Wednesday, July 20, 2011




The enemy has day number two of sky siege going for me, WEIN, or SOSO? I went to court and was sent home along with the other jurors that came, we were not needed, they had an over abundance based on the case load or total dockets. I would have my fun telling under oath how much crime I have been a victim of, naturally, I all ready knew I would have a short 5 minute jury day. These parlor tricks are invisible to the 'public', right Robert Levy the Third? As you said in the early autumn in 2008, to me out in the surf, there is obviously lots of things unknown by the public, and this is of course why my story remains in the shrouds of mystery, hence I am crazy and deluded, quite psychotic, and need to feel important, and so much other stuff, poor little me, yeah, sure, 'OK', late Mister John King.

At the court, my steel-toe only pair of shoes, caused a problem at the court frisk gate. The guards there need a little bit of a PR brush up course, Mister Fort Pierce Mayor, or Mrs./Mizz, whatever, they are a bit lacking in this in case you are interested, I mean really, I felt more like the defendant than the freaking juror, YO. Peeps are on a roll however, lots of nasty interactions are all over, par for the course when perpetually suffering under the nightmarish HUNTINGTON CURSE, what can I say, Jay-Jay Evans, BRO?????????????????? Hostility holograms or as I've shortened this term over the past 20 years or so, 'HOSTILITYGRAMS', are pretty much of a constant for me on a daily scheduled precision routine, along with nasty freaking 'Jane dirt-weeds' clock-ones-attacks, and death angel scans. The 'laser-retrace' device from the future, up at the World-Labs; obviously works on this carrier frequency. An actual 'angel of death' taken Catholic literally, is absurd, as is all the hocus pocus religious mother fucking horse shit, Satan, Christ, God, the whole silly fucked up smack. Do the illusions from this immense and powerful parlor trick work well? Sure they do, just as great conspiracies would not BE GREAT, would they, MISTER Mel Gibson, if they were easy to see through and get proved and stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wicked horrendous truth peeps, but TRUTH just the freaking same, players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOMO MILITUFORCE garbage dirt bags, struck me with a viscous shit-cramp attack the moment my alarm clock woke me this MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, for the jury duty. The nasty poison chemical jet vapor trails caused this, naturally, SOSO-WEIN? Judges may be involved, KATE, but we don't always seem to need the poison cake to do the trick, just the powerful symbolism of the magical alpha-system of human language, said simpler, the (ALPHABET). I will bet on Alpha, or Gawky Gaukauk, any day, and never against these powerful truths, and do not look at my facial muscles for a possible give away, Selena.

Well, yesterday, my car stereo as well as my 4th or 5th K-Mart watch, was broken, AGAIN, by this diseased mother fucking enemy of mine, I call the BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS, OTAMMITES, TAWF, AND THE MILI-2-FORCE, AND OTHER NAMES NOT SO POLITE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow the tape in my car tape player is stuck in and not eject-able, and the radio plays even though the tape is stuck inside. When I get some extra bucks together, I'll fucking have to replace the entire system with a used old style AM/FM/TAPE car stereo unit, and have the tecks break open the fucking unit so that I can retrieve my tape. I am filing charges and sending reports to the following fucking ass authorities, laugh at me all you fucking want to Mizz UMWELL-ONYX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA-HA JANE-DISEASE-MONSTER-SLAPPING BASEBALL CHEATER, you missed me, it's fucking 17 minpers past scum now, on this demonic mother fucking rats ass afternoon, total BOTBAR, as is my entire year, century, millennium, Bob-Barfer-life, and endless existence at total subvampiric levels.

Oh I've not fucking forgotten Atlantic County as well as today, at the Courts, they want no parts of hearing my fucking testimony under mother fucking legal oath. So who thinks I really am just crazy, you do, sure, but not those in the know, in authority over me, that are obviously reading my blogs. Mail Counts, Jury's, Blog and UFO club infiltrators, and on and on, MI says it so 'perfectly' and not just in 2009, “OH YEAH, RIGHT”. But now there is a short message to both my partner, and also, my special one. Before I go on, only hard core 'Dark Shadows' television fans are really gonna' appreciate my next couple of powerful sentences. They remember the Collins Family History, and the bible of it that gorgeous Victoria winters had with her on her time trip back to 1795. They appreciate how humanity can literally decide how history books are gonna' be told, the slants, the biases; and not omitting the many down right total fabrications. Yes Bob Levy-lll, you did share quite a mouth full of wisdom with your quick new surfer pal, me, ol' Mountainpen, B4U headed in on the next wave, and just hopped on the truck; that all seemed to be prearranged, and preplanned somehow; with no reel good tapes to assist them, or other rip-off towns, Highview Cheers; or complaints about airplane stalking, and jet outflow pollution; huh, United States Copyright Office of the 1986 time circa, YO?????????????? My two messages to PP and MC are as follows. Please do not break off contact, and in return, I will totally alter some of my blogging tactics. Most peeps cannot follow this nor believe any part of it aniwho. PP, this is YYYYY your old partner is so paranoid. One minute you cvall me out of the blue, then wham, nothing, unreachable PP, just as B4, and this is the reason I stopped doing business, how can I know what you want when you have me start projects, and then vanish away ion the first breeze that blows through 65 Middle Road with large now dead red headed ghosts screaming about slamming doors? It was 37 months ago come tomorrow when Paul, SIR, I all ready knew I'd be living in this place, so how can I be crazy, or the one pulling off these tricks. I may play along upon occasion, as what else really do you or anyone else out here, does this world expect me to do, lie down and die, when even this cannot be done with retracing beams all over me? PP, if you are as smart as you tell me you are, study just the past 4 years of my blogs on I am struggling to survive in as nightmare for which I have no other avenue of option left to me other than shouting out the true story going on around me, and all tho the very most accurate and best of my knowledge, while still admitting that of course, flaws in lots of this may be dancing around like mice in a fucking cheese factory. Still, I'm doing my mother fucking best PP, and all other Blogaudians, gimme a fucking break peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not ignore your idea about the anonymous thing PP, I wrote an entire book and copyrighted it, it's called “The Permission Barrier”, and this was 4 years before I knew you walked this Earth, back on October 31, of the year of 1994, when I sent it down in the united States mail for official Copyright registration, player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried every and anything you can think of and think up old buddy, I do not mean that in an insulting way. I merely insist that you be aware that yes sir, I've been there and done that. NOTHING WORKS, because, and I will show you a magazine someday that will blow your mind, MY DAUGHTER CLAIMS HERSELF, FORGET ME, TO BE ALL MIGHTY GODDESS JEHOVAH, it is right there in black and white, despite the dummies of this planet having it go right over there head, as SHE knew that it would, but not over mine, SHE is omniscient in HER great true form, she is not dumb, PP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then there is MOM, the great JULIA WHITE, the great VIQUEEN, SHE insists on being addressed on the Astral plane, by me, as Mini-Great Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You show me how to fight these gods, Paul, I'll gladly do it, but first, give my story a real chance, analyze all these totally indisputable items before you write it all off, old pal, and please CALL ME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try and see how something of this unfathomable inconceivable magnitude, HAD TO ALL BE PLANNED MILLIONS OF HYEARS BEFORE ANY OF US WERE EVEN TAKING PHYSICAL FORM HERE THROUGH DREAM DOWNS off of the Astral Plane, PP. If you are in too much pain to call me, can't Cook give me a shout just to let me know what you want me to do at the studio, as I am doing 2 projects there, and needed to confer with you. Something major needs to be addressed, and it is business, not 'nee-nee-nee-nee'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for the other coded WI, and I know you will get this little joke if you think about it. You appeared to me in a powerful interaction not long back and told me to re-post, and then use this. Is this all somebody else tricking me, or can I depend on your subtle communication, if I here and now give you my eternal promise, never to be blunt? The only way you can let me know the answer is to let some time go by and while everyone except for you and me forgets this blog, come back with a simple Y or N, for yes or no. You can add it in at the end or just post it, no one will know. If you still want me to do the other thing that you wanted 3 years back, use a comma, and add the symbol of *, after the Y or the N. Wait at least ten days from the date this blog posts, but if 30 days goes by, I will see this as an automatic N. Please don't say no. We both need to clear up things, and then the chips can fall wherever they fall, that is cool with me. I still hope you will do the other thing I asked, hope burns more eternal than all of your cousin McGuire's matches. I wish U only the best, you know that BEG.

Well, this is what brings this blog number SJCH-197 to a close. I have no control over who does what, I am only stuck in a nightmare with no way out.


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