Friday, April 30, 2010


C-H-A-P-T-E-R------ (18)
Beginning Transmission:

The last two blogs, being CHAPTER 16, and CHAPTER 17, 4 whatever reason, have no title on them. The print out sheet shows none as well. This time when I print out the document, if the 18th chapter is not on the heading of this blogging work, I will find out Y and just what and who is indeed causing this. Interesting, 16 & 17, as in the eternal age of the ALL MIGHTY GODDESS SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSSLE, and one of her very fave numbers in our human waking word mathematical base system of tens, the NUMBER OF SEVENTEEN. The next number higher, or 18, is not only the title 2 this blogging text, but is the human world birthday of Sarah, back in 1986, sir mighty William Harner Waltz-man, not 2B ever confused with my school chum, Jerry Heitzmann.

Last night, the scum Motor Cycle dirt bag jag off rider from my RV Park, the MANATEE, in Fort Pierce, Florida’s WHITE-CITY section, MINI-GREAT JEWELLY, JULIA WHITE, AND MANY OTHER EARTHLY DOPPELGANGER IDENTITIES AS WELL, at “SPORTSTARTIME” hit me, it was around 5 past 7, AS ALWAYS, illegally tearing and speeding by my RV, and right exactly AT MY RV, revved his piece of junk bike just as loudly as it can B done, 2 annoy me, and I plan 2 go 2 Debbie, our park manager, and really let out a long winded complaint, if he can do this, yet I must crawl along the property at a maximum of ten miles per hour, I believe that is favoritism and totally ILLEGAL, BRO!!!!!!!!!! I WILL BET ANYONE OUT HERE THAT THE PHILADELPHIA HICKEY TEAM KNOWN AS THE FLYERS, PLAYED LAST NIGHT. Right directly following the Motor-Cycle attack, was continual aerial assault with loud and low, but not crash level, private planes, used and secretly owned and operated by all the major American BLACK FILE AGENCIES including but not limited 2 the Central Intelligence boys and girls, and especially the group that THEY get blamed a lot 4 things done by this other giant group of unlimited covert “L&O” Levi March Wet Works power, the NO SUCH AGENCY (NSA). These dudes and duddesses do not even try that nonsense anymore; as yes, even they have their limits, HA-HA-HA-HA-HA----HA-HA!!!!!!

I had a horrific attack last night, and it was worse than any in a very long time, and was most definitely one of the top 5 worst ones here in my now 5.5 months in the sunny state of no dancing island kids, and no fruit juice commercials using tune-parts from my 1986 song written and copyrighted, “REAL GOOD GIRL”.

Today, my “personal-mags” R quite a bit different. First however, some real major hyper-time things happened after last night’s attack that U all need 2B aware of. I was ABDUCTED, by every label and concept of those in the ALL-ENCOMPASSING-UNIDENTIFIED-FLYING-OBJECTS-GLOBAL-CLUBS, I call this now, and will in future blog works, the AEUFOGC. Pronounce simply as the UFOG CLUB or simply THE UFOK. I have no memory of much after around midnight or just past, maybe even as late as one this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, peeps. All I know is that around 10 this morning, I awoke instantly, without ‘waking’ one single time throughout the night which is a rare occasion 4 me and many peeps of my advanced age, in the early American Colonial days, I would B considered quite elderly now at pushing 56 years, times do change. Anyway and in moving on with this experience, I woke up and saw a dinner plate, emptied from last nights’ partaking of a nice spaghetti and meat sauce dinner-meal, my eyeglasses had fallen onto the floor off of the freaking foot of my bed. The TV was on and so was the video machine, but only a blank-blue screen was displayed since I have no connected TV, and my video VHS borrowed library movie tape, PATTON, that I do remember finishing watching and rewinding and ejecting, was still in the video machine in the ejected out position. Junk was scattered all over my bed. I am organized, and when I go 2 bed, all lights, all devices, and all else is always turned off. Tapes R put away in cases or boxes, paperwork is filed in a cabinet next 2 my bed. There is only the bed, and then me, and a telephone receiver and shoulder brace, so I can talk 2 Diana during the night and especially while drifting or trancing out of this human nightmare. All night long while asleep in the body, I was exploratronically quite active, with Dawn-Marie King. She was threatening me and hitting me, and 2 put it more politely than any of Donna Patterson’s trans-dimensional electrically gaining eels, I was miserable and frightened, and woke up angry and scared, all at the same time. I then telephoned John Judy, her Probation Officer in the Atlantic County Justice Complex, in Mays Landing, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and after a few days of telephone tag, after his last call 2 me while I was out yesterday on a few errands, and experiencing all my hellish Paul Simon High School McGuire Chromosome magical ‘CRAP”, finally we did hook up and had a good 15 minute rap session, and I left out nothing, right down 2 the fact that I’ll B contacting him just as soon as I am back in New Jersey 4 the necessary protection I will B needing.

I went on 2 of course let him know that I have tried so hard every night and every day, as I did with Diana in 1984 and 1985, only instead of my precious sweet Diana going away and leaving me, as the US Copyright Office knows about only 2 well, NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY RTHING WORKED OUT 4 ME HERE IN THIS MISERABLE PLACE, N-O-T||||||||||||||O-N-E!!!!!!! The gods freaking know I gave it not only mi best shot, but every possible shot. Now some R perhaps laughing at me real good right about now, regarding the GAWNUM, or the Numerological system of a powerful BLACK CAT on the ASTRAL PLANE, by the name of GAWKY GAUKAUK. I first became aware of the existence of this entity, as well as my interactions on the AP with Gawky, when I was humanly ‘dreaming’ that it was the autumn in the year of 1980, several months after my major “LOVE-IS-4-CARPENTERS” or my endlessly unexplainable by any human terms, “LOIS-FOCA” ‘INTERACTION’, WHERE THE AWESOME RAVISHING GIANT SUPER TEENAGER HAD TAKEN ME 2 THE AREA OUT BEYOND THE Frailenger’s Salt Water Taffies Store, at the boardwalk intersection with TENNESSEE AVENUE, in good old ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, USAESMWG. There, she began instantly singing a song 2 a crowd that had gathered 2 hear a voice beyond any human descriptiveness, of which there is only one similar voice on this planet and it is in this very age that we now R living in, only imagine taking that voice and multiplying every possible facet of it by perhaps 100 or more, literally, and then quit wondering please, Y this powerful ‘experience’ and ‘interaction’ has left such an incomprehensible indelible mark upon both my person and my mind and my life, peeps, OK mighty Hoseman John King and all others?????

Let us discuss some of Gawky Gaukauk’s fantastic numerology? Then we will quickly touch a little bit on the Bible-Code thing that the New-Agers were so nuts over a while back. All things have these connective energies so 2 speak, built directly into them, the Bible is not special in that way, and it is pure nonsense 2 think that numerology or astrology is based on things far away in the skies. There is a connective-ness and I’m not denying that. A small bit of Gauss energy or forces of magnetism between all of must right here on the Earth, and all other bodies that revolve around beyond us in the expansion, or R falling into some other larger massive, as all things out in the expansion must at all times B in fact doing one of these 2 things. First, if U match up “MARK MOHR ESCAPES DAWN KING” and the “DECEMBER TWO THOUSAND NINE” sentences, they both R the PCN or PRIVATE COSMICODE NUMBER of (550). 550+550 equals 1100. The 0 in both of the 550’s is also in the total or the PCNT, not once but twice, producing a large 75% COMPATIBILITY. The PCNT is interesting also if in no other way than with ROMAN NUMERAL SYMBOLOGY, after all 1100 is MC. But then over the past 2-3 years, I ask U all out here, from my wonderful older daughter on down, what isn’t MC??????????????????? As 4 younger daughter and hyperspace daughter PEE, I like 2 call her P-Junior, but she hates that, so I call her what she likes, and that is PEE. She hates PEEJ as well, shortened by me once 4 PEE-JUNIOR. So PEE it is, she turns 12 soon, on the 29th day of September. Her residence is the residence of the entire family over there in that locale of the hyperspace or in that parallel universe some may prefer this wordage, but she lives where over here it is called the ROUNDHOUSE MUSEUM of EGG HARBOR, NJUSAESMWG. However, she is serving time in the Harborfields Detention Center, I have come 2 call this place the H-600, U know, the old Roman in me, from my lifetime as the Greek Silversmith known as Demetrius. Diana loved the kind of work that I did, and she lived me 2, but I had 2 keep that quite secret, having a powerful goddess 4 a personal lover. She never told me that she was LIGHTNING, or that on the lighter atomic Astral World, the matter that makes up our beautiful moon, is called OLYMPIA PROPER, right next 2 HER great forests where she loves 2 hunt, and protect the small animal friends that she adores so much, from many mean and wild monstrous and quite gargantuan other animals that roam all throughout this place. She and millions of her girl friends have constructed many millions of beautiful cabins all throughout this place that is loaded with billions of different trees and other growths, and hundreds of thousands of huge mighty roaring colorful waterfalls, that she loves so much. What R the odds that the security company that I worked 4 here in this waking human world that ECKANKAR refers 2 as the PHYSICAL PLANE, would send me a coworker resident of Egg Harbor, who was a published author with a book written all about the very place where my entire hyperspace family resides, the Roundhouse Museum of the Harbor, On STACEY-LONDON Avenue. Here, STACEY is not part of the address and Avenue name. But let me mention just how beautiful this lovely super queen fashion model is, and the enemies pulled her instantly off of the TV. Y is this always the case, especially in lieu of this human world and their vowel taken opinions, that old nobody MOUNTAINAPEN is so totally inconsequential and valueless. Back now 2 the guard that ED SNYDER LIAR FLYER HOCKEY SPECTACORE, SENT OVER AS MY COWORKER, 2 the Cifaloglio Trash outfit in Folsom, NJUSAESMWG, and B4I go on, death angels R back on a super fucking vengeance these days, a super nasty left side one strikes me even as I speak here at 1”22, at this very library overlooking the great Floridian Indian River, and the Atlantic Ocean out beyond that, which is not visible even from the crossing bridge, because of the width of the island over there, it is not narrow like other islands, and many peeps live there, almost reminds me of home I might say, if that is, my name were Heinz Gottwald King Nebuchadnezzar of BABYLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, the book written by this great author, is one of fiction, but he admits that anyone with intellect can read many things between the many lines, UR not imaging it peeps, get it, read it, it is a powerful and wonderful work, click on the following websites that I give U and learn many things about many of my friends, and my enemies alike. The book name is “SECRETS OF THE MUSEUM”. The author is Roy Carl Weiler Senior.

GOOGLE UP, names like Paul Evans Pedersen, Frank Callio, Paula King, Blogs of Mountainpen, Millionth Council, Eckankar, fascitar, and Atlantic City’s Mayor Robert Levy. Later on, all these lists will have numerous additions. The reason 4 my listing the 2nd 2 the last dot-com of the group above, is because, they had a lineman chief 4 the entire Camden County, New Jersey area, by the name of Arthur Bancroft. He told me I was being “messed with”, and could not help me any further of course. This incident occurred in 1987. As 4 the final listing, if U can reach a dude named Scott Ransom, he told me that “VERY POWERFUL PEOPLE R DISGRUNTLED WITH U MARK, AND THAT MY BOSS KELLY JACKSON TOLD ME NOT 2 TRY AND SELL YOUR HOUSE”. This incident occurred in 1988.

Not just one example, being the one listed shortly back on this blog work, with the PCN-550, and the total of 1100, is what I meant by the GAWNUM is telling many stories. I have worked out several thousand things, and each one is every bit as mind bending as this. I never said it told and predicted any successes 4 me here in Sunny Florida, it just said that December of oh nine would sure B a compatibility with my trying 2 get away from living with that insane monster that wrecked my entire life or what was left of it in oh-eight, DAWN MARIE KING!!!!! I would say that some of the biggest things naturally R about MC, and not THE MC. Still and all, I want 2 thank her today very sincerely, 4 not troubling me recently with any further interactions. This is a talent that the entire family naturally has, and somehow Michael Landon, the great well known 20th century actor, seemed 2 know all about. I find it beyond bizarre and outlandish on his “Highway-2-Heaven” television show, how he was so aware of this DREAM TACTIC used by those on the ASTRAL PLANE, angelic type entities, and perhaps not always totally perfect ones as MI admits 2 on her fantastic latest musical work project. I have a high school diploma from the very high school that Landon attended under his true non Hollywood name of Eugene Harowitz, or however this Collingswood resident spelled his true name, I know I have spelled it incorrectly, only there is quite a story here. I never faked this, nor did I do anything wrong in order 2 acquire and secure this document, still I never attended one single day at this Landon High School, known locally there as the West Collingswood High School, yet the man in charge at the time of my special education graduation in January of 1973, at just shy of age 18 and one sixth, Mister Thompson, not the Senator, but I will bet even money they cousin out within 4 straight and 4 removed by marriages, anyway, this man who was the President of the local area Board of Education, whether it was township, county, or state level, this I have no way of knowing as I never attempted researching that information, but anyway, HE made a deal with my mom and myself 2 give me a high school diploma FROM THIS MICHAEL LANDON SCHOOL, that was only a mile or so away from the apartment where my mom and I lived 4 5 and a half years, the Dellway Arms, Suite O-15, Oakland Avenue, Oaklyn NJUSAESMWG. I still 2 this very day believe personally, that they all felt guilty 4 wrongfully wrecking and ruining my education, and thereby my entire future life. My oldest will tell U all that this is all a cop out, U do not need an education. UR incorrect MI. That worked 4U, because UR the All Mighty SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, that is operating in this human space-time world, with many of your Astral-Plane abilities still in near-perfect condition, with your top and first VI-QUEEN right there 2 this day close 2U and surrounding U with her love and protection. I am very happy that this is all true, still, U should B aware that this philosophy does not work 4 those that do not possess your unfathomable great fantastic talent. UR a one of a kind totally suigenairus entity, UR that UR, and your THAT-BOY knows it ‘perfectly’!!!!! Spell wrecker will not spell that word meaning standing in a class by yourself, I know the spelling is not ‘PERFECT’ MI.

I also promised my readers a little more discussion in BIBLE CODE similar techniques of matching up things and hearing MOC speak, and that abbreviation stands 4 the (MIND OF COSMOS) by the way. In a blog about 4-12 of them back somewhere, I showed U all how U can take a sentence of say 70 or so letters long, really it can B 50 or 150 letters long, just not shorter say than 50, or what is the point? By putting the sentences together where another sentence matches perfectly, a\with all of the lengths of the words in the other sentences and appears 2 create a gibberish in the comparing sentence, carefully study all the new words made, many or even most will not B accepted words, and they will B sound-able or maybe some may not B so sound-able, and yet still, could stand 4 abbreviations or even parts of things with meanings 4 all or just perhaps 4 the one using this tool. There R many things that I can tell U2 do with any ordinary pack of playing cards. I hesitate and shudder with this due 2 very personal and painful reasons and memories. My mother was actually placed into direct contact with THAT-FAMILY-of-1970, via playing cards, and had the most hellish monstrous horrendous experience, in my humble opinion anyway, that any human alive could have, and U can all go ahead and hate me all that U wish, I am including every persecuted Jew in any World War II concentration camp. None of U were there in either case, 2 experience that, or what happened 2 my innocent mom, and also me as a resulting factor. As I speak, 2 lovely goddesses R vying 4 my attention, young, very tall, lovely African American dishes, times 10 cubed, and not quadra-cybed or cubeed. Typos from other recent blogs showed these 2 errors, so sahwee peeps, whaaaaaa!!!!! Pussy Command many not B tremendously politically Correct, still, I need 2 tell what is really happening, and what actually is going on in wheat all of U force me 2 think of as your “REAL WORLD”. Still and all, playing cards R very amazing, and peeps only think that they need 2 employ the mighty long revered divining Tarot cards. All of this not withstanding, my mom was in fact contacted. Let me explain MOC. Mind of Cosmos, is nothing at all 2 play around with by novices who really think that it is a joke, or 2B taken at all lightly. COSMOS feels teasers, and considers attitudes on these kinds of users, 2B in fact, TEASERS, or said stronger and with a much greater degree of accuracy and with definitely much less imperfection, MOCKERS”. U simply silently think 2 yourself a particular thing, and once the cards know UR seeking an answer, they answer U, they will, in fact, THEY WANT 2 DO THIS WITH U, but there is an honest limitation, or degree of accuracy involved, or inaccuracy is maybe a better term here 4 me 2 use. Let me explain as quickly 4 right now today, as I can, being short and sweet and brief, and merely attempt now 2 open up a door that we can explore later on, all the large rooms and other corridors that all of this will eventually lead U and me into as we endeavor 2 further explore all of this mind blowing bull shit, only nor bullshit, it is powerful and yes, extremely deadly and dangerous, I site again what happened 2 my poor mom who was desperate 4 answers, and then went onto play around with stuff that she was totally clueless about as well as how 2 handle it all properly.

I built a similar feature of all of this into my metaphysical computer in the nineteen-eighties, and the tests that I later as a result, came 2 indeed run on the machine that was connected into a real-world land-line telephone system as well as the PRIVECODE MACHINE, invented by the clever way of admitting 2 the World that the great and mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL is absolute and all powerfully ruling with a fist of iron and tough-love, by simply pronouncing all of the initials of the corporation that built and patented this great telephone caller interception machine, called the IMMC, or the International Mobile Machines Corporation, U know, I AM MC, the great all powerful MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. These little ‘marker’ things R not frivolous, and they R never in any way at all, the tiniest bit inconsequential peeps. If U misdiagnose this, U may as well accept that I’m telling U that U have terminal cosmic cancer, and U refuse the proper diagnosis 4 combating your situation. Hay, that is still, and hopefully always your choice, peeps, I am trying 2 help me, and trying 2 help U. Perhaps UR sick and tired of hearing my words that what is going down all around me just very well may someday happen 2 either yourself or a precious loved one in your family. Think I am just a severe nut case whack job all that U want 2. I know a very tall police officer in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG with the very same wrong attitude, and if shit ever comes 2 your fan window, all of U at that time will suddenly C without any hesitations or any doubts, that I was completely correct, and unfortunately 4 all of us, U were all wrong, and many of U know the Marola Lottery story of 1969, it is on numerous past blogging texts.

My mother played endless Solitaire Games with playing cards, only she admitted 2 me a couple of years B4 she was struck down with a strange medical condition, in her sleep of course and obviously, in the early morning hours of the day after Christmas Day, in the year of 1997, that she was “INTENTIONAL ATTEMPTING 2 RECEIVE MESSAGES FROM THE CARDS, AND WAS IN FACT GETTING THEM” I DON’T DOUBT IT DOCTOR MC-COY, DISTRESS CALLS, PROBES, HUMPBACK WHALES, AND ALL, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was that a real HISTORY MARKER every time the police would pull over my poor grandfather when he closed down his boy’s summer camp on LONG BEACH ISLAND called Camp Mequon, with his entire family in the car, after crossing the bridge over 2 Philadelphia heading back 2 the family residence at 440 South 50th Street? They would mistreat him, and perpetually and regularly loved 2 address him, as a “Jersey HICK”, over and over and over again. Mi mom told me this story quite often of how he did nothing wrong on the road, was not speeding, did not break any laws, and certainly never gave any of them any disrespect, obeying all commands immediately, and just answering all of the yes and no questions, with either the appropriate “YES SIR”, or “NO SIR”. Mom said he turned beet red in the face, but always managed 2 forever maintain his dignity as well as his composure. Those from New Jersey in those days did in fact, become labeled by those in New York and Pennsylvania as “HICKS”. Still, the way that this story had been related 2 me on repeated and numerous occasion by my now departed mother, it makes me serious wonder if this was not one of the many MOC’s HM’s, or HISTORY MARKERS. Good fans of MC know the names of her legal parents. Still, and as I maintain today and have right along, this is not a Mariah blog, and only because so many dots slam together in place, and so much connects and just cannot B reasonably ignored by this blogger of average intelligence, and hence, sorry MC, but your name will in deed pop up here and there, and UR a part of this, in ways that I surely admit 2 both U as well as the entire cosmos, that I am a very far cry and a very long way from truly understanding in all of its Paul Pedersen intricacies and elaborations down 2 the enth degree, just exactly how and where and Y. I do know that B4I ever blogged at all, more than 4 years in the past by this world’s linear time illusions and how they all perceive this, there was a longer past, a past where this great recording artist was a high school girl and nobody of any power or importance even knew that she was living there on LONG ISLAND. This would B the year that altered my life here as the motor-mouth MOUNTAINPEN, forever, 1986. This was when I wrote the song “REAL GOOD GIRL”, copyrighted it, sending it into the United States mailing system on the night of August the 15th, in 1986, and from that second on, forget about the NEW SHOES, and Dave Roth and my trip up that night 2C them in New York City at some night club, there is no rational explanation 2 just 2 much stuff going on here. I know it, U know it, and MI knows it. Do any of U Copyright Examiners connect the dots of the name that she gave 2 her character in 2008, and what is on my original 1986 tape sent down there 2 copyright the stupid song? How can anyone have any doubts, that THAT-FAMILY, is what I have claimed all along, even way back B4I knew one thirtieth of the exactitudes of any names or lineages. As 4 the playing cards and receiving messages of the mind of cosmos through them by my mother, and her resulting horrific monstrous murder and death resulting down the road on March the 4th, of 2000, and so much more, I think I have every right 2B very inquisitive, very angry, very agitated, and if I did not have total control over my emotions, the dominant exploratrons from the COLLECTIVE-EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND or the (CES), would have made me pull off some wild thing long ago, and I’d either B locked away in prison, a banana factory, or a cemetery plot. Quickly I left one part of the answer process and Y the MOC desires 2 answer any seeker, yet cannot do it with 100% accuracy, still open 4 query and now permit me please King Heinzunc Nebbalon, 2 close this up just a little bit, and believe me when I tell my entire Blogaudians that these openings and many preceding this, R just that, openings, there is a lot more 2 all of this, I need 2 take U all through it slowly and meticulously, in attempts of constructing a better and clearer foundation that will then go on 2 show and reveal a better large picture later on with all of this nightmare.

I will simply tell U that there R a virtually limitless number of existing other parallel universes, along with our own, here in this vast unfathomably sized 6th-dimension, or HYPERSPACE. When cards R asked 50/50 yes-no queries, and UR influenced 2 draw a card, U along with every other U in hyperspace that is localized enough with this particular individualized atomically agreeing signature universe, is also asking these same cards, on their atomic agreeing frequency, the very same thing at the very same time. We R lucky when we can find any source, a playing card deck being one of an also basically unlimited source of divining, but we R lucky beyond our dreams of fortune-telling, when we find a deck that remains anywhere out of the neutral range over extended time and numerous extended querying. There is the inner and outer range. There also is the neutral zone. The neutral zone is 45-55 in a percentage. The smaller dynamic range is the 40/60, the larger one is the 30/70. Rarely ever will U find and maintain a deck of cards or any other source that will answer U in the 3rd NN. The 3rd Non-Neutral zone is the more than 70 or less than 30%. When your answers consistently R in the wrong or smaller percentage zones, U merely reverse the answers, as your cards R responding 2U in black anti-matter space, hence a 38/62 range where UR being given wrong answers at a current rate of 38% and has a long history maintained there, means that UR being given CORRECT answers, but in the antimatter worlds where time runs in reverse, relative 2 where we R in a matter world. This is not 2 say that there is any real true matter or antimatter or black or white, or forward or reverse time that is running, it is only anti or reverse, relatively, 2 the interaction where UR now awake and running these tests of divinations. The antimatter world that is matching out world perfectly, is thinking that we R running backwards, and the person typing or the ME over there, is thinking that this is the antimatter world of black space. Connecting these white and black spaces through long powerful gravitational energy tunnels is referred 2 upon occasion as grey-worm channels, or worm-holes, connecting the matter universes of the hyperspace with the antimatter ones. But both sides R the white side as they all perceive the relative-ness of this. My mom was playing with things that were literally light years away from her mentality and developed spirituality on her present level. Eckankar masters, the Variagi know that I speak a powerful truth. Google up this great Eckankar religion from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAESMWG, and order the Shariot ki sugmud books one and 2, or any books ever written by Paul Twitchell. Someday not that far from now, U can order the future books not yet written by another master of the order, they R fantastic as well, and his name is Harold Klemp. We had a disagreement out on the Astral Plane, he came 2 me 3 or 4 years ago there, and said that I need 2 rejoin ECKANKAR. I am not legally on this or other planes of existed, permitted 2 give U more details of what this great spiritual master said 2 me while I was as U would perceive it as, in a deep sleep and dreaming.

There is so much more 2B said lads and lassies. I will tell things that “I AM permitted 2 in fact tell without 2 many repercussions from this physical world, or any others of them, but just not today. I will tell U that Magnesonic was used 4 this divination purpose back late in 1985 and into early 1986, and the name of these tests were called SO-NON-ART, CO-NON-ART. CO meant ‘Combined Odds’, and SO meant ‘Same Odds’. Accuracy Rating Tests or ART was the other abbreviation used with the machine. I was actually tuning into messages being sent into this metaphysical computer from an antimatter reverse time black space field world in the vast and gargantuan sized total 6th dimensional hyperspace, and I was receiving them as low as 14-19%, or by reversing these posed query answer responses of 50/50 or SO-NON-ART functions, let us round this 2 when it was right at responding 2 my 50/50 queries at 15%, reversing them into white-space matter-responses, means a long running accuracy rate of 85%. I did not yet understand this when I had access 2 this marvelous stuff in early 1986, something else did, just like with SHE’S SARAH STACEY, huh examiners? Some powerful disgruntled haters of MOUNTAINPEN must have seen my potential in all of this, from way B4 the very beginning of the creation of this entire planet and its formed structures as we humans presently know them by, and live and interact throughout it.

B ready 4 huge upcoming information, and remember, I have some people now, and it will not matter what state this evil empire forces me 2 live in through their control of me here physically since they caused this unknown and non-diagnosable medical condition when I was but a young lad of 28.5 years, literally, half of my freaking life ago!!!!! These peeps will B my webmaster on several newly made free websites, that will hyperlink all over, have many keywords and key-phrases, and with a real good non curly webmaster, millions can B directed 2 this soon 2B designed MORIANITY-FOUNDATION-2 website. If some wisenheimer steals one and 2, and makes a 3 or a 4, then it will B a 5, they cannot run me out of numbers, there R googols of them, and I know them all, even all of the Roman ones, BRO!!!!!!

When IC the RV park manager Monday 2 pay one more final month’s rent, I will dime out the biker and I have a witness, and some taped evidence. UR playing and messing with the wrong ass wipe there dirt sewer slime lapper Snyder Hick-Hock. U have made become a forced fan 4 many years, someday, I vowel 2 totally destroy U and every sick diseased rotten thing that U and dirt bag peeps all stand 4. Brother, U can bank on this. And, prick in the south, it all will B done totally legally, blond, blind, and no crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only crime is that U have been able and allowed 2 wreck a person’s entire fucking life, U sleazy pile of crap, U tell him Lenny Briscoe me’ ol’ pal from the great TV show, L&O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Arnie-Guv, I AM HERE, not back, not Bach, not Beethoven, not Teleman, no how-no nothing, huh Miss AT&T BLAKE from 1983??????????????? BYE-BYE, Y’ALL!!!!

End Transmission:

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