Thursday, December 10, 2009


Date And Time File: World-Labs-Send-Back Text:

Well, Jane Dogsnot nailed me a few minutes ago, I had a nasty chopper attack here at Frankiemiway and Thirteenth Streets shortly after returning home with Louis Laines (Chicky) is his wife-given nickname, and it sort of stuck around town here in Blueberrymovcomville, and the nuclear health attack was super wicked and really trucked me up. I may decide 2 drive over 2 the trucking hospital and get this slap- exposed and stopped once and 4 all, or friggin’ die in the friggin’ attempt. The computer hacks R way up today also, Miss know it all, and I challenge any of U superpeeps out here in internet land 2 survive mi curse 4 any length if time. Mi mom was put 2 this test at her mighty lifelong love, the Inchcape, formerly known Prince, SIR, as Lavino Shipping, in Philadelphia, how’s it going Stanley, and wow, this sure helped 2 get me in a mess this time, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From now on, when a siege hits this trucking runt slapping bad, I am going back 2 the TRS, or telling at least one, TODAY’S REVENGE SECRETS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a million, they all R true and real, it is not that I ran out or came close 2 running out, I just was getting 2 nice and 2 soft with these dog stick yummy lovers. That is gonna change now at C squared, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first one is just today, or really, yesterday, it is past midnight don’t U know, and Ann and I were over at Dawn’s probie, as U know if U have read the recent blogs. Ann was struck with a major E-4 ETTOS ATTACK while telling John a very major story. When he reminded her of the conversation up 2 that point, she was able 2 overcome the 6th dimensional blocked signal of the MILLIONTH-FILTHBAG-COUNCIL. The second TRS is a little bigger and better than this one, and may indeed explain today’s heavy attack, all though, as I suspected, the dirt ball brother shmucking Philadelphia Flyers played a game, and sure enough it started at the same time they frikin’ nuked me.

U all know the story unless U only read a blog here and there and don’t follow me, about Joe Berrios the flash, B4 the show a little later on. Nut let me discuss these wonderful evil times of the very late 1980’s, BRA---HHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! First, there was the 2 huge exploratronic interactions that U should know of by now, the first one in early June of 1980, and the second one on August 15 of 1986. The first one was when All Mighty Scylla appeared 2 me and spirited me off 2 a location that is really a condition-interaction on the Astral Plane, called, Monolazarium Square. This is where Scylla makes her real true appearances, and U will not learn of any of this on MC Archives or any mortal world source. U think SHE sounds terrific here on the mortal world, well let me just start here, U will not B getting doodly squeaks tonight, just a tiny taste, so live with it. When U understand how 2 make a subliminal tape, and then further understand, how 2 use electronic metaphysics, and totally come 2 know that this entire universe is but a speck in the true higher dimension beyond it called HYPERSPACE that contains this universe and countless googolplexes of other ones in a parallel system of varying atomic frequency activities way 2 complicated 4 the 21st century physicists 2 really understand as of yet. It remains in the realm of theoretical sciences 4 right now 4 many reasons but one major one is that they indeed know that the world would go totally nuts forever should real authorities and not certified Mountainpen tell us all tomorrow, that Morianity is indeed telling the truth. Let me tell U something that will put thick curly hair on the chest of a young child, beware, this is no kids stuff, so if U don’t wanna get a shock, switch over 2 another blog, as I’m quite sure that Martha Stuart or Britney Spears is out there somewhere just beaming 2 tell their fans of some of their newest and silly trivia’s.

I moved into Cherry Hill, New jersey, on the 15tyh day of July of 1986, the gods hellllllllp me. In the next 4 weeks, literally, ALL OF HELL was all cosmically set 2 bust loose. It began around the time all the unpacking was fully completed, say July 20th. I had my entire sound system and other devices all hooked up in the new residence, following the departure of the mighty Highview Tooth Fairy Cheers. I decided 2 begin a new music project of 5-8 songs, I forget the exact deal. It is very unpleasant and full of horrific memories of how I have let the All Mighty Scylla slip away from me not once, but twice, while the Shakespearian gods R eating more popcorn and laughing their ugly grass moles right off in their mighty Astral Plane mansions, many larger than the state of Ohio. B4I made the music track on the first of all the songs, called PLANES, all about me in my 1983 Blue NSA named Nunggen, whatever that is and only the black file club knows, maybe its freaking code or maybe I’m just a damn dummy. Real Good Girl was done next, and then I do not remember the order of how the music tracks were first made. B4I even thought of singing on any of them, I made a really wild cassette tape. I put an incredible message on the left side of my open reel mastering machine at minus 30 decibels on the volume unit meter, and music from , now I remember, it is coming freaking back 2 me BRO, a song I wrote about and 4 my Lightning Goddess Diana, called, I’m Gonna Kick U In Your Doo-Doo-Doo. Not a very nice title, and I suppose the lyrics in RGG were not all that nice either, but this has nothing 2 do with the issue at hand right now. I pushed in the mono mix button on the equalizer, and fed it into a prep input switch B4 it fed into my cassette deck from the open reel, and also through a very nice compressor/expander that really clean ed up muddy signals, and made cassettes sound more like future CD quality. Even the Copyright Office asked about my sound equipment back in 1984 when I sent down my project called, “What’s Wrong”. I turned the input recording signals 2 equal levels, mixed the open reel signal 2 mono, causing the music track on the lightning song that was blaring out at 30 or more DB over the other side, 2 now become buried beneath the music track sound. I was a soundman at RPL, and a duplicator, I know a little about all of this, and had the best teacher in the friggin’ music industry, our Chief Recording Engineer Howard Solomon, who produced and engineered many a 50’s hit recording. When I listened back, it was only the music track of this newly written song that was consciously audible, but my unconscious was hearing more than just this music. This unconscious part of me that also remembered Babylon, 1968, Julia White, and MI, is a major part of the Cherry Hill story, called in the book from 1994, The Permission Barrier, Raspberry Valley. Now there is no more hiding in Joe Dragnet Friday fake names and changes. It was not 4 another solid decade that I would come 2 remember the mighty giant Mister Martino and his cousin through marriage, Paula King, and several others, paying me an afternoon visit. I would not come 2 know on an awake level, any of these characters 4 a long time. It was the creation of this powerful subliminal cassette tape, and then playing it a dozen times or so, that all led up 2 the events that followed.

As 4 the great man of tempers and assininity, Mister Karpf, let me tell U what happened on the first week in July, if memory is correctly serving me, in the mighty death blow year 4 me of 1986. The man who told me about the “Word on the street that said I am leaving 4 Florida shortly 2 go down with Howard Solomon”, also was late 2 show up when mom and I met these 2 dudes that owned this property. A father and son team who had powerful J-lawyers in their family, and threatened us with this on a constant level. Mom and I were intimidated and messed with by some of the best experts around during our careers as harassed and persecuted individuals in a very WICKED DEMONIC EMPIRE, run by snotty capitalist heartless pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the story is huge and I am remembering huge things. Super huge and yes, not-bloggable things. So 4 tonight, I leave all of this right here at your doorstep 2 digest this much of how a lot of this all began. Still, it never ever really began, and U must learn 2 deal with me saying this 2U. I would have no Earthly reason 2 lie or make up such a statement. This is all being said be3cause enemies persecuted me 2 death. But 1 more thing will B said, and that is this, MEOW, MEOW, MEOW, 5-9-4/4-9-5, what happens when U take my parents names along with mine, which R all thank the gods a compatible GAWNUM, but what is the PCNT or total? My dad is WAYNE MOHR, my mom is GRACE MASON, they R also thank the gods GAWNUMLY compatible. MARK MOHR+mom+dad, equals a powerful year, and parents R major involved in it all, am I right, or please tell me, am I right, as I know 4 sure BRR that I am not wrong, baby-love????????

BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP:

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