Saturday, May 7, 2011




In 1977 my mother dated her boss at the office where she was working and had been since the age of nineteen, except for a short sabbatical when she gave birth to me. This man was married, and told her he would leave his wife, the famous promise that countless women believe from lying dog men. Long story made short, I did not forget what I said back in 2010, and will be publishing something that she wrote after a release from the Riddle Hospital of Media, Pennsylvania, USAESMWG, in the late autumn of 1976. This is before she went up north to her cousin's to cry her eyes out over this mess. She claims that she took an overdose of Valium to shut out her problems and never gave a thought to taking too many of these pills, and was not realizing on a conscious level that she was attempting to commit suicide. Until very recently, I did not believe my own mother, and more politely worded, I doubted the total sincerity of her heart on this matter. Now after what happened today up on Route One, I no longer doubt her, and feel totally ashamed of myself. Oh well, this is not my only shame, is it world? I've freaking done a laundry list of things that I am far from proud of, and am so very sorry for each and every one of them. I am a no good rotten filthy son of a bitch prick, and at least, unlike quite a few others on Planet Earth, I realize it, and want to be a better person, the gods help me. I want also to apologize to my blogging audience for my viscous rotten language for a long time. I know it is not right the way I curse so profusely and say all manner of lewd and lascivious things, and back bite and attack so many peeps that in all reality, are not really all that bad, and merely are a product of my extremely depressed moods at the time of my blogging. I am not a gangster or a hood rapper, and I am also going to stop the YO and the BRO and all this silliness. The last person I ever want hating me is my wonderful Scylla, and if I go on acting in this way, she will.

As to connecting the dots of my mom's experience back in the nineteen-seventies with her boss, and how she wrote an article that I think she really hoped was published someday in the reader's digest Magazine in hopes of helping other potential women in her situation, let me talk about how she discussed being at the end of a rope and then being hit by one too many shocks right at the wrong time when you just cannot stand any more, as good old cartoon character Popeye would say so well. This is what happened to my mom before she downed those pills that horrific day, and today was my day, up on Route One. I learned some things that are beyond mind blowing, and why my sanity has not yet lost its race, KATE WILLIS HIPHOP, is simply far beyond my comprehension, and I admit to this in open court people.

I am not free to tell too much of what occurred today, and the total truth simply put folks, would never be believed, in part or in whole, and it does not involve one or two things, but about a dozen things. So just wonder to yourselves, what possible reason I'd have for making any of this wild sounding stuff up, that's all I hope that any of my readers do, now or ever down the line. (STM) explains a lot, for those with a scientific background, and for those without this, just know please, that I am not that different from you, and motive drives people, and my motive for telling all the things that I have told for about six years now, serves no purpose to advance my station in life, add any more happiness to it, or in any way serve some selfish or greedy purpose, as it is a sorted rotten nasty story of the closest thing imaginable on this Earth, to biblical retribution and hell-fire damnation. I've given it the official name of Huntington Curse, as this name is the powerful line of my family that traces directly back all the way to Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scotland, directly, and her ancestry is Mason traceable all the way back to King David, secretly of course. This some may think is a good thing, but it does carry a powerful curse, and I may not be the smartest man on this Earthy, but I know a real honest curse when I see one, in a family. No one would make up some horror show like this and blog it publicly for six years if it was not true.

Ron Wirtz, Camden County Prosecutor's Office in New Jersey, you were correct all along about this all coming from the land of BIG BUSINESS, and I never should have doubted the real life Jack McCoy, that was responsible for the creation of the greatest television show in my opinion that ever has aired and played out on the electromagnetic waves of hyperspace reality.

Not only is there no beating this, but there is no sharing this. It is very lonely in this place tonight, I have never felt so alone, and it would not matter if a trillion humans were all huddled around me to the point of an air struggle, this is a loneliness within the spirit of man that only the few in this experience have ever had to know of and suffer through. I cannot even die and get it over with, there is no RED EX for me, it does not exist. I get channel 546834, and no one else gets this channel. This concept was mind hacked away from me on my last blog from last night, that was written on scribble notes throughout the day, for reasons that no one need be concerned with right now. When this happens, I post up as a supplemental entry as it was not all written at the same starting moment in the time illusion, and mortals make a huge deal out of these years, ask a lot of ankle bracelet wearers, or the NYC-SVU squad. I am not condoning underage sex, but I am saying that like all good things from labor unions on down to this, when taken to extremes, it is totally absurd and ridiculous,. Edgar Allen Poe, the famous novelist married his own thirteen year old cousin and they were happy for years until she died of her tuberculous disease.

I was told today that Wall Street literally is keeping people from day trading. These cheaters want all the money for themselves and do not want smart mathematically minded people like myself to get in on any of the action, so they had a federal law enacted where it is illegal to day trade without an account that has at least twenty thousand dollars in it. Ronald Reagan is responsible for changing this entire world, and yet, it goes so far beyond this, and only the Quantum Physicists would truly understand what is happening to me. The hyperspace hole between worlds grows when you begin to dream within the dreams ladies and gentlemen. Let m,e tell you how we can all end this miserable hell we all are in. Any time you dream of anything at all, copy if you can the item from the dream, in your waking life, and if it something directly in the electromagnetic spectrum such as say your Uncle Charlie is reciting a strange sounding poem, and you can remember even one or two lines of it, take it and add some of your own words to it and then post it up on the internet somewhere or just record it onto a CD or a tape, you will slowly help us all get out of this nightmare we all have been trapped in now forever.

YYYYY would I lie or make up such a fantastic tale? Do you think I am making it up, 3rd Cuss Sammy? I know the entire world is wondering about it right now, even poor people have TV sets you know.

Fortune 500 people, why shouldn't I fight back and tell the ultimate things now since you refuse to let me live a life????????????????????????????????????? This is only one shock today, I had eleven others at this place on Route One, and as stated on my last blog, this fellow waited nearly 50 mega years there for me to walk in there so he could tell me this, and laugh all you want folks,. As I know this is all the total truth. UI have a strange little feeling that SSJK knows it as well. Let me crash into sleep now, and no, I will not take the little remote and try cheating on my test to get Gawky's newest degree at Teck Bay. :Please try and stay out of my nightmares, Hip Hub. I wish you only well friend Len, and you do not ever have to worry about me. Your wonderful sister Diana takes very special care of me, bud. HANL, kind sir.

If anyone wants me to stop spreading the news, Frankie, about this powerful weapon that dwarfs any atomic bomb, let me have my life back, and let this nightmare of 0886 end, otherwise, I am forced to end the world, Demi, as I cannot end unless it ends, you knew that in freaking eighty-eight, you and Emit Hollywood Smoker, correct Mister Spockwhales???????????? Go back to where you all come from and leave me alone, or I'll keep telling everybody how to make this thing go away and disappear, as it isn't really here anyway, correct? I mean this planet no harm, and ask so darn little, just let me have my freaking life back, you sick monsters, thank you so very much.

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