Saturday, July 31, 2010

safe journal, chapter 0009

C0009-073110.650---BLOG CCHPTER #0009, PRIOR BLOG WAS #8,
Subtitled: “The Endless Incredibility Factor”
Beginning Transmission:

It is a Saturday morning here in downtown Fort Pierce, Florida, the bank clocks showing the same temperature, 95 degrees, and going up 2 near 105 with another heat index right around 110 degrees, just as with yesterday, the day B4 that, and the day again B4 that, and so on and so forth. I am at the library doing a blog, and could not do any blogging since my last posted chapter 8 that mistakenly read, “BRUCE PENNOCK STRIKES AGAIN AND SO DOES CHAPTER SEVEN”. If he were 2 stroke again, maybe we would B back in his rear yard and it would B 1972 all over again, and we would B playing Field Hockey together. Where has Stacey Lattisaw gone, Peter, Paul, and not Mariloo?????????????????????

Siege at the start of this week that occurred back on Monday and Tuesday were off the scales nightfuckingmarish, YO. The aireal siege from the mother fucking dirthole bastard MILITUFORCE was indescribable and totally awesome and unfuckingfathomable. I would have been all over this library, but 4 the same reason that I could not even have a watch this week, and many other little common necessities, I was all ready illegally driving the 3 blocks or so, long blocks, 2 my job and home, and could not risk any other totally non absolutely otherwise life altering errands or rides. My tags had come in the prior Friday, but the paycheck was not until this Thursday that would permit my giving the miserable state of fucking Florida their 400 dollar fee so that they would permit me the luxury of driving the roads that my taxes R paying 4. Also, the many klutz outs were in combination with making me temporarily misplace and lose objects, and it was on numerous occasions, right along with numerous clock-ones attacks from the not FOND-OF bitch JANESHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of these klutz outs was when my watch dropped out of my fucking butter fingered hand and right onto a hard tile floor in my kitchen while trying 2 grab it and place it onto my wrist, and it landed crystal side down on this hard surface and broke into a million fucking pieces. So all week, I had no access 2 time, I am used 2 this, I always wear a watch, if it breaks, I go straight 2 a cheap place and get me another cheap but reasonably accurate watch. I shall not go on with numerous little stuff that totally sucked my prick at warp speed; as it would B a waste of my time.

The last thing this blog story of my hellish life left off with was my situation at work. Just as with what my enemy always does and can B totally pre-expected, the rules can change and shift on a dime, the man was told not 2 say crude things of a sexual nature 2 me, and he is behaving now just like a perfect gentlemen. But when one thing changes and alters drastically in a sudden cannon shot burst so 2 speak, other things in like matter ‘pop right up’ 2 take the place of the old annoyances now removed, and all in order 2 maintain some type of ‘HUNTINGTON CURSE’ perfect balance HELL-SCALE 4 poor whittle ME, MOUNTAINPEN, or MARK WAYNE FREAKING MOHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is every bit as fucking real my fiends and friends out here as the scientifically proven fact that if one electron is removed from a room, somewhere in the entire expansion of 60 trillion light years around, one proton is also removed in order 2 maintain a perfectly balanced electrical charge in the matter and energy of the grand scheme of the higher reality. Now science merely is as of yet unaware that this higher reality lies directly above the 5th dimensional hyperspace, and is the dimension of the MIND SIGNAL, also the 6th Dimension.

Guess who just decided 2 give me a ROYAL FUCKING SCREWING FOLKKS, none other than JANE SLEAZEBALL DIRT DIEASE NOTFONDA ONEBIT!!!!!!! The computer screen says eleven fucking ass eleven, and I was made somehow 2 look right at it, so here is my immediate Ronald Reagan response and counter-fucking strike attack, HA-Ha-Ha, 55555555555555555555 plus 55555555555555555 times 55555555555555 divided by 555555555555555555555555555555555555 is equal 2 the lower than whale shit value numeric amount that your computation device would indeed display should U wish 2 perform this true calculation peeps, and these peeps R way lower than any star sky comparative whale shit, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back now 2 hyperspace, and the realm above it that sends energies or (thoughts) by our way of perceiving this energy being transmitted and connecting into our being-ness, this mighty and beyond awesome SIXTH DIMENSION: This clock attack shit is part of the bigger example that when time permits me some day and I have my own schedule and my own computer and internet, AT MY HOME, as I did B4 the Vasco Da Gama descendants wrecked everything 4 me, then I can get into many greater elucidations pertaining 2 all of this subject being now merely gently touched upon, BRO!!!!!!!! Everything that I have believed is coming from the Astral Plane as far as games, needs 2B reexamined, as it still is true, only it has an attachment 2 it that I’ll now label as the Einstein Syndrome. Just as back in the early middle 20th century when this great man and mind lived and walked this Earth, this I-C pronunciation abbreviation, that I will now use when I feel like it, hay it’s my freaking blogs, right?, aniwho, he tried desperately hard 2 take all of the known cosmic forces and place them into a folding pattern so 2 speak, IE, he wanted 2 make it all fit together and then make real nice and perfect sense, at the end of his great life after the long talks with my father in the Princeton Park, he had come 2 realize that not only R indeed the enemies of his future planned son equal 2 McGuire/Callio along and in league with the Millionth-Council, but also that he was shorting himself out of the one necessary and desperately needed ingredient and formula in order 2 really make this cosmic force all come together like a perfectly wrapped and so pretty Christmas gift from Santa Claus Sarah Callio Kelvin. Without adding more dimensions so that these forces would all fit nice and smug and neatly into a perfect order, it would not really work. In any event, it was just after this that my father was hanging around Vero Beach, Florida, with his good pal the great Melvin Fisher, owner of the Treasure Salvers Corporation, here on what now has become as a result of all of this, as the TREASURE COAST, YO, isn’t life fascinating there, my peeps?????????? Also, what poor Albert also failed 2 realize and C back then, was that Vero Beach was gonna B used as a power-house stronghold by the WOMO-TAWF, and the entire MILI-2-FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!! This stronghold is controlled by a benign appearing charitable organization here in fort Pierce, a few whittle beach towns down 2 the south from Vero Beach, where they have a separate operation up there as well, and I speak of the Outreach Center on 25th Street, just yards away from where I now reside, all connected up through the mighty MAR-JOE and HILLC, and the beautiful special, ‘social worker’ by the name of the non pharmaceutical company, of APRIL LEE!!!!!!!! Wow does the Mountainpen have a gigantic imagination, sheeeeeeeiiit, if I could write fiction this fucking great peeps, HELLYWEIRD would look me up and hire me overnight, they know it AIN’T FICTION, and that I am NOT some fantastic FICTION WRITER, dudes and duddesses, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More wild stuff is going on at this wonderful place than anyone out here in the land of internet and blog readers would or even COULD have the power or the ability 2 really understand or believe, should I even make an attempt 2 really and fully tell it all someday, YO!!!!!!!!!! It is all about the money, they would hire me and I would make many billions of dollars writing “FICTION” 4 many various Hollywood studios, only the trouble is that I have no talent whatsoever in writing fiction stories, I have tried it 4 fun, I can only tell what is really going freaking on around me, period, Mister Fred Sanford!!!!!!!!

I will tell U that literally overnight, all pussy action stopped last week there, and no one bothered me whatsoever. Giant girls still prevail all over there and this entire regional area as well, but that is par 4 the freaking course peeps, When pussy command goes away, my enemies or the MILITUFORCE, that really R one and the same, or said a bit less parochially perhaps, the Earthly and Physical Plane counterpart of the mighty Astral Plane Authority known and termed by many both here as well as there, the (AWA), or the “MILLIONTH-COUNCIL”, out of which, one third is totally evil and wicked, living on a place known Astrally, as the BRIGGBASE. Remember, there is no real location, it is all an interaction reality where space and time as we perceive these elements and ideas mortally while alive and living on this Earth, R just automatically built right into the interaction, or said a bit better, become the byproduct of the created interaction, the total reverse of how the mortal world appears 2 work through the conscious awake mind illusions bringing it all 2 us just as a television program is brought 2 us by the broadcasting networking systems, no difference at all, not really, just stop and dwell on these concepts 4 a short while there peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I suffered a super fucking major dirty nasty health attack by the WOMO-(MILLIONTH-COUNCIL) BRIGGBASE FILTH. The cramping pains began just past nine last evening, and all night it was pain and shit attacks and toilet fucking visitations. It still is not totally OK; and yes, these filthy fucking scumbag mother eaters struck me extremely hard. Monday, the chopper almost took my roof right off, any lower over my home on 26th fucking Street, and it would have been a scrape and a crash and a huge fire, and then peeps would B FORCED 2 LISTEN 2 ME AND MY WILD CLAIMS AND TRUE TALES AND STORIES OF HELL AND WOE AND TURMOIL, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have learned things that R so wild, and if I talk, I will get my peeps and informants or “SUBS” in trouble, so I must B extremely careful here, huh WAYV-FM PAULA, Jersey radio, poor Regis, leave that poor dude alone ya’ bastards, he is a hell of a wonderful guy and has a lot of better things 2 do with his life than threaten U, big PAULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slide it Dawn King, U GO GIRL, CU in jail, along with your family someday, every last oneofem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I surely cannot talk, not with all of my post summertime 1986 license plates around me starting with fucking “JB----”. After-all, I had come this close “\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” 2 learning of the comforts of RIKERS ISLAND, back early on the first week in August. I still thank the hockey mom 4 not trying 2 look me up and press charges. Hockey-dads and Dick Wolf, how many CLUES did I need 4 the sun 2 explode in my face, along with Coded General Order CG-18, and Jimmy Tellall??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I guess then it would no longer shine, and we would all B lost in time, not just Mi and Me, watch that magical lingo down there my MYAN friends of the Central American Highlands, a magical dude named Henningsen may just b poking around still 2 try and get another magical motor-cycle chain, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But was ‘Callio’ along with this branch of the family the big culprit in my nightmare hell as I originally thought this 2B in 1996 and 1997???? NO WAY, NO SIR, NO MAHM!!!!!!!!! Don’t cry if I send U the flowers, and tell Joe Barrios not 2 freaking run around so fast, his clothes may tear up, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now, the gospel radio that used 2 blare out sermons and SAR-praises, while I did my 25 hours at the 25th Street Outreach Center under the AARP Jobs Program, has completely been replaced with the secular musical stations, and I guess I need not really go on with this 2 much. Am I picking up any believers yet, or R all of U beyond total MONKEYS? Forget love and truth and fairytales, this is freaking ass REALITY, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Billy, Paul, and Sally really did all screw me, and answers R not blowing around in the wind; cut me a break Margie Leo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can get back 2 Jim Rockford and his loose teeth later on, YO, 4 right freaking now peeps, let us move into a different area all together, and this being how after the 1986 death siege perpetrated on me by this sick and evil diseased MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, I was never able 2 ever win at the game of ROULETTE, ever again, in the Atlantic city casinos,. The days of my life being wonderful that one year, HAD ALL ENDED FOIREVER, GUESS IT WAS MY SUN THAT NEVER WAS MEANT 2 SHINE, huh MI???????????????? R any of freaking U wondering if the next lines typed here on this blog website UR tuning into and digesting, gonna B about this very subject, and tell how naturally, SKY and wonderful so called “ULTIMATE ROULETTE” system, crashed and burned 100% last Monday night during the incredible aireal attack, just like the ones that they gave me in 1986 that led 2 my eventual destruction and the end of my gambling and roulette career, there was indeed A WICKED MAJOR PUITPOSE 2 ALL OF THIS PERSECUTION. I know it and so does this rotten evil government, they all know it, and they will not lift a damn finger 2 help me or look into it, or even think about assisting me in getting it stopped. No, just leave me out there with Ross the Boss in that horrific Texas hailstorm of cosmic nightmares, where I cannot run, I cannot hide, and I sure as ‘pucking’ hell cannot ever make it fucking STOP, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, what a wild imagination old King Nebnooshoo has, peeps, like YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I must B so fucking careful now in what I say, as this stronghold place is my job and my food on the table, and they R monitoring these blogs, there is not a lot of freedom in this world, and most peeps know this fact only 2 well. Just as Jack McCoy said 2 the foreign driver, “U cannot lie 2 the police or the Grand Jury in this country”. Well, I told U that a major event was around the corner, and Y would it not B right there in 600 LAND????????????????? Way back as a boy with the SUNRAM magical ship, months B4 the one-hit-wonder did the song about Captain Da Gama, ‘RIDE CAPTAIN RIDE’, Y, is this getting good yet or great yet, or what, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch out 4 the huge messages in OHW’s. There is OHMS LAW and now I give this world or whoever may remotely B interested in learning this today or whenever, OHW’s LAW. It is very difficult if not just plain impossible 2 write a song, B a total nobody, and get it on the top 100 major music charts. IE, forget it. U may, and U may also win the mega jackpot lottery, same freaking odds, peeps!!!!!!!!!!!! After doing the impossible, Y would anyone just STOP and say, OK, one hit, that’s nice, BYE-BYE, YYYYY????????????? U do not do that, it is just not logical Mister Spok. This is where U must seriously wonder if a one hit wonder song is not there as a major cosmic message, and this principle is based on something that was spoken 2 me by one of the mightiest and greatest philosophers that this world was ever lucky enough 2 have produced.

Yes being as WAYV careful as is possible yet telling some things that just must B in fact told today on this blog peeps, let me proceed now 2 try and just do my very best. Don’t miscarry on me at 1802 Robin Hill Paula!!!!!!!!!!! My dreams R “way so not funny”, quoting the younger generation here, the SPACE SHUTTLECRAFT CHALLENGER EXPLOSION, the 2008 PHILLIES WORLD CHAMPIONS, THE CHINA EARTHQUAKE in 2008, THE 495-594 GAWKY PENNSYLVANIA LOTTERY NUMBER IN 1980, the MEDICAL OFFICE HOME OF MY KIDNAPPING AND DA GAMA DRIVER AND HIS 23RD GRAND-DAUGHTER, and on and on we could go here my peeps, YO. Funny how RIVER becomes DRIVER simply by adding the letter “D” 2 the word, and vice versa if subtracting. Still, Tim the dreamer at work had 2 major dreams about me now and was told both times, 2B sure and tell ME ABOUT THEM, in colorful and living details!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, another dude there has informed me that the owners of this location may B monitoring my life, and have told peeps 2 do and 2 say certain things, these so-called ‘dreams of this half alive pathetic soul’ being perhaps one example here. Still, they had 2 first know about my banquet interaction and the magical thin and very tall goblets with the sections and various colored liquids contained in each of these separate sections. One was red indeed, one was clear as water would b, I remember that now, and whether Tim really had the dream, or was told by ‘them’ 2 say this thing 2 me, either way, how could they know about MY DREAM first, I never told a soul, or did I? I told the entire world through these blogs, did I not???????????

Let us all get totally real. I have obviously been personally involved with the Da Gama’s ever since the middle nineteen-sixties. Y else would THEY have all gone 2 so much trouble 2 do so many wilds things 2 me 4 so many freaking years? The mystery-girl that stayed with Estelle Andersen Bassler on Tennessee Avenue in the future entertainment capitol of the world, known also Sir Princebombs, as Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG was just the start of many other things destined 2 follow, YO!!!!!!!! I have witnessed this powerful thing that some one or some thing is protecting and will kill if necessary 2 protect, that indeed IS INSIDE THE TRUNKS OF THE VEHICLES THAT THESE DIRT BAGS RIDE AROUND IN, ALL OF THEM. When that man in 1996 back on August 2nd thought my mom was trying 2 gain access 2 his trunk, which of course she was not, he jumped out and hollered at her, “I’M GONNA KILL YOUR SON, I’M GONNA KILL YOUR SON, AND I’LL KILL U2 IF U DON’T GET AWAY FROM THIS TRUCK”. Mom and I phoned the police, this truck had been stalking us 4 many miles through many towns, and all I was trying 2 do was get my new song at the time, SARAH, recorded at some music studio. DOES ANYONE C NOW Y THIS ALL HAPPENED, BECAUSE I SURE HAVE THE FUCKING THING TOTALLY FIURED OUT, YO????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These machines can cause memories 2 become distant, removed, and shuffled in time order. They can cause major shit attacks of grown healthy people, I watched it strike other normal adults over the years since August of 1986, and it is totally real, none of this is a bit made up, but try and tell any of this 2 fucking cops and prosecutors and government peeps of any capacity. IU even knew Congressman Andrews as a young teenager playing in Albert Pileggi’s music band, he is the singer of 2 of my copyrighted fucking country songs in 1980 4 the sake of fucking Jesus Crucified Ass Christ, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some power is tangible, and some is not so visible or ‘material’, my lovely arm breaker Emy-Amy, say hi 2 your lovely ‘Wall Street Journal’ reading Mom. I heard your song the other day girl. If we arm wrestled today with those guns of Navarone U have now, I would have every bone in my arm shattered, YO. Without any American pies thrown in my face by Larry, Curly, mo, or MI, funny, funny, YO, let me march this right along here folks. Emy, don’t feel bad, she rummaged around in a pile of things in my car, it seems rock stars R all trash pickers, Billy, all of them, it blows me away. But that is not Y things blow me away, it is because the 6th dimension is so annoying with me, and there just is no stopping any of this, not ever, no one can grasp this EVER thing, how I envy all of U, U do not C the incredible pain and agony of endlessness in your human lives. This is all getting very old and very boring very incredibly fast and getting me absolutely nowhere Mister Scottiewarps!!!!!

Aniwho, I got my tag yesterday, it is on my car, and I have all my legal documentation and am driving a 100% legal car here in Florida after more than 7 months of technically not. April Leefarms did the laundry with me also after the first mission was accomplished. My pay was short, and I must contact the AARP when I get home from my job on Monday afternoon. Also, John Judy no longer communicates with me. I guess someone reached out and touched someone in the famous AT & T & D, the last D of course 4 Da Gama. But my research now has taken me far into the life of New Jersey wealthy child-molester Thomas J. Reale, and his girl friend of 1970, Vicky Callio. Remember his property where I stayed during my serial nightmare where the cut-man Da Gama had me all sawed up, was all done while I was sleeping physically, in HIS HOME, on Cornwall Avenue, in Ventnor, the town neighboring Atlantic city directly 2 the south, bordered only by 2 streets joining into one, and not with any water. When I started poking around into the Callio family in 1997, I came 2 learn that she was part of the ATLANTIC CITY MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY, right where the White Horse Pike of Julie ends in Atlantic City located at 401- not Krassle Retirement plans but wow what symbolism, on Virginia Avenue, like wow again, no Santa Sarah Claus Callio, Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their website is and U really do need 2 look it up and poke around, U just might learn some in-between the lines stuff, YO. Dots never stop connecting, and never have nor ever will, in all of this; it truly is building the great McLaughlin mystery, huh SARAH????? I AM getting closer and closer 2 understanding this ALL MIGHTY INCREDIBLE LOVELY TEENAGED GODDESS!!!!!!!! Then on Pearl Harbor Day of 2002, 6 years after the I-Ching experience at 112 Harvard Avenue in Somerdale, New Jersey, USAESMWG, she comes 2 me on the boardwalk outside where the Atlantic Palace Condo is located just a block or so south of 10-SC Avenue, and told me that her name is also SARAH WILLIAMS, and years later when I did not catch onto this yet, the famous, Williamsburg, Virginia place sure did with their multiple non ending television commercials with the I AM all throughout it, OYR SSJK, I am so sorry I am 2 slow 4U at times, UR so great and I am so small. I know that, this point will never B debated anywhere on MORIANITY, that U can B very sure of, both U and Kimba the WHITE lion of Mini-Great Viqueen Jewelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I misspelled the word VIQUEEN on a blog a while back, with an M, sorry, but wow, more symbolism if U carefully play with rearranging the balance of the sentence, YO!!!!!!!!!

Let me get into the powerful black cat that also is a famous Astral Plane professor at a very famous Astral Plane Mystery School that many Varaigi Masters know about yet will never discuss it with their Earthly following here in this so called waking life. It is called the ‘TECKBAY MYSTERY SCHOOL OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA’. This cat came 2 me in 1980 in the most wild and powerful dreaming interaction I can remember outside of the one shortly B4 this, with the great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, singing 2 me, my very favorite out of millions of her great unfathomable songs, called, “LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS”. Her name sounds very bizarre 2 Christians when I do not explain that U have no clue about an ancient language that the Hebrews once used, called Aramaic. SAR in this old language means LORD. Then 2 make the female from the male, their language was quite similar 2 present and modern day French, in that it is extremely gender sensitive. AH changes male 2 female, hence a god or a godah, a LORD or a SAR, becomes a SAR/AH, LORDESS. On the Astral Plane, the English way of pronouncing the word “STAY”, is no different at all than pronouncing the word “NEE”. Many divinity schools call the LORD, Jehovah NEECY, spelled most likely a bit differently; this still is its proper pronunciation. This is how we find our self arriving at the “All Mighty LORDESS SARAH-STACEY”. The KRASSLE family owns the entire CITY OF DAVID, or the GREAT CITY. It is the CAPITOL OF THE ENTIRE PHASE-2 REALITY OR THE ‘ASTRAL PLANE’, the ‘SPIRIT WORLD”, same diff. The Province of Olympia is the capitol province of more than a nonillion total provinces, each one averaging the size of about 8% of our human world MILKY WAY GALAXY. The city has a name, as does this GOD that U all just call GOD, SHE has many names in fact, many millions of names. The name of this capitol city is discussed in the great ECKANKAR religion, Google them up and C it all 4 yourself. The name of this city is SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. Google that up as well.

Now we need 2 get back a while 2 the discussion of Tom Reale, as well as Gawky the great cat who appeared 2 me in a 1980 dreaming interaction and showed me 3 powerful numbers, and in fact, if I had done what this cat said, I could have made thousands of dollars that night in the freaking Pennsylvania Lottery, YO. How much anyone reading these words remembers about my blogs that discussed Gawky Gaukauk and his powerful numerological math system showing how the cosmos can B queried with total accuracy, once the skill is absolutely mastered, and believe me, it is quite a skill. It is based first and on a total beginner level by telling U that there R a total of 81 root numbers, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98, and 99. What creates these numbers has 2 do with the alphabet that U were born using or first came 2 use, based on your part of the world and the language that the area there is using. First U get a sum total of how many letters is in the word or words that UR attempting 2 turn into one of these 81 root digits from 11-99. When U count them, U keep adding this total number digit until only one digit is left, it always is between a 1 and a 9. This is called getting an up-number, in 20th century numerology, a standard practice. So taking the word of (BLOGGER) 4 an example, the first digit is a 7, as 7 letters R in the word blogger. But if U take the sentence that goes (I AM A BLOGGER), then we get the number of 11. So we add the digits up, the 1 and the 1, and the first digit of this root is a 2. C how easy this is. Now the second part takes just a bit of work. Every letter has a value, the first letter of “A” is 1 in value, “B” is 2 in value, all the way 2 the ending of the alphabet, where the letter “Z” is value 26. Keeping this quick and easy 4 right now, we will go back 2 just the word “BLOGGER” B=2. L=12. O=15. Both of the G letters =7. E=5. R=18. Now we add this up 4 the sum total, 2+12+15+7+7+5+18. Our total is now a 66. Now we add until only one digit is left, so we add these 2 sixes up and get 6+6 and this is a 12, but we still have more than one digit, so again we add the 1 and the 2, and finally, we R left with the one single digit of 3. This 3 is the second root digit 4 the word “BLOGGER”. Our first digit is 7, and our second digit is 3, so the root is the number 73. By the way I fucked up huge hyper time, “LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS DREAM” was not the same PCN as “New York City’ or ‘good girl bum’, or ‘pretty curls’, we R all only human, I scrambled up the combination accidentally, we can get back 2 my prior blog fuck up peeps, so sahwee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 arrive at the 3rd and final digit of a PCN or a (PRIVATE-COSMICODED-NUMBER), the smaller digit is always subtracted from the larger digit in the 2 root digits and then this becomes digit number 3, in the case of the word “BLOGGER”, the 73 becomes 7-3=4, and the PCN=734. But the magic only came totally home this year and down here in Florida 4 me, when I realized Y GAWKY made the lottery number that next day contain a 4, a 5, and a 9, as these 3 of the 9 digits in our base-ten decimal system of mathematics, R very mysterious, in that all three of them will always produce same results, not only R all three of them 4 letters long in the English Alphabet system, but when U add up the up-number letter value totals on 4, 5, and 9, it always is the same amount, hence all 3 of these digits have the very same PCN. So do the digits 1 and 6, and this may in fact have a lot 2 do with the fact that SSJK is eternally and always just 16 years old out in a higher reality.

Well, indeed, the persecution last week crushed MC’s roulette system, as I knew it would. The only system I know works, takes a lot of will power, because it must B worked in an exact way, and many times a player goes and wastes an hour and the wheel never ranges out 2 a follow-8 or an opposite-8 on a combined tri-parameter on all roulette numbers from 1-36. U operate this like any fucking good stock broker would, with a stop loss of 5 units, not counting the house vig, so if entering at 8 and going back to a 3 occurs, U must stop out, game over. But when the games that R on a real roll 2 keep moving in a follow or opposite average on all 3 parameters do in fact pop into play, U can use trailing stops, and play it into 100 units profit. The experts know this and know it will work, but they lose little 2 no sleep over it, nobody wants 2 use a system like this, it is 2 boring and even I just would not use it, and I have great patience, it will work, and THESE DIRT HOLE CASINO MOB BOSSES KNOW IT WORKS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as in 1986, this was not your fault, beautiful curly haired MI, I knew the system would crash and burn as soon as they poured on the hell siege, this is Y things ended 4 me in 1986. Do not think I ever forgot U or that night, U lovely teen queen U!!!!!!!!!!!

As 4 Tom Reale, I should have figured that old like I should have figured out Sarah Williams on December 7th of oh-two. A few weeks ago it hit me, where was I when I had this powerful series of dreaming interactions where this piercing eyed dude was cutting my lungs out and turning them into bright red wash cloths, but Tom’s house on Cornwall Avenue. When I started my search 2 locate this elusive ALL POWERFUL GODDESS in the middle nineties, when I would go swimming in Atlantic City near the Resorts Hotel and Casino, all they did was play that stupid, ‘FEEL REAL’ song at me loud and clear, every single time they would C me coming or going. They heard David Roth and me over their bugged telephone system, how he told me about this old song and how Tom made me feel REAL/E in the summer of 1970 when he fucking molested me twice!!!!!!!!!!! All things make sense; all things can B figured out. The only problem is that certain things R fucking fixed in a nasty way. The Gawnum Equations told me I’d have terribly low compatibility with the most days in June and July, and I did 2 put it fucking extremely politely and mildly at C-Squared, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing happens that is out of my reach if I am really looking. But so much is so totally unbloggable peeps. 4 one example, the dude that bet me the money is not just on the internet, I work with him, I know it, and that is all I can say. I believe his peeps made a loan 2 somebody and he then went onto loan this money, and details R way not bloggable. This may B some back door way of collecting the money owed him, all though I think the debt was in fact later paid. In any event, Y he would assume that I do not have that song copyrighted, blows me away, it is not rocket science 2 fill out a copyright form, enclose a check, and mail it off 2 Washington, DC. This is all I can talk about. Planet Earth never was a very nice place 2 live on. People R hurt early on, many, in fact most of us, as children, and then we spend the remainder of our grown up lives making up 4 it by hurting others back, and the chain never breaks, and merely endlessly repeats and gets progressively worse. If I had any magic answers 4 humankind, I would gladly share it and do my damn best 2 help this messed up world. Now it looks kind of hopeless. Things R about 2 really turn ugly and bad very soon, and 4 quite a very long duration. I am only hoping I will not B forced 2 live through the ‘century of suffering’ all that much longer.

4, 9, 5, is it the devils big lie, or is it the great highway of the island, or do dead men dare 2 ever tell that whittle secret Elmer Fwudd? DIE, said Gawky as he meowed this word 2 me in the early middle autumn in the year of 1980. Am I really an uncle on bended knee here United States Copyright Office of 1983 or is all of this all just a bunch of Light Switch Affection????????? Don’t carry me all away Ernie Merker, I went out with the tide 60 terra years ago, 120, 180, 240, and I will go on doing it again and again in another 60, 120, and so forth, YO, ain’t hell grand, Lieutenant Commander Jordy of Hell Trek???


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