Thursday, August 11, 2011




You lied to me, Mister Edward Lynch. You told me in 2006, that somebody eventually would read my story, one person, somewhere, and decide to help me, and believe in me. This is why I paid you the 150 dollars to create the Morianity-Foundation website, pay for it to be up on the internet for two years, and continue blogging, long after I otherwise would have just totally given up on as totally mother fucking worthless cause. Don't hide, I know you lied, and now you live in Georgia. I don't hold it against you. Paul my partner told me I was gonna be a millionaire, and many other people misled me, and robbed me blind throughout many years and decades, totally eliminating any chance I otherwise might have had to make something out of my miserable rotten pathetic life. Even though I do not hold anything against anybody, even the total crooks like Cheatley and Devlin, and Marini, and Crowley, unlike Lynch and Pedersen, I do not feel that either of these dudes intentionally lied, merely got screwed by life and its forces, and did I, right along with them,. I do, unlike them, totally believe, that first, nothing ever JUST happens, and thus and therefore secondly, I realize that powerful, invisible, and extremely determined cosmic forces; want me endlessly kept down, and miserable; and in endless poverty; despite my wealthy family, who must by now; recognize and see me, as the absolute mother fucking proverbial black sheep, thereof; and quite frankly my dear Clark Gable Windgone, I could care totally mother fucking less about any of these back stabbers either, so there. Now with that said, let me tell the simple truth about some things, that I have never intentionally covered up, merely never really got into in any hot and heavy direct and blunt way, at least I don't freaking think I have, during my more than six year 'blogging-career' now, YO. First, I may have used a term a few times over these 6-year-blog-project, otherwise and also known SIR PRINCE, as MORIANITY or the PROJECT; and this term was labeled by me, in a joking way to some extent, “mafia insurance”. There was a great movie that starred Patrick Stuart, the same dude who stared in the TNG-Star Trek series as the Enterprise-D Captain, in the year of 1999, following the TNG-ST series, where this topic of mafia-insurance was the entire plot, and it is a great movie, and was re-aired just yesterday in the early morning; on one of the Showtime Cable Television channels. I seem to be discussing INSURANCE recently, and there is a good reason for this, along with the discussion of the broken promise of SIR EDWARD LYNCH. There never is any up side potential in anything for me, not ever, take my blogging shit for one quick ass example. It appears that I have now come to realize that I have totally wasted 6+ years on this fucked up stupid ass project, and this entire thing was all about getting at the truth, about my unfathomable nightmare life; and maybe and hopefully even beyond the great 1994 book that I wrote, entitled, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”; and then to make one person somewhere, interested in helping me prove some or all of this nightmare hell around me, and get it stopped, and then go after the forces that indeed have turned my life into an agonizing unbearable and inconceivable fucking nightmare hell for an entire 57 year lifetime. I have even proven that many hard to believe claims, are indeed true, and can be fact checked and indeed verified. I have made postings, I have shown photos, and I have even proved that without MOVERS, (TIME TRAVELERS), some of the many things done to me over this nearly 57 years of time now, just could not have been pulled off. The BLUEBIOOK people, of course, manage with some mind bending type of MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, to continue their ever present unrelenting control and total covert domination over my life and every facet of it, right down to and including any possibility of securing even the help of one person, out of the 7 or 8 billion peeps on this planet. That seems an astronomical impossibility to me, and you all will have to forgive me for maintaining all of my opinions, based if nothing else,m on just this reality of Ed's broken promise. Those the closest to me, tell me, it is not reality, it is delusion. Well, out of all the gamblers in the world, not being able to find one person willing to take the chance that it's not a freaking delusion, when the payoff is in the single and maybe even the double digit billions of USD, well; I find that more difficult to write off or believe that all I need are some meds, and sike counseling, sorry folks; this dude simply says he is not buying that. Hate me all you want to, fellow Earthers. Insurance against my total destruction is part of many things, and just as the reason that Wall Street gained 800 plus points when combining profits made on Tuesday, and Thursday, has all been explained over and over, it is ignored, disbelieved, and literally dismissed as nonsense, when it is no more mother fucking nonsense than one plus one is mother fucking two. Tuesday at my work site, I attended a meeting where life insurance was offered at pennies on the dollar, for reasons too complex to go into right now. I had life insurance, and cashed out of it, in the autumn of 2009. Mister Riches of the Prudential Insurance Company, insisted in 1985; that I get this policy, and many complex things are a part of this; that will not be dealt with on this blog. If I ever told some really powerful secrets involving a man named Hammond who owned an Ocean pier in the 20th century, and more details about many things, I would BE MURDERED TONIGHT, as certain things were ABSOLUTELY GOING TO HAPPEN LATE IN THE 20TH CENTURY, or so said the MOVERS. A very few handful of peeps know that I will not discuss Joe, the MOVERS creating the charitable organization known in Florida as the Harvest Food Outreach, and many other things. 'Time-Travel', is literally a part of every major, and many even minor things; that are happening, every single day on this planet; and on top of all of that truth; it is all just a great big meaningless game, by the mindset and standards of these MOVERS. MORIANITY and only freaking MORIANITY and is freaking teachings, explain the real and only answers behind the entire messy ass business, and it6 so ugly ans so horrific; that folks refuse to entertain any of it, and insist on joining the WILLIAMSTOWN GIANT COPS CLUB. Only real Morianity followers or Morians, know anything about that, most stumble onto a blog here and there, and say fuck this shit, right Henry and Jane? Well, let us speak of this as it is perfectly fitting to do so. Here is proof that MOVERS are at work in this endless and relentless game, the movie called “12 Angry Men” proves this, and so also, does my song of 25 years ago now, called “REAL GOOD GIRL”, and has nothing to do with Robbie and the Wrestlers Club, Lisa, Dyfis, or peeps getting away with horrendous monstrous things, like taking advantage of peeps like Robbie, while accusing ME of being a family destroyer. I really honestly, and at the risk of losing contact, DESPISE this deplorable family with a thousand passions. Soon, my high school days will be upon me, and those reading this think to themselves, huh? Well, a movie was made about me in 2009, before I left New Jersey to come here to Florida, it was called, “17 Again”. When peeps in your own camp, be them family members, busine4ss partners, or whatever, refuse to believe anything, well, ED, you were wrong and 'you should write me' an apology song, and post it up on the U-T old pal.

As for things like BLUEBOOK, powerful trance inducing hypnosis and hypno post states, sleepwalkers throughout entire lifetimes, and insurance fraud, it is like so many other things. What is more crooked than Washington, DC? Who is lower than a politician? What is the age of consent for sexual relations in Washington, but age thirteen. And exactly why did Tom answer my “Situations Wanted” advertisement in the Press of Atlantic City in the early months of 1970? Why the washcloths and the Washburn's, and why did Jimmy tell me so many crazy wild things, copyright Examiners of the nineteen eighties, do any of you geniuses know or have this mighty ass answer?

I have tried to put together a horrible frightening story, and unfortunately, it involves people, and not all of them are nobody little peeps like I am, hence, this is just not permitted to ever be known. Fine and dandy. This is why I buried so many soda bottles with notes inside them all over the tri-state area where I was living back then, begging some future time to come back here and help me. Well, they sure came back here all right, only instead of help, they enjoy me as one of their top rated games, right Julie Allcolors? Still, the lifeguard named Albright mayhave been involved in earlier pre-1983 telephone games with me, still, not that much earlier. When I could not get the problem stopped no matter what I did or how hard I fought, I knew even then, that all roads led way past the Academy, Office of the Library of Congress. I did not know the exactitude's, only that something huge time was happening all around me, and that my only hope was to tell the cosmos what I was going through, and getting the message to last for a very long time, and then I remembered my old pal Plato. Still, I cannot fight the MOVERS. I know they are all around me, everywhere, controlling everything and all of this shit, and leaving me absolutely powerless to prevent any of it from occurring. Ed reme4mbers the unexplainable shit that he witnessed around me, and in my car. He knows, and is smart enough to do his time in the can, keep his fucking mouth shut, and get on with his life, so more power to him. When I told how they fucvked me, after closing bell time in Manhattan back on Wednesday, Thursday copied Tuesday. I know what's real, and the fucking hell with the entuire mother fucking disbelieving bnlind world, a world ignorant and blinded to the lies of the closed BLUEBOOKS, phony WARREN COMMISSIONS, and so much more. A world filled with magic bullets, and no names to assign them to, or great families. If one needs to be sacrificed for the sake of the many and the bigger, than so be it. Well, the 1986 Whale movie, Mizz Hicks, does not agree. Mister Spock and I agree, that no one should be thrown to the mother fucking dogs, just so MOVERS can play fun games, injure peeps, and then do whatever is necessary to hush it all up and keep covert black-ops lids tightly over all the evil and demonic shit done by this strobe-light group of scum.

In any event, thank you, whoever you really are, for coming around today, and so many days lately, after totally abandoning me for so freaking long. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MY BEAUTIFUL KLIGHTNING GODDESS STROBE-LIGHT. If somebody has a fucking problem with this, then three little words need to be said here, and so they shall be. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ann, I will be calling you in a few days, as you and your daughter Elaina, should be shortly returning from your Ocean City, NJUSAESMWG vacation. We have to talk. T---H---I---S********S---T---O---P---S, or else. We need to go visit all of your cousins and I'll be on the train very soon, and out of this Florida Oven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CU SOON.


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