Thursday, October 22, 2009


WL-SBT-DATFILE: 0102209.681
Begin Transmission:

In this blog, quite a few things will all get hinted at, and some spoken directly, sort of a Ron Wirtz/ NO Ron Wirtz new century version of the show on TV we all know and some watch, DEAL OR NO DEAL. Motor bike filth R all over, and have been all this week. So has lots of noise persecution, sky persecution, it all has come back like a filthy diseased summer vengeance, sayith Multiverse Existor, ME. Screen flickering, bikers zooming by, sky action, car noise, and on and on, is all over. Thankfully, the kitty cat command wound down today, good riddance, Senator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe King is in the cellar with a wet-vac getting the water out from leaks in the water heater system. Next week or maybe sooner, the electrical box and water heater will B replaced. Dawn is about 2B cut off from electricity, she never pays the bill and yet I give her my share of the money each month, more than my share, on that and everything. Last night Ann was a total witch and things that rhyme with witch. I was trying 2 make my room neater and nicer and she got all nasty with me out of the blue. This is not Ann doing this, I know it, and so did my ancestor as he was freaking hanging up dying on as freaking roman cross. These filthy future exploratrons dreaming back in time and all throughout hyperspace, R inside otherwise normally acting people, and causing them2 behave in horrific ways so they can wake up in the future and have their futures better by wrecking areas in the past that will cause this. Yes the past is atomically locked in individual dimensions of hyperspace, but never did I say that hyperspace itself is ever locked in anything. That is all wide open 4 those that KNOW how 2 freaking abuse it, huh Julia Pigsty White? THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST MOTHER DUCKING PLUCKING SHMUCKING WEEK OF MY ENTIRE LIFE, NO WONDER GINA, THE EVIL DOW JONES IS FLYING AND UP AT 10-ONE, BRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder what they plan on doing after Sunday rolls around, and I am freaking long gone and disappeared forever out of New Jersey and far away from evil wicked U, Julia filth-face Queen-EXPLORATRON of +50 mega years????????? Take it away Harry Kala, I----A-M----ADDDDDDDA----HERE, and so is my ball. OUCH-330, did one get kicked off here HK??????????????????????????

I will get my new prescriptions at my Jay-Lo Berlin Lee-Nail-Farms tomorrow so I will have my needed meds until I relocate and find a new local Rite-Aid, as this is a large chain, huh Sarah Henningsen??????????????

Everywhere I go this week, some scum bag is right in my way as though a gigantic computer is just popping this bull shirt up out of the freaking blue. I know precisely what is going on, as well as all the little jag officer nuances that R behind the monstrous deeds of evil here, when things get this monstrously out of freaking control, and making me feel as though I cannot drive, or rationally operate and think, and along these lines, and I know how freaking powerful this MAYA from the GUATLANDS really is JW. I am onto the scams and the shams and the hoaxes and the parlor tricks and the Vegan acts and the wizards and magicians of Potterkovich, MAYA, ILLUSION, some even call it the way we would pronounce the Mayans themselves, but then, I do not despise all of them, just White and those close 2 her who she has used 2 wipe me out. I will never believe U sick powerful exploratron, that U ever will successfully turn my kids against me, NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One has found me through hyperspace, this computer genius who lives a far away zone of atomic duplication, in a reform school in Egg Harbor, New Jersey. The other found me through my blogs and knew what was going on deep within her, long B4 I ever put it all together, U GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a friend who is a real powerful math whiz do an estimated odds staggering equation of 2 isolated beings attending schools of same names within 100 miles of radius, as just a random series of bizarre coincidences. He calculated this at about forty nine and a half septillion, more than the tonnage of this planet’s mass, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is wild that here I am with a roulette system that defies the Herbert Huntington situation described several blogs back in a prior project, the only thing that I can make of it is that Monday I suddenly caught my own mathematical screw up and stupidity. Thus I believed I was making 2 or e3ven 3 times the profits that were actually being realized with this roulette system, but still, it is a fantastic system, and let me briefly tell U what I am talk king about here, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold onto your hats Hurricane Chase, as here is the outlandish and fantastic information regarding this. Like a total dummy that I am, I thought that I could go back on old games and simply count the 2 and the 3 strings up, and which ever was greater, I could subtract the smaller amount and then subtract 2 more and this was my profit B4 green losses. The math whizzes out here R yukking this one up in Mensa today. Yeah, I was a beef head, Arch. Still, I reworked lots of old games, and as I said, instead of making just over 400 units, try 138, and twisted, Miss Tess. This includes all the losses incurred with green house numbers 0 and 00. Still I was in heaven with the 400 number, and as soon as I got knocked back into reality, POW went the freaking DOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW, CAL, this may or may not B the, or THE ONLY reasons behind this absurd never ending rally. All I do know 4 absolute freaking certainty is what happened in 1986 when I was playing this game 4 a freaking living. I remember perfectly the second half of my doing this, cameras going off at tables, flashes, every time I would come up and exchange 2 or 3 grand in for 20 or 30 black colored gaming chips. It amazes me 2 this day that they never did a repeat with the Muzak or whatever system casinos in ACNJUSAESMWG use, and give me a really wild deal like they did in 1983 with, “OK, the name of this song is”. Y do U think my unconsciousness plays game back with this disease, copyright freaking examiners??????????????????????????????????????? Girls, curls, nails, and jails all notwithstanding, U will never take my kids away from me Julia Plight, so as Don the Hair-man would say, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT”, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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