Thursday, November 17, 2011




I am under a super THANKS-2-GIVENS normal calendar cycle death siege straight from mother fucking hell. This blog will be short and sweet. It is the afternoon of the week before Thanksgiving, on this 17th day in this BOTBAR-11-MONTH, AKA-November, in 2011.


I woke up out of a wild mother fucking DREAMING-INTERACTION-EXPERIENCE, and instantly, when I tried to watch television, nothing worked, everything seemed dead, this lasted for 5-10 minutes, then I shut it all down, calmly waited a few minutes, restarted everything, and it was just as if nothing had been mother fucking ass wrong in the first mother fucking constitutional rights violated place, Supreme court Justices, IN CASE YOU MIGHT CARE, DUDES AND DUDDESSES. I need your dam help old school pal from Haddonfield, New Jersey, and overseer of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION.

Earlier in the day I woke up quite rudely to my nutty ass neighbors that love to scream and shout out in the hallways for all to hear and be bothered by. They seem to be fruit basket cases, but I also know this entire thing, here at the building, at work at the HARVEST, and all over the fucking place such as my wild experiences at the TD BANK, or the BEACH over at Hutchinson Island, in the past, all of this and so much mother fucking more, is all coming from and directed by, the EVIL-WOMO. GOOGLE UP CHEMTRAILS. GOOGLE UP GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY AND COVER UP, PROJECT BLUEBOOK AND UFO, ALIEN ABDUCTION, and many great topics, and you just might learn some fucking shit. First, there are no aliens or ships from outer space or anything like this at all, not in 'reality'. You can create all this in your mind, and reverse the normal process of the eye transmitting to the mind, and thus, there are infinite Elizabeth Montgomery possibilities, right hubby Darren?

It is obvious to a mentally challenged or a mentally ill person, let alone a 'normal' person, which is a subjective standard and rating system, by whoever decided to be in charge of just what normal really is; that my blog that I posted onto the great internet earlier this moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning,was by no means appreciated, by SOME ONE OR SOME THING, CA[PTAIN SHATNER, WITH GREAT POWER, as it sure wasted no time to exact its major fucking revenge on me for posting it. I still contend that this wonderful THAT-FAMILY from the 1970 nightmares, all scum-bagged out on me, whether 'they' want me posting this or not, and UI really could care less what this evil bunch of lighters does or does not want, at this point in time, Senator.

As for great Hollywood productions, shows of sci-fi coming into their own as the 20th century worked its way closer and closer towards this one; there was a great writer that most of you know of, and the Lambrigger Cult here in human form AKA as the EW (Entertainment World), knows and adores this dude, Mister Dick, I call him MIDI-DROID for my own little code, still, he knew majoer things, and he knew it was not all totally so much limited to the world of fiction-only. He had personal experiences, and one of them, that repeated upon several occasions in his life, and literally saving the life of his small child, as a result of one of these said experiences, with a beautiful pink-colored brilliant light. Bright light that tends to move into varying frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum and thus causing it to be seen and observed in multiple colors, or in some cases as one non-white color, is not limited to the Jennifer Love Hewitt Ghost Whisperer Show, or ghosts in general, yet it can be connected. Due to many unknown complexities in the realities and worlds of the sub-atomic, in our dark age dinosaur year of 2011, next to say 100 years from now; nothing is as constant as the great Einsteins Light velocity or “C”. Keeping this all simple and thus more easily readable, let me tell you how this great “LIGHT”, has interacted with me; and then tie all of this into what the great PROJECT BLUEBOOK, decided in their mighty infinite wisdom through the omnipotent UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND GOVERNMENT; what I have decided to term and name and label, the RLR. This can stand for Relative-Light-Reality. It is a fancy way of saying that there are not a lot of textbook rules and laws written in stone, such as gravitation, or forbidden man-made taboo legislation's resulting from any intentional cover-ups. Before I tackle the herculean task of over simplifying and abridging monstrous sized potential text and college degree sized information here, let me start by saying merely this, my peeps. Nothing at all is even close to the way you now believe that it is, I PROMISE YOU THAT. As both my special kids know only too well, all I am ever seeking after, personally, is the truth and if I can come close to reaching some of it, then alagazam, fanfreakingtastic and marvfab; but whether we all like or hate, or place anywhere in the middle; any particular 'reality' and 'truth', as these are 'really' the same two words, only spelled differently; take it away from us and let us keep all else, or even give the entire state of Nevada to someone, deed and title, but take away forever, their truth and their reality, they have been made to suffer a cosmic loss that has no way of being described with these limited words that I can type in combination with this keyboard, though hard and long I may persevere. What little reality that all of us find, needs to be mother fucking treasured and locked away in our cosmic safes, and guarded by 5,000 armies, each as powerful as the troops protecting America's Fort Knox. Underestimate these words at your own doing and doom, because if any blog ever written and posted by me, mountainpen, was attempting to help humanity, it is this one, and it these few words. Now for the great light of Jenny Hewitt, and MIDI SCIFI, and me,. And so many others, despite the 'Blue-Book' and their relentless attempts to keep these truths away from the common folk, or for those of us not smart enough, to fuck up our country, and government; the way our genius Military, and Washington Politicians have done, for so long, and so dam well. Give me a break at the speed of light squared, or at about 34.7 billion miles per second.

I am going to keep this ultra simple and ultra shortened and compressed. Many have seen this “LIGHT”. This light comes in many forms. My interactions with it began after I followed a small toddler that convinced me in some unfathomable way, up in Suffolk County, New York one day early in the nineteen-seventies, to follow her through an accessible area in a yard fence, into a home, and into a strange and brilliantly lit up corridor that was directly off of a larger area or room, with a man standing outside of it, who I later went onto meet at a Health club in the year 1995, called Haddonwood. This child was later to grow up to be, the great Mariah Carey, who we all know so well, and adore her heavenly voice. By the way MC, your twins are absolutely adorable, and hopefully not quite as rambunctious as you were. In any case, we both know that distant cousins of yours did some really unspeakable things to me, and it is far from completely unfolding yet, but that is my concern and worry, not yours. I understand and respect that, MC. What I want is for you to someday explain why you did what YOU did, I know that your distant's are not your concern, and I never meant to burden you with any of that. That never was my intention. All I am seeking after, is the truth; and do not care if even you believe this or not, brown-eyes. Moving on now with when you were very small, you were holding this 'thing' in one of your hands, and it was a strobing bright light that was extremely bright, and the majority of its colors were blinding pink, purple, and white. You were doing everything you could to show me this light, you wanted me to see both it and that you were in control of it, yet all the while, carefully watching out for Colaman out in the larger area, who did eventually catch you showing this to me, and came over and then he hit you, and this upset me so badly, that to this day, I dream of busting his lip, I will not lie to you. One year or maybe two years later, my mother had a co-worker at her office who gave her some information like nothing I had ever seen, and to be totally honest, like nothing I have ever seen even to this very day, decades later. It caused me to investigate and learn something called the Fascitar, and later on as a result of this; I saw the light again. After my teen years ended, I saw this light upon many occasions, after being electrocuted in 1977 at the Carriage Lamp Apartments on the White Horse Pike, in SPR-headquartered, Clementon, New Jersey, and every subsequent time where I intentionally moved from the physical word, over to the Astral-Plane. This light is a trick of the memory. There is no simple way to tell this monster ass secret to the world. The light is the precursor of the truth that we all are all ready experiencing. The time in 1997, twenty years after I stuck a walkie-talkie antenna directly into a 220-volt air conditioner outlet, that will be cited here in an illustrated example that makes my point and attempts to better place this idea into usable text. Unlike when I was electrocuted in 1977 by holding a metallic walkie-talkie, and sticking the antenna into a 220 volt socket, this time, I awoke in the middle of the night, with a waking freeze. Simpler put, I woke up while still in dream-state, a dual or bi-located state of the brain, not at all understood by the present-day psychiatric profession, but who am I to sit here typing these bruising ego words, as this is not my intent, to offend, or turn off readers, I need their attention and willingness to accept my knowledge as real and not deluded fantasy.

Let me tell the story of this light, as it may be remembered slightly differently with each individual separate experience, and by each individual human being having this experience while here in this waking human life and realm of their existence. It was 1977, I was out of my mind, admittedly, I was completely insane. I was desperate to locate a person from my past, the great Sarah-Stacey Krassle, who I went on to learn is and always was and will be, the All Mighty Jehovah Scylla Goddess of all of creation, HER CREATION. I could say really mind blowing stuff here, and this would only serve to defeat my purpose, I am trying to keep things toned down and dialed back, and hold onto a few readers, if I am lucky. Suddenly when this waking freeze hit me, I felt my breath and heartbeat stop. I had a loud fan in the room blowing nice cool air on me, and a small night light plugged in across the room, as a week before that, I tripped and stubbed my toe while trying to find the light-switch so I could get up and get something to drink. When my life ended by the standards of neurosurgeons, and other med-experts; it was a quitet peaceful lovely experience. The fan went silent, the room went pitch dark, there was nothingness, void, I wanted to hold onto this void and stay there, and I remained for quite a while. Suddenly I thought to myself, maybe now in this state, I can find my SARAH. I thought about HER, HER lovely city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, (HEAVEN), and a few other quick thoughts, and within what seemed like 5 or maybe 10 seconds tops, boom, a blinding brilliant all encompassing light was one and the same thing with my thoughts or “ME”, and then in another 2 or 3 seconds, I WAS IN THIS CITY, this indescribable city, and SHE was right there with me, her long beautiful hair shinning down from more than six and a half feet of HER great height, and then I came to see that it was HER hair that was the entire light, the entire city, all of it. Moses supposedly experienced a similar deal with his burning bush, on top of the Zion Mountain, which the cosmos as a result, named both a mountain, and later a great project, and a great goddess in a human form, and merged it all together. Thus these words have all been penned, a mountain of truth, a project named MORIANITY, and all the while, never realizing that connections were all there to begin with, just as the interactions are all there and are merely this incredible light. Whether it be a so called 'real' or a computer generated 'virtual' reality, the same experience takes place, if the brain is measured. This was explained quite well on the science channel last night, on my Fort Pierce, Florida Comcast Cable Lineup, it is channel-#110.

Other following blogs will explore way more about Haddonwood, the light, and the strange man from Washington, DC who came over in 1995, to visit me there. Nothing just happens, it is all connected into itself, and it is all this mind blowing LIGHT, that is all anything really ever was or can be for that matter. Biblical accounts discuss void darkness, and then Jehovah-Scylla speaking the words, “LET THERE BE LIGHT”. Then in the wisdom of man, a United States Air Force, said one day, “LET THERE BE BLUEBOOK”, no more talking about this great light, or this wonderful special creator GODDESS, SSJK. Well, guess what, I have not begun, KAREN, top blow the lid off of all of this, as you won't leave me alone, so fine, I will make it my absolute mission statement and business, to end the way of life that all of you capitalist pigs ate perpetuating and perpetrating your evil mischievousness on us little 99-ers.

Haddonwood, Colaman, and Gerard Stiles are not gone, nor were they ever here. The sub atomic truth is way too big to try and tackle on this little blog today, folks, so sorry, Ambassador Bomb of December 7th of 1941, keep the volume down on my song, © Office, I do not want to have to pay for new audio monitors for you, at level 4, level 6, or even 46-46-46-46.


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