Monday, October 19, 2009

blog 8

Datfile: 101909.672.55555555555555555555
All subtitles in my blogging career all apply, BRO.

This has been an extremely rotten BOTBAR day, and one that Saru of UM has gotten me out of the habit of properly and more accurately verbally describing, perhaps it is done more politely now, but still much less colorfully accurate and descriptive, and also done with much less emotion and vigor. I am sure my mother would thank u, SARU, and also my ex clergy friends of the nineteen seventies. Yeah, talk more about these times, said SKY, well, now I am no longer at all in amazement nor wonder as 2Y she wanted me 2 do this exercise in mental rote and remembering. It seems my story, shaded of course in all the necessary disguises, is all over the internet, national television, and never let us forget, the music world, let us never do that, YO.

Dawn is one of her really BAD SPELLS, with the emphasis on the second capitalized word back there. I do believe in witchcraft, religion, and the supernatural. It exists in totally natural world ways that simply R not always properly and perfectly understood in all time periods. I often will repeatedly cite my now absolute favorite all time STAR TREK show and episode, one of the NEXT-GEN ones, called ARDRA. Any fan knows precisely and totally what is being not only implied here, BUT OUTRIGHT SPOKEN AND SAID, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice the thinly disguised way that this name can B spelled both in positive matter as well as negative anti-matter space time worlds in the hyperspace signal of the sixth dimension, or our universe along with the gazillions to the power of gazillions of other ones all onion layered inside of each other. This is putting it real ugly eel nice copyright examiners and all others out here, THIS WAS A VERY FREAKING BAD BUTTWIPE DAY 4 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even some old and familiar yet almost forgotten bells have been re-heard, another PC, not one of Paula’s identities, not the personal computer, not the political correctness movement agenda, but the cannot say it UM says SARU-COMMAND, and it is heavy!!!!!!!!!! VERY HEAVY, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This huge Tunafish, Charlie Ballinitial, cannot escape it like the ‘97 song says, YO, but yes, sorry or no sorry, or sahwee, Chahwee, this great bay fish is not used 2 this event, it has come back today like a bolt out of the blue. I was wishing J-Lo was here as my body-guard. Everything everywhere went horrifically wrong and dastardly. It was totally freaking monstrous, and it all began last night at just past eleven freaking of the clock at the job site as my 24 part time job was winding down, in cooperation with the New Jersey Workability Program 4 those like me collecting benefits from the Social Security Disability system, 4 conditions such as mine, that they all diagnose as LIFE-LONG paranoid schizophrenic with multiplexed wild delusions. Yeah, delusions. Like smith and the blackboard, those type of delusions, huh Mister Einstein, or really, should I being typing in Doctor Eckstein, godda admit, the dinging and gonging is approaching wattages in the 100K range, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off, Dawn and Chicky, not Chivy, prior blogging PBHE, sahwee, along with a friend of Dawn the King’s, Carol from the Alcohol anonymous local chapter meetings, and a waitress that works at the Soprano Pizzeria where Chivy-Chicky does as well, all got into a wild and incredible major tiff-beef last night while I was at work, and powers were going on around me and all of us that would make the entire fictional show DARK SHADOWS, B forced 2 literally sit up and take notice, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not my place 2 tell the outside world many close in family secrets, and the gods know when I say family, it is THAT-FAMILY, and not my family, hell-a-puke-yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I can only tell U that SSJKK is angry with me 4 telling a lot of secrets from her many hidden closets. Teenagers, what can U do? I do not care if SHE is from the UPLINE-WORLD, teenaged girls R teenaged girls, anywhere. Time worlds, rime worlds, rhyme worlds, and or hack worlds, no diff, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, this fight led 2 monstrous mood by the KING HERSELF today, but it’s been coming. I know a lot of severely mentally challenged persons, we used 2 call them nut cases when it was still PC 2 in fact do so. U think I’m a whack job, and U don’t know beans from freaking beer about anything that is going on around here, nothing, BRAH. I had an aunt, my mom’s sister Barbara Mason. This would B the mother of my 1st cousin Donald. She married a man named Adams, and then later on a man named Powell. The Adams dude was the father of 1st cuz Don, but he chose 2 take the name of the non daddy, Powell, 4 extremely personal reasons, that no one out here ever needs 2 know more about. Barbara was very major messed up. The 6th dimension was sending signals 2 her in extremely whacky ways, or U would all use the term, she was highly mentally unstable and ill. Either way, my mom and I ‘escaped’ living just down the block from her in the time of the JF Kennedy Presidential assassination, while I was attending the local school called CITY CENTER, in Philadelphia at 20th and Chestnut Streets, early in the nineteen-sixties. But the good old HH CURSE was not through with me on this one, as later on, I was not so easily 2 escape ROUND-2 of the knock out punch of the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL and their sick games and plans 2 keep me living right under the very roof of an ever further deranged individual, Dawn King Twist, and not the twisted nasty sister, who vanished one day and made a new life 4 herself in where else but Manhattan. If U think that any of this is gibberish or random coincidence and a product of pure rotten bad luck, and that it is all totally impersonal in nature, and pure happenstance of someone merely being always in wrong places at wrong times, then your naivety here would permit lots of confidence persons 2 sell U many a Brooklyn Bridge, fella!!!!!!!! May the gods bless U all, BRAH.

Let me get down 2 things. It all began late last night. I had a strange experience while getting ready 2 wind down my shift at work. Suddenly, the sky went from warm and wet 2 dry and cold, just 2 quickly 2B totally normal in my book, and I have personally experienced wild weather that I would not B willing 2 discussed in mixed company of persons I do not know. Suddenly, music from a cassette tape also changed, and I refuse 2 discuss it further until later on in the week when I have a free bit of personal time 2 check something out. The big incident was a sort of repeat of something that occurred in the summer time in 1995 down in south Atlantic City on Annapolis Avenue the day I either almost drowned, or did drown, as in my case, I never can B sure, cop collided eyeballs and all, huh White Crow? Never play a loud car radio near an intersection. If I was an ordinary person, I would not B here now telling U any of this, I would have been total maggots as of somewhere around the Christmas season in 1985. Still, the incident with my 1994 Saturn car up in 1995 while parked, was exactly what happened while at work, the only difference being that I never even left the car. It just suddenly was not MY CAR that I drove into work with, It was, but it was somehow hyper-dimensionally altered. It suddenly just happened out of the blue, or the black really, as it was around eleven or so at night, and U do not get a blue sky on any of the 365 days at this time and in this area. This ain’t Sarah Callio’s Santa Claus North Pole, huh Ollie Party-Coker??????????!!!!!!!!!! Oh the NSA and the CIA, U really godda lovem, I mean if U don’t they can knock the shirt out of U literally, and not even have 2 lay a freaking glove on U.

The fight was happening between these 4 persons as earlier described, all at around the time of my wild experience about 10 miles give or take down the road. As 4 Dawn, she cannot keep friends, she does not know how 2 properly interact with and treat other people. She is a deranged monster, and as I said, this is a polite way of describing her nicely on best days. When she is angry at the world, anyone within her reigning universe such as me, is going 2 suffer, that is beyond collateral damage, it is inhuman that the government of my country who I know absolutely knows what is going on here with me and has been since SKY pulled this plan off a year and a half ago, does not step up on that Comcast brick, and do what my tax dollars pay them 2 do, help innocent citizens, law abiding ones, yeah, keep the freaking movies coming, LAMBRIGG CULT!!!!! U only need 2 know some tip ends here, no elucidations and details. It all has 2 do with a total piece of teenaged female trash that is employed at Chicky’s place. She is under the legal age, and yet sleeps with the boss, an ex-cop, who also sleeps with his niece, another child but over the legal limit age, and I find his revolting behavior absolutely revolting, lewd, lascivious, crude, sick, doggish, and pure evil times 10 to the 40th. This girl dresses quite risqué and vulgar, or more politely sdaid perhaps, extremely suggestive and sensual, not adequate 4 her dob descrition unless she was working 4 Hugh Scumbag Heffner or something along these lines, sickening. In fact, the things that I have heard this young piece of rubbish say while I am waiting 2 drive Chicky home, back when it weas warmer nicer weather, 2 some of the young male dude coworkers, made me nauseous and ill. She is total scum, as many high school girls indeed R, IMHO. This entire planet makes me totally sick. It is bad enough that after 21 or so, they r gonna all act in this revolting manor, but at 17 and younger, there is no excuse 4 behavior like that. Dawn is angry because she insists that she is making eyes at her husband Chicky. She makes eyes at everything with pants. She has looked at me with lust in her eyes, and I am old and ugly as a diseased rotten eggplant-toadstool mix breed. Didn’t think your old ‘white-boy’ knew about that one I’ll bet, DS? Well moving on, all of DOGTOWN, or U mortals would use the word HELL, broke loose both here in town, HAMMONTON, as well as 10 miles south of town at my place, late last night, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly, I am sitting in my car, and it just happened. It just suddenly felt as though I was sitting on top of a baseball or a rock in-between my seat and my seat cover. I jumped out of my vehicle and took off the seat cover, and 2 my instantaneous amazement lads and lassies, the entire seat was all screwed up. This was not my car, and the change happened in a winked eye instant. The entire seat was totally different than it was. So was a version of a song that I wrote that was playing in the car cassette radio player system, a totally different version. The song playing was, U may have guessed it, from 1986, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL” and YO, the history marker of the opening was gone. There is no more ME saying “MYE” right B4 the beginning of the music track. Then I went 2 eject the cassette, and several parts of the knobs were suddenly loose on the player unit that never were freaking loose B4, and the other part that I blogged several months ago in the spring time somewhere, that was wrong, was no longer wrong, the entire unit was changed. Last night, I had horrific nightmares about being up on Long Island and Julia White was raping me again and laughing, and telling me that she was in charge of the Nodian Experiment that first seeded this planet, and that if I continued 2 interfere with her plans, she would make my life beyond a living hell in the SC, the SECOND CALENDAR, go Briggers and movies, only U dudes and dudesses don’t have 2 live inside this freaking daily nightmare and HUNTINGTON CURSE, I freaking DO, pretty curls and freaking all. I plan 2 run away very soon, and do not underestimate this Pat Jane, I mean it, BRAH!!! Rock and paper and pipes and light 2U2, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ‘Guatemala’ and ‘I’m Darker than you are’ and ‘nine-teen-ninety’ R all PCN-#990. Adding any 2 of them 4 a 2-match up GAWNUM comparison produces the mighty year of my history, THE MORNING LIGHT shines forever on this year, Copyright Office, and that is of course, 1980!!!!!!! Middle-C and three hundred thirty cycles per second, R totally compatible, so Y isn’t 330 hertz? Well, U figure it out, Y should I tell all the beach beat up secrets of yesteryear, BRAH??????????????? In the nightmare my younger daughter, Pee-Junior, told me that the reason that the “OTHER-PC” was not kicking in even when the GAWNUM showed days that it should, was because, the BRIGGBASE slkime ball evil third of the MILCO, had plotted all the days of the rest of my life, and knew all the compatiblr days, and were interfering and stopping it so I would lose my trreust and belief in the power of the GASWNUM. I admit, I was starting 2 question this. Math does not lie, it shows strong possible futures if U know how 2 work it, but all futures R potentials, and potentials can B ‘switched in hyperspace’, or (altered), 4 a quicker word. If THEY really had wanted 2, they could have stopped the World Series Win last year, but let me tell U, when it is an event of that size and proportion that is being played with in the hyperspace, extremely deadly and frightening magnetic fields will B altered, and this begins in the Earth’s magnetosphere and winds and works its way down all the way 2 the core cubic millimeter of the planet. Entire continents could have been blown away, and they did not think it was worth that.

If things continue this week as they began today, Monday, I will run away from here with my passport, far mother trucking away, B4 the end of the week, where none of U intergalactic seeding rats can get at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew when Joe came by, that something literally was blowing in the wind. I do not think it is the answers, Roger, but I have given careful consideration 2 your last note, and here is my answer. I will help U do this, anything 2 begin fighting this wild family back after 35 years of pure unadulterated hell. U have my numb BRO, we do it this week, I will tell U the plan, and if we get into trouble, use your code 907-PW idea if U like, go 4 it, pal. The worst thing that can happen is a huge gaga watt search light gets shone into powerful global closets. Let me warn U however, power like this in the hands of us amateurs’ is like a group of children playing doctor in a real OR and doing heart transplant surgery, hope we R doing the right thing BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a feeling that the answer might get barked at us, only then as your great cuz would put it only 2 well, it will B a posthumous message and a moot point then.

I may make a slight amendment here 2 earlier blogged speech. I do not have nightmares, I am living inside of one giant one. It has a name, and the letters on each one R the 8th in the alphabetical order, huh Bet Meddler? Well, middle C, Company C, Bugler Boys, and Gawnum match ups, all notwithstanding; this blog is just a sort of quick shout out that if anything happens 2 me, I have been murdered by powerful and dangerous transdimensional sickness. It is not people or entities that do evil and wicked deeds, it is evil and wickedness that works and operated directly through entities and people. When the proper arrangement of linear so-called realities R a bit more and better understood by the global societies, maybe then, just maybe, this human lost race might have a chance of getting back on better pathways, just as Doctor Bruce Goldberg would say it. I merely am echoing his sentiments here. Get his marvelous book, “Time Travelers From Our future”.

Yes, PC was off the dial today. I could have gone out 2 a public shopping mall and come home with anything I wanted 2, human and wearing a skirt that is. Is this a supernatural reality? Of course it is, just remember how I have defined and hopefully attempted 2 quantify and adequately describe, the SUPERNATURAL over the past few blogging works. Yes the license plates 4 Victoria Callio and Jones Beach were huge in 1997 at the North Shore Inlet in North Atlantic City. Up and down Tennessee Avenue there were lots of JB plates abounding everywhere. The cosmos speaks, but who is listening, EF Hutton?

Every rotten parlor trick U diseased cultists from the Briggbase ever do, I am onto U. All of U cap wearing egotistical maniacs impress me like a thousand tons of stinky squirrel excrement.

SSJKK, where RU when I truly need U brown eyes? Y have U forsaken me over and over in this nonsensical silly teen game of yours, and should we rate it S-4- STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That Boy, Game Boy, whatever-boy, is now choosing 2 TERMINATE TRANSMISSION 4 tight now, BRR!!!!!!!!!!

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