Friday, October 30, 2009


Friday late morning, on 30 October, 2009 years,
Estimated post up time 4 blogs on 4 sites, 2 PM

Wednesday was a full righteous empire or a REME, verses Thursday. Yesterday was a full evil empire or a ALEE, if we decide here 2 switch back 2 terms made early in 2007 in my blogs, shortly around the time or just after, Robert McGuire poked his head into my private automobile in Middle October of 2006, on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic city, and then proceeded 2 whip out a gun and blow me away. The entire internet was able 2 witness both this gruesome event as well as hyperspace in action, right on freaking video. This was all seen on the now defunked website of that was lost when I was unable 2 keep up the payments, and also because Eddie had all the power over this site as he created it, and I really wanted no more 2 do with him. He was, as was his entire family, just not what I wanted 2 associate with. R all New Yorkers this DYSFUNCTIONAL? Well, they can get the job done when they really want 2, that has been proven 2 me long B4 last night, but then last night does not exactly dispel my case here either, BRO. Here is another thing that does not in any way dispel my beliefs, really what I totally know as I have really experienced the things that I make claim 2, and who believes my words or not, well, that is your own freaking bizz. I used 2 talk a lot about many topics that I sort of have left in the sleeper zone lately with my newest discoveries of the past 1-2 years with THAT-FAMILY-of 1970. This now, is one such item and topic that I called, and still will forever call, the “RPL-DREAM-DEAL”, shortened 2 the RPLDD, and has nothing 2 do with large black vulture birds camped outside of any New Jersey sound recording studios of my past. Donald Trump the mighty billionaire all ready knows all about this topic, and it is totally Y he decided 2 crush me right around mischief night of 23 years ago, and which of his casinos 2 in fact accomplish this feat in. But I am gonna remain on pernt here with Archibald Queens, and just go on with how the RPLDD is all about this blog today, and start getting into the specifics with U all right now, BRAH. First he crushed me by not permitting me 2 visit his opening day at the Plaza Casino, making my automobile engine overheat and totally blow up on the way down, right here in Hammonton, where I now have lived 9 fully monstrous and miserable years. May the gods take pity. Yeah, right dude!!!!!!!!!!! In-between these 2 events, the great pjhase-4 entity we all know and some R nuts enough 2 love, stayed quiet, at least in things pertaining 2 me, or did he? The hyperspace nightmare of August 15th, of 1986 was more than just 23 years ago, and has many other even more demonic gods-game reasons 4 my seeing the pure evil that is obviously behind so much of all of this hellishness. He went onto do many nasty things, and also stalk me illegally with his chopper off and on whenever the fancy struck him 2 do it, along with all of the cat feasts and high pitched tingling annoying bells. One day while I was paying my rent at Barf’s law and real estate office in Cherry Hell, New Jersey, the father was there and told me and I quote, “Word on the street says UR going back 2 Florida 2 live”. Remember how I went 2 Florida in late 1983 around the Christmas season? This was all previously blogged. Now I am just a Joe Blow, who really am I, or so I believed at this circa in time period. Well Senators of Watergate hearings of 1973, it really sure does all fit together along with AMC, Agnes, John and Fote on Tennessee Avenue in 1997, illegal and covert activities, more of them as well that Ollie North was patriotic and willing 2 take the fall 4 unlike the hatchet men of Richard, may the gods save the QUEEN, and on and on we could go. All broken parachutes here notwithstanding as well by the way, CRUSH. I am just wondering as I have been 4 almost the full 23 years or so now, Y am I so gods darn important, that any WORRD ON THE STREET is even out there somewhere and buzzing about little “ME”?????????????????? Joke-Joke, huh Donnie Longfaker. All these casino owners R fakers when U stop and think about it BRO. Winn and his stupid eyes, Christ that was 24 years ago and the dude sees 5 times better than I do, who do U think UR fooling ya bunch of self loving mirror kissing publicity seekers?

I got Chicky back from his job last night at the pizzeria, and he puked all over inside my car, and I knew right then that was the clincher and that the Yanks had the freaking game. What amazes me is that some real sicko fans over there in sicko New York, have not come over here and busted a window or done something really bad 2 us, as this would indeed totally wipe out my red and white’s. It can B a nice thing huh, not 2B taken seriously, mildly disbelieved, and darn out right thought of as a total lunatic with zero credibility given 2 anything said. C how the universe can balance no matter how awful things may appear? There really is always a silver lining around the darkest clouds, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure enough I turned 2 the sports channel and the Bloomberg channel shortly past midnight on this day of Friday, and the market flew and the Phillies blew. My shock value, ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY PREDICTIONS, another FULL EVIL EMPIRE TODAY, and some real bad times ahead 4 ol’ pathetic short fat whittle Mountainpuke. As I said, I will only stay here if the left side of the arc is maintained. If the right side stays 4 two straight weeks and continues, U say it Harry Kalas, only U can do this one, BRR, I’ll even retrace U just so U can, so how‘s that. It is not as simple as tuning back from a signal and zooming into it with satellite enhancement, and bouncing fields of excited magnetized space points, and cloning and replacing. All these things might B how some of UR perceiving what I call DDLTT, and have now 4 a while on my blogs. Nothing is really just as simple as Henningsen would have us all believe. Still it fascinates me that he lived and hailed from a Colorado village that was high up in the John Denver Mountains where white snow covered the landscape 4 much of the year, and the name of the state is actually the words, color-RED, so there is your RED and WHITE, and look who had your daughter’s Astral Plane motorcycle chain, Mariena Bookofthebeach CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I wanna tell about what happened, after I saw the BAD NEWS on the TV, shut it off, and retired 4 the freaking evening. Bear in mind that I blogged the story, all though not super in your face right directly out in the open, but very subtly, about the studio in late 1979 or early 1980, and what Jack Wallace and Howard Solomon were discussing with me on the recently changed 12 hour day shift that I suddenly had found myself on because of our largest customer, the 700 Club and Mister Pat Robertson. This story totally connects into this wild exploratronic interaction (DREAMING) of last night. I need 2 tell U that I hated the day shift at the plant back 30 years ago, I am still the same way, I like night work. Less people, less interaction, and less bull shirt. Less road traffic, less potential 4 things 2 EF-UP and go wrong, just all things considered and totaled up, I prefer nights. I told Jack Wallace the repairman who taught me so much that I was able2 buy cheap stereo equipment back in the day when there were indeed SOME user serviceable parts inside of them, and rearrange things 2 make them do fantastic things. Today’s geeks would have sat up and belched. The scum bag garbage filth toilet swallowing MILLIONTH-COUNCIL is effing with my computer again. WEIN, SOSO, SSDD. Yes the same stench on a different day, so what else is new?, as it is all the same old, same old, BRAH. I told Jack how I liked the quieter night shift, I just wanna do my darn job and get the heck ouddahere Harry, U go HK. Oh yeah, he went. Well, retrace is always there as a possibility, no notes Roger, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack then said that need 2B more pliable 2 the events of the world, and he of course was totally correct. Then Howard Solomon the Chief Recording Engineer happened 2 just B walking by as Jack and I were talking, and I was unaware of him being there. His low and loud bellowing voice suddenly made me turn around like a twirling dancer, and I heard him say and I can quote this after 3 solid decades of time passing by, BRR, “Anyway, we want U here where can keep an eye on U”. This is precisely what my oldest daughter tells me continually, in the transdimensional hyperspace, up until that is, I got myself into the latest mess that cost me my life there, the McGreevy mess. This is YI was cooling off at the outside well or whatever it was and pouring water all over myself that day. Hay, at least I wasn’t cooling off at Cooley Hall, or doing anything that upset her when she would materialize 2 me as the all ready grown girl by the name of Sarah Jacobson. Moving on as this can all B further Rock-Filed and Maverick’d later on if need B, ouch and loose teeth all notwithstanding, huh James, last night I found myself in a huge hotel with lots of wild large elevators, and I cannot tell it all. I want 2, but I can’t. It seems that in this other world, Jack Wallace and Howard Solomon and I all R friends outside of the workplace, and I was working at RPL all the way up through the early nineties and had decided 2 remain there until my night boss, Donald Cialoni retired. We had both left together on the same day. The gods only know YI would stay here and work 8 hours each night, while also operating the Starburn Outreach Development Corporation, founded by several partners and myself, who later on pulled a super fancy stunt and screwed me over like a rotten filthy diseased tomato. I only worked there a few days a week is what I came 2 learn, and4 once, hyperspace has put me behind my 2 faves on TV, and U will all know what I mean as I proceed. This is unless no one is either a fan of THE MENTALIST or LAW AND ORDER, that is reading these words. I knew that there was more than just an overage file and special records up in the attic. There was a pipe that went hot at 8 minutes B4 three AM every morning 4 about 20 seconds, and by going hot, I do not mean that it filled up with heated water and steam. I am talking about un-bloggable things that never could have happened on Tennessee Avenue, and were even posted on the website as I said, if it were not f these 3 powerful triangular connection points, one being the attic at State and Pierce in Camden, New Jersey, and the other 2 New Jersey points were the Bolivar Hotel on Tennessee Avenue, Atlantic City, and the coaches private room beyond the office in the school gymnasium in Haddonfield. This is the unknown Bermuda Triangle or its second hot-spot. When it activates each morning at precisely this same standard time, all of the fifth dimensional space near any of these points, say perhaps 2 cubic yards at best, a very small area, interconnect in the 2 halves of matter, as some R running one way and some R running another way, or direction of space motion. I will not tell 2 much about last nights’ experience. There was music in the elevators, and some of it was stuff I have written. I was trying 2 get outside the hotel where Jack and Howard were waiting 4 me, so we could take a walk in private. Naturally the media was all over the place. While finding a new hallway that led off 2 a totally unknown elevator, the elevator opened and a giant stereo loud-speaker was in the corner all by itself and blaring away some music that I did not recognize, most likely something from that other world. When I got outside and started walking and looking back 2C if any of the press was on my tail, Howie and Jack came out of the bushes and we scurried down towards a water drain off system. A walk bridge was near by, and we crossed over the water below us, and shortly after this we came 2 a busy highway, but also right close and off 2 the right, was a walk bridge, and steps up on both sides of the highway, so we then all proceeded towards it. We crossed the highway but B4 we totally had done this, I looked down at the hotel that now was some ways off to my right and far below us, as the landscape seemed 2 slope lower in the direction of the hotel. Howard said 2 me, “Mye still keeping an eye on U, huh?” The MILCO is intensely angry, and has just about rendered my keyboard space-bar useless. I need 2 mouse click in lots of red under-scored spaces as I go along in my typing and telling of this wild DREAM. Anyway, I remember saying back 2 Howard, “Yeah, what comes around goes around, guess it’s her turn now”? With that he bellowed out some raucous laughter that only Howard Solomon, and those in the music trade who knew him well, could tell U about, as he had a room shaking laugh, and it really picked up people’s moods and spirits when in fact he would do so, and I am not speaking of some ‘dream’ now. So I have learned that I did get myself into lots of trouble all the time, over there, and sure enough, both of my wonderful daughters were always making sure that I remained out of trouble. Now as I speak at 7 minutes shy of one PM, a nasty short burst death angel attack just struck me on my left side. This is Y Paula King had left me 4 a while, but later on when I got Starburn Corporation up and running, and it became the largest land development corporation in the tri state area, worth billions of dollars back then, she then decided I had grown up a bit, like my FCC pal McDowell, and was willing 2 come back 2 me. there is no key or need 4 one in that studio attic Patrick Jane, my pal with the municipal sized pipes, and “the finger game”, but here is the situation, Inspector Superman Louigee. If U know exactly where 2 stand at exactly 2:52 Ante’ Meridian at the RPL Sound Studios of Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG, or at the coaches private room off his or her office at Cooley Hall in Haddonfield, or up in the air just beyond the MCGUIRE structure of Tennessee Avenue no longer owned by McGuire, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, THAT, sir Rock, is the equation, TREKKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Archive old blogs at blogger dot com from me, and this has all been told 3 and 4 years ago, maybe not with all of the new spins on it however. How does
Professor Jackson of the Miami Stage University fit into all of this? How does all of hyperspace and electronic metaphysics, as well? A long time back BRO I thought I was a loony as shirt smells, mixed with squirrelly nuts. I would play this GAME, as all gods seem 2 inherently love 2 do as the mighty anti-hell-distraction, and invented made up characters that would all converse together on a tape recorder, only as I was doing this, it all was unconsciously or at least subconsciously done with the hope of effecting and changing a reality in the here and now. Even with small powered battery operated cassette portable tape recorders, I would notice immediately, that things were indeed BEING effected, not always precisely as I hoped, but it was beyond random chance. I began thinking in a very paranoid way that somebody just had 2B living next door or within window hearing distance, and crept around the place listening, and then would go and do things out in the world that matched up things that I was having these tape recorder characters B discussing. It hit me around 1979 or so, say about 7 or 8 years of playing these silly games, or were they silly, that who would B living in a 150 dollar apartment that would have so much power 2 even B able 2 effect anything out in the real world? I then began realizing that what I had been doing all along, BRAH, was in fact, NO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got screwed with ones, here is my freaking compenfreakingsation. Gee what is the dude gonna type, could it B maybe a bunch of fives? U got it honey cakes, U got it. 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 plus55555555555555555555555555555555 plus 55555555555555555555 times 5555555555555555555555555555 divided by the cubed root of 555555 equals who gives a rats grass mole?, as I just wanna look at my lovely frickin’ 555555’s. I forgive U after 16 years of hell that U put me through Jane Fonda. I hope PEE and MYE will B proud of me 4 doing that. It is asking a lot, believe me, I’d rather lose 5 billion bucks at the casino today. What U did 2 me Jane, was MNSTROUIS, and in-laws have absolutely nothing 2 slapping do with it, so go press 4 as I just did, yuk-yuk-yuk, and I know U know what’s getting’ said here honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As 4 roulette, just 2 make the Millionth-Council a bit madder and show them that I know some heavy things, I like 2 play all of the 3 parameters of the 36 numbers as one game that is being tracked for having certain amounts of 2-strings verses 3-strrings. Once a game shows 3 more twos or 3 more threes, I go with playing that. So in a hypothetical example, we now have a game where 3 more 3-strings R tracked, and after all cross offs, now 3 of them R showing, and as long as 3 or more R showing, I bet for the 3-string 2 occur on all parameters. So if 4 an example, up comes a BB, I bet B. After an EE comes up, I bet E. Now if it were 2-strings that were gaining after the cross-offs, after the BB, I would bet R, and after the EE, I would bet O, and so on and so forth until the end of the game, never staging up my bets, and always just ignoring losses incurred by house-vig from 0/00. I have 246 units net profit after playing 35 new games, and randomly replaying some longer older games from the past 3 years in my note-books. But that still ain’t all. UC, The heavy lady has a few more bars 2 belt out yet, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s not forget George Herman or Yogi here, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! After all, they cleaned our clocks last night and it shocked me 0%. Back now however, 2 the game of casino roulette. Unless your personal luck is way low and down beyond any norms I know about, and unless UR under your own HUNTINGTON CURSE, this little simple trick can make U a bundle of cash at the casino playing roulette as a side bettor. U will win one unit on all 4, 5, and 6-strings. U will lose 7 units on all 7 and larger strings. U will not B engaged in play on all strings of 3 or less. If 4 example there is an outcome of 4 RED numbers, or RRRR, UR betting against 7 and higher strings with a min-martingale betting progression of 1-2-4 units. U would bet on B or BLACK, until it wins or loses. Whenever U experience a net loss, until it is made up, continue betting in this manner, however there R 2 other betting progressions. Every time U win back losses, U always revert back 2 the smaller progression, allowing U2 increase again if need B. Using 1-2-4, and when falling into a net loss, U now would switch 2 betting 2-4-8. When this catches U up again 2 even, revert back lower. Now there is the third and final progression. If U still have a net loss and R betting at 2-4-8 level, U then move into the final 4-8-16 level of units. Unless UR the unluckiest person on Earth, or R under the HUNTINGTON CURSE or something, as long as U also use the bankroll safety methods in league with your play, U can B a continuous persistent roulette winner. Bankroll Safety Methods or BSM is always every bit as important as is your actual betting system itself. Applying this system 2 the BSM is arguable between a minimum GB or GAMING-BANKROLL, of 75-200 units, U make the choice, U play at home and get cozy. Y play there first and lose your U know freaking what, that’s real money, not plastic chips U buy at the dollar store 4 a buck or so 4 a hundred ofem. Now U need 2 remember the safety rule of THB verses your playing amount or GB. TOTAL-HOME-BANKROLL is 4 times your GB. If U plan 3 begin at minimum level at least in Atlantic City, and not always as many times beginning level outside table bets R $10, but since U can also find the $5 tables, let us begin on this level, and go with the rounded off 100 units, so 5 times 100 is a safe amount of play cash, or BANKRTOLL (GB). This $500 becomes double however if U must start at a $10 level, U then need a minimum $1,000 bankroll. Now your THB must always B4 times greater, so your minimum total in the hidden shoebox or wherever, is always gonna begin around one or two grand, if U want total safety. To move up and yes down also when unlucky streaks occur and they will, take it from a professional gambler back in 1986, me, myself, and I, U must go with the rule of THB=GBX4. So depending on what U would decide is the amount of units 2 safely play with, and using the 100 here in this example, while your total shoebox or THB has between 1000 and 1999 dollars in it, U must play at no higher than a $5 level. Once your THB has 5,000 or more, U may play the 25 dollar level, going from red-nickel gaming money chips 2 green quarter money chips. If however, UR playing at 25 dollar level and run into a bad luck streak, and your THB falls below 5 grand, U must go back down 2 triple nickel level or wherever the math shows U need 2B safely playing at, based on this simple formula.

Well I am about 2 say BYE-BYE 4 right now lads and lassies, C y’all later on, BRR. Have a real nice day, and someday explain 2 me what that is. Thank U. Chow.

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