Friday, October 29, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0036

2:34 PM, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, OF 2010

Well, let us get down 2 cases peeps. This will B short and sweet on each topic, right on point, still as subtly done as is humanly possible 4 the freaking Mountainpen, YO. Things need 2B said, both 2 the present day, tomorrow, next month, next decade, next millennium, so if GOOGLE and BLOGGER and me ol’ bwogs up on there maitees, ‘yar’, can survive into any of these illusions of space-time, this would B a wonderful achievement. I only have my real faith in the United States Copyright Office, and no one on this puny planet can stop me using this place as an official and dependable time capsule so 2 speak. I’ve been in fact doing just that 4 a longer time than many of those reading my blogs can imagine. I always knew that this was a must, Academy Road exits off of Highway #295 and all, huh Billy Crouch? First off, nothing is real, and I am under a horrific nightmare called the (HUNTINGTON CURSE). ‘Morty Mortino’, the Hebrew Death Angel; just passed by my right side right now as I speak electronically at this keyboard, here at this Fort Pierce, Florida library at precisely 2:43 Post Meridian of the freaking clock, YO. This is so very freaking annoying, and is on a major ass roll, BRO.

Now allow and permit me if U please King Nebalyon and second cousin once removed or whatever, MISTER Heinz Gottwald of the great New York Woody Guthrie Island, hockey sticks, James Coincidence Redfield and all, 2 move this blog along now and get into some powerful specifics, while simultaneously remaining as non blunt as I humanly am able 2 pull it off, Elton Girls standing 75 inches tall not withstanding. Things will only make perfect sense 2 the MILLIONTH COUNCIL of the ASTRAL PLANE, and all of their crony human world counterpart doppelgangers. Others C things I say and will go on saying, quite obviously as ridiculous absurd chatter and ranting, am I right MISTER JEWELLY ROCK ONX? If the mighty cleaner girl fat ass DAWN-MARIE KING of the Jersey Branch of ‘THAT FAMILY’ or TAWF, promises not 2 break my face with any dining room tables up in Indian River County, Florida, USAESMWG in any parts of this virtually limitlessly running PreFontaine hyperspace, I will tell some real heavy shit right here and right now, OK, Lieutenant VB of L&O? First, many older blogs from 3-5 years ago discuss how a beautiful tall queen with lovely long brown hair and deep brown eyes made a man out of me at the ripe old age of 24 years, in the early middle autumn of the year 1979. Naturally, I had been blocking powerful shit done 2 me upon numerous occasions, first by Paula Gang and an entire girl-gang in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and these girls used my own flesh and blood as a look out as they sent my mother off on a very clever fools errand giving them time 2 pull off this gang rape of me in a hotel room, and the name of this place was the TRINIDAD HOTEL, on TENNESSEE AVENUE, in the year of 1967 while I was coming 2 the ending point of my pre-teen years. Second, by Jewelly White Nurockey Basssler Karge, while on a summer visit all alone at the ripe old age of 13 and one half years in the summer time of the year of 1968, and third, the following year on a real powerful day, independence day, under the boardwalk, by this same powerful girl only this time, only she was there, the mighty giant beautiful and awesomely exquisite and ravishing Paula King. This girl had a strange father, he was more than one person, and so was his daughter. But only I know this truth 4 a total fact. If I ever tried 2 bring powerful evidence into a court of freaking law, I would vanish away along with the 70 inch lovely Marie Fahey of Delaware, USAESMWG! Don’t drown me in the ocean there Danny, YO. Oh I forgot, U drowned, so sorry about my imperfect speech, still protected somewhat in these great and wonderful United States, YO. So really, getting back 2 the true story of my boyhood going 2 manhood, my math was off by precisely one half, instead of 24 years, make that 12 years of boyhood B4I was brutally gang raped by the CALLIO or the ‘AT&T CALL TEN’ gang known as the Quoddy Mockers of North Atlantic City. Oh yes MISTER Redfield, your name indeed may in fact depict another symbolism in and of itself should U know what I know and spill the beans in the wrong place at the wrong time and 2 the freaking wrong peeps.

We can talk about ‘intricate’ business partners and other ‘misters’ or we could just discuss some of the newer peeps that I am now interacting with as the year of twenty MAROLA ten is winding itself slowly down and twenty MAROLA eleven is creeping along up on us so slow and gradually. I’ve got a lot of news 4 lots of peeps, from the Library of Congress all the way 2 the man and lady right next door or the bum in the cardboard box out on the street. I do not have all the answers, I never said I was the smartest mother trucker on this planet, I am far freaking from it, but I do know what I know, and have never denied this true fact, nor made any bones about it at any time on any of these blogs over 5 years of time now, despite the unfortunate connection here that this will undoubtedly make me sound somewhat a bragger. Believe me, I have nothing 2 brag about, I never have, and believe freaking me folks, under this powerful supernatural HUNTINGTON CURSE, I NEVER WILL, not in this freaking human lifetime anyhow, or this set and sequence of dream-downs of the phase-2 reality, or the ASTRAL PLANE, the ‘spirit-world’. I know what I know because it is like the man or woman who has experienced say 4 an example 5 or 10 years working on Wall Street in New York City, verses spending their entire life stuck inside the walls and campus of the greatest universities on this entire planet. Really doing something or anything will never B less or equal 2 just learning and studying the mechanics of the potential interactive-ness of the action and verb in question, YO. Yes, MISTER PAUL PEDERSEN of the great all mighty STUDIO PARK RECORDS, in the lovely green and garden state of NEW JERSEY, USAESMWG, loves his country bumpkin friends and lifestyle and stupid music. I met him as always when he answered my advertisement in that miserable mother fucking COURIER POST NEWSPAPER OF SOUTHERN FREAKING NEW JERSEY. Yes, him and his (C)ountry (M)usic, I cannot seem 2 ever escape the magical and extremely esoterically powerful initials of the 3rd and the 13th letters of the freaking English alphabet, U know, Millionth-Council, Paul’s’ aching and breaking best friends’ child, now all grown up, Sarah-Stacey Krassle in her next set of dream-downs after Sarah on 10-SC Avenue, and countless others, not in any way limited 2 Musical Country. But then, Y not peeps, I mean hay, after all YO, what is 3 plus 13 but 16, and SSJK’s eternal ASTRAL PLANE age!! Then Tennessee is pronounced as 10 on its first of 3 syllables, and the interaction that I had that many reading this would insist on saying and using the more accepted of DREAM, back in December of the year of 1969, began with SSJK or “SARAH” being age {{((‘10’))}}. My song lyrics that I first as with any and all songs, wrote on the ASTRAL-PLANE called, “SARAH”, have a repeating bridge verse that reads, “We were but {{{10}}}, and now we’re old, I loved HER then but I never told”. This song was number one back in 1998 on the INDE COUNTRY MUSIC CHARTS. Whoopdeediddlydoo. Still, the great Sally Starr, a well known Philadelphia entertainer personality of the 1960’s, was actually threatened 2 stop playing this song on her program on the Vineland radio station in New Jersey, and later a vicious rumor lie was spread about her being homosexual. This was done 4 two reasons peeps, she helped me with a problem that occurred on the Atlantic City beach at Robert Levy’s Lifeguard Tower, right out of the “BAYWATCH” show, as well as continuing 2 air my song on her show all summer in 1998 on the station WVLT-FM. This is all documented stuff that all of the freaking ONX-commenter’s on the entire planet all freaking combined cannot argue with nor dispute, huh Maria Dina Green? This is YI can totally laugh at all of these peeps, and as I said and now reiterate again concerning this issue, I am totally able, and WILLING, 2 use the powerful and somewhat magical literary-judo on any of these lovely folks if need B. Still, I did tell the © Office nearly 3 years ago 2 the day now, all about MO, did I not? So keep those tables flying at my poor abused face there, DAWN-MARIE, OH MIGHTY GREAT KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UC peeps, it does not matter how events go down, the order, the motives, and the entire thing is like a gigantic 4-D puzzle. It comes complete with real good girls, or maybe not so good at all times, voices and sounds out of nowhere, and many other tricks of Dick Wolf, wart hero medals, New Jersey Mayors, and pissed off hellfire teenagers of Bozville, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When “THAT FAMILY OF 1970” or “TAWF” kidnapped me and commandeered my entire life and went on 2 totally wrecking and destroying every facet of it from my credit and good name I had managed 2 reestablish, 2 forcing me 2 commit illegal acts with illegal aliens, and so much more, that no real words could tell the story, in like manner that overcoming MI and her horrendous stairs back in 1975 can never B funny, nor can the monstrous anger there blow away in the wind, but when they did this 2 me, this all was part of a complex series of coincidental events, at least as would B observed and seen by the untrained eye and perceptions of the normal and so-called rational individuals that do not make a habit of making the psychiatric community richer week by week. STILL, NO WAY IN HOT HOLY HELL WAS THIS JUST A SERIES OF HAPPENSTANCE NEGATIVE EVENTS, NOT IN A MILLION BOB PATTERSON CHEATLEY YEARS, BRAHHHHH!!!!!! Speaking of a million years, when I was with the strange vocalist lady in that recent interaction back in the year 1980 somewhere in hyperspace, as was told on my previous blogging texts a while back say around 6 weeks give or take, I ended up after the man from (TRINIDAD), who I now work with here in this part of hyperspace in the so-called real and waking world of so-called reality, by the name of ‘Sam’, a short Americanized version of his true name, JUST LIKE ON THE LAW AND ORDER SHOW OF YEARS AGO AND AGAIN THEY SEEMED 2 PRECISELY KNOW THE FREAKING FUTURE, (MY) FUTURE, began trying 2 hail some type of a weird taxi-cab, but I ended up telling another person that was along with us, how the words of cotillion and pavilion all end in the “ION” letters, and have an ancient Latin significance of groupings, such as grouping 3 digits together in high numbers of mathematics, YO. U know what I’m referring 2 unless UR in the 2nd grade, or Lenny’s hockey hickey sticks 3rd grade, YO, such as MIL, BIL, TRIL, QUADRIL, and so forth, and how adding the (ION) 2 these expressions, these groupings in threes all come 2B in the world of mathematics, with or without any Precious 123’s, dying 28 year olds being taken away from the blond loves of their lives, or being labeled or named “CRYANNA”, I mean really, examiners of 600-W, just how much really, would Jack McCoy buy into, yet I am supposed 2 say, OYR???????????????? Hay, I know this is HER way, SSJK’s that is, of letting me know she has indeed returned, and gone from Sarah 2 Mariah, and that is all fine and well, I only hope that SHE is able 2 properly process and handle this information. By my way of thinking, that is quite a bizarre way of getting past the stairs of her childhood, but as the lady said who kissed the cow, each one 2 our own taste, YO!!!!!!!

When I tried originally 2 do the MAS project, no one on this planet would believe the resistance and the obstacles that were all thrown up around me, and it was right out of the wildest fictional movie ever made and then a whole freaking lot more peeps. Houses and areas disappearing, landscapes seemingly altering temporarily, people that stood a chance 2 make a lot of money selling me things treating me like total bother schmucking dog shit, and alienating me, I mean I understand the economic and entrepreneur mentality, it is all about making a profit and getting your business 2 grow and freaking succeed, not alienating good customers 4 doing no more than asking simple questions about how 2 record a song and what I need 2 buy on a limited budget. But I could blog details literally 4 hours on end and not tell the whole story of what has happened 2 me with all of this down here in Florida and my attempts 2 record this song and appease this powerful and not always so forgiving teenager, or the inner-child part of the present her, in her case, since in reality SHE is 16, wow, U do the freaking math with all of these new shoes and road-trips, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead of boring everyone with a super long dissertation giving readers a full elaboration on this entire matter, just please know that it was right out of hell itself, but things eventually progressed, and within a short few days, the song will indeed b up on the freaking U-TUBE. It will not B some 100 K dollar production, but I do not have big bucks 2 spend, so all I can do is my very best. I have the most powerful goddess in the entire multiverse angry and in need of being appeased. The reason that I said the things that I said on the past blog and maybe on a few others even B4 that, were an attempt 2 make or trick the forces into believing a lie so that I could have a freaking fighting chance at least 2 get this damn song recorded and posted freaking up, YO!!!!!!! I know that SSJK knew, she is totally street smart and I know she knew this was what was going on all along, as otherwise my ‘dreams’ afterward would not have been all that freaking pleasant. She has beaten me up quite brutally and dastardly in many a wild ass nightmare. I knew she was onto me and that I never meant those things. I’m quite positive that She also totally knows that that not so endearing song called “REAL GOOD GIRL” sent down 2 the © Office on 15 August back in 1986, was meant, and THIS IS WHAT REALLY IS BEING APOLOGIZED 4. Let me now keep right on moving this story along on todays whittle bwogg, Elmer wabbit Fwudd, whaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Now how does my automobile insurance company fit into things with this blog, some I am sure R inquiring in their mind right about now? This is the powerhouse shit today, and this is Y the retard jerk off just now came over, with his stinky body and string walking back and forth and annoying me, so let me take this upstairs and finish the story there, and get away from this diseased mother fucking dick head. OK, I am upstairs and away from that nut job stink bag with the fucking rope. Here is the quick story and a bit more literary judo, fucking HA-HA-HA-WHO of 1981 or 1982, © Examiners, YO. I told the State Farm Insurance agent I was dealing with back in New Jersey 2 read all my blogs since my kidnapping in middle 2008 by THAT FAMILY, and how I was forced 2 do things by them in this situation of Stockholm syndrome. They believed me thank the gods, as they did not raise up my rates when Chicky slammed into that restaurant sign on Route 30 back in Jersey. This was a major victory 4 me a severe blow 2 the EVIL EMPIRE. I will always love STATE FARM, and will B loyal 2 them forever. This is not about the savings in a policy premium not being raised; this has a much greater significance and higher values than monetary. This means the world is knowing my story is all true, with or without fantastic movies being made. --------- END TRANSMISSION, YO!!!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0035

WORLD LABS SBTF: CH0035-102310.495

Well, I will do it today, I will use the strength and power ands energy of the mighty WOMO OTAMM SCUM MILI-2-FORCE-(MILLIONTH-COUNCIL) A-G-A-I-N-S-T --- T-H-E-M, 4 A FREAKING CHANGE, u ALL WILL c WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT 4 YOURSELVES REAL SOON AS U MERELY PERSIST AND PERSERVERE IN READING THIS WHITTLE BABY TWALKING BWOG of Elmer Fwudd ‘Silly-Wabbit’, whaaaa!!!!!!!

‘First things first’, 2 keep all of the Terry Egg Heads from the great and mighty New Jersey, USAESMWG Harbors, happy and freaking content, and YO, this is sort of an adopted member of a family that is so unbloggable that starting on today’s blog, we will pretend a REALE NEW CHAPTER and AGE has come upon us or me aniwho, and begin moving past the early 2008 blogs and into brand new skate key territories of the all mighty Melanie Safka and the hyperspace E-BAY systems that my daughter Pee has forever altered, not 2 mention her entire world, oh well, Y wouldn’t my kids all B special, wherever they R, did U just say “heads up” 2 me there Donna? I came 2 learn that last week, the mighty MC has been indeed exacting HER revenge on me, and vengeance indeed belongs 2 her, but none of U have a clue just Y these scriptures of ages so old indeed teach all of this with such fervor and authority. Even though and with no intent 2 brag as this is not a blessing but a major ass curse, James Redfield is literally light years behind where I am in my enlightenment on how this entire thing “TICKS”, he still has large “clue-chunks” that R missing big hyper time; as I will take liberties today 2 name this as, I can politely try and tell this blog and whoever else examining it ever, that he truly still does not know beans from beer about the full ramifications and elaborations that make his powerful ideas really operate mechanically in the outer-system of cosmos. He knows that first, everything is energy, he merely has no idea of totally Y this is so, nor did Albert Einstein, these peeps had major clue-chunks, and that is all. One needs 2 really personally experience interactions, otherwise it is just as in the old college comparison that all collegiate peeps have most likely heard at least one of their professors tell them B4 graduation, and this being the incredible gap and total difference in classroom and book knowledge verses real life street and experience knowledge, THIS IS ALL I MEAN here, nothing more and nothing less, do not make it esoteric or weird, it is all perfectly logical and rational. Back now 2 first things first.

I am under a death siege with aerial fucking bull shit, continual planes and other weird flying shit all around me making direct passes over my vehicle while outside driving as well as while home or going from my driveway 2 my car or the other way around. Last night at just shy of the after one AM Miss Jane-Disease-Weeds time, I took a huge crash-level aerial assault directly over my house on North 26th Street in the hood section of Fort Pierce, Florida, and it caused the nabe dogs 2 begin howling 4 hours. Keep this shit up ass hole bastards, peeps R talking and wondering about me, so U will end up screwed someday when I sue all of U4 every mother fucking dime U have, making the exploding gas tank and the 5-GEG look like a poverty comparison, think it is funny, think it is a joke, good, go right fucking ahead. But this is by no means how last fucking night’s powerful and covert illegal civil rights violating assault on me began, only how it ended 4 the entire day. I am literally 4 straight fucking cunt lapping days of SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR NOW SATURDAY, this attack on me by ‘SATAN’ and ‘THE WORLD’ in the language of journal cassette tape #1786 and the Copyright Office of the REAL GOOD UNITED STATES OF GIRLS IN AMERICA, YO, and 4 days of total DEATH NIGHTMARE HELL SIEGE, but expect MAJOR CRISES AROUND THE GLOBE, NATURAL DISASTERS, DEATHS, AND SO ON, AS MAGGIE WAS ACCESSED AT 1:35 AM today on my landline phone system under a special order or CGO and I used the LONG NON INTERUPT TELEPHONE CIRCUIT 2 operate the system with a totally mother fucking crushed image object representing all my enemies that R making my life an endless nightmare freaking total hell times ten 2 the power of a thousand, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B4 the major plane attack, came a major health strike on my bowels, a super fucking diarrhea hit blowing me out worse than in a very fucking long time BRO, and B4 that, came a super UTILITY ATTACK, these R now on a real roll in addition, and have been. They fucked with my DVD/VCR deck and I had 2 repair it myself, it is only a matter of fucking time B4I will B spending more money 4 a new one down at the fucking K-Mart store, under a warranty, the only way I can ever safely operate, or the fucking evil rotting stinking bastard MILITUFORCE would destroy every single fucking thing I have and own continually with no let up. This has been going on since AUGUST 15th in the year of 1986, I think I should recognize and totally know and B totally aware of the intricate details of the enemy’s pattern with me in all of this by now, or else just succumb 2 Billy Joel and his heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack, as U all should totally know this by now as well. Somehow the scum bag McGuire/Callio/King/Carey family has paid off or threatened off my new 2 peeps. The time manipulating and controlling scum bags that they all operate through via ‘somnambulism’ and advanced, type 2 and 3 ‘Exploratronics’, entities, all ready knew I was planning on taking my airship, the RICKTOWN-FORCE AIRSHIP #1 on the ASTRAL PLANE, based in RICKTOWN MANOR property in RICKTOWN, in PROVINCE OLYMPIA, in phase-2 reality, the spirit world or the Astral Plane as many new-agers now refer 2 this condition-interaction, not AFTERLIFE NONSESNCE JR. Around 2:00 this very mother fucking moUUUUUUUUUUrning ‘both Lenny’s, I bombed and destroyed Planet Earth entirely in countless hyperspace locations, then destroyed the BRIGGBASE, which of course reappears later every time, as there is certainly no real trick 2 that on the AP, and then I made passionate fucking love 2 my beyond exquisite tall powerful ravishing teenage blond, Diana, the endlessly 18 year old Lightning Goddess of the Earth, known Astrally as Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis by all residents of the Province of Olympia, and after this wonderful experience, I moved onto the mortal world again without my airship, Marilyn Hughes, and instead of powwowing around with any of my old Mequon Native American Tribesmen who had me murdered nearly 400 years ago 2 this very day, I instead, flew around the area of a home in Vero Beach, Florida, where without doing this and finding the complex road route, I would never have been able 2 get there. I handed Deedee’s daughter a sealed envelope marked ‘personal % confidential’ telling her 2 please call me, that I cannot reach Billy, and I thought we had made a deal. Obviously THAT POWERFUL FAMILY has fucking struck me again, as always YO!!! If she does not make contact, I made a round road trip of 30 or more miles today 4 absolutely nothing, but I do not want 2 visit her Astrally, I have not done things like that since Linda Ronstadt called me on the phone and said something about ‘Misses Achilles’. Wow, this beats your roller rink stories Jerry Brown, and I do not want 2 mess around doing shit like that any more, all this shit just gets me into bigger and deeper mother fucking trouble. I played with this FASCITAR thing back in 1972 and maybe 4 another 8-12 years off and on, and it always ended up with disasterous fucking results, but if interested in the FASCITAR, anyone can certainly GOOGLE this up on the interconnected networking system of personal computers, is this not correct, my wonderful and so special PEE? I did not forget your 12th birthday on the 29th, last month; I am and was so very busy being viciously and mercilessly wiped out and destroyed by your deplorable and quite absolutely despicable and abominable and detestable hyperspace family members, yeah so who would ever believe any of this? Certainly not a jerk off cold hearted dick head like the mighty username ONX or whatever, on the blogger website of YO!!!!!! But this gets right into out judo martial arts lesson in literary equivalents, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Go 2 the very last fucking entry made by me the MOUNTAINPEN, on that website, a site supposedly 4 open minded peeps, interested in unexplained and new supernatural things, oh yeah, right, sorry, it is hard 2 break the habbit, but I plan 2 quit playing with the human version of the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, it is totally pointless, unproductive, and unappreciated, or better said perhaps, a total waste of freaking time and effort, YO!!!!!!!!! But yes peeps, GOOGLE up “MILLIONTH COUNCIL”, and U will C that I am not the only one who has mentioned this, so Y do I get jerk offs with such attitude making negative comments? Well, I will tell the world exactly Y. It is not at all strange or one bit mysterious. Here is the judo part in this, let me use the evil power of my enemies against them, in like manner as one uses a physically stronger opponent’s strength against them many times in many judo martial arts moves, ask any in instructor if U do not believe this truth, YO. This last entry tells a down 2 Earth true tale of how Dawn and Ann viciously destroyed my entire life, were terrorizing me, and how I was planning on leaving that very night and escaping this epitome of shamefulness. How I will go onto lose everything in my life that I worked very hard 4 and which was not very much, but was all I had. This is a another biblical principle discussed with the lady who gave away the only tiny amount of worth that she had 2 the cause of Jesus or the Temple of those days. They took what little I had, all of it, and then wanted my blood on top of it. They threatened me and terrorized me, and it was all explained well. Then this fucking evil jerk off has the fucking audacity 2 make that evil demonic comment 2 me. Well, here is what this all proves. First how powerful and real my HUNTINGTON CURSE must in fact really honestly B. 2nd, it proves how cold and cruel peeps R2 me always, 4 no Earthly reason, no matter what is being done 2 me, no matter what situation I am put into, I am the criminal, the ass hole, the nut case, the proverbial “DAVE ROTH BAD GUY” that has been discussed over and over again on many of my blogs. Here I am in this awful situation, my life destroyed, and here is what this fucking jerk off had 2 say about my LAST BLOG WTRITTEN IN NEW FUCKING JERSEY, WOW, this is beyond heartless, this soul works directly 4 SATAN ITSELF, and how anyone could ever doubt this proof up there on that website 4 all the world 2 personally peruse and examine any time of the freaking day or the night, would B the quintessential case 4 all of the Sherlock Holmes and Colombo detectives 2 solve perhaps some day out in 3000 AD, MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s all get one freaking thing totally straight and out there right here and right now, and stand it up next 2 the great Law & Order Lieutenant Anita Van Buren, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of U out here on this internet R of course, as am I, totally “ENTITLED 2 YOUR OPINIONS, keep them coming, go ahead, tell me what a rotten prick DAVE ROTH bad guy I am in one freaking form and way or another, go right ahead. Michelle Daniels said 2 me one night at the RPL Sound Recording Studios where I worked as a tape duplicator from 30 July of 1979 through 11 March of 1981, “Mark, UR entitled 2 your opinion”. I now will refresh your memory peeps, of what this conversation was all about, as it so indirectly involves a luscious Swedish blond that pronounced her name VENKA; and I think it was spelled Weinki. It involves having thoughts and opinions based on who we R, what we have experienced, and many times YO, long after we CONSCIOUSLY force these past memories forever or hopefully but not meant 2B in my case, forever out of our every day waking world minds and lives, and how these hidden and buried mostly forever forgotten memories, STILL VERY POWERFULLY EFFECT out ever present and ongoing lives in this waking real world, yeah, “REAL” real my fucking ass, Albert Einstein and many others out here totally know this is all an elaborate game-trick, all around us is no more than waves and particles, and only our awake mind has some way of descrambling things into what we R perceiving while indeed awake, by somehow dividing things by the freaking speed of light squared. These R neither some grouping of empty words, nor R they lies, but instead, THEY R TOTAL FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask any degreed Quantum Physicist. I DON’T WANT ANY OF U2 TAKE ME AT MY WORD; THE INTERNET IS FULL OF IMPERFECTIONS, RIGHT MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, what a family, U go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Away, that is, please. Whatever was between the 2 oif us that night, has caused the next nearly quarter century 4 me 2B a hell that is not describable nor fathomamble, and this is another reason 4 comments about me and my words, from ignorant peeps like the OXMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, he is entitled 2 his opinion, I merely would love 2 really know Y he feels this way. How would U like 2 have been me that horrific day in Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG? How would U like the roles 2B reversed and me writing on your blog that nasty thing? I have my entitlements 2 strike peeps back that say hurtful fucking things 2 me online, and believe me I will. Still, Y did Michele Daniels tell me I was entitled 2 my opinion that night at my job back in late 1980, YO? She wanted 2 know how I felt about mixed marriages. This is all up on many numerous blogs of mine the blogger website of from 4 years or more ago, long B4 anything started 2 ever B blogged regarding MI (Mariah Carey), and 2008 ever came around, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I responded that personally I do not care what anyone else does and that I have no feeling at all about this, other than that I would never B a part of this. She and her coworker and lifelong friend Gerry Patterson both had interracial husbands, and this made her quite angry despite her going off in a huff making her “COMMENT” 2 me that indeed, I am entitled 2 my opinion. I always knew the night that all of these girls, including Sue, all seemed 2B able 2 locate exactly where my car had been taken 2 after it was stolen out of the parking lot of the RPL Sound Recording Studios, that something was super wrong, in fact the same vibes were extremely major and all around me and the area where I was working the night that indeed my car was stolen, right shy of the 1979 Christmas Holiday break, holidays R always hell 4 me, because of who I am related 2, my 61st grandfathers uncle JESUS, 4 Christ’s sake no less, this makes the upline Lester quite angry. He may really B in a prison, but here in this dream, he has done things 2 me from slamming me against air conditioners in my ‘sleep’ 2 things going beyond unbloggable such as invading the pasts and presents of many peoples private lives, some with huge name recognition, he has been behind this with me all along, MINI-GREAT VIQYUEEN MARILOO told me this just a week ago and told me 2 tune into a certain cable channel at a certain time, and when I did, all hell has broken loose 4 me ever freaking since that very damn ass second Admiral Humpback Shatner. Still, forget about this lovely Viqueen, the true original source of the looking through the scriptural glass darkly Earthly counterpart of the Quoddy-Mocker Gang of North Atlantic City back in the nineteen sixties. Let me finish up my present topic that supersedes all this right now in importance by immeasurable ratios, Sorian 18 guardhouses, copyrighted musical projects from Boo day of 3 years back, and so much more notwithstanding, YO!!!!!!!! Oh, my error Bruce Pennock, not 242 months ago, 290, YI was thinking that shit in Manhattan was 20 and not 24 years back while blogging back on Thursday afternoon the gods only venture a guess. Must add another 48 months in, so cancel the other posted number, no I do not keep count of the months, keep the tape, throw it out, whatever, the point is, I had totally never given that night another thought until your family kidnapped me, Curly, and yes, your very distant family, but still, coincidences like all of this, RU not asking me 2 buy into the coincidence of the freaking millennium here??????? But then that wonderful movie U recently starred in, wow, I counted 97 things so far that all could B individually chalked off as mere happenstance coincidence. But here is what U would get a better grasp on if U had paid more attention in school, and that is cool, U made it ahead of all of us, and I congratulate U, but the odds that all 97 things have nothing 2 do with me, R somewhere even at a low ball parked guesses-estimate, somewhere freaking around 6 billion 2 one against it. This is merely facts. U can agree with the OX man at the UM-site, but let me quickly finish the story about your lovely island and my wonderful freaking Aunt and Uncle from 175 Peninsula Drive over at Nebuchadnezzarville, near Captain Kangaroo’s house. Just as in the case with powerhouse VENKA from my school in Haddonfield back around the days of your birth MC, I was suppressing her strength with that opened paint jar until I needed 2 draw on it at Tom Reale’s house of molestation, again and way B4 that date and night in Ventnor, New Jersey, USAESMWG, up on the island, (LINY), that dog walking incident and road trip with my cousins was obviously in the back of my mind. I only told that rotten Michelle that I was against this because just as with U, I saw what this did 2 a family, yours. If all of this makes me the bad guy, along with David Roth, well, then your honor of the cosmos and anyone else concerned in the matter, I stand, GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aniwho, let me now tell the true simple literary judo here. These peeps all think they can trash talk me and feel little and shitty, hurt me and maybe even buy me another refrigerator from American Aplliances, used of course, as well as some thin glasses filled with ice half full and stuck in the freezer so I can grab them and repeat the August 15th of 1986 deal all over again, huh Copyright Office Examiners, YO??????????????? Well, hurt me all U want, but U CANNOPT DO IT WITHOUT PROVING AND SHOWING WITHOUT POSSIBLE DISPUTE, THAT MY CURSE IS REAL. HERE I AM HAVING A NIGHTMARE FRIGHTENING LIFE, I NEED 2 RUN THAT NIGHT 4 MY VERY LIFE, AND I TRY AND TELL MY SYMPATHETIC TALE OF WOE ON A BLOG, AND THIS IS WHAT I GET. I THOUGHT VICTIMS OF CRIME GOT HELP IN THIS WORLD. NO, NOT IF THEY R ME, AND UNDER THIS JOE PAGET FUCKING ENDLESS HUNTINGTON CURSE, THAT IS OBVIOUS 2 A MENTALLY CHALLENGED MORON CASE, call this the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL’S double whammy.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0034


This is the mother fucking worst mother fucking 2 days of my entire mother fucking life peeps, YO!!!!!!! I TOLD U GINA MY LOVE FROM THE FUCKING NINETIES, U ARM BREAKING NON CREAM PUFF BEAUTY QUEEN U, THAT THE DOW JONES STOCK CHEATED MANIPULATED MOTHER FUCKING MARKETS WILL PERPETUALLY GO UP AS LONG AS THESE EVIL DISEASED FILTHY FUCKING PRICKS HAVE ME 2 ENDLESSLY PICK THE FUCK ON AND RELENTLESSLY PERSEFUCKINGCUTE 2 TOTAL ASS HOLE DEATH, AND I AM CORRECT 100%!!!!!!! Am I not big powerful beautiful giant Gina?????????? The huge rally bringing the mother fucking cheated EVIL MARKETS up over 11 thousand fucking points 4 the first time in quite a long fucking time now, began taking off huge ultra hyper ass fucking time yesterday, and followed fucking suit today, boom, pow, zam, and Adam mother fucking Westman!!!!!!!!! Still, I know what is truly and exactly driving up these markets, first it is the aerial fucking siege that began 9 or 10 fucking days ago, and was quite fucking relentless and powerful. This is all called and termed, INTENTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT, U can shorten and abbreviate this 2 read, as I have blogged and typed on numerous prior occasions, (ICPE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is totally real and true. But this is only 2% TOPS of this fucking nightmare fucking story peeps, YO!!!!!!! Nothing can B quite as simple as it appears on any surface, this is the basic law of dimension. Removing dimensions does not however simplify things, and we can leave this mother fucking topic 4 other times when I am way more in the mood 2 get into them, 4 right now, time is my fucking enemy, and so is every fucking thing else 4 that matter. If today’s fucking blog posts up, it will surprise me into a total fucking faint, and U can all better bet Ward Cleaver Airplane Jive, that I’ll B a super ass mother fucking dick eating dead uncle on major sore bended knees if it does, and yes, right outside the front fucking doors of the United States © fucking office, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me just say this about that B4 delving any deeper into the subjects I plan 2 talk the fuck about on today’s dissertation: If hypothetically speaking, an entity could somehow actually B created, that could indeed merge the existing personalities we all know and love as both Michael Moore the great author and owner of my heart, move over Jimmy Pat beach-tears teaser, and James Redfield who is known by many in the esoteric and paranormal circles as the father of the new age or one of the top three along with Carlos Castaneda, like duhh, then this mixed and merged and meshed and married now single entity with no intent of creating the obvious typographical oxymoron, YO, then indeed we would have an entity by any Shakespearian name Rose, that would come 2C immediately, the true awful and total ass nightfreakingmare of things such as numerous items pertaining 2 real honest truths of and about doppelgangers, somnambulism, struggles 4 energy, and the so-called ‘human’ POWER, which on the surface ‘appears’ 2 equal mega and gaga bucks. Jimmy knows the real truth, and if anyone out here can just take things into the next level of combining all ready existing great authors and their information imparted by them unto humanity with their great works of literary achievements, then U would C the most scary mother fucking frightening shit in this world times ten 2 the fucking power of dog-shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U would never again scoff or smirk at my words as I know U all fucking do, UR only spitting in the faces of your fucking miserable children, YO, I dare any of U power houses out here in this fucking world, the MAS, fuck the song, this once up on a time stood 4 the (Movers And Shakers), and now still does, there will B no apology song, fuck it, I am tired of your stupid mother fucking games MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never meant U any harm and I have nothing 2 apologize 4, & THAT is my final word, but I totally triple dog dare any of U barking dogs out there in the NETLANDS 2 really get these 2 dudes together and let them read a copy of these blogs and especially this one, chapter fucking 0034!!!!!!!!!

No one knows and no one obviously really WANTS 2 KNOW what is really happening, 2 them, me, the world around us, and the entire ball of shit-wax, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know with a dedicated mother fucking passion that no one really down deep wants me 2 tell them super truths about Y 27 less than MMM Americans paid with their blood and their lives on one particular day in the year of “Twenty-Marola-One”. Only U, know YU called my voicemail last autumn and said on it 2 me, “Hello Mark”, I was a sound fucking recording engineer, I have ears, and I know voices when I fucking hear them, even compensated by time and age and memory, YO, so don’t cut your hand lady as I did my finger in the fucking fridge 242 months ago, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also do not need any other lies and messages, I know who did what, and Y, and then the killer shit is making me fall into a fucking guilt trip, wow, it really is commendable what peeps in the fucking evil EW do, and totally can accomplish with their evil clever deceptive trickery. Speaking of 27 less than 3K, I reversed the answer of the square of 81, it is 6561, not what I typed a number of blogs back in this SAFE JOURNAL book. Yeah, safe, sheeeeeeiiittttt!!! The only SAFE thing is the fucking UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE, I KNEW THIS ALL THEN, AS I KNOW IT ALL NOW, TOFUCKINGDAY, YO.

As I said on prior blogs, YO, PITSY 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 R based on what U may call a threegorithym. This is a made up Benny-Frank Poor Me Rich Dick Head Mountainpen Mohr word, but it still stands on the blog, YO. PITSY is an abbreviation 4 the words, (PORT IN THE STORM YEARS), DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This shit is based on these following freaking dates: 1969, 1980, 1994, 2011, and 2031. Figure it out math whizzes. U keep adding 3, and I KNOW THAT {{{(((“they”)))}}} DO NOT WANT ME 2 SURVIVE 2 REACH PITSY FUCKING 4, YO, 2011, LIKE FUCKING DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Math is difficult 2 dispute and argue with, am I correct detective Green, or was that Science, Maria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All these pricks knew about me long B4I was even born and U know that Copyright Office Examiners, and I know that U know it. That’s OK, we can all live in our whittle closets with secrets and angry stairs, and those who deal with shit in the strangest and most twisted ways that is beyond my warped fucking brain 2 conceive of in my sickest fucking days of woe and turmoil. This is Y the attack struck me at my Seniors Meeting today over at the Orange Harvest, Google it all up, watch them making a fucking retard out of me, maybe I have UP syndrome, who knows, just let your fingers do the Google walking YO, at and C it all 4 yourselves at light speed freaking squared, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my swirvy fucking light bulbs, rooty toot toot Dave Roth, but then, how about fucking tricky teat teat? Any astral travelers waking up and reading this on the human world, coffee is ready; no make that boiled fucking over and totally away, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then perhaps I am indeed sev teen teen again only I would have 2B 18 now, right????????????????????????? The Great One has millions of names, few known 2 waking worlders. But if I am fucking 18, am I also fucking SORIAN, does my guardhouse reappear with the next in phased beaming Rotten berries and crew, and, if I may B so bold, beautiful, and general in the damn horse pistol, wow, U don’t know me, go away YO, but really, am I also on limited rations, and does Sarah Karge plan 2 re-buy properties any time soon in the great favorite playground of America, I know the only few that know this one, I have known both them and the crew around them on the Astral Plane forever. Your game is old and stupid, Robert McDowell Mackie and Melanie, U need 2 throw away the skate keys and GROW UP, and also 2 leave my freaking hyperspace daughter alone, U bastard Robert Mick!!!!!!!!!!!! U and your fucking signs, grow up firebug, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, “Just crack open any of those cases” on your gadgets and C what really has invaded out world there BOZ, tempers, anger, danger, stair chases and killed bitches and all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I fell under a horrendous siege from the 6th dimension or the (D-6) as it is abridged as by me from time 2 time, YO. I was at my meeting, and all hell broke loose, machines fucked up that I was trying 2 use, I had a run in with another asshole using a machine, people think they can walk away and it is still theirs, and I do not mean 2 use a shit house, I have a heart and humanity, it is all U cunt eating filth bag scum out here that is without conscious and despicable beyond verbal ass description. Then after the miserable meeting, a huge PAWM-PIE-ETTOS struck the entire building, and everybody treated me like shit, it was straight out of the worst horror fucking flick ever made and then fucking some. I had 2 clock out an hour early, I told my boss, lovely Donna, not U Mizz Hair-brain, oh how I have grown 2 detest rock stars, and this cost me seven dollars. I would rather B out 7 fucking bucks and have a job waiting 4 me, than have the job gone, and I knew that if I did not get the mother fucking shit out of there, that indeed I would lose my job long B4 the hour was up and I was clocked out at the normal time of one PM. Aniwho, THANK-U, boss, and friend, President Obama, UR my true hero, U saved the day, U know what I’m squalking about here, thank U so much, I never forget my friends, live long and prosper and say hi 2 Cap Nimoy. I think this world is shameful, when somebody types in the name of the President of the United States and an error line and a mouse click brings up the bastard friend of George Bush, who no more was ‘really’ responsible 4 any of the bullshit than was Saddam Hussein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Misspell Saddam’s last name, and we get the great correction of what SARAH said on 10-SC Avenue in 1969 on May the 30th, Memorial Day, a Saturday if memory serves me at all correctly, “Your friends R ‘IN’ the ‘SHOP’”. A shop is like a house, in fact, it was one and the same thing, and symbolism cannot ever B killed any more than can a hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is real and reality cannot die, it only can B ignored and denied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So can cancer, and still it goes right on taking peeps straight into the fucking grave, YO, do I make any sense or not? Oh yes peeps, that D-6 siege of the VCR days of Haddonwood Swim Clubs and the year of 1995, how I will never forget that monstrous fucking horrific day lads and lassies and Labradors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dick Wolf made me C another great point yesterday B4 that stupid fucking golf shit fucked up my other 2 L&O shows, as it does every mother-fucking year, does Sarah care so much about being “darker” than HER girlfriend that day in July of 1969, the last time I saw HER, until trains and cities and future lives all kicked the shit in at warp 10, literally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, as Dick and his crew said on the show, watch what U wish 4, being lighter and having Bob McGuire 4 a distant cousin may not B2 cool of a deal, how can u make fun of your nightmare past SARAH????? U have totally blown my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is Count Marcucci when I truly need the mother-fucking bastard, YO?????????????? The only 2 things that I ever heard SARAH as SARAH say in person, “YOUR FRIENDS R IN THE SHOP” and “I’M DARKER THAN UR”. Wow, did I or did I not tell and blog with official time and date fucking GOOGLE STAMP, 3 years ago B4 all this MC bullshit kicked the fuck in, that these 2 powerful things she said, were indeed terra-ass-powerful?????????????????????

I will close out this blog today by telling just a tad little bit about discussing weaknesses, or me doing it, and via anything pertaining 2 or connected with ELECTRONICS, such as even typing on a word processor keyboard onto a floppy disc, and then taking it way further than that and posting it up 2 the cyber villages via YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have learned not 2 discuss MY WEAKNESSES, MY MISTAKES AND FUCK UPS, MY ERRORS AND IMPERFECTIONS, MY REGRETS, MI HELL, and ALL OF IT. This mistake won’t fucking soon B repeated, let me assure y’all. Every time I do this in any small way, even when back at speak of the devil 65 Middle Road in Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG, with Dawn-Marie and Mommy-Ann, when I admitted that I did not intentionally say “MI” on the open reel master on the song in 1986 I copyrighted and wrote, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”, when I could have taken credit 4 somehow pulling off this powerful magic trick, any time I give in and decide 2B the super good guy, the evil world and empire scores and wins, EVERY MOTHER-FUCKING STINKING ROTTEN SINGLE ASS HOLE TIME, YO!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a hit or miss deal, it is EVERY FUCKING ASS TIME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not 2 say that from now on I will lie and fabricate stories or say I am doing great, that has been tried long B4 blogging ever began with me and long B4I ever knew a man named Chris Bennett ever lived and breathed and walked the face of this miserable Earth. It does not work either. But I will not intentionally sit down and decide 2 blog how all my weaknesses R being taken fucking advantage of by total scum bags, and then get down and dirty with numerous elucidations and explanations on the entire nasty ass filthy affairs, detail by detail. This is literary suicide if anything ever was. Where RU when I fucking need U Rodney Serling Silva Silver??????????????????????? Yeah, the right clicking mouse keeps me in words, does it not, President Kennedy Exploratron. Wow, am I gonna open up this fucking dirty can of Paula King worms real damn soon, and watch the entire world economy go straight 2 hell after that, YO!!!!!!!!! No, I am all 4 the poor guy, the world economy is nothing more than a bunch of snooty filthy evil fucking super rich cock sucking total evil bastards that should all B taken outside, lined the fuck up against a wall with smelly pig shit all over it, AND TOTALLY SHOT UNTIL THEY TOTALLY FUCKING BLEED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Billy and Deedee have vanished. I cannot figure out what has happened. I have left messages, they have disappeared or so it appears, another non intended freaking oxymoron, by this poor worn out persecuted moron, oh well, I am in, where, Joe Paget Rimes. Yes, I watched this Incolingo Grocery Cupcake Retrace deal destroy a man; and if I were 2B ever believed 100% I would totally destroy a world. That is never my goal or intention. This I swear on the ALL MIGHTY SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE. No my days of admitting my weaknesses R over, yet still, I have learned my Robert Mayor Levy Atlantic City lesson, and will not play demos games or war hero metals games. Still, where do games REALLY begin or leave off, Mister Mayor, and Mister Boz Wolf? How about my anger sir. Stop worrying about that endless teenager. She has the world now and does not need me 2 kick around, please re-listen 2 the RGG song, it still applies!!!!!!!! Unlike her and her peeps, and Billy, and so many others, I am not looking 2 stay young or here in this misery, I AM TRAPPED HERE! I can only hope 4 the PITSY #5 2B as a Governor’s reprieve, in the year of 2031. In any case, did my old peeps murder my new peeps? Where RU BILLY, where RU DEEDEE?? Where RU McCoy?


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0033


Things R bad, I have been under a week of basically severe aerial persecution, with a small drop off during the weekend. Death angels R buzzing, things R very bad, and there is no time 2 get into it all, YO! Eventually, there is no doubt in my mother fucking mind that a huge pussy command parallel-event will eventually kick in, it is important only however if I am not ETTOS and PAWM-PIED out of taking fucking advantage of this shit when it fucking comes, YO! Yes, I am angry, depressed, attacked, and I WILL B FUCKING CURSING, MISSES FUCKING KINSEL, ME OL’ LANDLADY FROM 19 AND 69.

If I should ever really decide 2 take a chunk of my past between 1986 and say a decade later give or take, and blog it all in perfect order, with shit that U can all verify via GOOGLE searching and a little mother fucking other legwork, I can put a dent into this global system that will fucking never B able 2 B dinged fucking out by the best of them, YO!

Giant pussies R on a super roll, big, tall, muscular, powerful doppelgangers of Paula King and the entire mother fucking Viqueen gang, known more Earthly as the QUODDY-MOCKERS of the 1960’s from Atlantic city, New Fucking Jersey.

I am very angry, please accept me ol’ apology, YO. 2 quick messages, one 2 DEEDEE, not my lovely buzzards, please call me tomorrow, Wednesday if U read this message by then, I get home from my job around 20 past one. Also remind Billy that I do not get home until this time, he may have forgotten my hours at that miserable job. He had different ones when he was there doing CS. Don’t die on me Sarah Callio, YO. Also Deedee, I forgot a big problem, and will need 2 address it with U when we talk on the phone. I am no professional keyboard player, and will not B able 2 just come over Saturday and bang out the song, I need 2 rehearse, so we must change the plans. I am not one of those gifted musicians that can just do this, many indeed R out there, as U know, I must obey HER, and SHE is in a hurry 4 me 2 do this, and so I forgot all about this last Saturday over at your house during the heat of discussing so many of my woes and troubles with U. SHE is used 2 getting what SHE wants, and really SHE does have a right 2 this, but I still do not want this 2 look like a dumb song done by a total idiot, and refuse 2 post up something just 2 overly amateurish and poorly done. If I had my druthers it would all B done in a studio, but that costs big bucks. Yes, if only I had written a different song in 1986, perhaps a nicer one such as those from late in the 1960’s, such as ‘Young Girl’ or that other one that I just heard playing over at South Beach not an hour ago on some other beach patron’s radio, but no, I had 2 write a very insulting one, this has been an ongoing lifelong thing with me Deedee, call it bad karma, poor luck, rotten timing, I have a different name 4 it, the HUNTINGTON CURSE, because of what happened in Braintree, Massachusetts in February of 1948, remind me 2 tell U about my lovely family and the triple murder-suicide that occurred up there, or just read many of my blogs, type in Huntington Curse on my blogs and I am sure the story will B there. Now what R the odds of hearing that song on the beach just now and Y is it being ETTOS blocked out of my D-6 memories at this present moment? Nothing ever just happens, it all is going down 4 reasons, even though and despite the fact that all of this is a horrendous game played by the Astral Plane Gods that Billy insists on seeing as angels and demons, a trick played on ‘travelers’ and believe me, I should know. I had a private plane passing right over where I was swimming in the ocean as I just about always do since this shit all began back in 1986 or around there in that time circa. I never explained very well, the faction theory of David Roth. Again allow me 2 try and do better. He said that in his mind, it is quite obvious that one group of enemies that R persistently and continually turning my life into a nightmare hell cubed wants 2 trap me in bad situations, one after another until I am dead and defeated, after endless and inconceivable mother fucking torture. The other faction, as sort of a compensating system operates against this almost as a covert way of keeping me in the game so that indeed, I can maintain a marginal hellish fucking existence of endless nightmarish shit all around me all the time, as without me playing in this evil game of theirs, them being basically the controllers of this Earth Planet known by many as the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, and by the way they do, but also they totally rule the Astral Plane and create the laws of that plane of existence just in the same ways and manner that they do things in this shitty fucking reality in the so called waking world. Dave believed that, and let me please extrapolate what he did not ever come 2 know since he died B4I came 2 know and understand the truth behind the nightmare of the new shoes (NNS) 4 a quick abbreviation in any possible later reiterated future blogging texts, what happened on the street that night on August 2nd in Manfreakinghattan, was caused by the positive faction that wants me 2 remain actively participating in this hellish never ending game of the powerful and ALL MIGHTY MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, the group Astrally comprising the 1/3rd entities known as the BRIGGBASE-RESIDENTS, and the 2/3rds entities known as the SDKM or spelled out, the (SAHASRA DAL KANWAL MAJORITY). All the details regarding and explaining in greater elaboration regarding the Astral Plane political system, has been blogged on numerous previous texts, and was posted somewhere on the site known as in my blogs; and at one time a couple of years back, other details existed 4 the public physical realm 2 access, on a now defunked website called the Morianity-Foundation.

The odds of the ‘song on the radio’ DAG, being a mere random happenstance with the plane attack in the ocean and on the beach the entire time, I do not believe would B accepted as something 2 dismiss, by the world famous television prosecutor known as Jack McCoy, on the great law show called, “Law and Order”.

I have no way of accessing what progress U made regarding my blogging problem, Deedee, as this machine is not connected up 2 the internet, this is where I first place my blog text onto a floppy disc, so I can CAP it into the blog sites on a reserved computer later on.

Now 4 a little revenge on the evil empire: I did not have certain facts available at all as well as accurately put together until very recently. I can say this much only, and no freaking ass more, YO! If I should type 50 short sentences and enemies should and most likely absolutely DO, know what these would B, first, the Stock Market on fucking Wall Street and Broad Street would B in the toilet forever. I have this much power, and Mister Trump does not, nor does any politician, fortune 500 person, entertainer, or anyone else from the pope and the president of the USA right on down. I was telling Billy how I put the Dow Jones Industrial Averages and the New York Stock Exchange down hundreds of points in a single day just by saying or doing something, it is no game, it effects the lives of millions and maybe even fucking billions of persons on this miserable sin cursed diseased fucking filthy dirty rotten planet, YO! Naturally when they strike me with something big, this is when this evil empire gets their huge ill gotten gains in bursts of otherwise totally unexplainable gigantic rallies. All this has been ongoing with me as a power struggle with me against this Helen Reddy Evil Empire since the summer time of 1986, and has more 2 do with dancing and cheating monopoly and hamburgers than it does with an incredible teenaged girl from Long Island. Still and all, it stands my hair on end that she so much as even entertained her ‘stairs’ nightmare. I was in that house, and I know, also I lived with members of this family, distant cousins R still family, at least MISTER MCGUIRE holds 2 this belief and has caused this great person a lot of pain and suffering as a young child, while all the while she blamed the island 4 these events, and even told big-O it was ‘neighbors’, and I am not saying they were perfect angels, as we all know, Long Island is a very difficult place 4 certain people 2 reside in, even in today’s totally so-called modern thinking world of political correctness. Being in a mixed marriage, or being homosexual, can B devastating, 4 residents of this snooty rotten place. I should know, as I had cousins as close in as far as being related 2 me that lived on the same block where she grew up, that R as close in 2 MI is 2 ‘Leticia’ Tilley; barking songs and math classes all notwithstanding, huh MISTER Dick Wolf, BRO? So is it the 6th dimension and all of them being ETTOS controlled 2 make a show with all of these beyond numerous proofs that my blogs of the past 2-3 years regarding all of this is totally real and accurate, or is it more direct or in other words, really their own total free will 2 expose all of this, well, here is where this story gets more than nasty and simultaneously extremely major twilight zonish, YO! No free will exists, no random exists, we all R living inside of a closed curve infinity also known (SIR PRINCE) as a ‘hypersphere’, 60 trillion light years around. I said miles on a blog quite a ways back, and I obviously was ETTOS MIND HACKED, and meant 2 electronically say, LIGHT YEARS. There R a rounded off 6 trillion miles in one light-year, so there R a lot of 5,280 foot pieces or miles in this huge hypersphere. Still it has limited borders. This point is important because this magical knowledge is the endless total proof and evidence that stands endlessly on its own merit, that what I said is true about no possible random being able 2 ever exist in absolute reality. Also, the real mind bender is not acceptable 2 most persons, and I told how Hollywood movies make an excellent example in illustrating so many of my numerous points regarding hyperspace and transdimensionalization, that have been blogged and discussed 4 about 5 full years now by me. Opening shit up beyond this goes straight 2 where I watched my best friend in adult life, David Charles Roth, take a stand against me up on the Highpoint military War-games Forests of Warren Grove, New Jersey, USAESMWG, back in the summer and autumn in 1997.

I am not going 2 bang away at this keyboard, as UI did not feel all that well today and now I need 2 fucking post this blog up 2 the Blogger site and go home and eat and relax. My attitude right now is piss poor, and I admit it, FUCK THE WORLD might start 2 describe it. Still how about MISTER Henry Fonda and his great movie, “12 Angry Men”? Exploratron’s can do some wild fucking shit. How they can pull off tricks such as all the shit I not only have on tape, but so does the UNITED STATES OFFICE OF COPYRIGHTS, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, IN WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PLANET EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY, and tricks like ‘12 Angry Men’, can only B explained by the fact that Julia White told me long ago that she lives in what I would perceive as 50 million years away in antimatter space, this means in one of hyperspace’s potential distances of this particular length, no there is no set future, but there also is no set past. Every micro instant, we exist with a longer and longer ‘fake-memory’ behind us, we do, the entire universe does, like it or not, U all better live with this truth, as it is truth, and we do not need 2 embrace or adore a lot of true things, but that will not make truth ever disappear and go away. I could say things that would wipe tomorrow into oblivion, but I am keeping my mother fucking mouth shut, this seems 2B good advice from the world of welfare rats, am I right Dawn-Marie, oh great & mighty cleaner KING?

That fucked up ass hole with the string is here at the library today, fortunately no one is up stairs on any of the word processor fucking machines. I cannot deal with that ass hole and his stupid fucking noises and besides that this dude stinks 2 high ass hell at C cubed!!!!!!!

Paul Pedersen of STUDIO PARK RECORDS, U have not heard the last of me, BRO, I have my own set of very powerful friends, and U can get ready 4 a nightmare in your life real soon, and all LEGAL, bud!!!!!!!!!! Say hi 2 your friend achy breaky and HM, tell her that IC her every time I go shopping, dude. The Millionth Council loves 2 fucking make me appear an ass hole with peeps. I try and use the fucking printer and it fucks up, until the fucking librarian comes over and then it works fine, this is the kind of fucking shit I classify with my term, the HUNTINGTON CURSE.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


2:02 PM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2010
Beginning of this blog, YO!

A quick burst of short things needs 2B placed on the record, and if the record is simply and merely this old style yesterday-tech floppy disc word works document, then so freaking butt wiping b it, YO!

Aerial persecution began on Tuesday with vicious mother pucking chemical poison jet vapor contrails known by many and on Google Search as well as (CEMTRAILS), and so have extremely low and crash-level small piper type of private airplanes, this has been ongoing major super ultra hyper butt time starting early Tuesday, and is still ongoing with planes today, and the trails R only possible in-between rare breaks in a very overcast sky due 2 the slow death over Cuba of Hurricane Paula, oh the gods, I wonder if there is some connection with all of this bull browns. Many various possible reasons could B behind sieges that come out of totally no place and begin suddenly with an absolute freaking vengeance, and if anything is ever closest 2 truth with me regarding this hellish subject and situation, it is ALL possibilities that ALL converge together that R usually, if not always, responsible 4 these freaking death sieges given me; an innocent victimized target of this evil OTAMMSCUM-MILI-2-FORCE. Every time I question within my own self whether the reasons could B, gee is it because of this OR this OR this, it is more likely that the answer lies more within the sentence reading, it is more accurate 2 believe it is because of this AND this AND this, etcetera. So here R some other possibilities 4 this sudden and extremely intense death siege that has come literally out of the blue misty rain of more than Hurricane Jewelly Fizzleout Paulaqueen, and they R as follows and listed now on my second paragraph of this pucking blog, YO!

First, we have the return of the ‘returner’, and how I misread and misunderstood HIS message 2 me. Me of all people, misunderstanding some things that were always right there in my face, from 1980 time trips of first winning World Series Champions, all the way down a bit 2 the east over in New Jersey, along a place known Sir Roddenberry-traveler as BROWNING ROAD, with nothing 2 do with kiss up tactics or smelly bulls and their after effects from munching. I am not going 2B real subtle, or worry about how many people decide whether or not 2 purchase and consume more popcorn during the movie, or not. I have no freaking time right freaking now 4 niceties nor any subliminal mind techniques or games, YO! Billy is no ordinary dude, and there is no way I can ever say any more than what was all ready said, not now or ever. Paula, not the winds over Cuba, knows a lot more than she will admit 2, and I know that she knows peeps that I knew when I was a child, and biblically speaking, thought and spoke as a child, only, did I really? Last night, I fell asleep around midnight give or take, Eastern time here in the United States of America and down here in Florida, and the next thing I knew was that Paula and I were standing in some place familiar 2 me yet not familiar enough 4 me 2 put my finger exactly on. I only know that I have been there B4, either here or elsewhere in the 5th dimension. Remember how we have reached the wild and major conclusion of how AE and his fantastic formula proves beyond any doubt whatsoever, that there is no waking world where we all R physically interacting it, rather, the entire thing is an exploratronic interaction with all of the ‘existors’ in hyperspace, that result from prior closed curve infinity escaping ‘Lawtrons’, or (PCCIEL). Sounds like Piccard, but we will shorten the pronunciation of this 2 ‘pick-eel’. Naturally, I am way more turned on by the AE and the URL and the coded message given 2 me, with no doubt at all in my mind, by the greatest and most marvelous female recording artist of all time, back early into the oh-M-8 year, YO! So exactly where R all my special education teachers of the late 3rd quarter 20th century time freaking circa, when I need them, BRO? Don’t die on me now MISTER CIPRIONI, OOOOHHMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Magnetic Sound Machine will B activated and many thousands of peeps will indeed die within days, if this siege and hell on me does not break off, wait and C, and push me into it if that is what U all feel U must do, ya’ butt wipes! As 4 Paula and me in this interaction, I feel no need right now and today 2 go into intimate and overly revealing details, all though it does bring back loud ringing bells from a warn summers day with blue sky and bright sun shine on Long Island in late July somewhere in the year of 1968, over at my Uncle and Aunt’s manor at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Nebuchadnezzarville-Babylon, on Long Island New York, USAESMWG, YO!!!!!! As I speak, a freaking horrific DEATH ANGEL IS ON MY LEFT SIDE AT 2:32 Post Meridian as I speak electronically on this word processor computer keyboard onto this freaking floppy disc. Death angels and seeing dirt bag one-times on clocks and devices and watches, etcetera, as well as nasty klutz out attacks, have been extremely bad recently, as always, but still, the pattern is all the way at the freaking high end of the channel. Whoever is doing all of this 2 me is despicable, detestable, deplorable, abominable, shameless, sick, diseased, without conscience, without humanity, and not worthy 2B included in any way in anything known as HUMAN!!!!!!! Saddam Hussein was hung, NOT TORMENTED AND TORTURED, and any student of history knows all of the freaking atrocities that this fine gentleman in antimatter worlds, in fact ever committed. So what in blazes of the Mick-Wire could I have ever done 2 deserve this horrendous unspeakable dog stink, YO? In the interaction with Paula, and in this strange yet recognizable in some mysterious way location and surrounding or condition, let me attempt at least 2 impart just some of the experience on this blog text out 2 the world as I move now into my 4th paragraph.

LSS, yet telling what needs 2B told, many of my early blogs mention “DREAMS” that I had remembered in my early adult life, with my cousin Sandra Mason and some of her friends, along the north shore inlet of Atlantic City, only not the north shore inlet of here in this exact location in the gargantuan sized 5th dimensional hyperspace. In these powerful interactions with my cousin ‘Sandy’, she and friends of hers and myself were all in this ‘other north shore inlet’, and many things were going on. In this experience of last night, I remembered having the dreams, inside this dream, and then Paula touched my hand and suddenly I remembered in one of these dreams from long ago, HER being there, and indeed being my personal friend. She did not go by the name of Paula however; and she told me that her name was Stadiciana, a sort of combination single name of both of the two names of Stacey and Diana. She told me that 2 other girls dwell within the one single entity of HER. It was not until well into the 21st century when I met 4 what I had thought was the 1st time, this elusive giant butterfly, Paula King, in her truer identity of no, not Julia Permission Barrier White, but Stadiciana. We can get much more into things along this at a later time, it is only important 4 today that this much b blogged and told online about this ‘entity’, and now I need 2 discuss the illusion of entities and the formula of Einstein, as in more ways than can most likely ever B counted, this encompasses my freaking life in major ways that not ever really B blogged or understood, other than in tiny miniscule broken up fragmented pieces of intentionally created jig saw puzzles. These puzzles R no different that the Milton Bradley Game and Toy manufacturers and others like them, in that I am speaking of creating these games 4 the sake only of games, and other than 4 this, no real purpose is served by having a zillion pieces broken up pictures and shapes that all eventually will fit together. I love puzzles, and someday will spend many hours in a nursing home waiting 2 die perhaps, doing many of them with peeps in there along with me, we all share this fate, and I am in no means knocking the pleasure that we get by doing puzzles, I merely am forcing any thinking person 2C and realize that just as these benign puzzles R made and created by someone higher than the combination of these broken pieces, a larger puzzle is being created all around us 4 this very same amusement, and as those that think this is all so darn funny now will someday come 2 accept and know on a very personal level with no choice, that all my story and all my words, have been a true powerful story as well as an attempt feeble as it may indeed have been, 2 convey a truth that this world needs 2 have, and WILL someday come 2 possess it, and when they do possess this total fruit and tree of the proverbial forbidden by the most high gods or even the highest of all, Stadiciana, all will then B complete, or at least just about as complete as they get, and not the other way around. We all have been indoctrinated 2 believe that gods do not lie 2 us, or at least the top one. Also that gods R all angels or demons, and that entities R all of us, we fragile mortal people and they of the great God-hood Club, when in truth, they R us and we R them, and here is the real freaking kicker peeps, once U know how 2 really read these truths in your bible after being enlightened through the words of Mountainpen and Morianity, U then will get the mind freaking blow of your entire existence, as this very bible will now tell U these truths, the same ones that I am and have been telling all and any that wish 2 read these words, all along. There R no secrets in the bible, and there R no secrets in Morianity. Things may have become way beyond UNBLOGGABLE over the past year or two, but this is because of problems that exist in the human world around me that I am now presently in an illusion, being totally forced 2 interact within. Still, some have recently come 2 believe that they have figured out some of my deep and dark secrets, when in fact UR all still every bit as clueless 2 the numerous higher truths existing within and inside anything that U may think that U know about me, in fact, UR more clueless in almost the year of 2011 than U were in 2007. There is sort of a magical double horizon that is very difficult 4 me 2 attempt 2 convey or explain 2 any of U using mere language and diction. Explaining entities in the included concept of hyperspace, the Astral Plane, the VOID or phase-1-reality, as well as ENTITIES or us and others, is not some 1-2-3- lesson, and I need not have Professor Gawky Gaukauk from the great Teck Bay Mystery School, or the International mobile Machines great invention called the PRIVECODE, 2 tell me this as though it’s some fantastic inconceivable revelation. A child can totally C that some things take time 2 just ‘GET’, and the stuff listed above falls within that category 4 sure, YO! I will tell U all now that Billy knows most things that I do, but even his ability 2 retain in mortal life, some exact truths, is lost at least right now 4 him. Just Y do I claim 2 have the total truth here in this waking mortal life and dare 2 make claim that others do not, I am quite positive that many R shaking fists and asking these questions at my photograph. Well, the answer IS explainable, maybe not a 1-2-3 answer, but here goes. U4 an example of total hypothetical nature, C a man in a park walking a purple dog whose name is Purple. This dog barks a number at U and it is your address of 1347. Then the man pulls out a hammer and hits the dog over the head and it dies in front of your eyes and then it immediately transforms into a duplicate of U and calls U by name and tells U all about your father and what he did years ago. U go home shaken up and R sitting at your dinner table and suddenly the telephone rings and it is your dad and he says 2U that he was dreaming and woke up a moment ago and was just totally compelled 2 call U and tell U that he kidnapped a wealthy man in Miami, Florida half a century ago, and drowned him 20 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. Now this is all a story, and nothing more, but let us say that in this story, all the unanswered things in this person’s life R suddenly all answered. My point in all of this is simply this. I would not just take a stranger’s word 4 it if they came up 2 me and told me that they R my great grandson from the year 2141, and hand me a huge fish tale. But when I say that I know a particular thing, B it this or that or whatever, it is because things have presented themselves in this so called real life comprised of no more than waves and particles and lots of smoke and mirror illusion produced by conscious awake mind, and these things that came into my life R way beyond indisputable. Magical things have been around me that break all of the known laws of Einstein Physics, Newtonian Physics, and all of it 28 ways over and back from Tuesday night, YO. Nor do I or will I ever deny things just because accepting these self evident truths R laying some place within the realms of between tragic and unpleasant. I know what has happened 2 me, and what is happening 2 me, and here is the entire shmear in a super compressed nutshell. I can say something or do something or have or get something, and if it is good enough, the entire world financial system is turned on its butt instantly. If it is bad enough, it can B sent into the starry heavens also overnight. There is no mortal world explanation 4Y some nobody could possibly B connected with the entire stock market in this way, still, IT IS. This has been discussed over and over B4 on many of my prior blogging texts. June and July of this year, I had more female magnetism than the greatest hottest Disney male stars in the system. Once August came around, it is as though I walked into a fire or an explosion and my entire face looks more hideous than Frankenstein’s freaking monster. I could go on listing things of this wild major magnitude and it would b a total waste of this blogger’s time. Rather than going on with any of this, my final paragraph will now tell a few other recent things, and this will bring me some vindication and vengeance 4 this recent horrific attack launched on me by my diseased and totally evil enemies.

Many persons living here on this wonderful Planet Earth R far from what and who they appear 2B. I told about this on some old DS-DESTRUCT TAPES, done long B4 my blogging ever began. I was on an island in a hospital room, a prisoner of war, and under heavy armed guard, this was not a true or real experience, but a story on a tape where I had a phone other entity supposedly in this room with me, and we were having a conversation. Every time the conversation was growing 2 close into things that this group who had placed me and confined me on this island, 2 what they did not want spoken, a buzzer would go off over a loud speaker. This was not done because I enjoyed making some phony tape, nor was the object 2 submit some wild science fiction story 2 some Hollywood movie studio or 2 Scott Dracula Hockeyblood. Still, things all went down 4 reasons, and when Billy told me just yesterday in my car, about this situation, I thought I would use my underpants 4 a freaking toilet, YO. B4I even think of telling any more, my DEE-DEE birds have returned, I always knew they were not going 2 leave me all alone. Yes Mister Carter, if I am dead now, and Irene the queen indeed succeeded from chasing me away from the Atlantic City gaming tables, Y wouldn’t the death birds remain with me forever. I am death, and they follow me around, Y not, this is their way, YO?

End of this blog:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

safe journal chapter 0031


I can relate so well 2 many literary works and even speaker’s words, as they so famously and repeatedly tell how the ‘beginning’ is a good place 2 begin the dissertation that’s about 2B given, even though this always correct literally start of events, cannot always tell things and stories best. Hollywood has learned from this powerful secret, despite those peeps such as Terry Egghead from the New Jersey harbors who vehemenantly freaking disagree with this breaking away of the standard traditions here, and will not even read or listen 2 a story that is in anything but totally perfect chronological order. 2 this I respond, these peeps R hopeless, things R not all explainable in chronological ways, and not only is Tinsel-Town aware of it, and has been now 4 at least the past 20 years or so, but so also R the majority of the great authors, Patterson himself being of no exception here. U cannot take characters such as members of an extremely unbloggable family, myself-the Mountainpen, or the entire Atlantic City situation since the middle nineteen-sixties with me and this world renown location referred 2 in the 21st century by many as America’s favorite playground. How I detest this age of the cellular telephone, every user of these machines just loves 2 sit and yack away, library’s R4 quiet butt wipes, not U stupid ignorant yakkers. Remember that I cannot expect posts 2 automatically post up any longer, and I’ll really tell the details about all things pertaining 2 this, not 2 imply 4 even a second that I’ll ever really get totally 2 the bottom of all things that R placing me endlessly into this mother trucking MISTER Joseph Paget HELL-FIRE, YO! During this entire week, I was under a difficult situation of whether or not 2 report and discuss matters relating 2 the second coming of Jesus Christ, and how real things around me may in fact B. Now I feel it is totally safe 2 tell a lot of things that have all gone down, as I feel that a gigantic con-game was attempted again on me, and when the enemies knew I had managed 2 get onto it and was merely playing along, they decided 2 pull back and break it off, this is of course merely my little tiny and quite insignificant opinion, but one still, that even the mighty Michelle Daniels of the RPL Sound Recording Studies, permitted me 2 have and maintain back in middle late nineteen-eighty. I am not using any major excessive punctuation or explanations in my keyboard speaking in blogs until I can totally unhack the August 21, 2010 problem, just as of course, I was determined 2 get 2 the bottom of the problem that was much more severe and life threatening in both the years of 1983 and again in 1986. Still, hope as they do say and claim, burns eternal, so Y should I put my flames out yet? As I told Diana around these earlier times in my current dreaming-sequence lifetime, I am not attempting 2 do anything with those night-fires. I cannot speak 4 the top dog in the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, MISTER Gravityfields Controller HIMSELF, the MICK-WIRE, yes, we can always find humorous ways of depicting and viewing the worst disasters. Symbolism cannot ever really B destroyed, merely ignored by humankind. It is simply a fact, another way of perceiving this mystery is that it SIMPLY EXISTS, as does any and all things that in fact DO exist. There R an infinite amount of reserved entities known as the NON-EXISTORS, and we R either one of us, or one of them, crossing back and forth between these 2 items of truth, is not a possibility that my frail minuscule mind is able 2 grasp at all, despite actually meeting an entity in some parallel universe, in Egg Harbor City in New Jersey, a young male child, who actually had somehow managed indeed 2 accomplish this fantastic and incredible feat. I call the meeting of this wild child of quintessential mystery, my most unexplainable event. It brings back a memory of my mother telling me in her high school days when she was in an English class and the teacher wanted the class 2 all write a 500 word short story about their most embarrassing moment or time, this is most definitely my most amazing and unexplainable one all though not embarrassing, I also refer 2 it as with my own private self as the DAY OF THE MAROLA ROLL CALL IN THE HARBOR. If a reader of these words has no background or familiarity with many of my past 3 or more basic years of blog texts, then U will B simply scratching your heads and saying, wow, here is a real nut case blogger, YO, come look at this crazy garbage! Some strange thing is ongoing and B4I go on any further, I must C what is happening with this word processor machine here at the library. I will not discuss this matter any further and make the possible or potential situation grow into one of Prosecutor Ron Wirtz’s monsters of the early middle nineteen-nineties. So far the only blog not posted up at website, is I believe, chapter #0027 of this blog-book, called, “SAFE JOURNAL”. I hesitate writing in more than one or 2 hyperlinks, or 2 many separate paragraphs, let alone any curse words of the root GAWNUM-PCN-53, as I did in fact ask the cards last night 4 the real and true reason that Misses Kinsel threw me out of Apartment number 125-A Haddon Hill, in Westmont, New Jersey back in the summer time of the year 1969, and in deed my first card draw was a 5 and the second draw was a 3, generating the mighty PRIVATE COSMICODED NUMBER OF 532, don’t die on me yet, MISTER BILLY GRAHAM, and yes, I do forgive U, kind sir, as Stacey Krassle ordered me 2 do so. She threw me out 4 cursing, and yes, “CURSE” is PCN-532. But so is ANGEL and many other nice words, huh Billy?

Yes if anyone wants 2 view the mighty Kingdom Harvest and C me on the site talking about “swirvy light bulbs”, making me sound like some freaking retard, just go and C it all 4 yourselves, as some of the stuff connected with all of this is indeed totally not bloggable. This website is as follows: Simply type in and yes, the pigs on the hot nineties beach of chemtrails and pollution, and DNA proofs, without the great SORONSON LABS, yes-sir, video beats labs every time, just as they love 2 say, ‘it’ doesn’t lie, all though all high tekkies know fudging any audio or video is very simple. Still lab assistants R fun 2 talk 2 when they have access 2 the 4th dimension. But moving further along with this could make no place safe on Planet Earth, 4 me 2 hide out in, so unbloggable indeed means, UNBLOGGABE. No human on Earth from Albert Einstein on down, has a clue about what I have gone through over the past nearly 56 years as the present me that I am physically interacting in and through in a major horrific sequence of nightmares and dreams, that U all would C in reverse order as some kind of real life, despite the Quantum Physicists saying that I am correct when I tell U that nothing on this material realm is in fact real or tangible. But enough of the Angel and the Graham connection 4 today, it is time 2 discuss an even more important ‘BILLY’ right now, and I feel it is safe 2 do this, I merely need 2B a bit subtle and extremely careful, right Paula Fireworksnight? This topic will automatically slide into the conversation if I begin with discussing that I had come 2 learn was so powerful, and was often made by the late and yes, the great, David Charles Roth, at least MD of RPLSS, IMHO, which/witch I am certainly by your own words, ENTITLED 2, AND INDEED HAD A VERY GOOD REASON 4 HAVING, AM I RIGHT MISSY? Speaking of standing ovations and major applauses, I made no bones about the guest that the mighty Billy Graham had on his television crusade back in the middle nineteen-nineties and what was sung and done, it all is on previous blog texts, and we all know how the only really SAFE TIME CAPSULE is the United States Copyright Office. THEY R in it and amongst us, and that I easily managed 2 figure out in the ‘Miss Press On Lee’ days, with no Beetle juices spilling over on me, or blood, PTL! I am going 2 say this one more time and most likely that will B forever that, and will never again B reiterated by me, I am tired of rumors circulating that I am some time freaking traveler. Dave Roth had a very non-scientific and non-mathematical concept that made tremendous and gigantic total sense out in the ‘real’ world. I called it his THEORY OF POTENTIAL. He claimed that something was keeping me endlessly down and broke and miserable, cool and fine YO, a retarded freaking little child could come up with that clue from hanging around me a few days or weeks, but his theory went onto digging things quite a bit deeper. He thought that there were 2 factions in this group of ‘whatever’s’ against me and hurting me, one doing wild stuff 2 break me out of the now called by me, “HUNTINGTON CURSE”, while simultaneously, the other faction was preventing the bad injuring one from doing this, and even setting up events in a positive way, remember and bear totally in mind that both of these factions lay far above normal perceived humanity realms, and time is as meaningless 2 them as it truly is in fact, MEANINGLESS. It is pure illusion above its own 4th dimensional reality, and both of these game playing factions indeed do operate through these higher than the 4th dimension reality. As 4 all of the musical projects done by me between the years of 1983 and 1986, this is all part of the game, but please folks, C the truth here 4 once, and do not B the epitome of a butt wiping moron cubed, NOT MY GAME, THEIR GAME, YO! Seeing this in Dave’s philosophy with all of the throwing or should I say NOT THROWING AWAY BEAUTY QUEENS conversations at or coning back home from the Highpoint Military War-games Pinelands of Warren Grove, New Jersey in the middle-late nineteen-nineties, things begin 2 fall more and freaking more into perfectly balanced machine precision pieces. Still, Mister Carlisle, I am not Saddam Hussein, nor was the area that we were talking these things over, the great and mighty BAGHDAD, YO! With all the clueless kids of America now left a decade and a half behind, and things coming up towards the mighty new millennium, the mighty gentleman Captain Jean-Luc Piccard and his pals the club of Berman, Pillar, and Roddenberry, knew all of this and a lot more, and Steve Murray knew Y he did, and so did my wonderful father, and Mel Fisher of Treasure Salvers Corporation. Lisa, Dawn, Leticia, “HAY GIRLS”, if I broke anything up, it was your evil scheme of wiping me totally out forever, it was Fisher and Wagner’s scheme 2 break up my parents, so even if any truth existed 2 your wicked and awful horrendous accusations of me in 1972 up on that rotten north island, would things B even? Still, I am pleading totally not guilty, ‘your freaking honor’, despite so many peeps seemingly so desirous of airing all of the dirty linens of yesteryear. This all takes us on a bit more on this topic that believe me folks, does totally relate together and perfectly tie into each other piece by freaking piece. Dave Roth and only Dave Roth, had the basic answers, and from these basic ideas and concepts, would have eventually sprung out all of the many more detailed and elucidated nuances involved in all of this horror show. The main part of the HUNTINGTON CURSE is so simple that a 4 year old can C it without any iced-tea, and with a pair of blindfolds on his or her freaking head, YO! Keep Mountainpen Mohr down and out, poor and miserable, friendless and hated. Yes, this is a pretty good way of permanently destroying the life of one’s enemies, don’t U agree my Blogaudians? I finally got rid of another extremely freaking annoying young girl on the other side of the table. Cell phone yakking and printing continuously, wow is being forced 2 blog around these situations a royal pain in my rear. Good freaking riddance, YO.

No there is absolutely NO SECRET about the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL’s intense aversion 2 the combination of ME and MUSIC. The Dave Potential theory spells it out like a champion advanced spelling bee contest winner. It could not B seen or told or shown one bit clearer, it is right there and in your face, huh Frank Delpercio and Dawn-Marie King. “Get with the 90’s”, huh Frank, well, the 90’s got me old buddy. But B4 that was totally a reality, YO, 2 years earlier in the springtime in 1988, I was outside a McDonalds with Dave, and need not B a prophet or a prophet of nothing, huh US © Office Examiners of the times, YO, 2CY this potential thing has those creating this HUNTINGTON CURSE on me so ballistic when I ever try 2 do any musically related thing. Music and big bucks go hand in hand, and big bucks or any bucks R not allowed anyone suffering under the HC! I tend 2 think of this reality and things all along these lines as my theory that expands on David’s theory of potential, and I have named it, yes and Y not name it, it deserves a name as all things deserve a freaking name, and this being the “DANCING MCDONALDS THEORY of MUSIC and MONEY POTENTIAL and HUNTINGTON CURSE BREAKER. Abbreviated, we can simply label this 4 any future reference as my “DMTMMPHCB”. A mini-droid has been sent over 2 fly in front of my face and annoy me, is there just 2 much truth being told 2U all out there 4 the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL 2 handle, YO? The 3 things that instantly all went down, basically boom-boom-boom, beginning a couple of months back from right now, R as follows: The first was the Orlando, Florida USAESMWG Studio, and the man whose wife was out of the blue just suddenly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or MS after he was going 2 help me do ‘MAS’. Secondly, a more than a thousand dollar pro-tools computer program was hacked and wiped out, destroying its own self without any help from Mister Phelps or any of his early nineteen seventies impossible missions, destroying an entire musical computer, and whose system was this, but friends of a boss from work, who agreed 2 do and post up on the U-TUBE, what else, but yes U guessed it, “MAS”. MAS = MI APOLOGY SONG, in reiteration, YO. Third, I purchased a keyboard, and after using it and making a beautiful music track of MAs, the entire thing just shorted out and died. It was not repairable or so the store tells me, this is on my prior blogging texts. My simple question 2 anyone reading this blog is this, WOULD ANY OF U REALLY HONESTLY BELIEVE IN (THREE MAJOR NEGATIVE COINCIDENCES) LIKE THIS AS BEING JUST BAD LUCK AND RANDOM EVENTS THAT R ALL ISOLATED AND THAT I SHOULD NOT AS ALWAYS TAKE VERY PERSONALLY? Another question if I dare lads and lassies out here in the net-lands, YO? Would Jack McCoy buy into this if this was all going down on one of the ‘LAW AND ORDER’ television shows? Do not bother please in answering either of these 2 questions, U will either B agreeing with me, or lying 2 me, AND U KNOW IT AND I FREAKING KNOW IT, YO! This is taking us closer now 2 the 2nd Billy, not MISTER RELIGION. And now 4 just one more quick walk through if my Blogaudians will ‘Gottwald-Camera-Permit’ this, on another point that all leads up 2 this will first B briefly touched on here MISS DELA REESE, not Quakertown ANN or Roseanne Heart-Attack Cash! Yes it seems the name of Bobbie or Bob is there like those 4 or 5 double initials, never leaving me, always present, haunting my very soul down 2 the core of hellfire itself, huh Bobby Mc-G? With or without any spoons that age over time or get bent up by the Uri Gellar Club, or Cheatley’s, or Mick-Gee’s, or whatever, YO, my pernt here Archibald Queens Sir, is this: First, Sir Rick of the library who was helping me out, suddenly was transferred out of here and far away. He promised 2 help me but never returned my telephone calls, he was all just a bunch of hot air, another phony 2B added 2 my long list of phonies, either scared or paid off, or more simply, just another butt wipe. Just when I was about 2 close the door on blogging and find the next step 2 embark on with my life and telling my freaking story 2 as many as will listen, along came at my work place, a strange man who was in the military service over in Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iraq, and this was no ordinary human being. He claims he is Jesus Christ come back 2 Earth, and showed me some powerful proof of his claim. He told me his sister Sarah-Stacey is going 2B destroyed, along with Cousin Diana. I told him that if he really is who he claims 2B, not 2 take lightly what your sister and cousin can do, and told him he has forgotten about the SIL. He admitted he heard of the SIL but entering into the time world again, has forgotten a few key things, and this SIL being 1 of them, or Scylla Inheritance Law, that the rulers of the PHASE-2-REALITY, or the Astral-Plane, bestow on the eldest daughter of Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocllvious Krassle, Gawky, or her true Astral Dad, huh Kenny Hammonton? He told me that he was going 2 destroy my Huntington curse, and place me in a heaven 4 about 100 years on Earth, and that I had 2 take some junk that he replicated from the US Military. These ‘ingredients’ R known by top-top secret classified files as 11-o’clock pills, biologically turning anyone back 2 their prime and keeping them there 4 roughly 80 or 90 years. I told him all I wanted was 2 escape life, not 2 live longer, but he insisted that I would not feel this way if he could bring heaven all around me and remove the hell game that presently surrounds me. He spoke of things that only I could know, or perhaps some of the closest in MC family members may know. There would B no way he could know certain stuff otherwise. He knew about my 10 grand, the deal with Wagner, the copyrighted song “Real Good Girl” and a hundred other things not known 2 anyone here in Florida and around me and my immediate life here in the daily world that I am interacting within. He told me 2 go into trance and tell SSJK that he was taking command and that a powerful game would B played in Greece, and 2 have Diana there and 2B there Herself at the end of this 2010 year and this would go on into early 2011, when they would B defeated and destroyed 4 trying 2 destroy this Earth planet. Well I told them both and Sarah-Stacey told me that SHE was going 2 handle the situation. The following morning came, I awoke by alarm clock as usual, and bathed and cleaned up, dressed, and drove into work as usual. I told “BILLY” what Sarah-Stacey Krassle said, and he laughed. 2 hours later, he became violently ill and left and said he would return tomorrow, or Friday, only he never did return. I am only REPORTING THE NEWS PEEPS, NOT FREAKING CREATING IT. I told one white lie about the 12th of July of 1970 and one little thing that Sarah said on a bus when in truth she was not on the bus that night nor said this thing, other than this one lie, I have never ever lied, this is all the freaking truth lads and lassies and Labrador Retriever Dogs, YO. Only the gods and time know what is in the (CARDS) 4 next week, I will not lie and say I am not scared brown-less, as I AM, and more than 22 times, YO!

1983 and 1986 were powerful times 4 me, and all my enemies know it, those that know because they R humanly wealthy and powerful, and then those who R directly responsible 4 making it that way 4 me back in freaking time. I always knew Sarah Krassle’s brother would return after Browning road, I am wondering if HE remembers that day in 1980 while he still was a dude in his late teens telling me my car would B wrecked, and sure enough that very night and at that very spot while driving home from my job at the recording freaking studio in summer time in 1980, IT WAS!

I have a lot 2 say, but am only concerned with surviving through the horrible death month that all true MORIANS know as DISASTERTOBER. All ready, my pay cut through the AARP kicked in, Dave always said we get hit with financial attacks every freaking October, and the dude was totally on the mother trucking money, YO! Now I only get a 40 hour biweekly check, no more 50, so more cut backs will B needed, what next Captain-O? When the wealthy R given only more and more while seniors and poverty level peeps R pushed down harder and further, in this never ending relentless spiraling vicious hellish nightmare circle of true hell on Earth, we as a global society can only expect endless misery 4 99.999999% of us, this has been going on since the beginning of freaking humans walking upright here on this ball of solid hurl-barf. Well, if HE is back, I will B HIS most interesting case in about 2000 years. In any event, the future has obviously received from the US © Office, all of musical projects from between 1983-1986, and destroying my other messages 2 the future was a waste of your time OTAMMILITARYUFOFORCE. Keep your 11 o’clock stay-young pills, and all your secrets, I got my message through, and if U try and prevent it and interfere, the entire solar system will feel the pain, U all know how this is built into the system atomically. Your ability 2 rebuild entire human eyes would sure B a nice gift 4 kind gifted and deserving peeps like Stevie Wonder, my old buddy, and Lightning’s as well, despite Michele’s cousins and their message 2 me that I am wrong, how do U say it MI, I know THAT I know, not what, I can read your powerful messages, U go girl, I am always here if U need anything SSJK, U totally rock, terrific job, YO!