Saturday, June 25, 2011


WLSBT DATFILE: CH-177-062611.068


let us look at a few tiny things lads and lassies and lab dogs, and future workers. First and in no particular order, we have the robbe3ry at Friendly Ice Cream in Northeast Philly in Pennsylvania, USAESMWG, around the time of my '17-AGAIN' days, or really, what caused them. Then we have the GI-FLIES of Haddonwood Swim and Health Club, Tony Zenun the great man of mystery, the box and chain and Russell Thaxton in 1969, Paula and her 'under the boardwalk' antics that the EW knew about and made into a song, Bob Patterson Cheatley at the Medical Institute, large and loud meowing black cats who know more about mathematics than Albert Einstein and Fred Winstein combined and squared, choking lightning machines with alien parts, peeps using me to get born on a minimum of two occasions where one was physical and another metaphysical although this second word could be arguable with both situations, and a cool song called HA-HA-WHO. This is one two-hundredths of a total possible laundry list, and dirty laundry to boot, shoe, and may we never forget unless helped to via a strange beautiful flashlight given the name of Dianarteemis, Mary-Kate Willis Trenton-clubs! In any event, I was looking at the xzyglukial asapian directional digital bordering system of the GAWNUM, that only Gawky Gaukauk and Unlimited Driverlicenseholder Lapbusrider, from 1980; could possibly know about; and beginning to re-figure the 81, as I've named them; Lidmolb Numbers; and low and behold, this project brought my lovely beautiful strobe-light all around me within minutes, and SSJK turned on some of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. I thought I was going to ejaculate in my shorts looking out my window. Only SSJK can possibly know what I'm talking about, all though Michelle's hubby's cuzz may too, who knows? I'm sure entitled to the opinion that“it can be true”, right Aunt Barbara? Now only top ass hole peeps like DJT and © examiners know what's being said. Unlike you PP, I do copyright all things I do, immediately, that is until recently, but by affixing the label and doing it soon, IT IS INDEED COPYRIGHTED. Whether SSJK knows in human form, or is a sleepwalker like her mother, while here on Earth, is anyone's guess, but it was no coincidence, and I felt my mind being probed, and then instantly out of nowhere, beautiful lightning is everywhere, OH YEAH, RIGHT!!

So Mister Levitt built communities in not just New Jersey and Pennsylvania, well, I'll play along and see if this dude can 'fix' things, even water manholes and old Superman shows. Don't be such a hater, kid. Anyhow, the simple truth is that I have never lied and said a bad thing that was untrue, about one single soul, not ever. I said a few bad things all right, about some peeps, but unfortunately, it was all the truth, Tyra, and I was not, not am I now, afraid one bit, to put my freaking name to it, YO. Maybe he is the future inventor of the real on-line role-play games, discussed on my 2010 blogs around a year ago or so. If so, this is all hyperspace equation, and only extremely sensitive entities such as Whoopee and me, can begin to feel the transdimensional effects, while awake. Still, a lifetime of those Egg Harbor school 'dreams' cannot ever be disputed, not by shrinkology or any logical reasoning process. It CANNOT BE RATIONALLY EXPLAINED AWAY, peeps. We all know this is not fiction, and we also all know that things along the lines of Ufology and stuff that wipe out the church of humankind or advance the reality of humankind consciousness, same difference, cannot be permitted by the governing authorities in this backward cave dinosaur time period of 2011.

Sorry to hear the news about your super sister, Frank Callio. People seem to reap what they so, unless they are under the Huntington-Curse. Then you can reap all the good in the world, and all you'll ever get is pummeled and punished, as this is just 'the way it goes', right Ziggy. I'll bet the greatest Elvis impersonator on the planet, if still amongst us and retired from the NJSP, is not unhappy. She ruined his entire life. But then, that hole in the head family seems to choose quite a few people to do this to from time to time, providing it fits into their purpose and plans.

Please peeps, don't ever think I am out of the loop. If any one of you takes a shit right now, I will know it, and if I was demented enough to want to, I could smell it. Don't underestimate the reach of my eyes and ears, right shoelace Donna? Your White-Boy is still right here. Sorry if my technology offends you and the blond flusie. Personally, I love it. Now, anyone can be a sock chucking rock star, YO; only that is the further most mother trucking thing from my mind, let me assure you. I wanted to prove two things, one that someone out in Hellyweird knows that transdimensional messing around does effect the natural world and disturb vibrational patterns in, under, and around the planet where they are emanating from, and also, that indeed, I am being prevented from expressing and or promoting my music, should I choose to do this, violating my human and basic civil rights as a naturally born citizen of a laugh-laugh-laugh, “FREE COUNTRY”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 6th Dimension or Eckankar's Mental-Plane, is behind all of this shenanigan Irish bridge-troll trouble. Mind is a realm, not something contained without a source laying beyond it, held in a container sensing on and off voltage and making this zero and one, or chemically and physiologically in a system of tissue and synapse. This entire thing is owned, operated, and controlled by a sixteen year old very special girl named Sarah-Stacey Krassle, and powered by the unknown energies that are nothing at all like the worlds of mass and energy. Still, harnessing this while awake is achievable by realizing the STM reality and that the Wesley Crusher Star Trek peeps of the world, are not crazy, merely highly advanced and tuned onto a higher channel that everybody else simply does not have the crystals to tune into. It's not one bit different than the old citizens band radio. If you wanted to broadcast and or receive channel number 35, then you needed to purchase a crystal that would tune your radio to it.

You keep on trucking there PP, you and I are no different paths now, I am not one bit interested in promoting anything, that is your bag, and I wish you the very best, old pal. You're always welcome to give me a shout on the horn, BRO. NHF. The difference between the abbreviations of No Hard Feelings, and thwe National Hockey League, is exactly the same as the difference between Stair Tag Games and Space Time Mind. That would be the resulting factor of taking my favorite number of 23, and splitting it like an atom, and putting the dividing sign in-between the digits. Yes Donna, I owe you the largest apology of all, so move over 13+3, as anyone with a brain knows who the bright morning star really is now. This has been proven to me, and Jim Burr be damned to hell. He can travel, and even take me with him against my will, chains and strong-boxes all notwithstanding, YO. Put another 5 cents in the machine dude and say hello to Patty and Ed for me, YO.

Kick the Hair-man in the ass for me Ann and Chicky, you go and win some big bucks, and if asks for Letty, tell him MI will kick his ass if he so much as looks at her the wrong way.

Well, I'll wrap this bullshit up now, Henry Mailboats. Is it me, or are little clues hidden all over the place just waiting to be plucked out of Dick wolf's phase-4 connectiveness? 374 Mizz Latt, in either direction, just keep it under 11.8 IPNS so our wovwee whittle world doesn't BO GOOM!!!!!!!!!!

Jane Sleazeball Monsterslapper is on a roll again, and so are freaking death angels, folks. Oh those forces from Iceworldroidville, YO! Don't hurt me Kevin Willis and Kevin Moore, what is this, a SCC, the last C is 4 conspiracy, DUHHHHHHHHHHH???????????????????????


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