Sunday, November 6, 2011




Throughout my years of blogging, I have slowly introduced some very wild way out concepts to the world, but nothing told is misleading, lying, or unknown by some people on this planet. The exception is one small thing that was needed to maintain my sanity, and this is old news and has to do with a fib I told about Sarah being on the bus that night with her “Quoddy-Mocker” group of summer time seashore girls, back on the night of the 12th of July in 1970. I wish I never told this small untruth, but it was done, and admitted to, and apologized for. All other things are true to the best of my knowledge, I never said I have all of the magical answers, but I did my best to connect one hell of a lot of cosmic dots together, the gods themselves should be somewhat impressed with my effort, but that is their business. The majority of peeps that will stumble onto the blogs I write in 2011 and 2012, will never go back and see how a lot of this blogging began, and really get a true powerful foundation, so I need to slowly redo and reiterate, many things that were once told and perhaps now with better updated vantage points and perspectives, things may be said even better and clearer than they were before. Before I tell anything that was told before however, here is a powerful thing that I have kept along with many other huge cats, tightly safely and snuggled up together, in a powerful burlap bag, and tonight is the time for this huge one to be permitted to escape and learn how to indeed operate the Uncle Heinz Gottwald cameras of 1972 circa Babylon, New York. May the gods shudder, Mister McGuire.

These two cats come out as one cat out of the bag, they are well related together and whether a reader knows shy or how, depends on how much if any, past blogs of mine, they may or may not be aware of, and the powerful information spoken on them from 6 and 5 and 4 and 3 years back. On the website of things will show a history of these blogs, but it is more than this one long newest listing under the heading of TEOHIV or what it stands for, when this is written out, “The Epitome Of Harassment, internet Version”. All other titles spring out of this one on this current series of blog texts, but four prior blogs under a different title also exist, before this TEOHIV, on this site of blogger-dot-com.

Yesterday was very bad, as were the past three Saturday's preceding that date as well. Anyone who starts reading one month back from right now, can see that even Albert Einstein, would be totally incapable of producing all of this, in a faked way, just to get attention or be ridiculous. An ignoramus moron slow person; keeping things PC, oh boy; or THAT-BOY of the BOB (Book-Of Beach), from 1969 Russel Rape Victim Product Thaxton of the McGuire's Fires, known about akashicly if in no other recorded way; can see with totally picture-perfect accuracy and clarity; that things cannot be dismissed because many would be a bit happier with that outcome, nor can all of this be either a total coincidence, nor the product of a totally sick and twisted deluded psychotic mind. Naturally, suffering this much monstrous hell for so long at the hands of unfathomably unscrupulous horrendous deplorable entities or whatever; will leave me damaged and quite severely, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and you name the 'ALLY', including those where one might be expected at midnight to get themselves mugged by criminals.

Paula King, and we all know your other names, allow this 'mysterious' dude to tell you a few things that I know you were never told, since you enjoy traversing the 5th dimension (hyperspace) in your somnambulism-sleep, with such passion and vigor; or maybe you merely do what comes naturally to a mighty great Astral plane Viqueen, but I have loved you ever since you raped me on the 4th of July in 1969, and told me you were too old for me and were married and not from the Atlantic City area. Well, whatever your awake mind is consciously aware of right now if you are reading these words some day; oh mighty Viqueen Paula Jewelly; part of you was from the area at the time, as you may have been asleep and dream controlling a doppelganger body from this dimension in the hyperspace, but once this was done, physical effects do not change, just as in the case of the Virgin Mary and the Virgin Birth. I do not appreciate that you stole my daughter away from me, but I do forgive you. But then, as Russel Thaxton knows only too well from his prison cell; you cannot get a positive result, not really, out of such a horrific experience of the magnitude of being either raped, or the product thereof. You may be ass wealthy as Donald Bassler Trump, but we all know that money solves only one problem that life throws our way, financial stuff. This is no immunity to all the other of life's multiple parameters. But somebody knew this when I spoke it aloud in my apartment yesterday, Saturday, and sent me DIRECTLY-TO-HELL, with a powerful noise persecution, that lasted until nearly three in the morning today, Sunday; with absolutely no Ronald Punch-Out Vandegrift McDonald's, no passing go, and definitely, NO COLLECTING TWENTY THOUSAND COPPER PENNIES. I will bet that with all your hyperspace travels, my lovely PK, you did not know your wonderful husband was part owner of a patent that changed my life in ways that words like astronomical and James Patterson, can never start doing any real justice too. This machine however that he shared a patent on, was not really from this part of hyperspace. I was told this by an electronics expert, shortly after our biodaut was getting started in the great RIAA, and laying right in-between these two times at around dead center, was when I copyrighted the illustrious mysterious book called, “The Permission Barrier”, known well by the Camden County Prosecutor Office in New Jersey at this time, just not Congressman Robert Andrews, and his lovely ex-angel from KINGS HIGHWAY, in that cool little flop/flat/pad/crib/whatever later on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the dimension where this machine really was designed and built and was bought by fifty million people by late in the year of 1985, making the Cola a billionaire, where he still lives in Denver, Colorado, in that part of the 5th dimension, and is alive and well, which is more than I can say for Patty J. and his pal Red J. However, in 1986, a very powerful thing happened. All these machines were somehow linked together with nobody ever physically doing this, it just happened, to use your word with me near that stage, where you, me, and MI were all standing a little over a year ago; and in that same place in HS. This is where also where my Uncle Heinz was still alive and ten years younger for whatever reason, and was telling me that he was planning on murdering his wife, Ruth Gottwalt, my mother's cousin. He had financed through the Chemical National Bank of Manhattan, over there, the company that marketed this Privecode machine, where as over here, major different hyperspace paths were crossed into through the time dimension, as a result of the intertwining effects of the entire 6th dimensional signals. I also know that you are keeping some of these secrets, so I thought tonight wold be a nice time to blow the lids off, as my new forming group needs all the ammunition like this that it can get their hands on. I am so totally disappointed in you PK, even though I will love you forever. You couldn't let things alone when you found out certain truths about HER former existence, where she was known in Atlantic City, but here is where the proof comes in beautiful PK. We were but ten and now we're old, I loved you then, but I never told. These lyrics in my SARAH SONG written on the 12th day of May in 1996, never mention to the public, how SHE came to me at the age of ten once, and then again, 1969 and 1980, and this is where I took the 1994 year and did TPB and © this book, hoping the equation of 1969-1980-1994-2011 would kick in as what I have since refered to and termed “PITSY YEARS, for Port In The Storm. After the machines all connected together, so did the two worlds in hyperspace, just as you knew somehow that they would, and you say I am mysterious. Wow, is this the pots, talking to those old kessles again; from Munich Germany? The parlor trick of lab technicians was not hard to deduce when all was said and done and properly analyzed, KP, your real name that you did not give me in the nineteen-sixties, has to do with the medical community of Ireland. Jeepers, it is not such a stretch that Donna Alexander was a Lab Tech at the ACMC now known as the Atlanticare of New Jersey, or our kid, over on Grant Avenue off of I-95. This is why the earthquake happened hit yesterday, so-sorry, messing and testing can be messy and testy. The Copyright Office needs not worry about MI tapes or my sheets of yellow paper much longer. UI am heading over to Afghanistan or Iraq before this month is over, and you will all be rid of me. When Ann King pulls off your fake hair, Donald, she will send me an electronic mail attachment, the internet is everywhere, just as over in that other Harrah Sarah world, it is the Gawnum Invasion, (CGI), use your imagination if you think I left a word out that fits the abbreviation, as I did.

I tried to warn the world to back off and stop wrecking my fucking life, but they would not agree, so unfortunately, things may turn a bit volatile. Oh the great cheated markets will fly for a while, but sooner or later, Michael Moore and the gang will win out over this vile sick EVIL EMPIRE, I am not one bit afraid of any of you fucking mother loving early to rise gaining hairs of antimatter. The Quantum is the real truth, and the real truth is that nothing makes one bit of sense. Humanity cannot handle this truth, believe me folks, the real truth would totally not set you free. Like many fairy tales, this one too got a great head start. Maybe tonight's blog will the beginning of its decapitation.

Phase four beings such as Mister Bassler from over there also, or Paula Voice Technology of Law and Order, or even type-3 exploratrons who may share some first names with phase four prior mentioned entities; all notwithstanding; has no rational explanation. The problem ladies and gentlemen is simple and may knock your world apart just a bit. In quantum truth, it does not have to, and we all exist in this quantum truth, and the mighty shaky Hawk knows all this, and is smart enough to not blow the fucking mind of the world, or burden society with enough hell to destroy its very sanity. But since I need to use this weapon, THEN BY THE GODS, I WILL USE this WEEAPON, and another one also. MY FACEBOOK PAGE WILL BE OPERATIONAL SOON, AND ON IT, WILL BE THE IRREFUTABLE PROOF BY THE UNITED STATES STATE DEPARTMENT AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF FLORIDA, AND ALSO A NOW NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED CHARITIBLE ORGANIZATION; that there is no DORIAN GRAY, only a powerful story of abduction, families from beyond the stars; and a dude who better never show his face around here; and he knows who he is. A hubcap is one thing, but a daughter is another. If we meet up in Central Park, you will need that hubcap tapper of yours, and Ann said to tell you to look around for the motorcycles. She is mad right now.

I know that things are the way that they are, because of some poor decisions made by me; and I simultaneously know, that hyperspace, and exploratron travel; are all real, because I have seen their reality, and I have been directly experienced by their effects. Also, I have been adversely, and mortally wounded; in my very essence of beingness, PK; yet despite all of that, I love you, you crazy wild girl!!!!!!!!Tell cuzz Maria Stoemeyer that she would love my nabes!


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