Tuesday, June 14, 2011




Things that seem to be happening the world over are pure illusion. The 6th dimension is where it all is going down, that is the true arena, not the lower Astral Plane, or any of its dreamed-down twinned realities of the 5th dimensional hyperspace. This is not a new Mountainpen statement, yet needs insertion right now, into this blog. If a person could truly master setting up the 6th dimensional arena, there reality here would be a million times wilder than the great Donald Scowl Face Trump, on even his maxed out day or time.

Ultra complex shit goes down on this true mind realm. This causes what we all then think we are experiencing here. For those that need this information, I am home every evening from six of the clock, onward until I retire around midnight. My telephone will be on the hook beginning tomorrow at this time.

Try and see things my way. I gave to everybody, and now you all want to throw me away like a bag of trash, I cannot believe you have any good explanation for this, but of course, as always, I'm always totally open minded, and will listen. Also I am not angry with anybody. I use my blogs for therapy. I lash out and curse and call peeps names. I shouldn't, but then, lots of stuff shouldn't have been done to me. Jim Burr, you asked me a question in mother trucking 1983 that I'll remember on my frickin' death bed. “What are you going to do when your mother dies”. I had no good answer for you, or 1978- Connie Chung Stagmag, back then; but now, I have one for you, YO. I'll suffer a lot worse. Lotsa shit is getting said here, and many peeps all know how they play their roles in that answer.

Let me bring the game forward a bit and reveal some cards and plays before wrapping up this short whittle blog folks, whaaaaaa. 1986 changed my life forever. I played roulette in the Atlantic City casinos that year, and this is not why things changed, despite the OTHER Atlantic City, or the OTHER song. Things changed because Paula Belinda King had a thousand drivers licenses, and is the queen of Somnambulism. Jane Sleazedisease Poisonflower Judgecakes Monsterslapper just nailed me on her cosmic demented clock, are you laughing Chester Pushmetwice? Yes, lots of damn ass memories were being suppressed whenj the mighty copworker of the RPL STUDIOS in 1980, asked me why I had negative opinions about mixed marriages. Still, she entitled me to my opinions and my future Lenny hypnotherapy at the Cherry Hill Office, that just so happened to be practically down the road from the address where I lived when this nightmare began for me in 1986. So fuck you JANE, and 555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555555 and 555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555555555555555555. And now sweetie, multiply this by 555555555555555555555. Then “PERMITS” me to compensate for your eternal cosmic attack, yes Ann, this is no coincidence, and I know that you know even more about all of this, and feel that I am better off in the dark about it, and you're most likely 100%+ accurate. I'll be calling you in a few days, and hope your trip to visit family in Pennsylvania, was pleasant. My trips to visit family, never was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am hurt, not angry. If you want to call back, I am here. I just cannot understand why you, Billy, and Sally, would erase me like a spent blackboard lesson after I did so much for all of you. I paid somebody's mortgage one month, I financed somebody's freaking wedding, and I gladly spent my mom's death money on your project, that no longer exists in this world. Did McGuire and his strobe light family invention do that little trick too. Oh Brutice, Eh-2? What a dumbed down world, no Brutice, no quintillion, no vigintillion, well, thank you Gawky Gaukauk, for those two great books; but someday, I will return them to the Wash-Heights Public Library.

Then there was the tape. Who would ever believe this mind bending story, Rod Serling? Just how much did I change this world by being born here, Jimmie $8,000 Stuart? Is life wonderful and me just ungrateful? Wow, this is nonsense if I ever heard it. It's getting deep in here, and very smelly, if I am really supposed to buy into this absurdity, BRO!!!! Let me dig up your bones to tell you that you are not in existence either, Rodney Twilight Zone. Oh we-helllllllll, SAY LEVY, in French. Marcy or Ethel, which one is it? It depends on what frequency signature of the atom you are interacting your dreaming into, YO. Where the fucking shit are you when I need you, Albert??????????????????????

Yes, I will gladly speak with you, I am not mad, I am very hurt. All of you have hurt me a lot, and for reasons that even the great Albert could not give to me, I'm quite freaking ass sure, YO.

Finishing the updated game with Google, I obeyed the great SSJK, and then decided to take things a little bit further, what, I am not allowed to breathe or do anything in this world? I was stopped and hacked at every turn. Still, there is no video camera, there is no parlor trick, there is no anything. All there is peeps, is a void infinity, total nothing-ness. Why I bother to go on dreaming this silly stupid pookah nightmare, is my own foolish ridiculousness, Mack from Maryland-1967. Say hi and red-X to lovely Louise for me, YO. I know the entire future, peeps need to know this has all been a trick to pretend it is a trick. Lois Foca spoke the truth. The McKinnon Fascitar is real, and I have told the inhabitants of this Earth how to go anywhere and do anything. Use it, ignore it, that;s all on all of you, BRRR.

Let me now terminate this whittle dumb ass bwogggg!!!

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