Monday, November 28, 2011


DATFILE: 112811.880.5555555555


Things are so bad that they have never ever never ever never ever, my lovely Lightning Goddess Diana, been this bad, in my entire 64 trillion year cycle of hyperspace existence. This is it right here, all the way to the mother fucking wall,Captain Jordy Trek.

Another fire alarm struck the building around just after six of the clock this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, following the one that struck earlier around quarter past two. This caused me to lose sleep, not wake up to the alarm clock as I needed to put ear plugs in just to survive; and as a result, made me mother fucking late for work by ninety minutes. I told the boss, Mary, and she is verifying this with the local fire Department that responds to these alarms, as well as with the Housing Authority of the great and illustrious non (SPR) Studio Park Records, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, YO!!!!!!!!

On top of this death siege, an all day aerial assault hit with loud low private Cessna fucking jobs, death beams struck my body, producing major health attacks, both heart and bowel fuck ups, that has been ongoing since 1986, and totally mother fucking undetectable by today's best medical professionals. Also, if something this serious was wrong with my body over a quarter century of physical time, it would have killed me and wiped me out a very fucking long fucking time ago, this is just a dose of good old mother fucking common sense, no matter who wishes and insists on calling me a delusional ranter nut case, and refuses to take this all seriously. I KNOW WHAT I KNOW, and as good old, late Mrs. Dawn-Marie King Laines would say it perhaps a tad better than this, “IT IS WHAT IT IS”. Anyone connected with the great evil “MILLIONTH-COUNCIL (WOMO)”, that has been obviously bugging my body with a T. McVeigh Microchip, and that was listening in during my Stockholm Kidnapping period; knows all of this only too well, peeps.

I am going to tell once more, that things progressed real bad through Sunday and today-Monday, but the real hammering began, with or without the teenaged dinger who turned my Saturn hubcap into Swiss Cheese in 1996 outside “The Gathering Place Psychic Shop”, in early June, right after my trips to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, with Mister David Charles Roth; after being in a light and self induced trance where I bi-located my awareness, in both my bed in my apartment here in town, and on this material realm;, yet simultaneously, was with the great All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Krassle. I was placed back in the powerful dreaming-interaction of June the 21st of 2008, that is blogged about on that date on the blog website of, for those not reading these words right now on that site; and MC was telling me huge powerful stuff, that I gave my word to HER, that I will never betray HER and ever blog and tell. However, there are many things that I can tell, that will not be in violation of breaking this special covenant, (contract), for the post Aramaic Lingo days of Ad-2011. The PCN-GAWNUM answer the other time of great siege, before this new one, was the number of 781. This PCN-781 contains thousands of powerful listing matches, some to name a few are 'BABYLON', 'GOD'S DOG', 'JULY TWELVE, NINETEEN-SEVENTY', and 'PROPHET OF NOTHING'. Using the word “account” in place of “channel”, pertaining to U-tube, powerful forces know two powerful PCN's, one being 781, the other being 880, 'hypothetically' speaking, 'mom'. The question I was thinking and pondering on back on the 23rd of this month was why had suffered this unfathomably incredible nightmare siege from the evil wicked fucking WOMO on that day, and the cards came out root-GAWNUM #78. By the way, you reshuffle all cards and continue dwelling on your question, but do not hold back the card originally drawn from the deck that produced your first digit root answer. Both times, the odds need to be exactly one to nine that you will select by 'random' an ace through a nine. If you stumbled onto this blog here and now, you will need to go back half a dozen or so blogs and read up ion using the GAWNUM. Many other listings come out such as balloon and buzzard, and on and on we could go here, but for now, this is more than enough to get cosmic juices flowing and let the Jessica Football Players club know I am not playing around with my counterstrike retaliatory talking and tattle tailing, YO. To know what I'm referring to here, you would need to go years back before the first blog chapter of this SAFE JOURNAL series of MOUNTAINPEN BLOGS, all on site, of course, YO!!!!!!!!

Where is my lovely CASS from transdimensional hyperspace? I have a debt that I am not sure I can ever repay, but want to spend the rest of my life trying. You did all this for me, reminds me of years ago near a great sea. I knew there was a reason I wore the grooves on that oldie 45 RPM record out as a pre-teen, at 125-A Haddon Hills, in Westmont, NJUSAESMWG. HA-HA. Now after late April, the only early-alpha systems unused by quanta waves are BABA and FAFA. The E is a vowel that would not pronounce next to the A vowel. Still, I watch and see all that goes on, I miss little, very little gets past me, folks. This does not count being major hypnotized by school principals that suddenly take an active roll in the movie, “Body Snatchers”. I promise that I never will reveal this incredible secret, BEG. By sharing it with me, I know you trust me, and I will never betray that trust, no matter what PK does to me, or her cronies.

When I asked Gawky Gaukauk to reveal why everyone around me was so vehemently against my hypnosis in the nineteen-nineties to remember why 1986 changed my life so incredibly; the number of 132 came out. Now MOTORCYCLE may not seem to relevant, but smart folks have already done a long list, and know why this number was told to me.

Then there is the old Freudian unconscious slip of the lip, and the unconscious reason for doing and saying and naming things, even our children, give me a break, my lovely Paula.

I could blog on and on, millions of things, and waste my precious time; but I'd rather watch a movie and enjoy a nice bowl of Breyers freaking ice cream. I have no more time to give to these fucking losers. Life is irony. That is all it can ever be. This is why we DRIVE on the parkway, and we PARK on the driveway. It is why most TURNpikes are for the most part straight line directions. The truth is that none of this real, and that QUANTA reality has chosen to make my life what it is. As I said in my last few blogs somewhere, we can all eat dogshit and add lots of sugar to make it taste better. It will taste better, but why do this? Locked up in this question, is a lot of ground that I'll be covering soon, and yes, heads will roll, big time, as a result, YO. ****END TRANSMISSION****

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