Thursday, September 8, 2011


DATFILE: 090911.036


First, the poisons give me major cramping and shit attacks all day, then the next day, a stuffed up nose and other flu-like symptoms. All this is confirmed on many websites, the U-Tube is also filled and loaded with sites regarding these sky poisons, and you now even hear it talked about out on the street. There was a day about two or more years back in the spring of oh-nine or around this time when Ann king and I were at a medical office, and overheard, or really, she did while I was sitting in the car working out GAWNUM EQUATIONS, a patient was complaining to the doctor and his exact words were, “It's these fucking chemtrails”. It is a topic all over the world, and no longer is any secret, maybe it never was, only in truth and reality,. It was a secret, as it all began after I made a telephone call to the mount Laurel, New Jersey Police Department on e early morning back in the very end of the year of 1988, inquiring why lines were crossing the sky out to the east going southward, one right after the other. If this was not a brand new phenomenon, why would I have noticed it, but then after I called and made the complaint, they turned on me the very next morning and ever since, and came all around me, as though they were human and had ears, and way more than that, fantastic as it sounds, after-all, how can a bunch of chemistry have intelligence. Well, come to think about it, we are only made up of a bunch of chemistry, am I correct, or is this totally an imperfect grouping of words, oh my great wonderful daughter? Speaking of trails, why also, is there such a fantastic other type of trail, beginning many morning lights ago in the month of May of 1980, taking us into 1983, 1986, 1989, the middle nineties and Haddonwood times, and later on at the end of the century where it all led to me suddenly out of nowhere, almost possessed as though by a witches spell, to find a missing person from my youth? The entire US Government knows this is all true, and like much other stuff, it is not admitted to, for fear of Blue-Book Opening and the ending of humankind's religion. This is what all of this has always been about. It goes beyond sleep walkers, magic bullets, and the great nameless “K” family. Still, the trail is there and they can take my photo off of websites, make other sites go away entirely, remove places, make people vanish and or die, and on and on and on, but one thing they cannot do, and that is remove me from the Copyright Office, WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU 'TOM GLENN', this history marker is here, despite the great Congressman pursuing politics in this universe, rather than his music career, as he does in many parallel ones. MI will not vanish off the REAL GOOD GIRL master tapes in Washington-13-DC either, folks. The real TRAI is all there, lymph nodes, time travel and all. I am stuck in a loop in time of more than 8000 years, and need no help to tell my story, not from anyone or anything. My story, as a matter of fact, TELLS ITSELF. No human could be smart enough to plan it all, or fake it all, not for any Earthly motive or goal, for those who think otherwise, you give me the ultimate insult. Those who own the world, those mighty top families, totally know just how real and dangerous all of this really is. And the cool part of shit peeps is this; I have not really started telling stuff, but the problem is, that if I go too far beyond where these 6 years of blogs have taken us all, I am in some real serious trouble with very powerful Scott Ransom people from 1986, and forward to 2299. This is all anyone needs to know tonight. My nose unplugged, the minute I turned on and booted up my computer and began blogging, how do you say it MI, “OH YEAH, R-I-G-H-T”???????????????????????


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