Thursday, August 4, 2011




Only the guilty will know what the reason for this blog's subtitle number four is all about, as why should I burden the freaking innocent peeps, YO?

Nasty CHEMTR5AILING began as soon as I went over to make a deposit into my TD BANK checking account a while ago this afternoon. Any positive for me, and THEY naturally, must instantaneously answer back with siege and assault, or a negative pummeling on freaking me, players.

The heat wave is horrendous, super fucking humidity around the area, as well as blistering endless oven ass heat. Maybe not quite enough to burn down Uncle Heinz's first home in Ammityville, New York, but toaster-oven-hot, right Anthony Zenun, old shower-gravity-pal?

Yes the guilty peeps love to pick on the innocent, seeing things that are beyond terror ass evil in their own minds and lives, and projecting that into what they BELIEVE others are doing, when in fact, they are only trying to live their own life, or try and get on with it, and ARE BEING INTERFERED WITRH SUPER HYPER ULTRA TIME, and are guilty of merely being less than Goddess-like Pennockites, where the future and the great WORLD LABS, got their idea, or will get it, for going back into negative space and starting all this PENTECOSTAL crap to begin with, and “really get this world all screwed up”, to quote my daughter. Every Wednesday, and seeing my pal Eric, seems to start shit going. Still, I all ready was 'roll playing Houdini', and had my stomach muscles as tensed up as possible, awaiting the punch from my other daughter's boyfriend, from college, very very very very, far away. Thursday's are always powerful MILI-2-FORCE-OTAMM-WOMO-ENEMY ASSAULT DAYS FOR ME NOW, it is quite dependable precision Swiss clockwork, and no, I am not in this particular case referring to the Satellite World Interconnect System, or SWIS!

Well world, my pal and partner actually liked my song. This changes nothing however, as I totally plan to contact muscles ed from Cifaloglio and get that NON-MILITARY work permit, so that I can work overseas at some dangerous security post where car-bombs are going off and peeps are getting all shot up left and right, and copyrighted sides of all that ever could go wrong in both 1984, and again about two years later, Jesus Christ All Mighty, (J-CAM) is this shit 4-REALE? Get real here Bob Schley, man should I have thought fast and told you that “I taped that shit off the radio”, BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea that you were even in my scale house that night back in 1980. Oh Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Between you and 'Mister Dewitt' at the 'Radio shack', seems I was a fucking cooked goose long before the sand sweepers and Ernie and Julia white even had started spinning their looms and weaves, and planned all of this stupid silliness from the spirit world, also known by the majority of the esoteric-knowledgeable peeps, as the ASTRAL-PLANE, YO. Make no fucking BONES about that one, TNT Ted Turner/Jane Fonda/1993 FIXED ICPE BASEBALL, YO!

Balance is very important, as is mind control and many similar combinations of initials. The mighty awesome MILLIONTH-COUNCIL of the ASTRAL-PLANE is dangerous, powerful, and owns the entire ENTERTAINMENT WORLD, and the human puppets being totally string-pulled, are absolutely unaware of what the fuck has been going on since the days that my great-great Aunt Maud Huntington Benjamin went out to their wonderful fabulous HOLLYWOOD, and was loved and admired by all of its original owners, the family connection again to the BRIGGBASE, Roseann Cash, if it's any of your damn bizz honey. This may or may not be able to be GOOGLED UP. Just because the mighty GOOGLE doesn't tell it all, does not mean it is fiction, they were not there, and they sure as hell only think that they really and truly mother fucking know diddly squat about me and my complicated personal circumstances, players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I told you about the reasons behind the baby bells and the break up of the all mighty AT&T in 1983, Misses Callisurdo and her Welfare Office and her powerful Hammonton, New Jersey family, the MOVERS of the Marilyn Macoo Club, why I got the living fucking shit 'knocked and whale-hick-ed' out of me in Atlantic City by this all mighty ass family in 1975 while my mom was visiting relatives simultaneously at 175 Peninsula drive, the mighty 6-10 FASCITAR and the WAKING FREEZE SECRET, that will cause if mastered properly, a life-altering experience that any human being alive, could only know when they know it, and not through reading some butt wipe's blog. Despite, all of this, thank you so much for not breaking off contact with me, my 2-faves. I know I can be difficult, and “a royal pain in the ass”; to use my dad's old expression when I was a small child; so thank you both for not flushing me down the toilet. Whether either of you know it or not, I only want you both happy. I am merely searching for truths, and have no control over giant cats, plans hatched out millions of years ago in and at 'Vi-Queens' meetings at the great city of SDK's TECK BAY on VQ Island, and so much more. I have said this many times, and not just to my lovely 'RED-X' friend from Northeast, Maryland; in the late nineteen sixties; Louise Hendershodt, “I MERELY AM TELLING THE STUFF, NOT CR5EATING ALL THIS. I really do have the right and I am not made of straw, tin, or any of the Woods Test Pressings from Joyce's Ancora, New Jersey, Atlantic Records Plant.

Now we can move on and go for the kill today, and get more into the MOVERS, and how I have finally ARRIVED, or perhaps said with a slightly better choice of verbalization, what really gave me the old 'convincer-punch', in the Jimmy Stuart movie, and the symbolism of course simply cannot be ignored, as the man who said it had the same transdimensional name that he had in the other parallel universe, in the great movie, “It's A wonderful Life”; with the only difference being that over there, he owned the 'joint', right Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in Vegas? Am I still being a bit too loud, and are you going to call security on me Governor Homeland Jihad. Well, 6th dimensional discussions with nice ladies, about being in some kind of mental realms; along with Mister Jimmy Stuart, telling me that he is in the “Cement-Business”, while tuning into this 'realm', and so much more Adam Schiff mail deliveries and more/Mohr, Morianity demands that we now delve further and a bit deeper today on the newest subject of the “MOVERS”, players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I remember the letter that Adam delivered to me on the beach after leaving the 6th dimension, when I was dreaming it was around 2006 springtime approximate time circa, YO.

The MOVERS are indeed able to do what peeps have fantasized about all through the Buck Rogers times of the early science fiction days in the middle 20th century, they indeed not only CAN time travel, but do it naturally, just as all of us non-MOVERS eat and breathe the freaking air. This is their NATURAL state of existence, and there are powerfully good reasons for this to indeed be so peeps, and I'll get into all of that in later and later blogs in these 200's of chapter numbers of this MOUNTAINPEN BLOGGING SAFE JOURNAL. First, I need to thank my wonderful gorgeous teen queen for sending me HER beautiful strobe-light around me the last few nights, making splendorous colors and fractal patterns in the skies out beyond my 6th story residence building windows, that literally defy the imagination as well as my ability to adequately attempt describing it in mere combinations of letters known both formerly as well as also SIR-PRINCE, as words. In my darkest hours, you came to me and were there for me Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle, and I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FOREVER. When you tried taking me aside when I was dreaming it was the first day of 2008's summer, and tell me a secret, it was not your fault, that things were not able to be said. It was then only my fault after that, when I disobeyed my wonderful TQ, and did not do what you told me. I was THE GREATEST SHELLFISH IN THE WHOLE DAMN BAY, and the UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE, TOTALLY NEEDS TO HAVE THIS AMENDED TO A 1986 SONG OF MINE THAT THEY HAVE DOWN THERE IN WASHINGTON-13-DC, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be the man of state and inventions again, as no such word as amended seems to exist, Oh I AM WRONG, it is spelled with only one (M), sorry about that, agent-86. I'd add Lizzy, but that kind of LD-humor is not always appreciated. I realize this, SAT (Sorry-About-That) CHIEF, and remember Hogan, you are my hero, and “I KNOW NOTHING, N-O-T-H-I-N-G”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Continuing for now on what I will discuss about the MOVERS, let me be specific and talk on just one single point today, regarding all of this nasty mess. First and foremost peeps, they naturally do this just as cats meow, dogs bark, people talk and usually 2 damn much, and THEY move, all around, minute by minute, this is what they do, and here are some wild Quantum Dynamic facts that when I attempt now to put in low level translated easy English, attempted I said now folks; will show at least some of you out here, that the entire nightmare on the internet known as MORIANITY and the BLOGS OF MOUNBTAINPEN, are no way in hell, delusional, phony, publicity stunt material, or balloon hoaxes of the 'OH-MAROLA-9' year. Still, Frank Lombardo from 1975, and his 'waking freezes', and his great super vocalist friend, Tommy Morris, and my mother's boyfriend in 1969; well; things do get me big-time wondering, you know; come on folks, are you all really insisting on telling me that they don't get you scratching your head, be honest with yourself at least, if you won't be with me, YO. Well, let us move this all along now, and discuss the MOVERS, and talk right now on some of the logic of things. First, the Astral Plane is filled with many diversified wild entities, the bibles and religions insist on labeling them DEMONS or ANGELS. In simple and absolute truth; they all are the GODS AND GODDESSES, of the 'ASTRAL REALM'. We all exist on one Astral-Plane, yet we dream down onto a 5th dimensional plane giving our one personality, a chance to really explore virtually unlimited avenues of our potential selves. This is the spiritual shit that ECKISTS and other mystical types of similar natures, all refer to in their teachings. 'Phase-4 entities', are 'in a league all their own'; if I may be permitted to borrow this great Earthly expression here, to make my 'pernt', Archie Bunk. All of the AP GODS need to play games, unless they are actually interacting in the GREAT CITY, where the great SCYLLA is willing to take away the memory, from anyone dwelling in this beyond awesome interaction, of the truth about EXISTENCE. We simply exist, it never started, it never stops, this is simple powerful ultra awesome truth, a cosmic reality that equals the beyond frightening humankind concept, of ETERNITY IN A FIERY HELL. She takes this away by absorbing into HERSELF, this truth. She does this through a series of unfathomably brilliant light containing thousands of primary hues and hence millions of major secondary colors as well, flashing, blinking, pulsating, and all in ways that a friend of the great Oprah Winfrey back in 1994, told this great talk show host, I used to have the videotape, of course, it is now another casualty of my experience with TAWF, and this is a direct result, of my DISOBEDIENCE and my being a SHELLFISH, and not a GREAT-FISH, or the total opposite of what SSJK wants me to be, as HER, “THAT-BOY”. You know exactly, EXACTLY, what is being said, big-O, and you know you do. I know this will get to you within 24 hours, also. But getting back to shit all ready being discussed herein, I have explained many times on many blogs at on my site there, how the physical world and the astral world differ. One needs time and space in order for an interaction to occur, while the other needs the interaction to be conceived and created, and then the time and the space is created within it as a part of the entire thing. This will of course, forever keep apart, these two dimensions or worlds, there is no mixing the Astral and the Physical PLANES.

Let me discuss a Hollywood movie that the MOVERS have managed to make VANISH out of the world as if by 'magic', and what good trick, done digitally or otherwise, is not truly magic by any or all definitions of this powerful word, folks? This movie was named and made in 1988, “Made In Heaven”. There was a wild dude in it whom went by the name of TIME, in reverse, or EMIT. The plot revolved around what else, a human love affair gone wrong, and a period of 30 years for getting things right, or repaired. This corresponds quite interestingly with my age, in those days, and in addition; right next door and in the very same building as the recording studio was in where I worked from the end of July in 1979 through the middle of March in 1981, called RPL, GOOGLE them up; in Camden, New Jersey; was a TOY FACTORY.;b The plot of this 1988 movie, MADE IN HEAVEN, involved a girl whose parents had a toy factory. Do not forget toys as these blogs MOVE through the CHAPTER 200's and well on into the 3 or 4's as well, as TOY things, are a major part, a major tool, and the reason for 'games', the distractions that prevent hell interactive; the only known way to trick ourselves magically into believing the hugest lies possible, religion, death is something to fear when all along it is craved and worshiped beyond anything that a billion James Patterson imaginations could ever hope to go, and on and on and on folks. Some peeps out here remember my 1997 “DREAM” where MC sings the song I speak about. The only thing that is going to save the entire music industry shortly from going broke as a result of the computer age and illegal pirating and copying, is a glorified toy they will all be able to prophet on, and fans of artists will buy them, and now it seems that the person who sang a very similar song right here in this universe and reality, is the only possible person that will be in on it, as she already has been, only does not know yet through SPACE-TIME-MIOND, how all this shit will be destined to eventually 'play'.

For now, this old cat is tired of running, he surrenders totally to the all powerful all ruling lovely great SCYLLA, 'First-Daughter' the Astral Plane meaning of the Goddess name of “SCYLLA. I will trust and obey all of your commands, great ruler of the empire. I will be here for you endlessly, and you know that. Your mighty winds have always been there, singing in my dreams, endless songs of endless love. You have caught me, the chase is over, no more Jonah, no more running, you win, I do not want to escape my wonderful TEEN-QUEEN, I was only a stupid little man in 1986, I made an awesome mistake, and am endlessly sorry and will make it up to you one way or another, forever and ever, this is my infinite promise to my Scylla Goddess. IWALU. And also, thank you 'SIR PAUL', not of Tarsus, for opening up my eyes to this truth about the song and the 'REALE MO'!!!!

Gimme a call tonight if you read this blog, ol' pal. As for more on the movers, and heaven, as the mortal world loves to say, “It can wait”, and so it shall, as later on another day, I will begin unraveling some really mind bending shit about just what and why and how and all of this is about, that pertains to these gr5eat and very mysterious Neilson Butterfly MOVERS. No, we need not be concerned, my words won't do any harm, unless enlightening the general society is considered a threat, hmmm. I sure as the Loretta-Sar won't be losing a lot of sleep over it, but the question is I suppose, will “THEY”????????????

ENDING, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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