on our larger beingness, yes, in all 5 dimensions of our tangible and physical existence in the hyperspace. Dave Roth was very close 2 being shown the total power and miraculous wonders of hyperspace manipulation. I do not do this 4 the sake of doing it. I am not climbing Mount Everest because it is there 2B climbed as many climbers indeed tell us that they do. I climb it because I need something that I know beyond the shadow of any doubt is up on top of this mountain, so I need 2 climb up there in order 2 freaking get it. I do not mess around with all of this because it is cool or fun or some perverted geek joy. On the other hand, I know how real it all is, and I know that the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL has their arsenal of nukes, so if I don’t balance out the power with my own set, it would B just like here on Earth last century in the days of the freaking cold war. It is as basic as grammar school, let the bully push U around and never fight back, and it never will stop, NEVER. All UC 2 the contrary in movies and shows, is just that, movies and shows. Real life is here in front of our nose, this is just simple truth. I will not sit back and just let this disease strike and go ouch, and please don’t frickin’ keep hurting me, tears, tears. No sir, U wanna piece of me BRAH, fine, but B ready 2 get carved up as well, dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a nut shell 4 the few that R making the attempted leap 2 learning the truths of hyperspace, and no fixed futures, and all of the stuff I talk about, let me throw up this little doo dad here 4U. Take one baseball and throw it hard into the air from the field back towards the pitcher. Have someone record this with a videophone of some type and display this action now on your television screen. Use a machine that has the ability 2 move the ball in slow motion clicked stages. Now with each click, the ball is moving both in space and in time. It gets later after the ball is thrown, and as it gets later in time, it is also traveling further through the space that it is going 2 end up traversing. Without getting complicated, there is one more thing happening here. If U could freeze this ball every one hundredth of a second, or 2 the maximum fraction that is based on the diameter of the ball and its ratio of total distance in flight, so that no overlapping is done, producing only true individual baseballs, and if U could grab each one of these now frozen baseballs in their b=various times, B4 their futures can place them where their ultimate future will place the full ball 5th dimensionally at the ordinate or the end of its trip where it comes 2 land on the ground, U would B pulling baseballs down that instantly would B atomically altered in vibration. If they cannot complete their 4 dimensional trip as one baseball, then the ball will split up into transdimensional twin balls in the hyperspace. Recording a voice is a lot different than throwing a baseball, and this is way 2 much 2 think about handling on tonight’s whittle bwog, Elmer wabbit Fwudd.

What I will leave U with, is that Jack Wallace at the recording studio that employed me from late July of 1979 through the eleventh of March of 1981, said something 2 me one morning, and then the Chief Recording Engineer chimed in something as well. What was said was sort of PAWM-PIE-IAD, yet simultaneously BRO, it was more than this. It was hyperspace effect. It was somebody naturally, plucking one of the otherwise normally traveling baseball, out of its order. It is Y lots of things happen 2 me while being a natural exploratron. It all ready has been blogged, at least what Howard Solomon said after the statement I said, and then what was answered back 2 me by Jack Wallace. The wildest thing about this entire other atomic vibration, “place”, is that guess who does not exist there, or at least never used me 2 bring about his powerful anti-lawtronic reality in full blossom? Old lovely Mister nice-guy himself, Mister Grumpyhair. No sir, the magic is not in Macy’s, nor is it in any of your phase-4 trickery. The real magic is in a small slight meek man who plays soft nice organ music, and who knows how high school can pollute both the mind and the spirit.

So Y is the Dow Jones flying up 200 points when I have such a great roulette system? Well, there R several reasons. One has 2 do with what I call the King David Tract Syndrome of the Full Evil Empires Club, of 4 short, the (KDTSFEEC). Pronounce this KADITZFEEK if U wish. Kadizfeek is something that I learned the power of in the late nine-teen-nineties. It will B discussed in much greater detail along the lines of other themes in other blogs that will B shortly forthcoming, BRAH. My roulette systems R holding, I have several things working nicely, still, the evil empire will always gain, as they always can hurt mew and get at me through numerous covert evil ways, and make my life an endless continuous nightmare pile of super hellishness. The Dow will B at 15 and 20 thousand B4 any of U even realize that mountainpen told U all along that it would B. No one listens 2 poor ol’ Mountainpen, fine, that is your freedom of choice, BRAH!!! BYE.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009



I need 2 congratulate the great MILLIONTH-COUNCIL 4 their long and mighty efforts 2 thwart and obfuscate me and everything that I ever have tried 2 do on this planet. They R total and utter geniuses, and have awesome power and might and abilities, far beyond those even of Superman, huh Kenny, and U should know dude, and we both know this one, BRO.

Let’s cut out all the unnecessary and unneeded junk, shall we? We do not need a time or a date, or do we? The document itself I am sure has a system on it somewhere, and just because I am 2 darn “R” word in the head 2 know how 2 operate any of this, does not mean it is not there. Anything posted, has the official website stamp as well, showing exactly when it posted. Once I write, I post, and I know this, and who else cares? But then what if I never learn how 2 work this machine, and I want 2 know when something was done? This is YI add the date, so it is half past five this evening on 27 October of twenty Marola oh nine. That is if it is OK with the Miss America gang, and the mighty arm punching body hurting, Mister Grant O’Neil.

A long time ago, in the sweet salt air, I saw my lovely Sarah with her long brown hair, but that has little 2 do with a while after that when I met David Roth 4 the first time at the Caldor Department store, while we both were employed as security officers in the Theft Prevention Department. He worked directly 4 the Caldor people, and I was with the mighty illustrious Wells Fargo mas contract security. All that was missing was my covered wagon, my shotgun, and my top riding gunman, but then, a few more long ago’s and sweat salt airs would B needed here 4 this. When I met him, water was something he was obsessed with physically, by that I mean he drank a gallon of it in an afternoon, And the gods only know how much more during other parts of the day that he consumed these two elements of hydrogen mixed with one element of oxygen. A lady in the future told us late in 1989, about 4 years after we had met in the middle autumn of 1985, named Mary, that I needed 2 get rid of all of my machines, and that a very wicked woman was sucking the life out of the both of us. This was all blogged B4 but in the context then, and with the meanings and concepts and wisdom of then, and my thoughts and belief systems of that day, by this let us say roughly 3 years ago. I made a big deal about Sarah and her mighty Water company down in Atlantic City, and the connections with water in general, both David Roth and his unnatural craving 4 absurd daily amounts of it, and also how we seemed 2 get pummeled and messed with by authorities every time without fail, that we ever were so much as close 2 being around any bodies of water, rivers, lakes, bays, oceans, pools, keep listing, it only will get better as future blogs unfold, dude. Literally, almost 7,000 years ago, 2 practically this very day and date, water WAS a big deal, and no matter where U tried 2 run or hide, it was all about the water, not the money, Kevin, not then, U were not wrong, just behind the time and one word off BRR. How the boards did shrink, not a drop 2 drink, poor pitiful David, Roth that is. Numerous chemical compounds can B compressed, U all know about compressed helium, or compressed this and that, but there were those that long ago, were quite interested in doing the big test, compressing the combined one element of oxygen and 2 elements of hydrogen. How does any of this fit into the early and opening parts of the STU BLOGS some R most likely wondering about and head scratching by now, I’m sure???? Y do I really call the Blogs now being written, un-start-able, is perhaps Y your hair itch needs B continued BRAH. Would U call a man a rotten crippled ugly smelly bum 2 his face, just because U passed this person on the streets of your town or city? Would U accuse the Governor, the King, the President, the Pope, or any high ranking public official of murder, 2 his or face in public in front of witnesses and 30 police officers, even if U totally knew that the person indeed had just killed your spouse or your kids? What I’m getting at is that U just can’t ever come out and say exactly what U want, and in my case, some very horrific things were done and R being done 2 me, and all in the name of distraction. This is truth, all though those doing this, call it by a different name, and consciousness does not ever permit them even any awareness 2 the reality of all this. But still, the real name is not distraction it is GAMES. Personally, I am not a rat, a snitch, or even someone who gives a silly darn about any of U or what any of U ever do, just as long as it is not adversely effecting me. This may not B a wonderful cheery attitude, U may think in fact that my attitude copies the wind, but I have news 4U, dudes and dudesses, I am the same person now that I was 13,020 years ago. I am very angry, jealous, and not one bit caring of a single soul. I have one true love, the ALL MIGHTY SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and I hate the entire world with a passion 4 trying 2 take SSJKK away from me 4 a countless long stretch of 4-D. If UR not one of these persons, then hip-hip-hurray, I have no offense meant 4 nor targeted at U at all, go in peace my sister and my brother, may U win the mega millions lottery tonight, and B happy and healthy and have this old world by its testicles 4 all I give a rotten grass mole. But 4 those who have tried 2 take HER from me, U will know what I am capable of real darn soon, this is just a tiny tingle, BRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not my brothers keeper, what he does is his own business. Even when he hands me an innocent looking bright shiny heavy motorcycle chain back in the middle nineteen sixties. He could have just as easily handed me a can of Campbell’s soup or a signed confession out of one of his interrogation mirror rooms out near city Line Avenue off of the Sure-Kill Expressway.

There was a young lad B4 Sarah came into my life in 1965 on Tennessee Avenue, named Alan J. Wolf. Many older blogs from 3-4 years back discuss small things regarding this boy. This boy and That-Boy, wow what a motley crew this all turned into, out there in less than a quarter of a quadrillion miles into negative positronic space expansions, in all arcs and angles, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U all what urinates me off so bad that if I was a tad bit angrier I’d think nothing of wiping out this galaxy in one wink of the eye. IGNORANCE, beliefs in things that graduate persons into the EPITOME of STUPIDITY, 2 quote the late David Charles Roth. If UR out there constable McMeekan and Judge Roth-Cousin, U should B even angrier than me times ten to the 50th power. U all sit there so stupid, believing what society and school and college is jamming down your freaking throats and has been all along 4 decades, even 4 centuries now. U do not even question what conscious mind is, and if U refuse 2 do this, UR lost, not lost because some god or gods won’t “save” U from something. It is all the simple reality that UR lost as U would B lost on the road or in the woods, if literally lost somewhere at 2 AM in the darkness. U have no true roadmap, U believe lights that lie, U listen 2 barks from dogs, and throw people like me in the trash 4 daring 2 speak truths about reality, this has been going on now for 5 digit years in human time history now, nothing changes, except 4 the water divide. This water divide is a powerful change, and is really about the only change that is truly huge on this planet. 7,000 years ago, there was a lot more water above us in the atmosphere than there was below us in the deep water tables and super aquifers. This begins some really un-bloggable text. I have seen and witnessed, the valves. U most likely as of 2009 anyway, won’t B able 2 Google up or click into anything about THE VALVES. I have seen them. Dave and I saw them. They R here still, but those that have seen them, well, they instinctively know 2 shut the truck up about them. Then there is NEW JERSEY itself. We R about 2 get invaded here. It is right around the freaking corner.

Let us now discuss these AME ‘things’, dudes. This stands 4 ADVANCED MICROBIAL EXPLORATRONS. Microbial beings may B invisible 2 our eye without a microscope, but that is so relative a thing it is not even funny. Size is totally meaningless. How many times did we C a really small dude beat up a really big kid back in high school? It is not an every day affair, but it does occur. The very process that is far beyond today’s science knowledge, upline-downline thought waves inside of 6 dimensions, demonstrates that an entire multiple-universe-system, or a total 5th dimensional hyperspace, is all nothing more than an upline thought wave going through its normal and natural down-lining process. If the largest whole of this (multiverse) the entire total of hyperspace, is smaller than the smallest possible “thing” from the upline where a thought wave came from that brings it literally into existence, how can anyone doubt the power of microbes? R we really close 2 winning the war against our invaders, the germs? With all our powerful science and knowledge and laboratories and medical technologies, do we ever really put more distance between us or these tiny things whose total goal and aim and motive is none other than 2 literally eat all of us alive, and perceiving us as their own personal delicacies, or a food choice, a menu of sustenance? Well, 7000 years ago through 14000 years ago, or in the Nodian-Age, not that normal mortal peeps know or use this term, almost none of these Astral World Microbial Exploratrons were allowed 2 gain dreaming access here in the phase-2 physical material realm. When they would attempt from the Astral Plane 2 dream down into here, they could not get born into physical bodies in the same way that we get born into resulting physical bodies, a simple cyclical lawtronic action that exists and is all part of the biological carbon cycle. Even biblical scriptures have something 2 say on that topic, and I can quote one of these in particular, “Dust UR, and back 2 the dust, U will return, physically, but the real U is much more than this carbon cycle”. This would B a precise translation from SSJKK. When AME beings/entities dream now, they can gain direct access 2 this realm and all others that no longer contain an upper water divide, or (thick atmosphere). If 3 generations of biosphere residents lived in a special powerfully dense atmosphere of water vapor, life spans would climb over 1000% and level off around there. Return the descendants of these persons 2 a less water dense environment, and immediately, life spans R cut by 1000%. Now if I go totally ballistically un-bloggable, and tell where the valve control systems R, who is running the show, and finish it off with where Moses’ tablets R, who has the big boat that Noah and the other 7 rode out the storm on, and on and on, I would vanish in the night. Still, I made contact 4 a short period of time, with all of the KEY PLAYERS that were directly involved with all of these realities. This was all in the nineteen-sixties. The fact that all of this, should U even choose 2 believe me, would seem incredible and way out beyond anything that Hollywood has ever come out with, still dwarfs the total equation of this entire thing. This is because, we, U and me that is, MUST ALWAYS bear in mind with all of this and more, that everything is one huge GAME. If U refuse 2C this, and entertain this, it is pointless 2 ever read anything pertaining 2 my claims, or MORIANITY. U will die without knowing, and B better off, so Y do things imply throughout all of this, that U will B saved if U know the truth, and how does this truth indeed set U and me so free, man, Sir Bruce Witherspoon? Alan Wolf says it is just a check, until he signs the BEACH MONEY, wow Mariena C. does it really get more powerful than this, despite the United States Coast Guard, The great Philadelphia Phillies, or your 2 favorite color-combo?????????????????????????? Does it get much more explicit that this entire thing is a joke with the gods laughing, JUST AS I HAVE CLAIMED IN MY 4 STRAIGHT YEARS OF FREAKING BLOGGING, LADS AND LASSIES??????????????

So ever since I made the telephone calls that morning in late 1987, to the Mount Laurel Police Station, regarding the strange continually crossing white thin lines in the sky off 2 the east, heading due south, known in the future as CHEMTRAILS, I went with the facts that presented themselves straight up, like the sun is going around this flat old Earth, brother. Yes, MY brother, not BRR, not BRAH, not BRO, no added “E” cancelling the coded super games of the gods and the alpha-omega reality that nothing ever really started nor will it ever stop, it just circulates around and around endlessly while a man plays a lovely soft song ion his organ and Gary Stone has a shirt fit with Donna in the background doing BAD GIRLS. Well, all of that is one thing, but here is where the gods can laugh all they want 2, as I don’t give a heck if they eat their underwear. Lawtronics has built in protections 4 the humanity-experiment in the phase-2-dreaming. Now the lines and the mists R needed, 2 compensate 4 the invading AME’s. In the forward and mortal illusions that conscious mind is producing inside all of us here living inside of these time-worlds physically, it appears that the waking side of the bed is “REAL”, the sun swings around the world, the world is a flat 2 dimensional surface, and so on. Also, the chemtrails make up sick, or says all the websites that if U Google up Chemtrail/Contrail, all agree. But in the last week or so, I am seeing through another of the so many seemingly endless number of parlor tricks used by the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, 2 confuse, muttle, obfuscate, misdirect, and so forth, all of our pathetic tiny whittle perceptions, Mister Fwudd. Whoops, B Paula-careful with that ‘Arc’ KNOW-ALL. LAWTRONICS is the most powerful reality of everything except 5 the great void itself, which IS total truth. Simply put it is all of us, all simply existing, period, just as Fred Sanford said it so well on the old funny as heck night time situation-comedy of the seventies. So New Jersey is one of the very few states left untouched by Pig Flu, well, not 4 much longer my friends. All the work done by the life span increasers, tells me, they were around because of another huge invasion late last week, of tiny-dreamers, YO.

This day started pout quite like all of my days, bad and only got worse. Joe King Twist was here, 2C his ‘sister’ Jan Nace, and his mom, the Earthly Queen of Silver, Silva, and earlier, we were at the Wal-Mart, B4 Joe was over. But even B4 that, I was out getting some medications 4 Dawn and Ann at the local town farm. After a real nail biter experience I was ready 2 go home and blow a hole in my head, only there is no gun in the house., This is YI no longer would B a true loyal friend of Dave’s even if he was retraced. Let me say I retraced him tomorrow and now he is back here. He was big into the gun lobby, and the National Rifleman’s Association, and all of this. He had a Federal Firearms License until it was taken away from him after knowing me a couple of years, somewhere in middle of late 1988 or perhaps as late as early somewhere in 1989, I know I was in my Moorestown home, just down the street from Brendon 1968 Mitch Williams L&O Donner, over at Jim Wilson’s doll house at seven East Main Street, lucky 7 huh MYE???????????????????????? Oh, confession time, when I’ma wrong, I’ma wrong. Last weekend, I thought that a cassette tape had altered by hyperspace magic, but there R2 sides on it, and the auto reverse side got played somehow. I do not normally listen 2 music from that side of the tape. It is just me on the tape, enjoying messing around with a karaoke machine. In fact, a lot of this was sent down 2 the Copyright Office 4 registration on 31 October of 2007. Don’t fret CE’s, no more me. U will not have 2 listen 2 my ear punishing voice this year, or any time soon 2 come. My plans involve escaping 2 a far away place very soon, I am addddddddddddahereeeeeee Harry, right along with the ball. No, it doesn’t happen twice, but great try dudes. When U hear what they did 2 me today ast the Nail Biting Lee farms, U will know Y. They screwed with me huge time, and thought it was funny. Then I was so upset that I forgot my stupid lights were on in the car. I had 2 call Triple A. Then I cancelled because like magic, the battery suddenly regenerated itself. Hostilitygrams R horrific freaking monsters 2 deal freaking with, but when U need a service during one of these times, UR screwed times a million. I have been under this major hostilityfreakingram now 4 a very long freaking time, and if it is not soon removed, do not blame me if this world gets knocked right out of its damn orbit pal. Back when I had my own life B4I was 2 stupid 2C what was being done all around me with this computer and blogging deal over the past 4 years or so now, and sent my garbage down 2 the Copyright Office, AGAIN, I WAS 86’ed into my final doom, office numbers of the feds and all, BRAH!!!!!!!!!! This is all so far beyond any possibility of coincidence that I would not attempt 2 find the odds of it being random happenstance. But what I can say is this, and so I will say it. The gang from Dogtown is not doing this. I am not doing this. No one entity is doing this. This is a gigantic reality that is known absolutely 2B the truth but by only a hand picked few in all of human history, such as me, my ancestor, Billy Shakespeare, and a couple of others, and that’s IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is all one huge stage, we R the players, but it is not US as people that R playing, and the organ man sidewalk scientist knows how the great formula proves this all out, and I can C it, and maybe 10 others on this planet can C it, and that is THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not we ourselves that R cognizant of out own beingness, it is the energy that all results from the first hydrogen ion counterpart, the downlining upline thought wave. We of ourselves believe us 2B sentient and wonder if the universe might B. The universe made us, and not the other way around, so just rationally think about this a seck on any amateur level U wish 2. If UR here and sentient, and come from energy always present, RU doubting that IT is aware of itself, GET REAL BUTT WIPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stupidity is not out there in clouds of ionized dust. It is not in the elements formed by atomic combinations based on the subatomic particle orbiting inside called the electron. Stupidity is us doubting MORIANITY, and its teaching. Stupidity is ME when I went through 1986, and the OTHER ATLANTIC CITY, and did not C the hyperspace thing, it just blew by me like I was the KING OF R WORD PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupidity is not realizing that government and church establishments R out 2 suppress the true knowledge that television shows like TWILIGHT ZONE, and OUTER LIMITS were filled with basic science facts and principles. The only fictional part of any of it is that technologically advancing metallurgists and robotics at least in this nation, the USA, have been 4 total economic reasons, do not catch up in a necessary ratio 2 properly enable STAR TREK type stuff 2 exist. Most of it actually not only does exist now, at least from the original sixties STAR TREK, but a lot goes beyond it, such as digital music replacing taped music, am I right Mister
President Abraham Gaines Lincoln??????????? As 4Y high speed rocket science does not approach the Star Trek norms in the ‘real-world’ of NASA, it is totally a kept-secret, in top circles, that Einstein’s formulas were 2 dangerous 4 humanity 2 deal with. I have proven without even having access 2 an advanced physics lab, that hyperspace is real, that it can B dangerous beyond any thermonuclear war since it can drive sane minds 2 the brink of disaster, and topping the list off, is the simple truth that enough power generated electronically and using frequency generators, totally wipe out the myth-factor of TV shows like the OUTER LIMITS old black and white show with the man who kept shouting EVA over and over in the electrical power plant, get it and watch it, it is a MUST HAVE 4 any future MORIANS. 1986, don’t even get me going or a worm hole will work its way straight 2 the old Eckert Pharmacy of Berlin and straight into the 12th of July of 2003. Just don’t get me going and started, and if U doubt the power or the veracity of these words, the lady still is employed there 2 this day, she’ll tell U, if U don’t get in the way of power house Jay-Lo and her parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wrapping this up today, things have not been real good, girls and curls notwithstanding, BRR. Still, things have been a bit worse so I have learned not 2 complain 2 loudly. I am biding my time, and I still plan 2 run far away forever. I do have 200 units up now on my roulette system, and so far the mighty HERBERT HUNTINGTON crash and burn curse has not been able 2 break it, but then tomorrow is always another day, so we will live 4 the time we have and disregard the rain, right Carpenter’s of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YO, I said we would start the un-start-able did I not lads and lassies and Labrador Retrievers??????????????????????? BYE-BYE 4 now!!!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

STU, #6

All subtitles ever included in any blogs will all apply
World-Labs, Send-Back-Text, DATFILE: 102509.390

I am under some heavy Sunday siege. The biker scum gangs R all over the place, the dirt bag hot summery weatherogram is causing the back 2 summer-like trashy butt wiping conditions, one of the many reasons I detest summer. Thank the freaking gods it is nearly November on the calendar despite what ol’ mom nature is up 2 via the mighty tools of the PAWM-PIE under the total manipulation of forces in the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. The good skypeeps as I’ll term them R doing their best 2 compensate 4 the microbe dreamers, attempting 2 dream into phase 3 from phase 5, we won’t even go here. Keep watching your freaking news broadcasts 4 more human lingo discussions on the same topic, but this blog is about more serious matters than this, believe it or not Palance Ripley!

A quick footnote here is that if U think every sentence and word is along the lines of the blogging title, UR in 4 a rude awakening. We will keep hitting closer 2 home and with much harder punches as we continue along, blog by blog, but it will not B every single thing contained therein. First, it needs 2 begin with last nights’ conversation with the security officer that I relieved at my work gate late last night, Roy. We got on the subject of his marvelous thriller action book, IMHO aniwho, called, “Secrets of the Museum”. When I told him that I figured out that the museum was the detention center, he couldn’t stop laughing. When we both were back talking normally again, he said it is time 4 him as an author 2 explain a sort of insider secret 2 me that some better authors may know about and instinctively perhaps, just keep it 2 themselves and never discuss it publicly. I will not, nor will U, 4 example, hear an author get up on the Oprah or some other talk show, and say what now will B told here, hopefully this only serves 2 further enlighten humanity, and not give away the trade secrets of how authors use powerful hidden techniques 2 gain their readerships and followings, so as 2 become successful and wealthy. He asked me if after I read the book, I immediately had the revelation? I said quite emphatically and truthfully, no, it has all continued coming in like a long storm tide, day after day, and month after month. Then without names being mentioned, such as when I said the term I may B using in future blogs, the HAROLD CAMPING SYNDROME, he said, UR not the same person a day and a month after the time passes. U can watch a show on television, read a book, or do whatever it may b, and U will always get new meanings from it because all though the media remains stationary, UR in fact always in motion, and progressing forward as a person, intellectually. Anyone not a total Archie Meathead, does this by nature. Then DING-DING-DING, the bells shot off. This is indeed Y Doctor Camping has his deal going on with Family-Stations Incorporated, go up and check out their fantastic website, but B warned, I have seen far beyond his year of termination. Still, his concept that the same bible is now giving off in a matter of speaking, this new and totally different information than the long accepted ideas that it used 2 do 4 so very long, all fits perfectly into this scenario here with me and my personal situation. Roy told me that it is not HIM that is putting the so-called in-between the lines stuff in the book, but it is me, as well as other readers, who R perfectly free as well as able, to insert their own meanings and get their own derived additional personal spins on things pertinent 2 them,, from the printed pages in his or any author’s story. This is not all that different in the case of Dick Wolf and Law And Order, the great Television show. But yes, U smarty-pants types out here guessed it right on the freaking nose. THERE IS INDEED A BIG DIFFERENCE. Let me tell U a little story that has nothing 2 do with a man in his glory, dreaming and exploring, and then ‘writing’ and sending music, down 2 the United States Copyright Office back in the year of 1980, banks, carpenters, and investment house time travelers, all notwithstanding. I NEVER FORGET ANYTHING JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not unless I am drugged and powerfully hypnotized that is, ear infections and A-L-L. U know, these punching blogs would not exist if U filth out here would just leave me the truck alone, but hay, it is always your freaking decision, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Now continuing my pernt Archie regarding the ‘big-difference’ between Roy and his book and my reading it and etcetera, and Law & Order and my watching it and etcetera. First, there is no way in hot holy heck that all of the names, dates, locations, and situations, told in the way they R told, clever as they may indeed B, in any way can simply B happening as some random chance. But I watch the main L&O most of the time, since I was a sexually molested youngster myself, I do not enjoy the DSV or whatever they R called, ones 4 the most part. Also, I just basically enjoy the main L&O, yet there R 2 other L&O shows as all fans know. The other night I randomly grabbed a videotape in my room, and it began with the sidewalk science guy and his come look at the moon deal, on public broadcasting channel 23 here in New Jersey. Later after this show, I recorded the L&O show that normally I do not watch, because I liked a couple of the women on it, hay, single men use video tapes in place of dating, deal with it blush heads. Anyway, it was the episode with the little girl on the stand discussing the ‘egg-baby’, and at the end of the show, thanks 2 the technology of Julia White both now, later, and yes 2000 years ago, get real Pope B16, but moving still onward here, at the end of the show in the prosecutor office, they R talking and it is discovered that quite an additional family was out there, and a very interesting coincidental spin on quantity of brothers and sisters. Fans all know what’s getting said here, B it 3 or 4 or 5 or 100, but it is not 4 everybody 2 know what is being said here, this is the un-bloggable, BRAH. Remember that. We have all ready begun out powerful journey into the UNSTARTABLE, there is no turning back no, BRAH!!!!! What a powerful and “RANDOM” tape 2 choose 2 view out of several hundred sitting inside my under the television cabinet of VHS video tapes, first the sidewalk science man, and now THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, B4 anyone’s heart is broken in 2, let me just B very careful so only my 2 dauts know what is being said. U must remember 2 have some smart friend in your circle explain 2U what exploratronic supermind is all about, tell them 2 read about it on my blogs and make it as clear 2U as is humanly possible. Do not forget the fact that this bordered hypersphere with limited closed curve infinity dimensions, Organ-man, shuffles both the space and the time around it as though someone is shaking up a huge snow making glass Christmas piece, only the laws involved go way beyond the random effect that this example would imply. Whatever happened inside all of this monstrous and unmentionable exchange of events, remember that we R only in control of things 2 a point. Advanced dreamers can possess us, 2 use biblical terminology. We dream and merely use others in HS as a viewer. This simply put is exploratronic reccesant-ness verses exploratronic domination. The old Eve White and Eve black thing can most likely B told 2U by your doctor or shrink, should UB seeing one whoever may B online reading this. It is a famous case of split personality disorder, and the name White is random chance coincidence, or is it??????????????? Who can really know, reverb and all, huh CE????????

Anyway, Roy at the work site and I rapped quite a while, as I got there much earlier than usual, just so we could discuss this and a couple of other things, and we did just that. B4 continuing however on this, remember please, phase 4 has powerful explanations 2Y and how the EW seemingly is doing what they R doing, and also, Dominating-Exploratrons R part of the explanation as well. Wrapped up in these 2 realities, is the how and Y of all of this. Please never ever think that I have wanted 2 hurt U in any way ever brown eyes. If this was years ago, I would have a totally different spin and idea on all of this, and C things from a dark and mean angle and side. I would believe that lots of people R totally wicked 2 the core and deserve eternal damnation. Now, a powerful statement from the great Lord Jesus Christ makes such total sense 2 me, in light and in lieu of all of this. “Forgive them father, they don’t know what they’re doing”. Thank U again 4 getting me out of Callio’s squad car that was taking me 2 Dogtown 4 processing. Things like this separate me from normal people. They need faith and belief, I on the other hand have indeed seen and witnessed. I should B more than anyone, a forgiver and someone who understands, yet I can B a total stick and act like a real murk cough, such as with my hatred of poor Jane. If Jesus can forgive me 4 trespassing into the great city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, and forgive me and open the car door that was sealed and locked, and tell me 2 go in peace, while Callio and all of them stood there motionless and unable 2 prevent my escape from their captivity, then it is time 2 quit hating Jane 4 that stupid horrific night at the Atlanta Braves ballpark in 1993, BRO. I forgive U now JF, go in peace, and watch out 4 Jay-Lo and her mighty slapping hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U know I know well that a few genius typos R wondering YI never draw any lines connecting the powerful exploratronic interaction with the insurance company and the super girl back in the late nineteen nineties, who had the same name as the party girl on the show, “The Brady Bunch”, Lucy winters. I never forget anything, including how strong J-Lo is, and who is related 2 who in that morning news broadcast, so I stay away from this one at C squared, BRAH!!!!! Moving on again, hyperspace is the most misunderstood by the experts, and understood in the most minuscule way by the masses, subject that I can think of on this entire planet. It kind of is like cyberspace. No one really understands this LOCATION. Some technicians insist that it must exist somewhere, and others veheminantly disagree. As 4 HS, don’t even go there, silly thing 2 say, U can never NOT B there. Everything exists inside of 5th dimensional myspace (HS). It is Y my mother fell victim 2 a powerful ‘situation’ while insisting on getting messages from playing deck card non computer generated Solitaire games. Messages R impossible NOT 2 GET. This wild fantasy that we need some special system of cards, the Tarot, I-Ching wands, whatever, is total nonsense, all though I am here 2 warn anyone listening, don’t eff around with the I-Ching.

Julia White came 2 my mother when she was inside of a powerful dream, and revealed some major stuff 2 her, not the final time where she broke her mind forever and left my mom a shell 2 wake up from in a weird and totally unexplainable medical state, eventually dying from this condition about 26 months after the experience took place in space-time, the day following Christmas in 1997. This was the ultimate nightmare 4 both my mother, and my self, MYE. But I do not blame your mother, she never did one thing. Julia White took her over, as she did, many, many others. Any authority that wants 2 check out any parts of any of my stories and beyond their twilight Zonish claims, can indeed do so, medical records do not quickly disappear, that is unless the county of Camden, New Jersey has indeed ‘made them vanish’, as that, I do not know.

Now 4 the death physically, of one born in Trenton, New Jersey, on 18 July back in 1896. Her name was Sarah J. Karge, and she ran a small shop inside of a hotel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG. She perished or so say the records in the office of vital statistics, in middle October, in the year of 1990. This is YI believe in the powerful reality of exploratronics, over the long accepted old world belief systems of simple life recycling and other things along these lines. Now, if this is all being done by future dreamers with way more powerful minds than we have as existors back here in late 2009 at our frame of reference inside this large hypersphere, this has more reaching logic 2 it, if U get my drift, snowmen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me leave the Iranian thing alone, B4 this really blows up[ in my face, whoops, C, it only ‘chain-reacts’ and compiles on itself when U really C what is going on BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, that one went a little bit 2 far. Still, being gang raped by giant teenaged beauty queens was indeed quite an experience. If that was a feeble way of apologizing, Hi, how RU2, and tell cuz-D I am thoroughly disgusted with his evil behavior. He can B proud 2 know that his graduation degree is in the mail, from the University of Long Island Snoots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Mister Wirtz, hello 2U2, and smiley faces as well. Thanks 4 sending me 2 Carlisle, Pennsylvania, all though if it is the name that was burning a hole up your shorts, yeah, I get it BRAH. So then m, U knew all along 2 just like the stinking Wolf club. What birds U all R. Total freaking birds, with a T and not a B. And where is the missing Julia White T in the town 2 the west, kind sir?????????? I’ll bet UR glad 2B rid of me and my tapes and my kind sir’s, huh, BRAH??????

Pee-Junior is a lovely 11 year old girl who had 2 watch, not literally thank the gods, her daddy catch a bullet in the back from some state police who set him up. They knew that he had 2B shut up and shot. The old resisting arrest deal usually held then, now, the dash video would bring U and your daddy some justice. Here I sit now Pee my love, over here in another section of the great hyperspace. Your 3-9 at Egg Harbor’s HF Detention Center is an unfair sentence, I can C maybe 2-6 tops. U only tried 2 exact revenge and got no further than through that officers’ window that night. I believe your sister there showed me a lot of things, here, I do not really know what she thinks, nor what she believes. That is always something that will remain her call. So putting my blogs in order, U now know a little more what all the “dreams” were about, and what was happening. Hay, how could I have known then, or U, I had not figured this all out? Still, how could Wolf and all of them have known so darn much way back when, I mean B4 the games’ expert and broken pipe blogs, gimme a break there Keisha Armpopper, or maybe I’ll rephrase here a little Mister Venetian Blinds-KS, Scott Klingon, and say, “please DON’T”!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, maybe I’ll win the Powerball CE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U could have told me and saved me lots of pain, shame on U Shirley, no dances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The giant girlogram attack is back peeps, they R all over the place. Wow, I’m so impressed. Go ahead and lay a finger on me, and C how fast I send U right off 2 freaking butt wiping jail, so big deal if U can bench 700 freaking pounds, wow, whoopdeediddlydo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so impressed Aunt Geraldine Whitestuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like this impresses me, like a ton of like U know what. Let me crib crash now 4 a couple hors, blog 7 of the un-bloggable is always there 4 another day, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A quick addition here, a super nasty crash level chopper attack just scraped off the roof here at 841 Thirteenth Street, FBI and all other authorities. Keep it up, sooner or later, Big Maggie will have her way and BYE-BYE California, as Lex Superluthor would say, oh well, we all have our little faults and our beautiful curly hair, or some of us used 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DING, Copyright 1986.

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL OF 2301, THIS IS ALL COPYRIGHTED IN 2009 ON OCTOBER THE TWENTY-FIFTH. This is a voluntarily sworn oath, that all statements made herein on this blogging text, 2 the very best of my knowledge, is the total and absolute truth so help me SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, All-Mighty-Goddess of this universe. There R no additions nor R there any deletions 2 any of the truths contained herein.

I only wish I could write freaking fiction this WELL, Darrel Jones Bradley!!!!!!! Thanx again MUZAK 4 playing my stuff in the Studio Park days. BYE-BYE

End of this transmission, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

STU, #5

WLSBT DATILE: 102409.766, Begin Transmission:

Saturday evening is here, the evening I had planed, and still am not totally positive that I will not, run away, and very far, 2 where none of U can ever get at me again. Screen monitor is flickering, they R watching and reading as I type, but then SOSO-WEIN-SSDD. Dawn has just left 4 her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and is always is a rotten mood, at least with me, but she is never someone who is pleasant at all 2B around. Ann is no picnic either. They both have literally commandeered my life, and taken it totally away from me. I am here 2 serve THEM, and they just spend their time, putting me down, telling I am no good and all that I do is wrong, I can do nothing right, or really nothing at all. The joke of this entire thing is that after tonight or whenever, and it is coming, let us C how long they last without their slave, ME, no me, no car, no way 2 get around. I am good enough 2B slave man and wheelman, and that is it. I have gotten myself into a huge horrible mess, and this is on top of, whether any of U choose 2C it or can fathom it or not, the ever present all ready existing mess of my major woes and hellish troubles with the WOMO-TAWF-MILITUFORCE, or said in truer source of the powers involved, the (MILLIONTH-COUNCIL).

I will do the very best that I can tonight on this blog, 2 keep things more readable, U know, less equations, less 9 syllable words, and less science. Still, the plot and plight requires some of it, I will merely attempt 2 mitigate here as much as is humanly possible, while still blogging the needed story line of this blog number five. First and foremost, let me go topic 2 topic, and these topics will B addressed: The reality of the hypersphere that we all exist in and have our lives and our being. The nightmare of hell, and what it is really all about and how just like all parts of non-hell existences, in the short run, it is totally a perceived reality, and can also B toned down, mitigated again if U will, by using a powerful secret, the endless playing of games, physical challenges, head games, contests, U all know, in these new horrific times of woe 4 many of us, look at the last dozen years or so and the literal explosion of reality shows and game shows coming out way via the mighty and totally sociologically controlling, ENTERTAINMENT WORLD, or (EW), and also, the LAMBRIGG-CULT, shortened by me 2 the slang term, the BRIGGERS. Finally, not all of it quite naturally, but I will attempt 2 remain alive while sitting down and telling a very clever version of just some of my life in a human recognizable and preferred linear time order, harping more on some things and less on others, enough 2 begin the great tie in of the greatest games of the gods ever played, but not so much as 2 defeat the blog’s entire purpose and make 30 thousand long words of boring text that no body ever is gonna wanna sit down and read and carefully examine, on or off of Comcast Cable local office steps and blue Grand Am automobiles with symbolic daut license plates.

Let me begin with the reality of the hypersphere, which is each one of all of the virtually unlimited amount of unique universes, each atomically vibrating with slightly different in minuscule amounts, yet enough 2 cause all agreeing atoms in each one 2 indeed solidify into individual single hyperspheres, all sort of laying in and through each other, occupying the same 4th dimensional space, and differing only in the one additional dimension which is the fifth one, atomic frequency, the very signature so 2 speak of the atoms that make up each one individually. From the point of reference of all of us living inside this universe, we never will observe the so-called fiery beginning of the first hydrogen ion, the original energetic exploratron that dreamed down from a prior cycle action, and creating its necessary near-twin, the actual atom of hydrogen, as well ass the atom of helium, which is just a fancy way of saying that a subatomic particle called an electron has a unique and exact amount number as well as a particular orbital designated preset course, inside of these atoms, that as a result, make them what they R so indeed when more come into being, they will chain react by forces bringing them locking together at various rates of squeeze as well as space in-between all of them. None of this is helter skelter or random, and is a highly sentient intelligent process, and as I knew all along, yes, energy, and the electricity it can B made from it, is indeed sentient and alive, and because it is alive, and we R made of this energy, we R sentient. Believing this truth as U all do today, in reverse; is utter nonsense. As 4 the one atomic agreeing universe that we R living in, it is only that we R connected-into it, through a process called CONSCIOUSNESS. Once this is lost through either sleep, injury, or permanent reasons such as endless coma and death, we exist and drift in a very totally naturally normal state of simply being the 5th dimensional entities we always were and will B, hence we currently R, as no true current present is any more real and tangible than a point or a line is in mathematical truth other that 4 using as theoretical equations. Until lawtronics bends the void out in its first 2 endlessly long lines on the left and the right side of itself, creating the first 2 dimensions, there is no way the higher 6th dimension of TRUE-COLLECTIVE-MIND can ever hope 2 send its signals down into these lower dimensions, that develop eventually into 5, or the fifth dimensional hyperspace. U could move in any direction forever on Earth, and never leave the 4 directionality of living on the surface of a sphere. Using this as a mental image, simply expand the Earth as a larger circle that is totally invisible, and growing out in all directions. This circle is getting larger and larger in other words, around the planet Earth, and now U will eventually have the hypersphere expansion, all the way out 2 its final borders. Just as when on the Earth, U can endlessly move anywhere by the directions of North, South, East, or West, on land or on water, and yet never B able 2 leave the sphere of this Earth, the same thing applies with the super expansion around any and all spheres inside the larger hypersphere or the universe. Now U have 2 additional opposing directions, separated by an arcing 180 degrees, when outside of Earth’s sphere and into the expansions beyond it. Still, this makes 6 opposing directions. There R no others. With these6, U still R limited 2 remaining somewhere always, within this larger sphere. Itrteqwuiresd2 additional directions2 move out into the 6th dimension of MIND, and how it all connects into the entire endlessly uplining and downlining thought-waves. This as well is under the lawtronics, and requires 2 more opposing directions in order 2 move beyond all of the mental realm or the sixth dimension that transmits signal into hyperspace and its 5-dimensions of reception and later individual perception, and this process is never ending, or beginning loop, as they all R loops, caused by lawtronics first law, the eventual bending down and around and into locked loops, as they extend out towards infinite straight space lines, and then begin 2 carry a weight that bends both ends down. This is always rule #1 of what someday is known as by the term of LAWTRONICS, from which any and all other rules of inviolate and intransmutable systems all set up around this one law. This entire thing still, is LAWTRONICS. In a universe made up of sentient energy that conscious mind that eventually has a part in this hypersphere gets 2 interact with, in a relatively small portion and percentage of the total entirety of it all, things have an order, but in no way resembling the ideas and concepts of Charles Darwin and his misperceived order from chaos. anyone who ever has started and kept up a garden, knows that if they ignore there garden, this is the simplest way 2 disprove Charlie and his dumb theories of evolution. Things go from order 2 chaos by natural lawtronics and most definitely not the other way around. A dead body decaying on the street is a prime example of this as it rots away, and the gasses inside of it tear all of the insides of it literally apart, and it completely falls into a horrific stinky revolting mess, left 4 the brave burial peeps, or the great DD-vultures 2 deal with.

Now a little on the situation called by mankind, as I did not invent THIS word, not as Mountainpen, not as Franklin, not as anybody, “HELL”!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell is always an opinion and a concept. Those who firmly believe in its true reality based on their personal religious beliefs, is one thing. Then those that serve in some real bad war battles have been media quoted as saying, “I can show the world what HELL really is”. I know as young lad I was taught a fire breathing dragon that was semi-human was underground in a networking of tunnels, with secrets halls that lead up 2 secret doors and manholes, and this was the devil and his kingdom, and how they managed 2 access those of us living here in this world. When U died, if U were not saved by GOD, U went there into his hot kingdom where he banded U a pitchfork and U were kicked and beaten and made 2 work shoveling hot coals into an endlessly burning fiery furnace. The day I first began rationalizing this concept at maybe mid teens in age somewhere, was when it hit me that no logic at all by any means ever, could B applied 2Y this DEVIL would want me and others if we were there sharing in this hot hell, 2 help and further assist, by doing things that would make it all that much hotter, by shoveling more and more coal into a burning furnace. The devil may B smart, and the devil may B stupid, and nobody knows, let alone knows what this thing even is, and if it is even real in any way; but this piece of flawless and quite impeccable logic is simply inescapable. Once I came that far, I still feared eternity in hell, just no longer this type of ridiculousness regarding hell. I could not get past it after meeting Jim Burr especially, and it got worse. The more things he told me about me and my family, the worse all ready bad stuff around me all ready there, began growing progressively and almost quantitatively worse on daily and weekly basis’s. I thought of committing suicide every single hour of every single day, the only thing that was forever preventing me from carrying this suicide thing out was a total frightening fear of eternal existence in this unfathomably nightmarish monstrous and inescapable condition called by mortal mankind, HELL. Now at age 22 or so, around the era of the United States Bicentennial celebration year, and 4 years after meeting Jim burr, and 3 years after he went all religion-nuts and hellfire on me; things just continued 2 personally degenerate and worsen and worsen 4 me. He would come over 2 the various locations where I had moved 2, some of them where I was living alone, or some where my father was with me, and some were shared with my mother, as the bad economic times of the seventies allowed peeps 2 live better when joined up. Now since I had zero interest in sharing my life with a girl, or 2 get romantically/emotionally involved with anything or anyone, my life went along, and progressed into a nightmare that was so bad, that thoughts of commenting suicide, or those same old inescapable C and S initials, never were far from me, never away by more than an hour or maybe 2 or 3 if lucky on a good day, good 4 me that is. While everyone else was celebrating the 200th birthday of this great nation, I was trying 2 find on a daily basis, some rational way of offing myself and doing it without incurring the wrath of this almighty omnipotent and austere horrific male GOD that was ready the second that I died and escaped this unspeakable misery, 2 send me into new misery far worse, and forever and ever, HELL. Now I came a long way from these days of 1974-1977, but let me tell U, it is beyond any water walking miracle that indeed I did do this, and that I am here and alive and sane enough 2 at least still think and talk, and tell my tale, way up here in almost 2010 ADEG, after so much constant and continuous unfathomable misery, BRO. Still all this misery was because a family feud was ongoing 4 a couple of hundred years, that I know about now, and probably is Y the Shaw of Iran contacted my Aunt Geraldine Snow around this period of time, actually it was 10 years B4 this, in the middle sixties. The real past 2 this story starts with 2 biblical and quite famous characters, Abraham and his wife Sarah. Much more of this wild true tale will B told later on, first it may B a good idea 2 let certain situations just settle down overseas, as U all should well know by now, I have gargantuan effects on world events and people in general. Let me take the Games’ Expert’s advice 4 right now on this topic, and just chill.

I want 2 touch on holograms, my naming of things that sort of act as though I am in the Star-Trek NEXT-GEN’s Holodeck, with LT. CMDR. Warf, played by actor Michael Dorn, the Klingon alien and the Crewman on the Enterprise Ship, after a relative peace time was established in this fictional ongoing Star Trek series. It is exactly as though I am a computer generated character stuck within this holodeck when these attacks simply come charging at me out of the freaking blue. It can B anything. The giant girls, the aerial assaults, the car attacks, noise, road drivers, bikers, loud engines and or stereos, and on and on. It can also B other things such as hostility everyone no matter where U go and how nice and Polite and well-dressed and clean-shaven U may B, it may B invisibility, UR simply, or I am anyway, totally ignored as though UR simply not even standing in a line somewhere waiting 4 service, or even at a gas pump where U can wait endlessly until U decide, screw this, I do not need this, and simply drive on and 2 another gasoline station, BRAH. Actually, this list is quite general, I really could go on and on and on, and it would just serve 2 defeat my purpose of telling some needed truths 2 the world tonight, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If U think the entire Sarah Jacobson story has been told, U can think again. If U think the entire Jones Beach story has been told, same thing. The McGuire and Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City story, again. Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmm, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What I want2 tell in more alacrity and better described down 2Earth detail right now was last Wednesday night at the Shop Rite Grocery Store, as well as a week or so B4 that, also at this grocery store. I intend 2 pay a young person looking 2 make 10 quick bucks, 2 follow me around with his or her cell phone, and record and get the proofs of all the things that I claim. Then when I eventually put up a really super website of my own, with its own daily uploaded blogs, and done by a good webmaster who knows how 2bring it some real exposure, things R gonna start hitting fans, and these things as many of U know, do not small all that non-disgusting, like my oldest daughters sneakers 20 years ago. Remember, use the very enemies against themselves is an old biblical LAWTRONIC principles, U all have heard this whether or not U realize this, it says, or Jesus says, “A house divided against itself cannot stand“. Joe King and the in-law cuzes across route-30 on Saint Louis Avenue on the tail end of the street from the great Atlantic-County Reform and Detention School called Harborfields, in Egg Harbor, New Jersey, USAESMWG, has teenaged kids looking always 2 make10 bucks 4 a simple thing, and all these kids R super experts with all this new James Bond Teck. These peeps R gonna go 2 far, and I have said this since the audio part of all of Morianity began late in the year of 1995, “They’ll B swigging down a beer and laughing and think that they have me totally wrecked and ruined, and this is when I will B stone cold sober and waiting 4 them, and strike swiftly and hard with multiple quick flashy combination punches, and B4 they all know what hit, this entire thing is gonna B on its ear, right along with all of them and their filthy disease, whether 1 and 1 and 1 is 3 or not, good looking and hard 2C peeps, all notwithfreakingstanding”, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So rock on Boss and others, from here down 2 P)hilly and the ending Spectrum of my enemy Snyder, and his cuz the tease, my coworker at my job site, what a total freaking butt-wipe. 2 bad U really R not related 2me pal, maybe I could poke myself in the heart and U can carry on this freaking nightmare HUINTINGTION FREAKING CURESE, BRA---H!!!!

Roy Carl Weiler Senior, the mighty Egg Harbor resident who knew the secret museum, the real one, that I was searching4 as a result of my recurring dreams of this unknown place since my boyhood, made me C the light, and a lot bigger light than the visitation that night 3+ years ago from HYDROGLACIA. Some of U think U have had encounters, most of them believe it or not peeps, U were not fully awake. The mysterious and yet 2B understood and so-called psychological disorder known somnambulism, (sleep-walking) is a long way from being unraveled by the geniuses of modern day mankind. Let me assure U that I was awake, I had been at my job about an hour or 2, and was about 2get out some tapes 2 listen 2 on my car radio/cassette player system, and had just taken my sandwich and lemonade out of one of the refrigerators on the property in one of the gate garages, and yo, it happened. Every single word is altogether, the spacebar is totally hacked out again Stacey Jack-Hack-Attack. Please come over gorgeous, and help me 2 turn the take and move the make, and do whatever else we need 2so that I can get this virus garbage dealt with. I am having 2 go back after each sentence and separate every word just about. Real yukking funny, huh Tyler Perry. U think U have a house of pain 2 deal with BRAH??? Try living here with me big guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, if she will just B a real good girl, and put up her hair in pretty curls, 4 me. I will B as angry with the lady CE as I am with Jane Fonda. She could have saved me and others nearly 2 years of agony. I had a freaking right2 know that I was hit with similar chemical compound 2 chloroform and as I opened the door in early August that year, pow, and some of it got into my ear, and gee, I now wonder YI had that horrific ear infection for 10-12 days, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah it is 2 bad that I never saw the parade a second time, but the gods know, how proud I am of my team, do not know where it will crash out, but I do know this will B a terrible week 4 me. If the freaking authorities let me die, and do not avenge my murder and the blatant total violation of my civil and human and constitutional rights, I swear by everything including my passionate love 4 my lovely hot luscious Jehovah Goddess, who I have actually killed over in a jealous rage, the statute of limitations is forever on murder, but I seriously doubt that witnesses can B called aftewr13 thousand years, but I swear by SSJKK, that I will return here, and avenge my vicious life, ,torture, and cold pre-meditated cruel and evil twisted murder, and that IS a promise, YO.

Magnesonic, whoever is hacking this machine, all their loved ones will suffer and slowly die, all commands, all general orders, all coded-general orders, all technologies, and at maximum gain under PPSS, the old phone tones will B replaced with the successfully published prompt that comes up on the website: . I am maxing out your power gain now 2 infinity, U GO, MAGGIE-GIRL, wipe out this diseased garbage!!!!!!!!!

Yes Roy and I had our talks about the flu deal long ago and it was all blogged. He never told me that Ed Snyder got a heart attack and died in 2010, nor did he tell me that chemtrailing is done by good forces that try and use anti-poisonous chemicals 2 attempt and compensate 4 the true microbial invasions all around humanity. Aunt Ruth Huntington Gottwald did not die of a flu shot. He told me a shipmate recently told him that he poisoned his wife in a clever way, and then soon after she was out of the way, he was then free 2 remarry the girl that is shown if U do a current Google search on Heinz Gottwald. Fire, poison, these 2 powerful awesome families R beyond frightening. DING-DING-DING, yes game shows and all-FF!!!!!!!!! Julia White made a deal with him when he was a new banker. She would bless him in the world of Wall Street, and yes, he became the one and only SENIOR-VICE-PRESIDENT of the Worlds’ 2nd top BANK, the Chemical National Bank of Manhattan. Now, I have come 2 learn the connections with this new wife, and her family, and TAWF, wow, it does not get more un-bloggable than this, yet I will push on, carefully, PAULA. I will gladly do what Comcast Cable wants me 2 do, I read the sign on that freaking brick every single weekday. Yes, I have things, and THIS is Y the KINGS commandeered my trailer, my life, and John Corzine commandeered my freedoms2loive in my own trailer, not bothering anybody. This all was a diseased plot 2 wipe out all my tapes, and the dreams earlier today were all about this, and they all will get told, later on. I will have a special technician examine 4 this government illegal FISA program that is super hacking into my computer, it is no use trying now 2 further type on, nut lots more shirt will obviously soon get said. Screw U, look over your darn shoulders, ya stick in the south’s of Bob McDowell land of 1972, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE y’all, CU later on, IN COURT when I sue 4 multiple freaking BILLIONS of USD, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!