Saturday, July 16, 2011


Supplemental entry

I am now into the weekend. Next week, I have jury duty. This notice came in the mail while I was in-between moving from 26th Street, down here to 7th Avenue. This interfered with many things, my studio time, my job, and complicates a lot of things, but we all must be good citizens, of whatever this is.

My business partner has vanished. I have not heard from him, maybe he is on the road driving, as he used to do this a lot back in the days when we started SPR; or maybe is he in the hospital, who can know, he had recent surgery on his knees, and is very much in pain. It is so ashame, as I have a lot of things to discuss with him regarding what was recently done over at the studio, and some mind bending stuff I learned from being there a short while back.

As for what I told Eric, I told him basically the whole smack, all he does not know now is about the wonderful Paula King Julia, in detail, or PEE, as she insists on being called by this nickname. I showed him something also, actually a few things, even the great McGuire and late Mizz King, could not keep me from sneaking out of their house, some of my most Carolyn Stoddard prized and Leviathan precious possessions. Some will ask me just how I managed to get a photograph of PEE, one of the things I managed to save. Not all of my secrets are yet revealable folks. I kept the other nickname and its appearance at the beginning of a very pertinent open reel master tape, a secret for a long time as well; or really a secret from my own consciousness, if we are being honest and technical about stuff that is. Another fascinating thing in my life that nobody would believe, and that I call the RSRTPS or the 'RISSRITPIS' for an easy pronunciation, and stands for the (ROCK-STAR REVERSE TRASH PICKING SYNDROME), and PP totally knows first hand, some of this true story about my wild life, as he was standing right there on Halloween Day in 2000, while a 60's rock star was literally picking around in my trash to see what was interesting on the curb of my street over at Guthrie Shorts Blue Anchor, New Jersey mansion, and this is how normally the ordinary Joe and Jane peeps such as myself are all standing in grocery store lines all reading the gossip and celebrity papers we see all over the area while waiting to get our items checked out and paid for, only I merely stand there, waiting to pay and leave with my stuff. On top of that, these peeps are the ones checking me out, a lot of the time. Right at this exact moment, I speak of a wild young girl, who I seem to have had quite a large influence on. I guess that MI has to see that things around me have some weird or 'electric' connection with the Briggbase Residents, causing much of this mostly unexplainable phenomenon.

There are a lot of planes flying around this Saturday afternoon. As far as I care, they can go jerk me off at light speed squared.

When I opened up my mouth about UFO stuff, and time travel; I took a very bad attack from the MILITUFORCE. I am getting a space bar hack today, a common word processor hack; from dirt balls, with nothing in their empty ass lives; accept figuring out ways to harass and annoy peeps that they don't even freaking know. Pathetic, huh James T. Gloucester Burr? But let's examine what I have shown to Ann King, and what she planes to eventually share with the Atlantic county Prosecutor in New Jersey, so that I can create my new website, and upload the old stuff go it, from the Morianity-Foundation. All ready, I corrected one “odf” hack as well. This time it did not capitalize on its own, so the wavy red lines formed underneath of it, grabbing my instant attention.

Right after I posted the horrendous freaking blog of whatever other possible date, but THE 12TH OF JULY, I went through 2 nasty-ass fire alarms here at the public building where I now live. That very evening, and then another one the next morning.

Now about the favorite subject of the science-fiction-enthusiasts. What other thing could this possibly be, SIR NICK, than good old ********TIME-TRAVEL********???????????????

TWO THINGS THAT PROVE THAT THE THINGS THAT WERE ALL DISCUSSED IN THE BOOK BY THE FAMOUS 90'S AUTHOR, DOCTOR BRUCE GOLDBERG, “TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE”, before I begin taking us, and these blogs, any further down any of the long dark dangerous scarey roads of all of this; are as follows: Two of my blogs that ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BE FAKED, AND THE MIGHTY “GOOGLE” INTERNET ENGINE KNOWS IT 100%, ARE THESE TWO THAT ARE DATED IN THE YEAR OF ****2008****, ONE IS MY SECOND ONE OF THE SAME DAY, ON SEPTEMBER THE 30TH, AND THE OTHER POSTING WAS ON THE FOLLOWING MONTH, ON OCTOBER THE 5TH. Now we move onto the two very recent things here in Florida, nearly three years up in the 'future' from 'back there'. These have to do with the persecution, Ruby Ridge Blaring Noise FBI Attacks, done on me, both seconds before my received telephone call from the recording studio, after I waited for three solid weeks to speak to Ryan there, and some powerful force just hacked this program, as this link did not go blue, nor did it underline; wow, more proof of all of my wild sounding nutty claims. Then at the TD Bank on US One, in Fort Pierce, Florida, my local TD-Bank branch, with the attack there. None of these 4 events could be made possible without the PARLOR TRICK OF TIME TRAVEL. Just how this trick is accomplished, either using super high velocity, or the mind and its natural ability to exist in all 5 dimensions, is anyone's freaking guess. Also, this is 4 things that I have now just randomly selected, out of hundreds and maybe thousands of other things that happened to me and around me over the past 25 years or so, that are every bit as convincing and have no other possible rational explanation. Quoting the mighty mind of Si or Ed Lynch ob the New Jersey Meagan List, AND MY FRIEND, as he was not guilty of doing a thing wrong, other than when he had internet after the courts ruled that he could not, but to quote him regarding the stuff that he witnessed all around me and my life, “he saw things that he simply could not explain”. When Ed can't explain something, you need to be cognizant of something about this folks, that is a major historical event in humanity, sort of sequel to things like first lunar landings, giant babies born with grown man heads of hair, and teachers telling fourteen year old boys, out of the blue and for no apparent reason, that, “they could be a father, chronologically”.

But there is a lot more involved in my life than enemies using the parlor trick of TT, done however. There is the strobe-light and the control of mind and memory. Still, there are those two great episodes on the television show, “Star trek, TNG”, that show how indeed, memories are all part of a 4th-5th dimensional continual alteration in time-lines and realities, and these are caused in only one possible way, DUH, TIME TRAVEL. Ask yourself something folks, just please do this, OK? Why would I wanna get up here on this public system, make a total ass hole out of myself, saying nutty shit, ranting on about utter none sense, and myself appear to be the biggest jerk off since Steve Martin's random phone book shooter????????????????????? All I ask is for peeps to ponder this, and then see, that I make sense, form sentences, and do not talk like the 'normal-crazies' out there, here would be a few examples. Just look at the difference here of someone in need of some sike-meds to function better, are you ready? Then read on: (My name is Tom Tyler and let me tell you something. I had a really bad fucked up day. I was standing on my refrigerator thinking about how I was able to put my head through the ceiling and watch the TV signals come into my TV set, and wham, oh and let me tell you something, I love my blue socks and one is on my head, the other two are on my feet, and then my refrigerator door opened and more blue socks were right there inside my bowl of soup.) Here we have a total collapse of reality with psychotic features of numerous personality disorders as well as moderate to severe dementia. More serious dementia and less insane features would be along this line for example number two: (My name is Tom Tyler, and I just bumped into an old friend from Quakertown, Pennsylvania, Andy Lichtenstein. Those days we played together in the corn fields were so much fun. This same mobile home where I lived at this time was so cool, because lightning struck it almost every week throughout the summer time. This is because the mobile home was atop a large hill, under one huge apple tree. How I loved eating the apples right off the tree with my pal Andy. The worms inside Andy's apple one day made him so mad, that he hit me. My mom came out and yelled at Andy for hitting me. When our friends from the Richland School came over later to play with us, they got the wormy apples too. How I remember the day that this happened. Tommy coddinato, Bobby Witherspoon, Jeffrey Rosenhower, Jackie Patteroff, and Ann Reese; were all with me there, playing that day. When a big storm blew up, we went inside, and heard clicks each time lightning hit the mobile home. Later we planned a party, as it was Bobby's birthday in a week, and how I remember being over there blowing up balloons, and playing so many pleasurable games. I think Ann and Bobby became sweethearts years later in high school, and later married, but I never checked it out any further. I only learned this much, as a result of my mom and her boyfriend; visiting a neighbor at the bottom of the hill, the Shat's, Ora and Harold. Harold was always using his barbells, and showing off his herculean physical strength, and always had a load of young sluts around, that he was fucking behind their husbands backs. He used to say, “They needed it”, and how I remember my mom telling me this story, even at quite an early age, but then, my mom said many wild things to me; and yet she went to her grave with a GARGANTUAN SIZED SECRET. This secret changed a lot of large things in human world history. Yes, playing in the cornfields with Andy was a lot of fun, and so was the party that day over at Bobby's house.) This is where the mind skips around on many subjects, and forgets where it was and where it's going. This is a more serious example of dementia. My final 3rd example is without any dementia, but when reality is actually being replaced with fantasy and delusion in the mind of a psychiatric patient: (My name is Tom Tyler, and I was born on top of a church steeple. I do not expect anyone to believe me. Still it's true. Whenever I go anywhere near the church, even now at age seventy-four, I hear voices telling me to climb up and jump off. Then when I yell out back to these voices, “FUCK YOU”, three large angels float down from a small gray cloud, and grab me. One of them yells into my ear until my ear bleeds. He keeps saying for me to go up and jump off. Today, I walked past the place and managed to get home with only three broken bones and a sprained wrist. My doctor told me to take five, and call her in the morning. Guess I will eat and watch a show on TV now, hope I can find the one where I am in it, and I can see the angel hitting me right where my broken bones are. Wait a minute, a fire made of silver leaves is coming out of nowhere in the back part of the room where I am typing this in, must stop now, bye.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are some of the ways that real “CRAZIES” would be blogging. Unlike them, I tell the truth, I tell about my horrible life, and all of the horrible bastards who have made an absolute career out of messing it up, and messing with me, for many unknown reasons, all though, I am, sure, I have started to figure out a few of them over the past 2-5 years or so, more than in all the years that preceded that period in my life. But yes folks, you will go right on believing I am one of the other crazies, if that is what is destined to be, so let it happen John Lennon. I wonder what minors really are too old, and I wonder who invented the word “CRAZIES”? I wonder if the 1986 Copyright Examiners figured out this is the 5th piece of TIME TRAVEL here yet, or not?????????????????????? BYE-BYE.

END: Now why is this coming out and not ???????????????? See, am I really one of the CRAZIES here folks, or just the inventor of the REAL GOOD GIRLS, AND ALL THE REALLY GOOD NICKNAMES.

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