Friday, October 29, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0036

2:34 PM, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, OF 2010

Well, let us get down 2 cases peeps. This will B short and sweet on each topic, right on point, still as subtly done as is humanly possible 4 the freaking Mountainpen, YO. Things need 2B said, both 2 the present day, tomorrow, next month, next decade, next millennium, so if GOOGLE and BLOGGER and me ol’ bwogs up on there maitees, ‘yar’, can survive into any of these illusions of space-time, this would B a wonderful achievement. I only have my real faith in the United States Copyright Office, and no one on this puny planet can stop me using this place as an official and dependable time capsule so 2 speak. I’ve been in fact doing just that 4 a longer time than many of those reading my blogs can imagine. I always knew that this was a must, Academy Road exits off of Highway #295 and all, huh Billy Crouch? First off, nothing is real, and I am under a horrific nightmare called the (HUNTINGTON CURSE). ‘Morty Mortino’, the Hebrew Death Angel; just passed by my right side right now as I speak electronically at this keyboard, here at this Fort Pierce, Florida library at precisely 2:43 Post Meridian of the freaking clock, YO. This is so very freaking annoying, and is on a major ass roll, BRO.

Now allow and permit me if U please King Nebalyon and second cousin once removed or whatever, MISTER Heinz Gottwald of the great New York Woody Guthrie Island, hockey sticks, James Coincidence Redfield and all, 2 move this blog along now and get into some powerful specifics, while simultaneously remaining as non blunt as I humanly am able 2 pull it off, Elton Girls standing 75 inches tall not withstanding. Things will only make perfect sense 2 the MILLIONTH COUNCIL of the ASTRAL PLANE, and all of their crony human world counterpart doppelgangers. Others C things I say and will go on saying, quite obviously as ridiculous absurd chatter and ranting, am I right MISTER JEWELLY ROCK ONX? If the mighty cleaner girl fat ass DAWN-MARIE KING of the Jersey Branch of ‘THAT FAMILY’ or TAWF, promises not 2 break my face with any dining room tables up in Indian River County, Florida, USAESMWG in any parts of this virtually limitlessly running PreFontaine hyperspace, I will tell some real heavy shit right here and right now, OK, Lieutenant VB of L&O? First, many older blogs from 3-5 years ago discuss how a beautiful tall queen with lovely long brown hair and deep brown eyes made a man out of me at the ripe old age of 24 years, in the early middle autumn of the year 1979. Naturally, I had been blocking powerful shit done 2 me upon numerous occasions, first by Paula Gang and an entire girl-gang in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and these girls used my own flesh and blood as a look out as they sent my mother off on a very clever fools errand giving them time 2 pull off this gang rape of me in a hotel room, and the name of this place was the TRINIDAD HOTEL, on TENNESSEE AVENUE, in the year of 1967 while I was coming 2 the ending point of my pre-teen years. Second, by Jewelly White Nurockey Basssler Karge, while on a summer visit all alone at the ripe old age of 13 and one half years in the summer time of the year of 1968, and third, the following year on a real powerful day, independence day, under the boardwalk, by this same powerful girl only this time, only she was there, the mighty giant beautiful and awesomely exquisite and ravishing Paula King. This girl had a strange father, he was more than one person, and so was his daughter. But only I know this truth 4 a total fact. If I ever tried 2 bring powerful evidence into a court of freaking law, I would vanish away along with the 70 inch lovely Marie Fahey of Delaware, USAESMWG! Don’t drown me in the ocean there Danny, YO. Oh I forgot, U drowned, so sorry about my imperfect speech, still protected somewhat in these great and wonderful United States, YO. So really, getting back 2 the true story of my boyhood going 2 manhood, my math was off by precisely one half, instead of 24 years, make that 12 years of boyhood B4I was brutally gang raped by the CALLIO or the ‘AT&T CALL TEN’ gang known as the Quoddy Mockers of North Atlantic City. Oh yes MISTER Redfield, your name indeed may in fact depict another symbolism in and of itself should U know what I know and spill the beans in the wrong place at the wrong time and 2 the freaking wrong peeps.

We can talk about ‘intricate’ business partners and other ‘misters’ or we could just discuss some of the newer peeps that I am now interacting with as the year of twenty MAROLA ten is winding itself slowly down and twenty MAROLA eleven is creeping along up on us so slow and gradually. I’ve got a lot of news 4 lots of peeps, from the Library of Congress all the way 2 the man and lady right next door or the bum in the cardboard box out on the street. I do not have all the answers, I never said I was the smartest mother trucker on this planet, I am far freaking from it, but I do know what I know, and have never denied this true fact, nor made any bones about it at any time on any of these blogs over 5 years of time now, despite the unfortunate connection here that this will undoubtedly make me sound somewhat a bragger. Believe me, I have nothing 2 brag about, I never have, and believe freaking me folks, under this powerful supernatural HUNTINGTON CURSE, I NEVER WILL, not in this freaking human lifetime anyhow, or this set and sequence of dream-downs of the phase-2 reality, or the ASTRAL PLANE, the ‘spirit-world’. I know what I know because it is like the man or woman who has experienced say 4 an example 5 or 10 years working on Wall Street in New York City, verses spending their entire life stuck inside the walls and campus of the greatest universities on this entire planet. Really doing something or anything will never B less or equal 2 just learning and studying the mechanics of the potential interactive-ness of the action and verb in question, YO. Yes, MISTER PAUL PEDERSEN of the great all mighty STUDIO PARK RECORDS, in the lovely green and garden state of NEW JERSEY, USAESMWG, loves his country bumpkin friends and lifestyle and stupid music. I met him as always when he answered my advertisement in that miserable mother fucking COURIER POST NEWSPAPER OF SOUTHERN FREAKING NEW JERSEY. Yes, him and his (C)ountry (M)usic, I cannot seem 2 ever escape the magical and extremely esoterically powerful initials of the 3rd and the 13th letters of the freaking English alphabet, U know, Millionth-Council, Paul’s’ aching and breaking best friends’ child, now all grown up, Sarah-Stacey Krassle in her next set of dream-downs after Sarah on 10-SC Avenue, and countless others, not in any way limited 2 Musical Country. But then, Y not peeps, I mean hay, after all YO, what is 3 plus 13 but 16, and SSJK’s eternal ASTRAL PLANE age!! Then Tennessee is pronounced as 10 on its first of 3 syllables, and the interaction that I had that many reading this would insist on saying and using the more accepted of DREAM, back in December of the year of 1969, began with SSJK or “SARAH” being age {{((‘10’))}}. My song lyrics that I first as with any and all songs, wrote on the ASTRAL-PLANE called, “SARAH”, have a repeating bridge verse that reads, “We were but {{{10}}}, and now we’re old, I loved HER then but I never told”. This song was number one back in 1998 on the INDE COUNTRY MUSIC CHARTS. Whoopdeediddlydoo. Still, the great Sally Starr, a well known Philadelphia entertainer personality of the 1960’s, was actually threatened 2 stop playing this song on her program on the Vineland radio station in New Jersey, and later a vicious rumor lie was spread about her being homosexual. This was done 4 two reasons peeps, she helped me with a problem that occurred on the Atlantic City beach at Robert Levy’s Lifeguard Tower, right out of the “BAYWATCH” show, as well as continuing 2 air my song on her show all summer in 1998 on the station WVLT-FM. This is all documented stuff that all of the freaking ONX-commenter’s on the entire planet all freaking combined cannot argue with nor dispute, huh Maria Dina Green? This is YI can totally laugh at all of these peeps, and as I said and now reiterate again concerning this issue, I am totally able, and WILLING, 2 use the powerful and somewhat magical literary-judo on any of these lovely folks if need B. Still, I did tell the © Office nearly 3 years ago 2 the day now, all about MO, did I not? So keep those tables flying at my poor abused face there, DAWN-MARIE, OH MIGHTY GREAT KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UC peeps, it does not matter how events go down, the order, the motives, and the entire thing is like a gigantic 4-D puzzle. It comes complete with real good girls, or maybe not so good at all times, voices and sounds out of nowhere, and many other tricks of Dick Wolf, wart hero medals, New Jersey Mayors, and pissed off hellfire teenagers of Bozville, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When “THAT FAMILY OF 1970” or “TAWF” kidnapped me and commandeered my entire life and went on 2 totally wrecking and destroying every facet of it from my credit and good name I had managed 2 reestablish, 2 forcing me 2 commit illegal acts with illegal aliens, and so much more, that no real words could tell the story, in like manner that overcoming MI and her horrendous stairs back in 1975 can never B funny, nor can the monstrous anger there blow away in the wind, but when they did this 2 me, this all was part of a complex series of coincidental events, at least as would B observed and seen by the untrained eye and perceptions of the normal and so-called rational individuals that do not make a habit of making the psychiatric community richer week by week. STILL, NO WAY IN HOT HOLY HELL WAS THIS JUST A SERIES OF HAPPENSTANCE NEGATIVE EVENTS, NOT IN A MILLION BOB PATTERSON CHEATLEY YEARS, BRAHHHHH!!!!!! Speaking of a million years, when I was with the strange vocalist lady in that recent interaction back in the year 1980 somewhere in hyperspace, as was told on my previous blogging texts a while back say around 6 weeks give or take, I ended up after the man from (TRINIDAD), who I now work with here in this part of hyperspace in the so-called real and waking world of so-called reality, by the name of ‘Sam’, a short Americanized version of his true name, JUST LIKE ON THE LAW AND ORDER SHOW OF YEARS AGO AND AGAIN THEY SEEMED 2 PRECISELY KNOW THE FREAKING FUTURE, (MY) FUTURE, began trying 2 hail some type of a weird taxi-cab, but I ended up telling another person that was along with us, how the words of cotillion and pavilion all end in the “ION” letters, and have an ancient Latin significance of groupings, such as grouping 3 digits together in high numbers of mathematics, YO. U know what I’m referring 2 unless UR in the 2nd grade, or Lenny’s hockey hickey sticks 3rd grade, YO, such as MIL, BIL, TRIL, QUADRIL, and so forth, and how adding the (ION) 2 these expressions, these groupings in threes all come 2B in the world of mathematics, with or without any Precious 123’s, dying 28 year olds being taken away from the blond loves of their lives, or being labeled or named “CRYANNA”, I mean really, examiners of 600-W, just how much really, would Jack McCoy buy into, yet I am supposed 2 say, OYR???????????????? Hay, I know this is HER way, SSJK’s that is, of letting me know she has indeed returned, and gone from Sarah 2 Mariah, and that is all fine and well, I only hope that SHE is able 2 properly process and handle this information. By my way of thinking, that is quite a bizarre way of getting past the stairs of her childhood, but as the lady said who kissed the cow, each one 2 our own taste, YO!!!!!!!

When I tried originally 2 do the MAS project, no one on this planet would believe the resistance and the obstacles that were all thrown up around me, and it was right out of the wildest fictional movie ever made and then a whole freaking lot more peeps. Houses and areas disappearing, landscapes seemingly altering temporarily, people that stood a chance 2 make a lot of money selling me things treating me like total bother schmucking dog shit, and alienating me, I mean I understand the economic and entrepreneur mentality, it is all about making a profit and getting your business 2 grow and freaking succeed, not alienating good customers 4 doing no more than asking simple questions about how 2 record a song and what I need 2 buy on a limited budget. But I could blog details literally 4 hours on end and not tell the whole story of what has happened 2 me with all of this down here in Florida and my attempts 2 record this song and appease this powerful and not always so forgiving teenager, or the inner-child part of the present her, in her case, since in reality SHE is 16, wow, U do the freaking math with all of these new shoes and road-trips, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead of boring everyone with a super long dissertation giving readers a full elaboration on this entire matter, just please know that it was right out of hell itself, but things eventually progressed, and within a short few days, the song will indeed b up on the freaking U-TUBE. It will not B some 100 K dollar production, but I do not have big bucks 2 spend, so all I can do is my very best. I have the most powerful goddess in the entire multiverse angry and in need of being appeased. The reason that I said the things that I said on the past blog and maybe on a few others even B4 that, were an attempt 2 make or trick the forces into believing a lie so that I could have a freaking fighting chance at least 2 get this damn song recorded and posted freaking up, YO!!!!!!! I know that SSJK knew, she is totally street smart and I know she knew this was what was going on all along, as otherwise my ‘dreams’ afterward would not have been all that freaking pleasant. She has beaten me up quite brutally and dastardly in many a wild ass nightmare. I knew she was onto me and that I never meant those things. I’m quite positive that She also totally knows that that not so endearing song called “REAL GOOD GIRL” sent down 2 the © Office on 15 August back in 1986, was meant, and THIS IS WHAT REALLY IS BEING APOLOGIZED 4. Let me now keep right on moving this story along on todays whittle bwogg, Elmer wabbit Fwudd, whaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Now how does my automobile insurance company fit into things with this blog, some I am sure R inquiring in their mind right about now? This is the powerhouse shit today, and this is Y the retard jerk off just now came over, with his stinky body and string walking back and forth and annoying me, so let me take this upstairs and finish the story there, and get away from this diseased mother fucking dick head. OK, I am upstairs and away from that nut job stink bag with the fucking rope. Here is the quick story and a bit more literary judo, fucking HA-HA-HA-WHO of 1981 or 1982, © Examiners, YO. I told the State Farm Insurance agent I was dealing with back in New Jersey 2 read all my blogs since my kidnapping in middle 2008 by THAT FAMILY, and how I was forced 2 do things by them in this situation of Stockholm syndrome. They believed me thank the gods, as they did not raise up my rates when Chicky slammed into that restaurant sign on Route 30 back in Jersey. This was a major victory 4 me a severe blow 2 the EVIL EMPIRE. I will always love STATE FARM, and will B loyal 2 them forever. This is not about the savings in a policy premium not being raised; this has a much greater significance and higher values than monetary. This means the world is knowing my story is all true, with or without fantastic movies being made. --------- END TRANSMISSION, YO!!!!!!

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