Saturday, April 17, 2010


Beginning Transmission:

I have, as U all know, horrific noisy and total scum bag dirt bag neighbors, right next door 2 me at my recreational vehicle residence here in fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, (RV). Their rotten shouting small yelping dog wakes me routinely, and their monstrous evil loud illegally loud muffler system on their white truck vehicle, is worse than cannon shots going off outside my window, and is a continuous affair with these pucking ass holes who cannot seem 2 make up their mind, whether or not they would rather B inside or outside, hence moving in-between these 2 situations, and intentionally annoying the puck out of me in the process. It is other than that somewhat of a cool 2 mild day here, and nice and cloudy, weather-wise, just the kind of weather day made 4 me, none other than old MOUNTAINPEN). If it had been real sunny and hot, I would have crossed the bridge over 2C Sarah-Stacey in her Atlantic Ocean form, and gone swimming. Computer is pucking acting up all of a sudden, Y, radio or no radio, AM I NOT AT ALL SURPRISED, NOT SHOCKED, BIG DONNA???????????????????

I know that some think that I have forgotten 2 do the letter left behind from my mother, and I will get 2 it, U know, the one about how it appeared as though she had attempted 2 take her own life with a medicine overdose, only it really was accidental. As one of the Henry Fonda 12 angry jury men said a while back in that fantastic movie that many of U and some may not, “We all have a breaking point”. This is a known fact, outside the boundaries of who may have said this, or in what Hollywood made movie from yesteryear. I will B doing the word 4 word typed copying of mom’s note, it is shortly coming and will B a part of the MORIANITY and MOUNTAINPEN project, very soon, keep your shirt on unless U look like Arnie Cali, and R trying 2 impress some beach babes or something, BRO!!!!! Now, today, I want 2 touch quickly on just a few subjects, this will B only about half the length and blog size as my more recent blogs done on word processor machines at the library, and then upped into the internet on the other computers online 2 it, later once said blog is finished, but as it is Melanie moment or 2:08 Post Meridian, and the place shuts down at 5P, I am on a limited time schedule.

U know, speaking of “12 Angry Men, a movie I borrowed from this county library and just now returned today after enjoying 4 viewings, let me quickly make a simple point regarding the talent that went into this. Here is a movie that other than one minute total time, in the very start and at the very ending, all takes place in this one room, a courthouse jury room, UR spellbound and glue-fixed 2 this picture, one room, no action that is wild, no flipping cars, chases, horrific cursing language, or any of the nutty shows of recent times, yet this one room movie scene of nearly a couple of hours, is so well done, that I would dig old Henry up and hug the dude, if I did not want 2 get my pants all dirty, and get ‘daut’ Jane mad, so that she could find another way 2 “CLOCK” me out of the last 15 years, and the next, of my life with her mighty Atlanta ones trick. Try and make a one room scene movie today, Dream-Works and other Hollywood Peeps, I challenge U2 do something that would result in serious box office receipts, BRAH. This same thing is what breaks my heart musically, yet it simultaneously makes and proves a major Morianity/Mountainpen point, so I guess that I can try and live with it. I know what happened 2 the computer by the way, I did click at the start on the wrong thing, forgot after I opened up Word, that B the save-as command was done, 2 go into the documents and 2 click onto the floppy disc, and nothing was saving properly, the situation however has now been remedied. I forgot also, 2 bring in my disc, and had left it in a small blue burlap type of thin bag, and had 2 go back 4 it. Also, I would forget my own damn head if not 4 luckily being attached 2 me, and hopefully not in the way that Goldie Luscious Hawn’s was after she met the eternity club, makes us wonder, U know, these movies, the 7th stream, this one, and so many others, I mean it is obvious that I totally am wasting my effort and time, telling peeps outright that such a totally bizarre outlandish story as the one I am claiming is 100% true, in the way I am doing it, I mean it is getting me absolutely no place at the speed of light squared, imagine going around in one silly vicious circle at 34.7 gaga-miles per second, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is 34,700,000,000 miles, or nearly two-hundred trillion feet per second, as would B measured in the Teleman worlds of the gun-users. Shame on U spellchecker, great athletes like Steve Prefontaine, and great musical composers like Mister Teleman, not recognized, YO, is Planet Earth this dummed-down now, BRR?????!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 1975, after my dad came back from Louisiana as well as Florida, and Texas, along with his traveling companion of the times, Bill Kirtland, not the first time in January 1974, but more that a year and a half later on around September of 1975, a voice inside my head kept telling me many times every single day without exception, “Kill yourself, kill yourself, there is no other way”. The voice in all good conscience was not so totally off base and wrong. I have, as a result of not doing this, suffered through a 35 year hell unfathomable and basically, a totally un-tell-able HELL, as a result of remaining ‘alive’. Jim Burr told me not 2 mess with things like the FASCITAR, and the projecting of the Astral-Body. I did not listen 2 him. Still, if the book and stories R true, Y then can Marylyn Hughes, the great paranormal topics author, get away with doing this, along with so many other peeps, YYY, on this one, Jimmie boy, Y???????????? Jim loved 2 believe he was a powerful prophet, after-all, he seemed 2 know exactly what would always happen 2 me, no matter what I ever tried 2 do, or to accomplish in any way, or that was pertaining 2 any of life’s many parameters.

Let me without building a huge wall of text here, BRA-HHHHHHHH and Mizz Umwell and her friends, and all other Blogaudians of ranges of grey, Morian, or Lessian, move into this paragraph, and begin tying up things written about over the past few above and prior paragraphs, peeps, K?????? Watch out when U dudes and duddesses get into the habit of tying things and connecting dots and fitting puzzle pieces into each other, it is a very wild ride that will forever alter your life physically in this here and now as would know it, or think that U know it. First, it is very easy 2 bang near-fitting pieces into each other, and then if done this way with a real store bought puzzle, in no time at all, U can observe how U were just your own worst enemy, and that U now have but 2 choices should U ever want 2 get things correct, begin all over again from scratch, and accept that your cheating wasted lots of precious time 4U, or try and work falsely with something that will never B a part of truth and reality, it was forced and cheated, and U were playing head games with yourself, my mom should know this well if she still breathed here, she loved and believed quite strongly in these “HEAD GAMES”, she said, if it makes us feel better, then we should do it”. Wow, that would certainly, in my humble opinion, B a fantastic argument at any sike-doctors convention that I can ever imagine!!!!!!!!

Y do I talk about HYPERSPACE and HYPERSPACE EQUATION so much? Well, do U wanna read a blog a year long? Let me try and answer U all simply, or as best I can, and it will make sense, just stop fighting it, or me, come on, gimme a darn bweak Elmer Fwudd!!!!!!! Go along any of U in your normal daily routines now, and hold this query in the back of your mind. I’ll prove 2U that indeed, it is not some far out concept that only has 2 do with a science fiction movie, or is total bullshit nonsense. Every time a person says, or thinks a thing such as, “I wonder what would have resulted if I just had not called Jack smith today and told him about Harry?” Or perhaps there is, “If only I had not admitted this mistake 2 the boss”? How about, “The gods, if only I could relive that entire day?” U all know them all by heart unless UR a real freak and everything has gone your totally perfect way in your absolutely magically charmed life, and I am betting that no one reading this is making that claim. THIS IS ALL HYPERSPACE EQUATION, forget the rocket and space ships, and the sci-fi movies, where U hear this term of “HYPERSPACE” over and over, and none of these butt wipes has a clue that we all R in the hyperspace, and that this universe and all of the parallel ‘other universes’, a virtually infinite number of them, R all in this vast fifth dimensional space or HYPERSPACE. Sure, we can deal with lengthy and complexity issues 4 a hundred million days, and it would get me and all of U nowhere. Keep it all real simple 4 now, with this quick visualization example of this subject, along with the recent one given U on a recently printed prior blogging text, of how the revolving roles of the Hollywood personnel, in all of the many various shows and movies, can also act as a visual simulation, of this thing called the 5th-dimension, or HYPERSPACE, please try and break the habit of seeing that all of this stuff I tell U about is way out there, it is simple stuff, UR trying 2C it the complicated way, U have been television and sociologically pre-conditioned 2 do exactly this, and like blind sheep, UR following the pied piper 2 the slaughter house, peeps, please just try and realize all of this on some basic level from deep inside of yourselves, Y would I make up entire stuff and sit here typing 4 plus years of crazy outlandish lies? If I was really that ‘deluded”, I would not B able 2 function at all in society, and there would therefore B no BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, DUH, think about this rationally 4 a second or so, I really just double dog yelping dare U all!!!!!!!

Think also about the claims that I now have been making about what (DREAMING) really is, and that my explanation of the (EXPLORATRON TRAVELING REALITY) is the best one ever yet thought of by anyone, U all know it, and I do not say any of this in any bragging way. I am only, as always, just fooling my utmost best at getting at the truth, and helping all of U 2 also get at it, U know, [[[[{{{{((((TRUTH))))}}}}]]]]. Let me talk about, DREAMING, if U all still would prefer me using this language, and would rather remain forever in outer darkness and hyper time ignorance, literally, Merry Hollister Halloween notwithstanding. Last night or early this very morning, U would say that I experienced wicked terrible vivid nightmares. Let me tell U about this horrific and quite monstrous interaction. I was living with Dawn and Ann King all over again, and Chicky was around all the time, he did not seem 2B working any longer over at Mario’s Pizzeria. There was another girl there, she was even meaner and more frightening than Dawn, and there was a dude there that was in some way all connected with the rest of these unsavory and demonic characters. Ron Wirtz, the man I dealt with in the nineties, at the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office in New Jersey, was there, and extremely mean and vicious with me. Chicky and this horrible young girl were telling me that they hated me and were gonna beat the living shit out of me. It ended up where this other dude finally forced us 2 not B so angry and hostile, and asked us 2 stand in a row, I was on the far right while facing front with these other 2 peeps, the girl was on my far left, and in the center was the peace maker, and Ron was then gonna take the picture. One thing all led 2 another, and numerous smaller events were all happening in this monstrous unpleasant scene 4 me, and these were merely the highlights and the crescendo of it all. When the photograph was snapped, I remember being lucid and vivid as any type 2 exploratron could B, and by the way I did puck things up on the prior blog, going from type 0,1,2,and 4, I meant instead of the previously typed in number (4), 2 type in the number (3). There R4 types, from the most lesser spirit energies involved, type-0, unawareness 2 any dreaming activity while back here and awake by the way U all c things, all the way 2 type 3-EXPTN, where one is willfully dominating through another person or thing. I was TYPE-#2 last night, I knew this was all happening, with full waking memory, so how do I pick up on that clue U may B wondering, so let me explain it. When I am there waiting 4 the camera flash, staring at Ann King Silva who was at the right corner of this large living room, with a look of utter despair and sadness, and thinking, how the hell did I get back with all of these putrid monsters masquerading as human beings, and how and when did I leave Florida, this is at least some level of lucidity in dreaming. This is basic light lucidity, and many times I have even more and higher levels of this, but this was lucidity of ‘both-worlds’ in my interaction, nonetheless. Dawn was only in it at the very beginning. Later on, I learned in this ‘interaction’ and with a bit more and increased lucidity that at first while in this, that only Ron Wirtz, the peace maker or sort-of dude, myself, Ann KS, and this horrible young girl were the characters in this ‘event’. At the very tail end of it, I saw a strange appearing calendar, that was all filled with flowers, and overly exaggerated colors all over the perimeter of the page; and the page read, October, 1974. Circles marked the days so far checked off with the time in this other world in the hyperspace. Dreaming is the only real transportation, not starships, not time tunnels and star gates or wormholes, or any of this whimsical and 20th century nonsense that inspired all of the SCI-FI of even the worlds of today. Then I saw her more clearly, it was Melanie, and in this other world she was taller than she is here, height and all of this is totally adjustable in hyperspace, one of your dopps can B 4 feet, one of them could B5 feet, 6 feet, 7 feet tall, U get my drift, U might B fat or skinny or anywhere grey in-between, the real total U or the U in all 5 of your true dimensions, needs not B living in the same way and manner as U seem 2B here and now, and also, U need not B the same age, or the same body type, or the same height, weight, even eye color, hair color, hair length, and the list is nearly endless 2 my point. She told me that her cousin in fact had just told me a few months back, that “GOD WOULD GET U4 THIS”, and she then went right on with the words, HAS SHE????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, SHE, this is what MS said in the interaction. Well, this is when old ex-Prosecutor assistant Ron chimed right in, laughing loud and quite mockingly over the entire situation of events that were all going down in this very large living room that I remember thinking that I had absolutely no memory and or recognition of this locale. I continued attempting 2 remember where the devil this place might B. Then Melanie also said 2 me, U still have the key and we all want it back, boy. Then she walked over, even after I finally thought that peace had been made between all of us in that horrible room, and she upper cutted me smack in the jaw, with a terribly powerful and tremendous punch, and all I remember immediately following this, was having no legs underneath me at all, and just falling down in a total collapse. Then she kicked me in my teeth 3 times, and all my teeth, front and back, were out, and I remember spitting them, and voluminous amounts of blood out, and still chocking on teeth and blood that I had not as of yet managed 2 expel and expectorate out of my mouth, and was coughing and choking like a dying man gasping 4 final air puffs. Then Ron came over and said, “Let’s take a picture of this 4 posterity”, and right away, he snapped one, and the flash was blinding. Then he said that, and this is a perfect quote, “Stop using history markers and the Copyright Office, 2 back up your story of what THAT-FAMILY from seventy, is doing 2U”. This is totally a quotation of his words, in this frightening monstrous interaction. I then asked him in words similar 2 these now, YRU on the side of this cult, they made thousands of innocent children vanish after months and years of using them as love slaves and then sacrificing them into literal fires in the name of Diana’s brother, in exchange 4 his giving them Earthly ability’s 2 become type 3 dominant exploratrons? He laughed even louder, and said that he may look like Ron Wirtz at the CC Prosecutor’s Office, but he is really John King, Paula’s dad, and has a message 4 me from Pee, over at Harborfields Detention Center in Egg Harbor, New Jersey. I remember staring at him while he laughed and laughed, totally oblivious and or just uncaring about my mental as well as physical agony after Melanie had just turned me into the Swiss Cheese Man. I asked him what my daughter wanted, and he laughed another time, seemingly minutes, and then stopped quite abruptly, and just said, she wants U2 come home with the family, and leave your other world behind. Stop all your tricks and games and nonsense U did with tape recorders and the Copyright Office, B4 she also clocks U in the jaw like Mel just did. This is a very close and near quote. His final statement after a silent pause resulted in-between, was Teleman will never forgive U4 using his tune 2 make fun of his next-life daughter and brag about your conquest of a teenaged girl. I remember standing up or at least scrambling in the attempt 2 do this, wobbly as a broken piece of heavy furniture with busted legs, and swaying like a sailor on leave 2 long in the pub, and I was totally out of mind from all this hellishness and remember spitting right in the dude’s face. Then he took his large heavy camera that he had shortly B4 used 2 snap that picture, and he bolted me hard right on the top of my head with it. I fell back onto the floor, and the room began 2 spin, faster and faster. The next thing I knew, I was on the Astral Plane, in Province Olympia, at the Peach Cove about 60 miles if measured Earthly in non metrics, due south woust of the shores of the beautiful mount Pinkdune at the Teckwaters of the great TECKBAY. Diana was making passionate love 2 me, and I instantly stropped thinking of the interaction. Then after we finished making super love together, I thought of it, and POW, there I was right back with the room spinning and Ron Wirtz glaring over me with that nasty and heavy camera that he had just used 2 clock me on the skull with. Dawn Marie King had just walked through the door, and threw a bunch of CD’s and DVD’s at me, at least 3 dozen I would wager. LSS, she then helped me up, and he then laughed, and waltzed out of the room and into a hallway that led 2 what I somehow knew was the bedroom of Chicky, her husband, and herself. Melanie then said 2 me, “This is only the beginning, as we all need that key 2 that lock that goes with that chain Sarah-Stacey took away from U and that thief John Henningsen big brother of yours in 1968”. I stared over at her and said a paraphrase along the lines of, your 2nd cousin Zvonko has the key, and the strange machine, that I no longer have any of it, and 2 ask the Library of Congress 4 copies of any music that is pertaining 2 your queries. “We got him all ready, he is holding up a 7-11 store in North Jersey”, came her angry scratchy voiced response. Then she told me that if I do not return the key from New Jersey 2 the mighty Robert McGuire, B4 Julia White as VIQUEEN-JULIE, creates the start of her soon coming 2nd calendar, that I will face my ultimate doom and destruction, far beyond and worse than anything imaginable. I then remember saying that the great White will meet her doom if she does not stop hurting me, and she then laughed again and while walking away from me and out of the room, her final retort back 2 me was, UR the great White, read the BIBLE, butt wipe, I’m just a simple farm girl, go back 2 your Lakehouse Pen where Scylla put U. Then loud dogs began barking, and within a minute or so I awoke 2 my neighbor and her loud yelping butt wipe dog.

My mother and her Ed Potter love story of horrors is right around the corner, so U need not wait 2 much longer, peeps. Sky, if U want me back in the Penn swimming around, with lovely Diana flashing white and pink and purple above the water, fine, but I know nothing about any key, sorry. I only know about exploratrons, and how they become more than just self doubles throughout hyperspace. They become vehicles with powerful strobe lights and magical shoebox newspapers and so much more, that seemingly have limitless powers 2 effect mental and physical health of anyone coming into contact with them, I know 4 a fact, that the few UFO real non fake non hoax jobs, in fact, R no more than these PHASE-3 TYPE EXPLORATRONS, and Jimmy Rocks Looseteeth, we can and will, B getting more into all of this on another soon 2 follow blogging text.

Governor of KALI-CALLIO-FORNIA, I will not B BACH, nor Beethoven, nor Teleman, nor any of them, I AM ALL READY HERE, AND HAVE BEEN, LONG B4 1988 AND MY SONG HIT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, “PROPHET OF “NOTHING”. U KNOW A SECRET, OR DO U WANNA KNOW, GOV? The BEETLES got the idea 2 name their group after BEET-hoven, what U may not know is the real power and reasons behind the letters that make up the naming part of the post 1st syllable of this great man’s name, HOVEN, it means, music from the great city of SDK (HEAVEN). I have more secrets, truckloads ofem, so just STAY-C tuned peeps.

END TRANSMISSION: posted around 4:20 post meridian on Saturday, April 17, 2K10. Posted only 2 the site called and this is as all my stuff is, indeed, a HISTORY MARKER, I AM HERE, JULIA WHITE, AND JULIE L&O WATERWORKS ROBERTS, BANK ON THIS ONE BABYLON RESIDING HEINZ, and MY OLD DISTANT LATE COUSIN OF LONG LOVELY ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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