Thursday, December 10, 2009


Datfile: 121009.532
Subtitled: Mountainpen, the bad guy

Somewhere as the nineties came into being, I managed 2 mentally put together a powerful truth. This truth is sort of a scientific measurement of things in my life in general, that is not something that I can seemingly ever separate myself from, it is ads built in as my body. If I want 2 walk around this material physical realm, then I need 2 bring my body along 4 the ride. Also, I seemingly need 2 have with me, this ever present measurement and precise balance of allowable things that I will now attempt 2 explain in the following way: B4I do however, the machine is acting up a bit, and Y not, powerful hellish realities surround me, and DEEDEE is everywhere as well. Don’t get me wrong, I love my large black birds, but still, they indeed R a powerful indicator that major problems and woes R exiting all around me. When I tell the story from where my blog of last night ended up through this morning, U will C how it all fits into Dave Roth’s famous statement made so often 2 me, some time back, “U and me, we R always the bad guys”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quite naturally, this was spoken in a sarcastic as well as an extremely sad overtone. B4I go here, let me just show a little bit of what I am saying as far as perfect balancing and an ever present scale that rides along, with no option 2 delete or cancel or remove this cosmic whatever it is.

If I were 2 accurately take a measurement by rating my days in a number value, sort of a 1-5 with best as a 5 and worst as a 1, whatever the moving average becomes and rides along as with the passage of time, it normally remains in this locked average 4 extended periods. Also, another constant that is involved with this truth, is that when an alteration or a deviation from this moving average range, way more times than not, forever and ever, it changes not 4 the better, or into higher numeration but into lower numeration, depicting that things R going from a long running moving average, and then like a cannon ball through the chest, pow, way more times than not, things do turn, but suddenly into lower and more negative territory. This is not words on a blog. Dave and I experimented with actually recording our lives, me especially, as I really took it totally seriously and never failed one day 2 enter in a number, so that calculations would always accurately B an ongoing and perfectly calculated system. This was not done in my case 4 a few months or even a few years, it began in the times B4I even met Dave Roth, around July somewhere in 1982, and I was faithful 2 performing this activity until my sheets were nothing but solid ones like a flatline heart monitor depicting death of a patient, and this was around August in 1997. I just could not handle this any more, and actually grew frightened that somehow the very act of recording this, was also the possible cause of its very propagation and ongoing continuation. I based on the well known application of people in general, evil in nature, and the way that if someone around U that is out 2 make U miserable, learns that U dislike something quite passionately, then he or she will go out of their way 2 worsen things all the more 4U, by bringing this into amplification in any way or ways that they may B able 2 so do. U all know this is truth, all of U. Disagree and lie. So I after 15 solid years grew powerfully apprehensive about continuing with this, and just one day discontinued my measurement scales of my life. This is when also, I began 2 gain some real new respect 4 invisible so-called ‘cosmic forces’, with or without any agreements or disagreements from R2D2 or the ‘EMPIRE’.

U missed me Jane diseasestench, but she managed 2 nail me last night during a horrible fight between Chicky and Dawn, I had just fallen asleep around half past midnight, and BOOM, a tremendous door slam awoke me on the exact stoke of one-eleven in the mother trucking moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning. I had 2 get out of bed, tired in more ways than freaking 1, and reset my large red LED digital clock 2 the 5’s, U know,5:55, and just 4 the record now, 5555555555 plus 5555555555555555555555 times 555555555555555555555 to the power of 555555555555555555555555555555555555, and divided by the 7th root of 55555555555555555555, is not something that the average Wal-Mart calculator can quickly give U the answer 2.

I will fill U all in as 2Y Ann and I, and not the King of daybreak, went this morning 2C John Judy. He did not know that we were coming, and was glad 2 talk 2 us. Dawn is a real player of the CJS (criminal justice system). Still, she is been a monster now 4 some time, and I am beyond just way disappointed in her. She totally and absolutely disgusts and revolts me, and I do not think that I have ever totally detested and deplored a human being in my entire life of more than 55 years in this lifetime, as much as I do, Dawn. She is not evil, Evil is HER, INCARNATE. If bloody shoes had human births, and walked by themselves, and wrote songs in the year 2000, and had Copyright Office Examiners know exactly what is being said here should they ever B reading this copyrighted material in the near future, then this NOGHTMARE-WOMAN is SATAN INCARNATE, and Y not, she is part of the WASHCLOTH FAMILY of my life’s termination, Agnes Nixon John and Photeous Proteous, echoes, murders, rip-offs, and all of this total horror notwithstanding, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John Judy know how bad this situation is, and promises us that if we just hang on, things will shall I say, B resolved eventually, and in the only possible way that they ever can B.

Slave Mark, taxicab serviced her all day yesterday back and forth from the house here, over a mile or more, 2 her new boy-toy’s place, where there is a house, and a long driveway with a large yard where vehicles R parked, and his vehicle, a big old van, is also there, and I ran them all around all day, 2 liquor stores, and back and forth, each time they’d have a fight, or whatever. When hubby-Chicky got off from work, he went over 2 stay with his brothers on Bellvue Avneue, the main drag here in Blueberryville of long preplanned Guatamayan Julia Mariena Carlittia White Krassle. Let me tell U a powerful secret about an overweight lady with a very bad temper, who once hung around with this powerful goddess of the Astral Plane. They lived in Philadelphia 4 a short time, and at the risk of 2 left foot dancers getting read the riot act by companies owned by Shirley in the middle seventies, this was a dozen years earlier around 1962, right around the time that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Texas. Many powerful global as well as cosmic forces reaching far out beyond this tiny speck of nothing in the gargantuan expansion of this hypersphere, know quite well, or will after reading this, that I know about this small time in history where HYPERSPACE effects almost caused this universe 2 experience the utter wipe out of humanity and the total destruction of sentient beingness. If I may B permitted a little more leeway and leverage and permission 2 speak great er secrets than R locked away in any TTT-secret files, this universe DID IN FACT, or we humans in it, DID get Arnie-terminated. There was no being back about this one, Arnie boy. But we did come back. I know how it came back, Y, and who exactly was responsible 4 bringing it all back, inserting a cosmic splice of a sort, and then remaking the show, as though it never had ended, huh Cuz Don??????????????? Sorry if gorgeous Olivia ripped U off, BRO. This blog is not about secrets, or washcloths made of lung tissue, or 4 that matter, even red shoes. So let me tell U all just how Ann came 2B in the car during this mornings’ ride over 2 Chicky’s job. Last night, Dawn and her mom were in some real vicious fights, and then when I finally picked up Chicky, and he was later told about the boy toy deal, things blew up as U might except. First, Dawn planned initially 2 stay all night at this young Mexican dude’s crib, but complex circumstances R involved, as he has a family, and keeps a van in a yard behind the home on Third Street, so he can play around I suppose. Don’t ask and I won’t tell, as I do not wanna know anything. I am only upset when I get dragged into the damn middle of their war, and as the subtitle implies without any pulled punches or subtleties, they always end up making innocent poor ME, 2B the bad guy, every time. IC the hackers from the MILLIONTH COUNCIL R STARTING THEIR SHIRT UP, popping one damn box up after another, here, Admiral Greatestfishinthewholedamnbay Spock. Well, Holdam Bay or Huntington Bay, or Barnegat Bay, it really makes no difference, it always comes out that I AM TOTALLY INNOCENT, YET I AM ALWAYS THE TRUCKING BAD GUY, AND DAVE ROTH ALSO HAD 2 ENDURE AND EXPERIENCE THIS EXACT SAME NIGHTMARE IN HIS PATHETIC LIFE. This is Y we were compatible. We shared our miseries together, and some force out there was (LOVIN’ IT), huh Mister MC-DONALD RADIATION LIMITS???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back now 2 last night. We all got screamed at and cursed at by Dawn, the mighty and off her rocker forever KING. Her mother asked her is she would like it if she told her husband about this little fling. This set off World War Ninety. Then this morning Chicky insisted on seeing the house that Dawn was going 2, and THIS is Y, curls not withstanding in the equation, Ann Silva had gone with me, so as 2 witness that I did not do anything wrong. He immediately demanded that I turn the car around and drive home so he could give Dawn an ear full. After he got back into the car, Dawn came out 2 my side of the window and screamed at me that I told, and I should mind my own business, I of course had done nothing other than taxi cab these trashy filthy welfare rats around and B their darn slaves, day in a week out and month in and year out. Ann tried 2 tell Dawn that I had nothing 2 do with it, but she is loaded out of her sick scull, and does not even realize that she herself had told Chicky last night, just 2 beat her mom 2 the punch since she had threatened 2 out her on her fling. Then Ann said, drive away, U have had enough. As we went down the road, she said 2 me, we R going over 2C John Judy, this is Dawn’s Probie, as U know she is a career criminal, out on parole. He is doing his gods honest best 2 violate her, but she is very clever, and knows how 2 work the system incredibly. In any event, I am home doing this blog, and the monster is asleep, along with the lion, and many great tunes from early in the nineteen-seventies.

Don’t think I don’t know the Shirley secret, and don’t think I have not figured out the real reason Y the 2 of U---AP gods hate me so much. It seems I have been in error about some of my facts, and I am more than man enough 2 own up 2 this right now. The mighty FASCITAR 6-10 system only seems 2 work 4 persons with certain PCN identities. Gawky told me as well as showed me something last night during my exploratron activities. A lot of this is totally never bloggable and tell-able. As U should now know and B aware of in the GAWNUM, there R 81 ROOTS. These roots contain no zeros, and go from 11-99. The Holy Bible is filled with secrets that still R not even close 2 being revealed. This is Y indeed, we do influence those who name us here, long B4 we arrive here from the Astral Plane interaction that does not have a time dimension in it, merely an interaction dimension, and don’t even try and tackle this right now. Still, my point today is this: The ALL-MIGHTY SSJKK has reasons 4 making certain base-10 numerations so important 2 HER and HER plans with carbon based interaction (CBI), that receives 6th dimensional outputs. Without exciting John Henningsen from Colorado, or his predecessor mentor, Frederick Hinger, 2 much; these roots also produce the 81 PCN’s. (PRIVATE-COSMICALLY-CODED-NUMBERS). But using just the root numerations with no zeros, from 11 through 99, these 81 roots have 2 powerful things instantly built into them that hopefully, if I am not soon murdered, will B discussed at greater lengths and in more elucidation and detail later on in future blogging works. These 2 things R numbers of power that relate 2 Physical Plane realities, the tangible so 2 speak, as well as numbers that relate oppositely 2 a lack of power, and this lack of power or attachment 2 material grounded gravitations, allow 4 much easier and more effective use from tools such as applying the great FASCITAR, or just ‘spiritual’ things in general, remember that ASTRAL and SPIRITUAL can interchange like a pair of matching socks. It is simply 2 words that mean exactly the same thing, 4 the very most part. Some of the 81 root numbers that match Earthly power, if U really study biblical inferences and implications through heavy scriptural analysis, R the numbers of 12, 17, and 23. Now 4 reasons 2 lengthy 2 try and talk about today, roots that contain in one or both digits, the numbers of 1, 8, or 9, have the less grounded aura surrounding them, and I hate using that word aura, but it fits so I do. Those that have both the grounding as well as the Astral, have the rarer ability 2 choose a path of ground or air, so 2 speak, if that is, they R consciously aware of the situation here. Do not look at this quickly, it needs study, or U will C inaccurate things. Learn what I mean by the 2 digit root of a PCN, and B sure U know what is being said here. In any event, there R many persons, that do not find it as easy as I do, 2 use the Fascitar-6/10. Even using it successfully, there is the 2nd gate so 2 speak that’s involved with this. After the Fascitar-6/10 produces the waking-freeze, U need 2 will yourself onto the ASTRAL PLANE, and the fear of physical death is what prevents the vast majority from experiencing a life long thrill that U will remember forever and will B there at your death bed 2 greet U with a smile. But with the wrong identity and PCN, even if U miraculously reach a successful waking-freeze, where a strong will 2 exist on the Astral Plane will cause U2 forget that UR dreaming here, and poof, it is unbelievable. But with 2 heavily a grounded identity, U will never overcome the fear-factor involved, and will just eventually unfreeze, and normally awaken a bit shaken, and yes, a believer in the F-6/10 without even experiencing the full trip, so 2 speak. So I was misspoken and in full error, when I said that anyone can use the FASCITARE-6/10 and have this mighty experience, but still, so many can do it if that is ever what they wish 2 try, if 4 nothing other than 2 forever allay their fears of physical death. So Y do some of the powerful gods desire 2 set up families on the human realm, and even upon rare occasions, attempt 2 reconnect? Well, GG told me, and it is not bloggable, I am truly sorry. I don’t DARE say it. Still, he offered me the winning number of the POWERBALL LOTTERY, if I will commandeer what can B labeled, a “TRANSDIMENSIONAL TRUNK DEVICE” Y this is all happening 2 me, he says, is all connected in with the HUNTINGTON FAMILY. Well, maybe so, he chose my family’s area as one of the places 2 bring his human family, 4 a short while. Then he chose 2 have me witness many things that happened there. All this time, I thought that his trick daughter was behind this, but alas, those mighty river snakes marched up his huge escalator and demolished lots of things. I doubt he can forgive me 4 that, or 4 breaking all of the harmonica records. As many history markers as they destroy, new ones balance out by getting created. This is Y the old L&O shows cannot B shown 4 me however. Somewhere around 2006, early in the year, most of those shows just suddenly were pulled. I know exactly Y they were, Shirley. Oh well, I am not out of the Dancers woods yet, huh girl????????????????? That day on New Year in ‘63, Shirley told me she was out there until 2 or 3 or so. Make up your mind, Shirley, or neither 1 of us will B leaving our troubles behind, any time soon, babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mister Trump, how can U live with your evil ugly self, U piece of total disease? Bad enough what U did 2 old ladies and business partners and stuff like that, but as Steve Winn knows about U, UR the real cold ice machine heart, not me, curl that around your wig there and tell my 7th grandpa I said hi next time U ride the Movcom, dude.

WORLD LABS OF 2296, GOOGLE ENGINE, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM, this is all protected intellectual property of Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2009. I am not back in sixty-eight with the Wildwood Press, and could care less about football teams, WAWA Stores, or explorations in the washcloth family. The song in the same project of RGG from 1986, Callio Calliel Wolf, called PLANES, tells and echoes my sentiments about as well as anything could do so, LEAVE-ME-ALONE-----CREEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Omar Andeel would say back around ‘83, to the Dow Jones peeps, or others on FSI, UP-UP-UP-UP-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEIN, really, SOSO, U know, SSDD!!!!!

End Transmission:

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