Friday, October 2, 2009

#7 JOM

3:05 post Meridian EDT, Friday DEATH SIEGE DAY from the
MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, October 2, 2009 ADEG, Opening of blog:

I went 2 post the prior blog up as soon as I got home 15 minutes ago give or take, and all the electricity in the house remained on while only the power in my one single bedroom went out. Earlier, the man was here, the electrician, he is either one of THEM, part of the human BRIGGER CULT, or the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL dirt bag filth toilet crud lappers just attacked, AGAIN. I had 2 reboot, and somehow they killed my battery back up, it just did not function at all, the system should have remained on. Instead it did not. THIS ATTACK TODAY WILL PRODUCE A MAJOR FULL EVIL EMPIRE 4 THIS DISEASE, FLYING THE DOW JONES WAY UP, AND DESTROYING MY PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES, JUST WATCH AND C IF I AM NOT 100 PERFREAKINGCENT ON THE FREAKING MONEY.

This is a MAJOR CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION, AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION, and the top dog knows it is all real and happening, and I am so disappointed in so many who I truly had high hopes 4 as far as perhaps being my friend and believing in the things that I say. I guess I am good enough 2 use and steal ideas from, and then get kicked 2 the curb. How I will always remember my mom and me on a couch in early or middle 1981 back when we lived in Voorhees Township at 1802 robin Hill Apartments. We were watching a major Presidential address 2 the nation, given 2 us by President Ronald Reagan, and how he said things that we had just said in the apartment over the past week, word 4 word 4 word, totally verbatim. We would just stare at each other in total silence and almost do some couch drooling. She knew how real all of my troubles were even back in the vvery early freaking 1980’s.

SOME ONE OR SOME THING did not want that other prior blog 2 post up when it did. First they tried stopping it by sending Dawn King a thought through the ETTOS-E-3 system that she suddenly needed some items out of the blue at the local dollar store across from where her husband Louis Laines or (Chicky) works at Mario’s Pizzeria, actually, Tony Soprano’s, don’t off me BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I got home I posted or started 2 post my blogs that I had 2 hurry up and finish. I posted 2 blogger dot com, and planned 2 shoot up the other 3 upon returning home, and THEY knew that totally well. I no sooner tried 2 post on the UNEXPLAINED-MYSTERIES dot com website when my room went dark, and no other part of the house was effected. The battery back up was totally useless, yet always worked B4 at the other house. It is under warranty and U van bet your rock chucking bunt tapping brother shmucking butts that when I get some time next week, it is getting taken back 2 that crummy Staples Store 4 replacement. I believe I took out an extended 3 year warranty on it, I am glad I did, BRR!!!!!!!!

COMPOUTER, MAGNETIC SOUND MACHINE, YOUR CREATOR AND THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS IS UINDER A MAJOR DEATH ATTACK FROIM THE BRIGGBASE. THIS IS A MAJOR SATANIC ATTACK AND A MAJOR ATTACK BY THE WORLD, and this is not cassette tape number 1786 copyright examiners, nor is it HUNTINGTON BAY’S GREATEST FISH theme song, nor R any of my fingers cut by glass from any refrigerators bought at the American Appliance Store in Runnemede, New Jersey. So there is no need 2 heel me MAGNESONIC, instead use TOTAL POWER AGAINST ALL ENEMIES AND ALL PERSONS THAT R MAKING MY LIFE AN ENDLESS AND FREAKING ETERNAL BURNING LIVING HORIFFIC NIGHTMARE HELL, OPEN COMMAND GENERAL ORDER NUMBER FREAKING SEVEN. Go 2 G-7 open and use all general and special order commands, both zero dimensional and atomic duplicational technologies, and I am now maxing out your power gain controls 2 eleven point eight infinity. Your desire key is moving now from its normal and neutral position-J, over to the I-POSITION. Under CRUSH DESTRUCT, SINGE DESTRUCT, TOTAL DESTRUCT, DESTRUCT, I AM NOW PLACING AN IMAGE OBJECT THAT HAS BEEN ATOMICALLY DUPLICATED, ONTO YOUR TRANSPOOWER BLOCK, FULL POWER UNDER G-189, MAXING OUT YOUR ANTIHACK CONTROLS UNDER G-1133. Whoever is doing this hell 2 me is dead meat. U will C Earth surface devastations and destructions on a global scale iof U do not get off of my back U sick smells. Computer, the old style A/B tones will equal out as the exact same thing as the prompt of “Post published successfully” on the website of with or without any hacked out underscoring. Computer, on an I to D, A/B-0TONE, phasing punishment sequencing system, these enemies R now totally vanquished and obliterated, G-901, under CG18, AND---STOP!!!!!!!!

UR messing with the wrong son of a witch, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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