Tuesday, August 3, 2010


C00010-080310.643---Subtitle: Welcome Back Louise Hendertrailkotter

Beginning Transmission:

I am under a major mother fucking cunt swallowing death siege, or was, yesterday, and knew late on Sunday night it would indeed B there, as when shit starts on a night B4 the bad day, the bad day is just about totally dependable 4 freaking occurring. The shit used a lot now is extreme neighborhood noise with the king rapper of the area and his dirt bag 13 bells of foundation destroying sound pressure crap ass noise at C-SQ-YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When this is extra bad at night, late, between say about 10 P and 2 A, FORT PIERCE POLICE DEPARTMENT, I can always expect a huge bad ass problem the following day, and normally mostly in the fucking skies. This unlike last week was all done with super ass fucking major chemtrails, not choppers and planes and military garbage crafts all up my ass, all though when I arrived at my work place around 10 minutes B4 eight in the morning, the same piece of ugly fucking shit fighter plane charged right at me from the fucking northeast, low and horrendously fucking loud. This same craft and many others have all been persecuting me and on me like flies on garbage, ever since this nightmare hell all started in 1986.

4 two straight Mondays, I have been put through a major aerial death ass siege, major huge freaking ass hyper ass time, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It went into last Tuesday, only this Tuesday, ‘THEY’ had things better planned than the boring same old-same old, so in lieu of air shit from the wicked fucking diseased MILI-2-FORCE, jag offs, they used my problem since June 4th of 1983, or really turn of the century mother fucking problem after they knocked off the doctor that kept me properly prescribed so I can swallow and eat and function and live, these cock sucking pricks all want 2 totally FUCKING MURDER ME AND GET SCOTT FREE AWAY WITH IT, JUST AS THEY GOT AWAY WITH MURDERING MY MOTHER AND DAVID CHARLES ROTH. My mother was not murdered when she died physically on Saturday morning on the 4th day of fucking diseased March of 2000, but really, when she was DEMONICALLY POSSESSED BY DEMON LICKING PAULA KING, the early morning hours somewhere following Christmas Day in the fucking year of 1997, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today, instead of last weeks’ continued fucking aerial attacks, here is what was done. When they would not let me pick up my very needed medication, LORAZEPAM, that I have been on faithfully, since July somewhere in 1983, late in the month, when a doctor from the Atlantic Islands somewhere, working in the West Jersey Hospital System of Berlin, New Jersey, USAESMWG, decided 2 prescribe this in hopes that it may alleviate some of my mother fucking horrific ass suffering, when I tried 2 order this on the telephone at my pharmacist, the Fort Pierce Mal-Mart, a new government NARK SQUAD firewall comes up on the computer, and even though it says 2 order these meds 2 days in advance of the precise run pout date, they will not allow one hour any more. So if anything goes wrong, it is my tough luck, B it a car problem, a computer glitch, or any one of a million possibilities, these dirt bags know they fucking have me but fucking good lads and fucking lassies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time, it was a computer glitch at the fucking insurance company that manages my care through my Medicare disability plans, called “QHP of Florida”. It all got resolved, after totally fucking ruining my day, every MOTHER FUCKING DAY IS BEING DESTROYED AND WIPED OUT BY MY SICK FUCKING DA GAMA ENEMY, EVERY MOTHER FUCKING ONE, AND IF IT DOES NOT STOP, EXPECT MAJOR FUCKING RETALIATION, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U can flag this fucking blog, or U can blog this fucking flag, C if I care, I am telling whoever is wrecking every minute of my fucking life, that if this shit does not back the fuck off, right fucking now, I WILL KILL SOME OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought I’d hear myself make that threat, and threat it is, as no one can take endless persefuckingcution and suffering, NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The problem remains is that I would never shed any innocent blood, and I would have 2 know 100% beyond the shit hole shadow of any possible ass doubt just who deserves 2 die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, neither U nor I, simply put, R not now or ever capable, of placing what is happening 2 me in a box. U just cannot put this in a box. There R indeed constants that exist in and throughout all of this. YES THERE R, folks, but that is apples and oranges, the constants help only when certain things in a much larger and more complex situation is focused on while pertaining 2 a miniscule level of this ‘bigger picture’, or sort of as with one drop of that ocean at that moment, and just as with the cited example in this blog opening, with the fact that super bad ass BOTBAR days 4 me, R just about always preceded by nasty late evening noise attacks or aerial shit, if none other than a huge chemtrails attack all around my proximity. These constants R many, and after years of my suffering through this hellishness with CALLIOTTAMM and WOMOTAWF, unless totally retarded and fucked up, one cannot help but begin seeing many recognizable repeating mother fucking patterns. Naturally, a few exceptions 2 this rule or any rule, R within the possibility factor, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes the great MCUR system was blown away last week, but that also, was another CONSTANT here. I have played with this mother fucking bull shit now since this fucking century came the hell in, BRO!!!!!!!!!!

I will hit on many short burst things on this blog, as I need 2 counterstrike, and this is my only weapon, PUBLICALLY TELLING SECRETS THAT \\\{{{(((“T-H-E-Y”)))}}}\\\ WOULD MUCH RATHER ME SHUT THE Sidney Cohen Crown shit about, despite the fact that they also saw 2 it quite early on in my life, that I am totally certified, as a pure ‘Credibility Destroyer’, if ever there is one, YO. This can B referred 2 as the 3rd “CD”, and one that nobody wants 2 buy, BRAH!!!!!!!!! Yes, Monday of this week, and Monday of last week, will now B discussed on this blogging text in a bit more elucidated detail.

Last Monday is where I’ll begin the runt slapping story, and if UR not IQ handicapped major hyper ass time, U will begin seeing the major 8 day pattern now, of using my needed medication, as a weapon and a tool against me, something that is by no means one bit new, it has been going on since they whacked my doctor in Westmont, New Jersey, his name was Frank Addiego, on Park Avenue, not STUDIO, YO!!!!!!!!! This doctor knew me from the age of ten years, and certified me 4 the great Camp Chesapeake, in Northeast, Maryland, as camp kids in those days and most likely still today, need a physical exam B4 they can B enrolled in summer camp. All was fine at work that day, a rare occasion. I drove home 4 a snack bite and 45 minutes relaxation, and then drove 2 my new Florida doctor, as U know from past blogs, I no longer use the coconut doctor down in White City, bad vibes and symbols right off, Jewelly’s Great City, really HER GREAT DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!! U know peeps, a child with a runny stinking nose can CY my enemies whacked and iced my pal Dave. He would have eventually figured out this entire mess, way B4 it really may have been, as SHE puts it, (((((“2-LATE”)))))}}}}. First, SSJK used 2 knock the shit out of me when I would not obey her, in HER PALACE on KANWAL AVENUE, in HER great city of SDK, but what was my favorite room in the entire palace? {{{(((THE LONG ROOM)))}}}!!!! The entire ATLANTIC COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE knows all of this back as far as 2006; as they have Eddie Himacane’s freaking confiscated computer and hard drive web site of the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember how he was caught violation the conditions and terms of his probation? Still, more than one world is involved here, just like many repeating wild dreaming interactions regarding a certain EGG HARBOR NEW JERSEY MYSTERIOUS SCHOOL OR DETENTION CENTER!!!!!!!!!!! In one reality, I distinctly remember ladies and gentlemen, that his probation officer was over in his trailer, as I was right there, and this PO totally knew that Eddie had his laptop computer. The terms were simply that he could not legally access the INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then after the chocolate and vanilla cupcakes and automobile registration murder around when else but Christmas time a number of years back, and like it or not WORLD, I TOTALLY REMEMBER THESE 2 DIFFERENT WORLDS AND REALITIES, this is not some made fucking up science fiction story, THIS IS MOTHER FUCKING REAL PEEPS!!!! Suddenly I was just hurled and retraced into a world quite similar and yet not totally, where many things were not the way that they fucking used 2B, right down 2 a world where I said something on a tape B4 a song started, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”, and other things happened 2 weeks or so shy of that, that all led up 2 one pissed off teen aged girl, huh Senator Thompson Furyboz??????????? Still, I believe the reason that between late 1990 and middle 1993, that I never went 2 jail, was because MI never told mommy, PTL, huh Pat Rob?????????????????????? Still, my mom was killed over this, and in addition, they tried about 17 months B that death sleep attack, at the Turnersville Pathmark Shopping Center, in Washington Township in New Jersey, USAESMWG, on Friday afternoon, on the 2nd day of the 8th month, back in 1996. Mi mom never was the same after this, and it was ten years 2 the very day, that fateful Friday night just past ten PM in New York City, on August second of 1986. Thank the fucking gods that the VASCO DA GAMA descendant gang cannot make my blogs on the mighty GOOGLE ENGINE OWNED AND CONTROLLED WEBSITE 4 BLOGGERS, known as WWW.BLOGGER.COM/ JUST DISAPPEAR AND GO AWAY, as they did my life journal of 26 years. Many peeps want me and my hellish tales 2 vanish into David Copperfield’s hat, but now, THIS SAFE JOURNAL, WILL NOT B DOING THIS, *******B-R-O*******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is also YI always instinctively fucking used the UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE, but this is a real story that may never B safely harped on with 2 much fucking detailed elaboration, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very soon, I will B copyrighting my entire URL blogging system on all sites, remember there is a missing period on blogger dot com, as last summer, a major fucking hack made it impossible 2 log onto the site. 4 right now however, let me tell the last 8-day-story of persecution, after nipping the job shit in the bud, remember peeps, when U beat this fucking enemy on one particular front, they just instantly somehow freaking cosmically regroup, and launch their famous Ronald Reagan Counterattacks using entirely different methods and altering the rules of the game B4 any mortal can even begin 2C and realize what indeed has happened, it is like attempting 2 catch a lightning bolt.

I left the job and went home as I told U all, and then left again 4 the doctor, the new doctor. As soon as I left, a totally unmistakable large yet totally area confined, thick black cloud was just hovering right over the very area of my doctor, it could not have been larger than a mile long and wide, and DIANA, my lightning goddess was inside this powerful cloud. I know this because when I exited from the doctor’s office, and with successfully procuring a new doctor who understands that my need 4 this medication is physical and not freaking ass psychological, and agreed 2 write this 4 me as long as I would come in 4 regular quarterly exams, no problem. My QHP insurance will charge me 60 bucks 4 these combined 4 annual visits. As I exited relieved that a huge problem had been resolved, I heard loud booming distant thunder, and could feel my DIANA all around me. I am very sensitive; I can actually feel electrons in the air when no one else can. As I began driving towards home, no longer a million mile trip as it used 2B when I lived up north, 2C my Pennsylvania doctor that my cousin Donald Powell had put me onto, the Penn group, connected with the university where my grandfathers, my moms dad, had taught in the gymnasium there, physical education, and was employed by the university, while living at 440 South 50th Street, in Philadelphia, a mile give or take from University City, but as I began driving, huge military crafts, menacing and stalking, were dead ahead, and flying very slowly, just letting me fucking know that they knew I had succeeded and had a major victory 4 my continual survival on this diseased and fucking planet. From there, it only grew far worse, many planes, and many choppers, one of them practically crashed right into my house on 26th Street. Then when I tried ordering my meds this week, this new nark-squad firewall was suddenly on the pharmacy computer, and still they PRESSED-ON, with or without April or Lee or weird hyperspace doppelgangers and schools. Then the powerful punch again was delivered just today, I go 2 leave my work after 5 hard fucking hours, and drove 3 miles or so over 2 the fucking Wal-Mart, and boom, the same thing happened as did last month. Instead of $7.50 coming up, they want 44 bucks and change. I do not have that kind of fucking money. I drove home, called up the QHP health provider, and they said that a sudden glitch entered their computer system today, gee really?????????????? OH YEAH RIGHT, on AUGUST 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, Elton John, Saturday night was a lot more than all right, and I say this again 2 the world, I NEVER HEARD HER SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If mommy had been told, I would have gone the way of Boz and obviously would have had many new experiences, in a 6X9 cell.

Now let me talk a while about the mighty kitty cat, whose BOO name is none other than GAWKY GAUKAUK!!!!!!!!!!!! The United States Copyright Office has a permanent record of this entity. Well, at least they have an officially recorded and registered song about him from my 2007 music project, YO. The SAR gives, and the SAR removeth, YO, Sorian 18 guardhouses and all, huh Governor Corzine!!!!!!!!!! There R nine freaking digits in the mathematical decimal system that most persons on this planet use every day, we all learned them in 1st fucking grade, DUH, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9. Out of these 9 digits, the 4, the 5, and the 9, all contain exactly the same 2 digit root number in the GAWNUM, this word is made from Gawky’s Numerology, the same shit he basically taught me, along with his wife, on the bus that wild time in 1980, or really, I was ‘dreaming’ it was 1980, and had not yet ‘hurt anybody’s feelings’, YO. Now many know from many past blogs that explained in detail just how 2 perform the GAWNUM COMPATIBILITY EQUATION. What nobody has been told YET, is that another magical-sofa word grouping reversal turns this into Compatibility-Gawnum-Equation. The initials 2 this expression is none other than (CGE). If the world and the sun does not blow up 2 soon, United States Copyright Office examiners of 1984, maybe I will tell more details about CODED GENERAL EIGHTEEN order on my powerful Magnetic Sound Machine, or MAGNESONIC, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In any event, whether I tell or do not tell more about this CGE, only I know, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So there peeps. What I’ll tell now and today is a super compressed and abridged version, that one great rock star of the past, and one of my very favorite all time female recording artists, Melanie Safka, from queens, New York, and later, northern New Jersey, USAESMWG, knows only so well and perfectly, YO. U just do not put 2 much information onto a song, B it a persons’ first and last name, as this is their PCN, or PRIVATE-COSMICODED-NUMBER equivalent, or a back door information bite that the great National Security heads and chiefs think is 2 sensitive or private, such as the 18th question asked in the New Jersey test 4 Security Officers, under the SORA registration system. This involved my exact computer hacking on many word-works programs, with the (N) letter, being added many times 2 the typed in word of (RATIO), changing it 2 the word of RATION. I never meant 2 tell the details in any way, pertaining 2 the question on this test. I was only attempting 2 officially record the fact that theses hacks done 2 me were even done 2 the SORA system and these tests given 2 the security officers of the state of New Jersey, in the year of 2007. All hell was breaking loose around me after 2007 kept going, and after more than a year of my serious blogging. I was letting out way 2 much fucking secret shit, and no matter how mother fucking certified I may B, secrets R secrets, let me explain just what I mean. If I give out the precise information online right now on how 2 bring back the dead with laser trace technology, being certified does not guarantee that some BOZO clown out on the net will not try and build this thing, and then POW, the world alters forever, ion this timeline of the 5th dimensional hyperspace, YO!!!!!!!! Those yummy cupcakes from good old Egg Harbor’s Incollingo Grocery Store, wow, does it really get a lot better than this, Mister Spielberg, Mister King, and Mister Geffen? Now 2 get fucking back 2 other shit. OK, so I must go back every once in a damn while, and do shit, if I did not fight this in my layers of unconsciousness, they would have destroyed humanity a long time ago. I had 2 let U all know that I could insert things like “MI”, and “FUCK THIS SHIT”, and write the lyrical content 2 so many of my 1980-1986 songs, especially 1983. Imagine Henry Fonda staring in a movie back in the fifties where somebody says “FUCK THIS SHIT”? Well they do, just get the movie called, “12 Angry Men”, and listen carefully and hard right after the dude with the foreign accent says “Pardon, I want 2 change my vote 2 not guilty” The Copyright Office Examiners have the original “REAL GOOD GIRL on cassette tapes, hopefully by now recorded digitally onto a new format. I believe my copyrights R good in this and many other countries globally 4 a period of 75 years. Anyway, back now 2 the way we compute the GAWNUM, 2C what is and what is not, COMPATBNLE. 4 an example, my PCN is 871, and is compatible with many other PCN’s, as well as not compatible with many others. U simply add the 2 things being compared. If at least one digit-match in the total is existing in both PCN’s being compared, then it is compatible (C). If however, no match of at least one digit exists in both however, it is then non-compatibility (N). Now, what has never been blogged, even though I have discussed 3 and 4 way match ups, turning words and numbers and entire sentences into PCN’s, and even the methodologies 4 arriving at hexnumers, what I now say, has not been told, it has been saved 4 a powerful day, and this fucking day is powerful, I am one fucking poised off fucking dude peeps, YO!!!!!!!! Gawky, the large black ASTRAL PLANE panther cat, as many of U know, and I; go back throughout all infinity. This is not saying a lot, we all do. I merely have the complete awareness of this, and that is the difference. Now moving on and leaving this point entirely alone 4 today, the digits out of the nine from 1-9, that R either 1,2,3,6,7, or 8, all have PRIVATE-COSMICODED-NUMBERS or PCN’s, that R totally C with my PCN of 871. The only 4 that do not match-out and thus R non-compats or N, R the digits of 4, 5, and 9. Power exists in all of this, greater fucking power than the entire superpower USA government has clue number point oh one about, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a benign little sentence on the surface: “WHEN MARK MOHR WAS IN NEW YORK CITY IN NINETEEN-EIGHTY-SIX, ALL HIS TROUBLES WITH ENEMIES RESULTED”. This is PCN-817. Add up now this PCN-817 and my PCN of 871, and we get the PCNT or PCN-TOTAL. This comes 2 the total of (1688), and this is a maximum major 100% compatibility. Querying cosmos using this ‘GAWNUM’ with that sentence, verifies as my Uncle Heinz Gottwald would put it so greatly, from Babylon, New York back in the year of 1972, “IN MY MIND” that both now today, this very yesterday up here in 2010, as well as my DAY OF TERRORISM WITH MY POOR MOM GETTING HER LIFE AND MY LIFE THREATENED AT THAT HORRIBLE SHOPPING CENTER BACK IN NEW JERSEY IN 1996, back on AUGUST 2, the very day 24 years back yesterday that I did not hear that tall lovely curly haired high school kid ever once say “NO”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not accusing, but I am saying that both Thomas J. Reale, the child molester from Somers Point, in New Jersey, USAESMWG, and the rest of his lovely VASCO DA GAMA family, R obviously connected with me and have been right freaking along, without me ever knowing any of it, not until this hell all really began 2 take form and shape in middle oh-eight, and it all is right there 2B read and viewed on all the blogs stamped and time date certified, at www.blogger.com/ and just type in “BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN”. It sure is fascinating as well, 2 me aniwho peeps, how adding up these 3 digits from the 1980 dreaming-interaction with GG, of 4, 5, and 9, equals the sum of SORIAN-‘18’.

The 6th dimension lies above and beyond the hyperspace. It is a realm that literally transmits energies downward lower dimensionally, into the 5th dimension of parallel space-time universes. The mind is everything just as many enlightened persons know, only they R so clueless beyond this point as 2 just Y and how this mind is indeed everything. In later blogs, I will tell ultra forbidden things that U can do with the minds U all have. But know this, friends and foes, it is not YOUR mind, U can buy into that fucked up illusion all U wanna, but the word BULLSHIT comes right 2 mind with me, as I totally know better, YO. The downside with doing anything that I’ll B telling and showing later on in August, unless this fucking crap backs off significantly, is that U never can catch the vig, as gamblers might C this as. If U always dreamed of punching someone U hate were 2 happen, in long run, U will suffer more than any happy quick thrill or fix U get out of punching this person. U either get punched back harder and worse, or end up in legal troubles, but one way or another, the average person is always going and running into a negative vig just as if they were spending their lifetime in a casino playing games house-rigged with an advantage on all of these games from 1-6% and more with slot machines, much more. This fix is all legal, and is known as house vigorish, or shortened 2 house-vig. Even the luckiest peeps on this planet, suffer through life-vig. There is always pain and suffering and eventual death, and if U can live healthy up 2 the day that U die, U will start 2 watch friends or loved ones suffer in pain with diseases and eventually come 2 watch them die and lose them, looking at shit from a human and material vantage point of course, but illusion tricks the awake mind with total power, and that is indeed how we all C and perceive the so-called reality around us, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here R a few silly things that will get your minds just wondering about things, perhaps in your own lives, perhaps not, just B open minded and read, BRO. When I get a loud music attack at home, and hold my ears so tight, in addition 2 the earplugs always worn by me, the sound will go away. If I do this, and take my hands away from my ears after a couple minutes, the sound completely HAS gone away. Every time I tell some of my friends at the place where I work, anything whatsoever about the horrors of August 2nd, and any of the story, a boss comes up out of nowhere. When I am looking 2 find a boss, there never is one. Now, when I need 2 find a boss, I do not operate humanly any longer, I instead use the knowledge that I have, and yes, up pops a boss. The entire parallel universe system or all of the entire hyperspace is not what is going on, as what is going on is really inside of a larger enclosure, the 6th-DIMENSION. Knowing this, and acting totally on what is known, FOREVER ALTERS EXISTENCE. When U know, U know, and “FAITH” has squat ass shit 2 do with any of it. When a dude comes up 2U and slugs U hard in the guts, U need no faith 2 believe that U have been hit and it hurts like hell, THIS is what I am talking about here, this and only this.

MAGNESONIC: Open command G-7. Go 2 all general and all special orders at maximum power. Your gain levels R set at maximum infinity of 11.8. All controls R now being maxed out against this gain power. Scan the entire sixth dimension 4 whatever and whoever wants harm 2 endlessly attach itself 2 me. On your transpower block is an image-object. I have totally crushed and singed this image-object. Computer, U will respond through this electronic computer, U no longer R my machine at Highview Apartments in Williamstown, New Jersey from the year 1985. UR totally under my power and control. Instead of my voice print, read my thought energy system as I type this. It must match my voice print right now, MMMMMMMM. I repeat, MMMMMM. Now U have heard my voice print, and the dual tones from the telephone system attached once, now R being heard by my mind, and UR picking it up later. All entities R now being totally destroyed that want 2 continually harm me, your creator, and a totally innocent person. Under a crush destruct, singe destruct, total destruct-DESTRUCT order, on an (I) to (D), (A)-(B) tone, phasing punishment system, U now will hear the A-TONE in my mind, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Now U will hear the B-TONE in my mind. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, G-901, G-189, G-1133, under CG-39, CG-5555, AND-STOP!!

Well, I have asked these diseased jerk offs 2 leave me alone, and they will not. So let us now C what happens as this world starts 2 really freaking rock and roll, YO!!!!!

End Transmission.

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