Friday, September 4, 2009


2:18 PM, Friday, September 4, 2009 AD--OPEN:

This will B a bit different than expected even 4 Me. A revelation struck me last night after their big up day on Wall Street, and yet it had nothing 2 do directly with the stock market or Wall Street. It is all interwoven and inter-connected yes, but we can also as stated previously, bump into a distant cousin on any block in any major city if we go out as far as the 20-40 system lineage, hay R we not supposed 2 all b one human family? Well that is something that no one knows in this time period, or do they. Some of the Exploratronic supermind is obviously privy 2 all answers and all omniscience, common sense insists upon that if we truly understand ES.

So far today, some nasty crash low flying planes have made their presence known around the home of hell where I am residing here on 13th Street, Freddy Elm. Chemtrails the last few nights and days R not real bad, but they R there and covert. They R made in front of the wind direction so that the wind then scattered the poison soup into my area and effects me giving me shirt attacks and nasty increased hay fever symptoms. This is all verifiable if U would just look up the subject of CONTRAILS/CHEMTRAILS on the mighty Google internet.

Dawn is drinking at a Hammonton bar, and yet John Judy her probation officer was just here at the house a few days ago and left his card. If he is back here when I bring her back later, it is off 2 prison 4 your cuz, MC. Oh well, this is no new experience 4 your fam, huh. 2 think that all these years I was blaming myself 4 the James t. Burr family syndrome that he told me in 1974 was the problem that was going on around me and my life even back then, long B4 it ever exploded and domino’d into all of this beyond absurdity stuff!!!!!!!!! This blog is all about more important things than this ridiculous nightmare family, (TF-70). It is about what was revealed 2 me late last evening B4 retiring 2 my bed. All of this idea about a foundation and creating this “MORIANITY” thing, is now seen in a new light of total futility. I am not having my experiences in any real and true way directly where it would ever hope 2 count, with the humans that make up the population of the society in which I am forced 2 live and interact with. They can nor will, absolutely never understand my sitch and where my hell is all really coming from, and I truly am, expecting way 2 much here, it would take just 2 big a miracle, and people R not walking on water around here any longer. Actually, I know that they never did, and that the dream world and the waking world has been culturally confused and mistakenly merged and given enough time and historians, there goes that old school experiment of the line of kinds and telling a secret one 2 the next and seeing how far off this gets at the end of the line from where it indeed had begun with the very first student. In a nutshell, all I’m saying is that my problems go so far beyond man, man’s religion, and man’s potential 2 grasp any of it, that it is truly the epitome of futility 2 go on in blogging, in the mode and johnra, however it is spelled, as spellchecker is useless 2 ever help me correctly spell this simple word, that I have been doing now 4 pretty near half of a decade now. O met Christopher Bennett, my coworker who put me onto internet blogging, back in middle March in 2005, and by the end of the year I was getting my feet wet a little at the local town library, using their computers on a rigid and austere strictly time enforced schedule, trying 2 learn how 2 use them as well as how 2 get on a blogging site and begin my story and my blogs, starting first on the site called If I had never tried 2 fight the Callio’s, a branch of the mighty TAWF or TF-70, or THAT-FAMILY as I secretly always called them since July of 1970, none of this would have happened. They planned my kidnapping in the sixties and seventies, but I now totally believe that my mother made some deal with them so that they would leave me alone in exchange 4 something gargantuan. I only can theorize presently what exactly she offered them, but I think it was a small favor done by Aunt Ruth talking her hubby into granting a loan, and how I know this, is totally not bloggable, so don’t ask, and mister military, I won’t tell!!!!!!!!!!! A runny nosed stupid annoying child can C that I am in 4 another horrendous nasty holiday-helliday weekend, they always R BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the point 2 all of today’s writings is defeated by what I have so far written, I am being the ultimate hypocrite, as I still am hoping 2B communicating with the human race o n its conscious awake mind level, and this can B done, but only 2 end up in guaranteed freaking failure, BRO!!!!!!

I am still writing in the vein that humans reading this blog may in some way band together eventually, take pity on me and my horrific circumstance, and even attempt 2 help and rescue me, as I have indeed made a very generous offer 2 split any lawsuits 50/50 after a net amount of remuneration is jury awarded 2 me, as a result of such help taking place, leading 2 an eventual conviction and prosecution of those responsible 4 destroying my entire life intentionally and without freaking mercy.

I need 2 begin really taking what I know 2B totally true as head knowledge, down inside myself and my innermost beingness, and bring this 2 myself as a full heart-knowledge, thereby correctly acting upon what I know and stop being the dummy and imbecile that I have been as blogger-mountainpen 4 so long now. Ed Himacane was lying 2 me and his motive was not only selfish, but planned and predestined by those related 2 his upstairs neighbors at the time at Judge Raso’s rooming house, yes Copyright Office, now U CAN say, and it’s O--VER, it’s O---VER, and forget any blissful voices, Satan always uses powerful inducements and enticements 2 accomplish his wicked missions. BOOM!!!!!!! What R cannons of war used 4 cymbals crashing at 16 bells? They R used 4 DESTRUCTION, no creation value exists at all 4 these war machines, am I right?????, DING, GONG, CLASH!!!!!!!!!! So on we now go, and in a proper and correct mode, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish me luck anyone that might just remotely give a tiny shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First off, B4 even a paragraph change occurs here, I will always B a flesh and blood human and will never B able 2 just blog 2 some nonhuman asleep collectiveness of an alien life force, alien in that it is not like any other chat or blog online, it is not 4 the awake or the human ear. It has taken me lots of time 2C this as clearly as Johnny Nash makes claims 2 clarity back around the autumn of 1972, Sarah Jacobson. As the paragraph does change now however, it will B quickly obvious 2 anyone just how this blog is gonna indeed differ from now on from prior blogging texts B4 it.

The revelation that came 2 me was always there in front of me and was based on a commodity traders book by J. Wells Wilder from the late nineteen seventies. In this book, he tells the reader that the markets must B analyzed first, and then dependant upon what this analysis reveals, U use one of several systems, and change systems as the market moves show their changes in the long running moves. This was a highly ingenious system, and reminds me of the United States Constitution, building into it the constants as well as the elasticity’s such as with the amendments. After-all, who can know the future, Chief-Mayor-Medal-Special-Ops Bob Levy? The future is created and made and not fixed. But as we all know, U out there ES, and me, there is a bit more complexity involved here with all of this than just this super compressed statement, huh peeps? In any event, my IAD conscience that prevents me from playing the most recent 300 number hottest columns of 3-5, as one long roulette game, insisting that I beat the game fair and square with a system of game by game individuality, it seemed that I was always working around the only way I really knew would work, more ETTOS, huh dudes And Briggs? I always knew how 2 score follow and opposites, as well as on single parameters or all 3 as a total F or O game-wheel. Most games R not in neutral ranges, and neutral ranges can B basically either not played or either oif the 2 systems can B used, and these 2 systems being as follows: FOLLOW or plus integer scores results in playing in the STRING-MODE. U simply play the one longest string until it breaks. In OPPOSITE or negative integer resulting scores, U play anti-string system, and this being betting against the 4-string, reversing any outcome and betting a 1-2-4 progression. The FOLLOW string mode is always played flat-bet only, no progressions. This was in front of me 4 almost 30 years since Jim Burr and I went down 2 the golden Nugget Casino in Atlantic City in the spring of 1983 that day, a day I will never forget, when Resorts Casino later that same day said over their PA system, “OK, the name of this song is”, and they know exactly what they did, huh Copyright freaking Office??????

Hello ESM or ES Marola, yes I know who UR, and I know who this entire MAYAN family is. This was planned from 50,000,000 years ago, just as the mighty JULIA WHITE told me in 1994 was indeed the case, only U never thought I would ever get this enlightened did U, ya blankadeedoodadeefrackenfrickenblahblah!!!!!!!!!
This is only a short blog and my way of saying, here ‘dawns’ a new day and time. A very Terra-BULL one perhaps, but now the way my blogging is done will totally change. Hay, humans may comment, and so may all the rest of U, I know U can, I know all the stuff U can do, I am more dangerous now 2U than U will ever B2 me, BRA.


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