Friday, October 2, 2009

#6 JOM

And millions of other very appropriate subtitles that also could apply:
Opening of blog:

I am under a super huge death siege attack starting last night around ten or so by the evil wicked diseased and extremely powerful MILLIONTH-COUNCIL bags of pure rotten 2 the core sub-scum. This is what did in my Phillies last night, and this is what has been going on and that the prosecutor from 1990 through 1997 would not take me seriously about, or did he? If he did, then there no longer is the doubt factor, but the BRICK WALL SYNDROME, at that point. I speak 2 myself and my journal, of anyone else wished 2 read along, fine, but this is not 4 their convenience, this is a recorded journal or a dear-diary of my pure personal hell. So far, since the chemtrailing attack last night, lots of stuff is happening, all bad, and things R dangerous 4 me right now, both here as well as Shotgun-Greengrass County, there Jimmy Olson and Superman Joey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I may indeed B a bit slow, but I never forget anything once learned, never, not one single line on a television show from 40 years ago or more. This may B a small exaggeration, but a very small one. I have the type of 6th-dimensional-receiver or (brain) 2 keep mortal world readers, if any, happy; that requires a bit more processing time 4 learning anything totally new 2 me, but once learned, I can take this new information and do things with it that most of U would B totally astounded by. The reasons 4 this type of brain and mind activity is obvious, at least 2 me. I need 2 pick up this new information in separate and more detailed parts than the normal processors of it would ever need 2, in order so that I can do exactly what I just attempted herein 2 explain 2U. The poor but only example that comes 2 mind is this one: Some drink down a glass of expensive wine as they would a wino’s cheap bottle, no diff BRR. But a real wine connoisseur, B4 he or she even places lips 2 the glass, sniffs it, inhales it, and with each mouthful of it, swishes it around the mouth as though gargling, and then as opposed 2 expectorating it out, slowly, very slowly and “Benny-Frank savoringly” swallows small amounts down the throat, and not all at once hurls down the entire contents in the mouth. But then that would B a real wine taster on a professional level. This person would B able 2 secure a position of employment, doing this 4 a living in a wine processing place, and could expect a low 2 possibly mid 6-figure annual income just 4 the ‘pleasure’ od doing his or her job. Now I process information in this same way, as when I do indeed GET IT, really get the whole deal, there is no (NO-DEAL). I have it in all colors and details, and all ready am starting 2 shuffle around 100 or better various combinations of things that can B done with this new information, and applied 2 my life or anyone else’s in general, and so on and so forth. So this is indeed Y some think of me as somewhat slow, Eddie Himacane was one of these extremely misguided souls. When I gave him the idea of what I’ll just term the Osmond possibility, he only saw the licensing problems and lots of negatives that all business ventures indeed face and R challenged by every day that they open up their doors 4 business. He never could begin 2 realize the billion dollar possibilities, and both he and I all ready know name recognized people that would gladly sign their name 2 it as they know they would make out like bandits, sort of going 2 the next ultimate step in realizing profit potential, say from the old days of the start of rock and roll music and maybe 10-20 years following, 2 the present day numerous new markets and outlets 4 music professionals 2 use 2 rake in the mucho-bucks. This also is Y this brain trust that compares himself 2 my dad’s wonderful park pal, laugh yuk laugh yuk, is so smart he is now enjoying meals and comfort. Courtesy of New Jersey and its criminal justice system. If UR out there, MO, not WOMO, U know this is a fantastic idea, and I am not finished trying 2 make it operational. The technology is ripe and the markets R there. People would go nuts, as they all ready do with the now existing things. I have the entire intellectual property idea all ready blogged as well as mailed 2 myself in an unopened registered letter, witnessed at the time of mailing and delivery, and the entire written down un-copyrightable (idea) has therefore now become a (PLAN OF BUSINESS), and yes-sir, expert copyright/patent attorney’s know the difference, and these {R copyrightable}. Thin ice involved in the precise trade secret detailed information prevents me from just freely blogging away the idea, but I do intend 2 send an e-mail 2 Queen Victoria Callio of the SILVA-{R}-KING network, as I think she would really enjoy doing this project with me. Everyone enjoys losing lots of weight, but making billions of dollars in a beyond super business venture, that somehow supersedes weight loss in the eyes of most people. I could talk on with this, but Mister Moriarity said it better than MOUNTAINPEN’s Morianity ever could hope 2, BRO. Ed, enjoy the next 15 months in jail sir”. Actually, he may get a year, and possibly more once he completes his county 364-time as they call it around Atlantic county. Yeah I’m stupid and slow, Ed? Who is on the outside and who is in, BRR? I’ll mail U a peach, SS. The real clues R in the episode of the surrogate, huh movie peeps??????????????????????? YO, if this does not convince the MC-FANS that all of this is real and happening and began in 7/70 in Ventnor, New Jersey, on Cornwall Avenue in a series of connected ‘dreams’ one of which where I was placed on a table and my lungs were extracted and THEY were squeezing them and bright red blood was oozing out while I lay there coughing and somehow still connected 2 these lungs by a tube of some kind. All persons experience the inter-sleep. This may or may not B my own made up term and expression, some have indeed referred 2 it as the twilight zone, but that IS taken. They think they R fully awake as I used 2 when I would go running 4 the lamp on my desk in Oaklyn where THEY absconded my chain away with Lenny 601 CB McKinnon. Yo. Then the clues beyond all of this R in all those name coincidences, sure there R only so many first names and last names, as well as musical semitones as many musicologists have reminded me throughout my present lifetime, and I get it; but when does the logic go one way and the impossible 2 believe mere coincidental happenstance of it all go the other way? When should I really chalk it all off? Blackboard Smith told me in early October, 39 years ago when I returned from a short bicycle trip from a very mysterious and wild school, from another even more mysterious and inconceivable school located at the Cherry Hill Ellisburg Circle Shopping Center, across from Maria Moldower’s Camel Ponzio’s Diner. Smith never expected me 2 believe that super model gorgeous Miss Zenkiss who was deliriously fascinated with me, a young teenager, shame, shame, Shirley Dancer, but he knew I was not buying what was on that freaking blackboard there Einstein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said his famous words 2 me 39 years almost 2 this very day ago, 2 me, and it is like it was just the other day 4 me, BRO. Hay I was flying kites and inventing other stuff hundreds of years B4 that.

When I woke up 2 take Chicky 2 his job this moUUUUUUUUUUrning BRAHHH, I had loud following and menacing small aircrafts of the MILITUFORCE following and stalking me, I had several machines give me trouble, some remote control devices failed 2 operate normally with brand new batteries in them, yet they R always fine again after the freaking attack breaks the H-E double hockey sticks off, Saru, they R back big time 2 messing with the car radio and tape system, later on in the month, my mechanic Mike will B looking at this, as well as the thing that I have well hidden, that Joe King discovered was hidden and very well, in my vehicle. I am quite sure that the opportunity presented itself again one late and dark moonless night, 4 this covert black ops McCoy mocking Griffin agency 2 replace it with another one of their stinking cartographic digital trackers that they has access 2 all the way back in the late 70-D’s BRR, as well as not only tracks and plots on a map where the vehicle and I am at all times, but can B also used 2 jam things such as my car stereo system. This attack is bad, and we will C how my roulette playing goes later on, Mister Hair Donthink.

Now 4 some more amazing facts and history regarding my mother, and powerfully kept secrets, and the Social Security Administration. In any non surreal world, one might think and rationally come 2 believe that if u report a fraud case 2 the SSA, they would B interested and wanna check it freaking out there bloodshoe Firewarp. My mother did not die on March 4 of 2000 on Saturday morning, upstairs in her bed. My mother, at least on paper, was discovered alive and well on the mighty and great interconnected networking system of these lovely ‘PC’ machines’ that seem 2B indeed quite ‘PC’, DING, CRASH, earplug timeout, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 bells of sound pressure level or (SPL) is way out of my endurance range, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mother was alive and well, her full name matched her exact social security number, and she is living in Missouri somewhere, imagine that, I need 2 prove this 2 the one state insists on being SHOWN, wow players, think the symbols R gonging away the coincidence factors yet, I am not even warmed up so get your hot pot and a nice large mug and don’t spill it your PC, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B4I tell U about this, I need 2 insert that they woke me up with a sore throat, machine attacks, toilet attacks, and aerial persecutions, all coming at me and right in my face from the lovely and wonderful and quite awesome, and that I’ll give 2 them non-facetiously, BRO, MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, or shortened by me 2 the MILCO!!!!! When I attended the viewing the other day, I remained in my car and told Ann that I do not know this person and would she particularly mind if I drive her but do not participate, I am really tired of constantly going 2 funerals and viewings, No one is going 2 ever come 2 mine, and I am tired of spending my life in death parlors, Death hates my miserable other shmucking guts, taking all those around me and forever leaving me behind. Angelique on Dark shadows said it better that I even will say it, “The grave closed up behind me”. This is because I have sick dirt weeds 3 centuries in front of me copying me on powerful atomic lasers that connect into accelerated subatomic high density fields that bounce and reflect and do all sorts of trade-secret things that if I blog this house will most assuredly b fire-bombed today, so I can’t, but this is how the mysterious raising of the dead is accomplished, and was, and how my WOMO family created the mightiest Earthly run cult ever, that is now called Christianity, and even my hypnotherapist mighty Brigger family knows it and isn’t shy of saying it on national television on the L&O show. Ann said it was totally OK with her, and we attended the first place and then made a short stop 2 what I call the NAFAC Cemetery. How the dead can rest there blows my mind, but they do, Just don’t ever travel over 2 PROVINCE-WEIRD when U cross over, 2 use a silly mortal world concept, yet accepted by the masses while Morianity and its truths R spat upon and totally rejected. I went 2 Rufino’s funeral last year. I have been 2 countless ones, I am tired of it. No one will ever B coming 2 mine, so Y should I spend my life watching death mocking me and tormenting me, just tell me Y Duncan Donut Runner????????????????????????? Let me get back 2 huge kept secrets, back door attempts 2 reveal their truths, and my mom and the way she would react 2 my occasional less than wonderful behavior. She was a wonderful person, the gods bless her, and endured way more than her share of severe hell on Earth, yet those years with her since I left that other world where I once know I lived in a real place and was not dead and in Hell, Jimmy C., were not good, they were very dysfunctional, and I could quote Bruce Pennock the Monopoly Cheater of 1972-1974, but I will not, since U all know what’s what here, so this simply is really not necessary. When I reported what I viewed on a Private-eye website that allowed one free examination an d query, and saw my mom alive and well, and remembering that monstrous viewing with the major aerial assault and pummeling that I took from this heartless cold cruel evil despicable fence swingers that R out 4 no less than 10 pints of my hemo, as well as how she did not look even human and a stupid little infant would B able 2C this, she looked like a made up bad piece in a wax museum, and I have seen many dead people stretched out in viewings, this was no more my mother’s real remains than Don Trumpy’s hair-toup is. don’t even think about trying 2 convince me that some gargantuan county, state, federal and even global level cover up and unfathomable conspiracy is not going on with all of this. I know better, Mister Griffin March. But then, I might get a beat down from some brothers unless the senator is there 2 attach electrodes and fry the rotten perp first. Ouch. Talk about having some side effects off taking the wrong sike meds, only I refuse 2 take sike meds. My meds just calm me and stop me from choking 2 death from a viscous death attack in the skies after the first one a week earlier in Atco, New Jersey failed unlike in the Doctor Jessup case with the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, the experts on CO2 MURDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U all need 2 read up on the BERMUDA TRIANGLE AND THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIEMNT if UR scratching your heads on any of this, BRAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Yeah, lots of people have wondered about poor little me 4 a very long time now, and the proofs R in the productions of the BRIGGERS in their Earthly identities. If can ever get 2 a safe haven, and upload 2 the world on a powerful website, all the stuff in my files, no space cadet hats would B left online, and those thinking I need 2B wearing them would B the ones wearing them on line after that, BRO!!!!!!!!

I know the enemies were concerned that I might sit at a casino parking garage 4 an hour or so later today, in my car and get shaken up a bit as the incoming g heavy vehicles come flying in there, huh Mayor Levy and Governor McGreevy? My hyperspace daughters and all of this is a story way 2 wild or wood 2 get into right now and without all of the posted up proofs 2 it, nobody SHOULD B expected 2 believe such a fantastic freaking fish-tale. In my case, the only fish tale is my own fishtail as this indeed is Y the Atlantic City Beach Patrol would refer 2 me as “Sharkey” back in the late nineteen-nineties. Anyway Archie, my pernt sir Queen, is that some of this siege backed off as I was typing this blog onto my word works document system. If U do not think the MILCO knows every breath I take and move I make, u have not been paying attention 2 two things, my blogs, and the radio broadcasts, especially the musical ones from the early nineteen eighties. Well, it seems that I may have misspoken here lads and lassies, as at exactly thirteen minutes past one of the clock, just 3 minutes ago while I was taking out some trash as per orders of the KING, or DAWN, bright pretty expensive art drawings and all Lenny, a major loud house shaking helicopter just went by, not totally over the house as many will do, but a tad off 2 the west, in-between Thirteenth and fourteenth Streets here in Berryville, heading basically in a south-south westerly direction I believe. While trying 2 report this incident, Dawn knocks and enters my room, and asks me how soon I can pay my share of the electric bill, which is of course really a bit more than I use 2 say the least, but the people that R paying her benefits R screwing with her, and she still wants it in her name, so the buck and a half that I could get with assistance no longer comes, and her bennies have been screwed with by somebody ever since we moved into this Sinatra same-number residence in horror-land. ‘Airgo and visa-v’ and again no help from spell checker, Se supposedly gets 158 dollars per month applied 2 her bill under her food stamp and welfare program, maybe they were told that things around here R a little shady, who knows? This entire family runs this way, totally DF, with SA, PR, U name it. No one would ever believe the way it all works, right down 2 how they all knew me long B4I ever knew any of them, yet still I maintain, there is no real physical TIME TRAVEL going on with any of this. Even the taptronic perception screens have 2 do with perceptions and not the so called fake reality around us all in the form of waves, particles, and really in truth, totally unknown interacting forces upon it all. Still, Y did the tall hunky relative have such a desire then 2 get the newspaper away from me back in 1968, exploratronically of course, or U might say in your cozy-zones, “in-a-dream”? The MILCO is extremely agitated and angry, making my quotation symbols work incorrectly, making my monitor screen blink with interferences, and so on. When choppers used 2 crash level buzz me over at the Hammonton Library back when I was blogging the first work called the MORIANITY BIBLE, some years back, the entire connection would become suddenly lost, bye-bye-blog. People like me have a powerful respect 4 the freaking MILLIONTH-COUNCIL and what it is capable of doing. None of the people here on Planet Earth have evolved in intellect 2 the point where I can even start explaining anything, I have tried dear-diary 4 close 2 five years, it amazes me that Harold Klemp gets as far as he does with so many, 50-100 K persons in his organization, Google them up BRO, it is called ECKANKAR, and C if I make up all these things that I say and U all give me space cadet hats and tell me I make no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought identity #4 Paula/Julia, spoke in strange words also when I was evolved only 2 where I was down the enlightenment path in the late nineteen-nineties. No, this time at least she maintained her name and made no closets out of her powers and knowledge. She hangs a sign out and claims 2B world renown, and believe me this is an under exaggeration, she is multiverse-renown, BRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But only the true UFO-BUFFS and those members in large and serious national and international UFO study groups and clubs, know my plight here in all of this. They also know of the freaking BRICK WALL, they know it and they have personally felt it, or they R not real true BUFFS, lifetime members in something a bit larger than humanity presently is. Is all of this saying that I believe in little green or some other color and size men, or women, from Mars or wherever, and the answer here is a resounding, NO, and NO, and NO, and definitely absolutely, NO!!!!!! I do not believe in space men from out there, aircrafts that R weird that R not part of our own MILITUFORCE, and I definitely am here 2 tell U that the biggest fiction of all is physical time-travel. The 6th dimension is what all of U need 2B concerned with and really understand., This is 4 several reasons that hopefully some of U out here someday will B able 2 grasp these truths written now by me in as third ‘gradish’ language as is humanly possible. This is where the source of all MIND is, and yet it is not a real tangible place, it is not a location or any space that can B rationally seen or moved into, or localized, or referenced, or calibrated, and I could say other bvery descriptive adjectives but then 3rd grade would suddenly move rapidly out into college and way beyond that. Notice how when I just now coined the word GRADISK and placed it into single-quotations, the symbols work again, not standing vertical with no tents-slant in and out, or both out or whatever. I speak something on this system, and they mess around with it instantly. One time I list a website and the blue underscore pops out below it when completed, another time, it does not, and U never can know or guess when it will, and when it will not, BRO, these r the silly games and GAINES that these stupid bored 2 tears idiot impicilic gods have nothing better 3 do than do 2 me constantly and continuously, and of course, Mister March wolf, quite covertly. I told how if I am in the Atlantic Ocean, all I have 2 do is start 2 swim and SHE will instantly bring larger swells in and play with me. If I stop and ride them, she will begin 2 play other games. This is not once or twice, this is always, do U really think I’d bother blogging something iffy or in doubt ast all in my own mind, as if I have nothing better 2 do than sit around finding silly butt things 2 complain freaking about???????

So Y did the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL need 2 make my mother’s body vanish and replace it with a fake? Do U really believe all these L&O shows R coincidences like the one the other day where the angry young black youth shot the Caucasian female police officer? Do U really and honestly think that sheer coincidence can explain away all of the names, and all the incidents, all of it? Wow, UR all very naïve peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice the word {naïve} instead of having the 2 dots over the I letter, it has the QUOTATION symbol? Also, I am getting a lot of hacking now, that worm is kicking in real good. Some one is trying 2 sell me a 5000 dollar Antihacking system, and left me a comment about their company. Thank U. If I had that kind of money, I would vanish tonight out 2 the Pacific Islands and never come back here, and Scylla would have 2 kill me 2 get THAT-BOY back here ever again, with her and her horrific family. I think all the proofs R mounting up, don’t any of U, my claims on blogs, the television show, the recent Hollywood movies, and now Scylla’s newest release, what else 2U Missourians want B4U believe me, my soul???????????????????????? That is hub’s territory if U want 2 take biblical verses seriously. Still the great smoking cat knows those numbers well, right Copyright Office???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the persecution does not stop, it is time 4 me 2 tell the King’s that I need 2 go and meet the boss over some business matter, and just sit in the casino parking garage and let NATURE take its Magnesonician course, BRO, off my back jags!!!! At least I won’t kill him or go running off 2 pig sty Arturo. But if the ground shakes again, U have only U2 blame, oh U of worthless disgraceful shame. May life and death hold this 4U, a living hell and a dead one 2. May empty black B all UC, a drifting soul that’s never free, in a nightmare through eternity. Hard 2 believe that I wrote that horrid curse letter 2 an ex neighbor, well, maybe indeed, this is Y they believed I was capable of being like the rest of my diseased Long Island cousins. Who can really know? I know that the SSA did not seem 2 want 2 investigate the reported fraud regarding my poor so-called deceased mother. I do know she gave me some kind of reason even back then 2 wonder if I really had a daughter. She would not let go with that annoying spiel. I also know I am fighting a force so huge that it is not gonna B beatable, I have only enough time 2 send this blog up 2 blogger dot com, so let it B. (End of Blog).

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