Thursday, August 11, 2011




Just as the law of energy totals in a hypersphere, dictate an absolutely impossible escape; since the combined total ergs, is less than the required and necessary amount, to permit such an 'escape'; the smaller picture rules and lesser-laws, by the very nature of their existence inside and within this larger infinity; also have inescapable situations and circumstances, such as MINE; for one known example; as per my 6+ years of blogs, and what these true stories tell and make honest claim to, one of the many sub-set smaller picture situations will be talked about all within and throughout this blog. I could also subtitle this blog twice, as the “PAULA-KING-LOOK-ALIKE PSYCHIC RADIO TIME BLOG”, and only a very few peeps on this planet would have a tiny clue to its meaning. Then again, my father told me something in the middle nineteen-seventies that is quite pertinent to all of this. He said that when you look at a faint star in a night sky, in order to see it better with the naked eye, you need to look just off of the star, as opposed to looking directly at it and having it faint away and blink out of view. I have done this, and he is 100% on the money. Try it. I know that most peeps who are reading these words, are wondering how this has squat to do with things recently happening in my life as per my numerous recent blogs since my moving into this public housing building here in fort Pierce, Florida, at 7th and Avenue B. Let me draw the correlations and connect the dots for you.

Forget all the times that I have told these blogs that the great SSJK has told me in “sleeping-states”, to be more subtle while telling this story, along with of course, to knock off all of my horrendous profanity; but forget the great Scylla Goddess, and let us look at the mighty Earthly counterpart of these great initials, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, which in a nutshell, equals the EW, the “Entertainment-World”. This EW term that I use and have used for some time now, in today's modern age of post 1990; includes sports figures, and maybe even our Washington and local politicians, and is no longer simply confined to the worlds of Hollywood acting, movies and television; and major recording labels, and musical artists. I did say major and not independent, and there seems to be a difference of opinion among many folks about many things. For example, the BonJovi peeps at the PSL, FLUSAESMWG studio, have told me that the 'major labels' of the 'music world' are alive and well, and in control, as always. PP, my partner in SPR since 1998, has a differing opinion, to which he is perfectly entitled to, with or without my permission, or that of MD from 1980 at the RPL Studios. Still, this is a tangent that is taking us off the main point, and I don't choose to digress further, so let me go on now and tell a little tale of truth, all about how my endless nightmare circumstances only perpetually continue to unravel and worsen, both geometrically and as time nears an ending for my present lifetime, an almost parabolic curving quantitative frequency of this ever heightening of horrors. Scylla is not the only entity or force that believes in subtle messaging, nor is She by any means the one who began using these with me, or maybe I should rephrase and say that around the very same time, both SHE, and the EW, seemed to kick in and begin this GAME. I speak of early 1980, the LOIS FOCA INTERACTION, and progressing forward from this point, all of the RADIO GAME, and the TV GAME that all planted their roots, and grew into this wild incredible game that even the imaginations of peeps like those who created shows such as Star Trek, and The Twilight Zone, and the Outer Limits, and along these lines, would have to take a real back seat to, when all things over a long time period, are all said and done. Still, inside this game, is one constant, and it is absolute, and inviolate, and this would be its subtlety. Without including the ever present reality of the 6th dimensional STM (Space-Time-Mind), and seeing things as PP told me that I should try and see things on a more surface level, if for no other reason than the preservation of my own limited sanity, he may or may not remember telling me this on the road one day while we were going to take care of something that pertained to his drivers license; but speaking right on the surface, when I sent my song called, “HA-HA-WHO”, down in late 1981, or maybe early 1982, to the United States Copyright Office, for 'PAu' registration, LA-LA; I had no 3-D awareness whatsoever of this powerful GAME OF THE GODS in their Earthly counterpart forms as the EW. What I know now in its fullness, I knew in fullness then, only on a very deep buried unconscious level, and just as with the 'waking-freeze', totally for my own protection.

Moving on now, and bearing in mind that all of the following totally connects all of this earlier spoken foundation, let me begin with simply telling this to open it all up. Today was a very bad mother fucking day for me. I took a lot of fucking bullshit at my job at as well as a major chemtrail attack, while with another employee, in the company truck, when we went to pick up some donated items out on North Hutchinson Island. An unmistakable series of poisonous jet vapor trails appeared directly above and in front of me, and it could not have been more blatant and direct if they received a quadrillion bucks for pulling it off. WHERE RU SKYWITNESS OF THEB U-TUBE????????????????????????? Now on one hand, the sieges and pummeling attacks on me, that all seemed to begin in, and emanate from, middle August in 1996; precisely 25 years ago this very mother fucking coming Monday; are anything BUT SUBTLE. THEY ARE AS DIRECT AND BLUNT AS 2 OPPOSING FOOTBALL QUARTERBACKS CRASHING INTO EACH OTHER WITH BONE CRUNCHING FORCE. But the OTHER GAME played by the EW factions of this WOMO twisted ass enemy, is always an ever present never altering super subtlety. It is totally there and absolutely unmissable. Still, it is totally unlike the punishing death sieges that are outside of this other piece to this game with me, so one part of this GAME is very very BLUNT, while the other is very very subtle, and this never ever alters, and this is an ongoing QUARTER-CENTURY HELL now, folks, YO!!!!!!!! Yes, believe me or don't believe me, I said this is a 25 YEAR OLD SITUATION NOW, it does not change, and thus, common sense insists that MERE HUMAN MORTALS, are by no means the source of this fucking diseased bullshit. So looking at the star in the night sky directly and bluntly is done when indeed the star is bright. When this WOMO scum-vomit wants me to know that I am indeed being pounced on and fucking royally screwed, they make no bones about its reality. On the other hand, they can and do in fact, use the looking off the star, when this part of their GAME fits so perfectly into their garbage ass plans for pathetic pitiful ass me.

PP went onto to tell me some other MAJOR SHIT. M—A—J—O—R!Before I get into it however, and staying very subtle, the fine gentleman who used to introduce the beginning of the great daytime television soap opera called, “Days Of Our Lives”, played in a wonderful “OUTER LIMITS” show, back late in the fifties or early sixties there about somewhere, and went by the name of Mister Xenon. It was pronounced exactly the same way that the owner of Haddonwood Swim and Health Club, spoke his last name; but if you watch the show on TV, you'll know that it is spelled like the radiation. I will admit that my memory is not at full capacity, and this man may have played the father of the boy in the plot on this show, or he may have played Mister Xenon. The point to the story makes this not matter however. Just as chemtrails get inside you and make you cough and fuck up your entire immune system, it is more invisible than the show at the end when they got rid of this alien by creating non-breathable air for him, however, lymph nodes and glands all notwithstanding, baby bell break ups, chemtrails when they spread out and show and reveal an entire sky of poisonous fumes, the similarities are indeed visually comparable, even down to the color of white.

PP, you are clueless to what is being said, but the EW, the US © Office, and whoever is scared shitless out here in authority about time travel getting exposed publicly, IS NOT ONE BIT CLUELESS, not about one letter of one word, JAB, PUN, ZONK! When I said that a PARLOR TRICK was behind the REAL-GOOD-GIRL-MI tape in 1986, early in 2009, the markets shot up. When I returned the topic back away from Vegas parlor tricks and onto the truth and the 'MOVERS', they SHARPLY FELL. I'm no god folks, I report news, I don't mother fucking create it out of whole ass cloth, YO. I'm in the dark about many things, just not about the GAMES OF THE GODS, and the exact sole reason for these games being played, being none other than DISTRACTION FROM A HORRIFIC TRUTH, this being the awareness of ENDLESSNESS. The minds of both the atheist as well as the very devoutly religious, absolutely vigorously fight and resist the teachings of MORIANITY, or the truth. This may sound like quintessential Trump-ism for me to make such claims, but unlike me, even the Trumps and all of the even larger billionaires, do not share eternity with SSJK as I do, in HER great city of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. I was told this by Elder Hair5 of the great Mormon Church of Utah in 1998, and was told other things as well. Then PP dropped the bombshell on me that I was clueless about, as I do not follow the EW characters, and am very clueless to the realities of the checkout line blotters of the grocery stores, and their stories of the rich and famous peeps, stars, made by people, just flesh and blood people. Forgive me if I do not dance all around, and go ape shit. Do I have a healthy respect and fear of this mighty BILLIONJAIRES CLUB, or the EW, or the LAMBRIGGER CULT OF THE ASTRAL PLANE? You bet your mother fucking British Petroleum I do, john Justthatsimple Henningsen of 1969!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will I cave in and stop these blogs, when it is my only way of fighting these mentally crippled twisted piss-heads back, NO SIR, BUD. Still, my mind is more blown than Count Richard Marcucci, Sir Russel Thaxton, also of 1969. No wonder everybody knows all about me. As for games of distraction, on a conscious mind level, known of these pricks have a small clue about most of this, but if they went into a trance, they would know it is all true and accurate. Why in the name of fucking hot hockey hell, would anyone blog six straight years of total crazy insane ranting nonsense; and would there be a chance in shit, that such a person would be anywhere near sane and rational enough, to operate, and exist in society, pay bills; and not be locked up in a fucking jail cell, or a booby hatch with the 'crazies', that he invented in a stupid ass song, in the middle eighties?

Yes peeps, I said that I lost contact with certain peeps, and was wrong. Still, I must be so careful that it bites a shit pile. Yesterday, I was in a meeting at my work place, and was offered a great insurance policy for pennies on the dollar. I cannot take advantage of their offer, thanks to wonderful Paula King. I will not lie or commit fraud. Forget hyperspace Pee, where is Bob Hope when I need the bastard, huh PBK? Are you laughing Lee? Funny in a 'gee' sort of way, as there really is no logical explation other than my blogs, for so much of the stuff that any Tom, dick, Jane, or Harry, can go and check out on any basic information search. I find it beyond wild that the peeps who came in and offered the insurance, are obvious relatives of the dude who was going to go with me to Bon Jovi's that day earlier this year, and for whatever the real reason, just wants nothing to do with me or my music, even when I offer him a nice chunk of change. The resemblance is as striking as Leticia Tilley and her 3rd cuzz. This sent Trump over to his Plaza like a wild man, believing I had gone back to 1986 from 2009. In any event, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and had to walk out of the meeting. This in my opinion, caused what happened over there today, and needs not be fully discussed, at least not right at this present moment, peeps, YO.

The worst thing that ever happened, was the obliteration of PROJECT BLUEBOOK. And it was obliterated, folks, not by our government, but by THEM, the MOVERS, who do you really think has the mother fucking muscle power? Stayers verses Movers, gimme a break folks, it is not even apples and bricks. A child can see what is going on, and they do, until the adults talk them out of it of course. Talk about the epitome of the PAWM-PIE-ETTOS.

PP, I did nothing wrong. I am not ashamed of what happened with Misses Cal, or anything else I have done. There are a lot of worse peeps than me walking around. As for them owning the entire town, bully for them. I am so excited, I won't need any video for my next jack. Hay, I'm just telling it true. If they wanna' come after for me for just telling how a member of the family treated me like total dirt, when that is exactly what she did, for no good reason, then put me out of me' ol' misery. Everyone knows where I live, YO, bang-bang, bring it!!!!! You'd be doing me a cock sucking favor. Thank you all in advance, no more bills.

Have a real nice day evweebuddy, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TERMINATION: 'I'll be buchhh', GOV KEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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