Monday, September 5, 2011


DATE AND TIME FILE: CH-0224-090511.725


The ending of a Labor Day Holiday is here, Praise the gods. Yesterday, more chemtrailing, stayed home, kept the windows and blinds nice and shut. Fuck the world. Three days of aerial stopped today, as THEY know that 4+ normally kicks in heavy PC for me, and this does not stand for Political correctness, Paula King in an altered identity, or other numerous initial-PC things.

One of my favorite EW personalities, Mister Morgan Freeman, and my favorite movie staring this cool dude always being where he is God All mighty, and Jim Carey not only makes the moon come close to the Earth in it, but literally drops me onto the floor with uncontrolled laughter when he gets that spoon stuck in his mouth in the diner, not realizing it is all of his own volition, but yes, Mister Freeman, I know now that you and others do in fact understand some of the powerful hell that I indeed am suffering through with the great Paula King, I really jumped upon hearing the very last statement made by you that closed out the Discovery Channel documentary, made this recent year, on parallel universes, you do know what I face, thank you for being understanding, old friend. You see, my pal David thought it was just kids going back to a sandbox game, but we know differently. We know that intentionally controlling our observed and consciously aware surroundings, in various ways not done by adults; once they become of a certain age to be taught that this would be pure fantasy and absurdity; indeed causes the ability to begin living in the fullness of the 5th dimension. This is a fancy way of saying hyperspace or the area that contains all of the parallel universes, as a result of the laws from the 7th dimension that is dreamed out and away from prior closed curve infinities, that in ways not yet addere4swsed in any of the mountainpen blogs, is the communicative and controlling tool of the gateway from all of the upline and downline universes, each one being complete with its own multiverse of virtually unlimited parallel ones, hence, creating the subatomic systems that exist on various frequency vibrations that then go onto separate individual single-songs or 'universes'. Yo0u guys are all finally beginning to catch on, and realize that the QM formulas from decades ago, prove all of the blogs of mountainpen and all of his claims, and indeed all along, from 'A' to 'Z'.

There are two powerful things that I feel humanly, need to be addressed to folks, as my blogs have been filled with this off and on, and now once and for all, I will capitalize the very letters that will print these two things. I speak from major personal experience, my own hell, and that of my my mother. This is the words from personal wisdom that commingle at the famous school of powerful hard knocks, a place if avoidable, I strongly urge folks to indeed do so. 1) If you happen to be a female, this first of two wisdom bites is for you, both genders will be effected by part two. If a man tells you he is married and promises to leave his wife, it is a lie, at least let me say that 99.999999% of the time, it will never happen, so you are just being used, in the case of my mom, she nearly committed suicide over such an experience back in 1976. Do you really want to buck odds like that? After-all, there are some kind of odds for anything, even the sun not ever rising again, but the figure would be some outlandish astronomical number somewhere around an octillion to one against the event, based on the life length of average stars similar to our sun, and possible cosmic disasters that could theoretically cause such a rare cosmic occurrence. 2) I do not care if it is your best friend, your loving kind grandmother, or some great person such as Pope, President, whatever; if you go into a business of any kind with anyone, get it done legally, in writing, at an attorney office, do it right, baby, and not tonight, forget the eighties music and songs, do it right, or it will end up as an SOS, more like a situation rather than a band.

Moving on, I need to thank my wonderful daughter. She said something that lets me know I need to stay and fight a while longer. I was planning to kill myself today, this Labor Day, and somehow she knew this. No more can safely be said about this. I do know one thing. Someone in the Camden County board of Education knows exactly what has happened to me from the minute that I entered the Haddon township High School of Westmont, New Jersey. Use your imagination on how I found this out. I will get this remedied somehow in time, and I will have justice, justice for all that has been done to me, you sick diseased slime maggots. Maybe I heard the thing correctly after-all, Doctor Cohen, you old brain washing ninny you. Where is Alan John Wolf when I really need him to admit the entire rotten dirty deal, turning checks into cash with magic markers in the middle nineteen-sixties?

Eric wanted to know what is preventing me from getting on with my life, a month ago. He was quite adamant about it, not seemingly able to understand any of my Tom Cruise excuses, Libyan Jets, or 1988 Copyrighted Epitome of Harassment cassette tapes. Two weeks ago tomorrow, in middle August, at a very apropos and interesting seasonal and calendrical time, I gave him something to Google-Up. I told him a simple thing was doing this, and just to Google up an old 1988 made documentary, and aired on WPIX-TV-CH-11, New york City, NYUSAESMWG, and he did so, and NOW UNDERSTANDS MY PERSONAL PLIGHT QUITE A BIT BETTER. Still, after this thing was said to me by my wonderful Scylla, SHE appeared in a quick flash in a recent dreaming-experience, and told me to go up on my workplace website. I did, and they have removed my photo from the long standing 3-move rotation. This was done right after I said that I can prove an ABDUCTION at the Hammonton Post Office area in the autumn of the year 2007. It does not matter, they cannot take my two passports away, or really the one, as the State Department stapled my old passport photo onto my new one. My Florida drivers license shows the recent photo. On top of that, I still notice the photo is up there, but now not in an obvious place. Viewers now must click around a while on the site, and eventually, there I am, misspelled name and all, as MARK is not spelled with a “C”. For the greatest RA on the planet to waste her time telling me this, first cleverly in something recently said right here in this world, and then finishing it up in a “dreaming-interaction”, tells me that this is not a small deal, and naturally it is not, as even a tiny snotty child, should be able to fully recognize this fact. Still, this leads me to bring up a topic not talked about in a few years to the best of my knowledge, on any of my blogs, and this being,m an event one afternoon, in Atco, New Jersey, USAESMWG, in the home and kitchen, of a local celebrity from the Philadelphia area, Sally Starr, known and loved by millions of her fans, initially for her great show for young kids, me being one of them at the time, called, “Popeye Theater”. She was attempting to do something that I hope someday to do, only my idea, no offense, supersedes hers by a million times, as it would restore the great music industry to its once extremely prosperous position, as long as I could get all of the major players, companies, artists, etcetera, to agree to license it, and allow me to retain a 1% fee for being the creator of this fantastic yet simple idea. Elder Hair, where are you now when I need you the most, old pal, after all, I never could have done all this great family genealogical research, only your great Cadillac star prophet travelers can, and they are obviously also behind the MOVER MOVEMENT. Still, is 1% too freaking mush to ask, after all that has been stolen from me through the years, or am I never meant to be Clariton Finally Free, David Frezell, Shelly West, and Shaniah Mark Twain of great city lights all dreamed from the mighty multiversal hyperspace???????? Yes there was Sally, in her kitchen, trying to call her friends at the great toy company, I believe it is called Mattel. The events were so supernatural that occurred around us, that her quoted words to me in that kitchen on that day were, “Mark, is it me, what the hell is going on here?” I of course knew, but had to keep my mouth shut. It is no different than talking all around Paula King and what she did to me on fireworks night in 1969 in Atlantic City. I can post MIB APOLOGY SONG on the U-TUBE, and make a few clever hints, but if I say to much, I lose my daughter forever, that is not a price I am willing to pay, I love you M, and always will. Still, the kitchen in Atco, in Sally's home, on that hot summer day in 1988, this was straight out of any of the best Patterson novels ever written, and I have seen the ones he has not written yet, there is a doozie coming out in 2012, and let me hope he does not kill me for saying that much. As for 2011 and 2012, well, unlike doctor Camping who will never admit to being wrong, I will. This was not A PITSY YEAR, and it no way even tried to follow the pattern of 1969-1980-1994. It has been nothing but a freaking washout disaster, and Irene had nothing to do with that soaking, YO. Be lucky up north that you did not see the best of her yet, or ever I suppose, yeah, what a feeling, strobelights and flashdances. Hay, I was wrong about 2011 being a good year for me, it has been a freaking CAPITOL NIGHTMARE CUBED. This has been a real CNC, business and the street, huh Richard Karpf, only without the “B” letter. Yes, Copyright Office, it sure has been many many days, and none of us ever knew how bad thongs would get, I did, I remembered, but I blocked it and many things out, so that I would not go totally insane. Who knows, maybe someday a blog will spring up from Atco, and be called “Secrets of Sally's Kitchen”, but if it does not include that wild day when Mountainpen was there and she was trying to promote her idea of the two weather dolls, Little boy and Little Girl, in their Latin weather names, well, it is quite incomplete. Am I correct here, Mildred Young, since my report was incomplete that day as well? Oh well, Christmas tree singing angels, Cooley Halls, and strange New Jersey schools,m are certainly no freaking stranger to Michael Wayne M-pen, or the recently dear departed Clyde Kline!!!!

They tried to kill me over the SARAH SONG in 1996, lovely empire ruler. Well, it was destined to be the theme song of the chemtrail, maybe the MOVERS are making their mission statement, lovely BEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE 4 now.

END TRANSMISH FRO THE GREAT 86-FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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