Wednesday, May 18, 2011




We will cut right to the chase, just as soon as my retraction and formal apologies are made. I owe an apology to the Google owners as well as the Corporation called American Telephone and Telegraph, most up here in the future of my misery-loop recognize the abbreviation only, or AT&T. I misspoke, and am very sorry. I should have shut my mouth until I was sure of both things, and it turned out, I totally fucked up on both. AT&T did not do what I feared they did and it is none of anybody's business, as those who this all pertains to, all ready know exactly what is being retracted, and apologized for here. As for U-Tube, owned by Google, I came right out and said something that needs to be taken back. I am very sorry. It would not happen however if you had a little more human contact. I had no way of knowing how to post up to my blogger account, that you hit the 'OTHER' option, and that the period in the link is there for some purpose and does not effect the posting and linking process. I am very sorry, and ask that you please forgive me. Now we can move on, without wasting any more precious time, since there are only 365.2422 tropical days in a year, all though some may wish to have double this amount, or if not double, boxed double, Eureka, am I correct here? Not totally, there is another scramble, and that is for me to know. Now let us get into what really started a lot of things that led to so much of this. Naturally, I speak of a youth who came over to an apartment where I was residing while I too was a youth. Both of us were just fifteen years old, but quantum physics shows how all of the stuff that happened not only after his 2 AM arrival while my mom was out on an all-niter-date, with that nut case boyfriend, Sidney Crown Cohen; permitting this totally outlandish event to occur in the first place, happened because of events both behind it as well as in front of it on a fourth dimensional plane of existence, that appear separated when conscious and aware in only three dimensions, but not only did it all happen, but all of the reality is like a liquid that is seeking its own level. Throw rocks into a bag, and every time there will be a different geometric outcome. Throw water into the same bag, and as long as it is the exact same amount of water and the same bag all arranged the same way, unlike the rocks, it will have one continuous outcome, over and over again. This is where the topic in religion has caused blood baths, I am speaking of mans perception and concept of having a “FREE WILL”. We all had a free will when the movie was made and remade and re-spliced countless infinite times, but after no more possible combinations were left to come out, or somewhere close to this, an amazing thing was forced to occur, and this was the same two identical patterns repeating themselves, locking things into a closed curve infinity on a ninth dimensional plane. Not only did Russell Thaxton receive a blow job from this older lady, named Goodfellow from Haddonfield, New Jersey, causing him to down a fifth of Scotch. And head over to my pad as it was called in-between the STM illusion of flops and cribs, BUT, all of the stuff that pertained to the burned up BOOK OF BEACH, began resurfacing, directly after my dreaming experience in late 2007, all blogged at with the strange two dudes who were in that same apartment where Russell and I were in middle December of 1969, but now, this broken pipe was underneath my apartment bedroom, and these were maintenance men, and one called himself the “Games Expert”, and shortly following this blog, came the powerful and popular television show that we all know and love, or that most of us do aniwho, called, “THE MENTALIST”. From this point, came all of the last 36-42 months of this incredible Mary Tyler Moore green dress guessing game. Guessing, WHAT, Mister Jane?

Now I am not gonna' sit here tonight and lie and tell anyone that I have secret knowledge. I merely have put stuff together that came from repressed memories, as well as legwork, detective work, and following the advice given me by a prosecutor, named Ron Wirtz, in Camden County, in New Jersey, USAESMWG back throughout all of the early and middle nineteen-nineties. I do not have to do a lot of guessing now, or smelling the roses, or admiring beauty queens in lovely green dresses. It all had to eventually come together, and whether we all like the story or not, there it is, right out of a newest edition in a QUANTUM PHYSICS LABORATORY. We do not need any Divas, any Doctor Margret's, or anything. It just fits like a smooth glove. As for the chain and the box, I will bet money, that some other person lived somewhere around this time, and had a special flashlight. This was absconded as well, by Lenny CB Radioman and his crew who invented rap culture, and that lovely 'music' that went along with it. Add 106 handles to your pot, old pal. Box and add, but do not box my ears, diner bragger. I always knew Queen Safka was involved in this somehow, but never ever dreamed of exactly how. Still, games go on, endlessly. Tag and chases, guessing names on balconies that no longer exist on 10-SC Avenue, pipe running, kite flying, and creating and destroying entire worlds and universes.

Oh the fun of infinite existence, how boring, how boring. Well, I get it wrong most of the time, huh Dawn? Still, I had a nice talk today on the old telee, with your wonderful mommy, Ann. She knows all the hell I'm going through down here in the dry lands of hot sunny South Florida, here in Fort Pierce. She also knows what the family did and how you escaped the rehab clinic, and when they no longer needed you or could use you, boom, another person around me who just 'up and dies' with MISTER BO, that's Jangles, many peeps in my proximity have exited this waking life quite early, under very surreal and mysterious circumstances, you are right about that one Auditorium Julia All-Colors!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

So why did the great one demand the posting that night? I'd be lying to say that I am not wondering about things right now. I do not even know why I said “93 hours”, I swear that on my immortal being-ness. Also, Ann seemed to totally just know that indeed, if I had obeyed, the real person that sent that death beam down on my vehicle over at the freaking Winn Dixie Store yesterday, would not have dared to do it until at least late Saturday night. I did get it screwed up, I thought the dude said April, not May, yes all of this is making even me start to wonder, NOW! This is two freaking weird. I still would not be where I am right now, if it was not for me accidentally rolling over on my Comcast Cable remote control and somehow changing to a channel in the 200's where some Spanish Channel was talking about the great Doomsday Prophet and Family Radio, out in good out Jason Cali Deejay Summerville! Even I have to say right about now, this is bizarre times a million. The battery was not damaged, it was the engine idiot light that was on, showing how much emereffing crap I know about automobiles. The very same precise switch was struck that they struck right at this exact time last year while trying to move from WHITE CITY over to the 26th Street Ghetto here. The name of this is called, for the record, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, “BWD Capteur Sensor #CSS34”. Add the entire ten digit number up, MI, and it ends in a 34 total, and now, since I am not paid until Friday, and need the car fixed as it is unsafe to drive, how am I supposed to call you at 4:30 on Friday, when I'll be at an auto garage? Do you see yet how powerful this all is, Callio Sarah-2?


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