Friday, May 2, 2008


The Millionth Council and Me, subtitled, The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version


I am at the library, and had almost a page worth of blogging done when the MILLIONTH COUNCIL blew all I wrote away in the wink of a freaking eye. This occurred at about 2:15, this is Friday afternoon on the 2nd day of miserable Satanic May. I am on a floppy drive now and no longer will download directly up onto the Blogger dot com site; they can wipe it and hack it out in a poof.

There is no justice in New Jersey. I have been evicted from my residence and fired from my job. Enemies have totally wrecked my entire life, and not one lawtron counterpart gives a rats glass about fairness and justice 4 me.

Sarah Krassle was last observed by me on the night of 12 July, in 1970. I was being very polite and subtle B4, now since the enemy wants total war; we’ll just get right the truck into things, as my life hangs in the balance, minper 2 minper.

There is no way to fight them, they own this world, and they totally run everything, PEOPLE, ANIMALS, WEATHER, and MACHINES. They are all under their total dominant control, all the time. I now know that when my fatal heart attack got me at work the day past Christmas in oh-five, it had nothing to do with Mr. Callio, or the Atlantic Queen, or any of the things that I used to believe. I am re-living this day, totally with full awareness, can even tell you all the numbers to play to win the areas tri-states lotteries, but my mission on this Earth now goes far beyond my need 4 physical comforts. I have not been blogging in this or any library for a long time now, but all ready know all of the negative events that will occur one by one, still leaving me totally powerless to prevent them, atomic lock is not shift able without hyperspace equation involved, and this is not the case with me here today. The death at work caused me to get lots of false information, ECKANKAR believers call this phenomenon, “Kal-Power”, and they R totally correct.

Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis is the goddess of lightning here on this planet called the Earth. She crashed into a red circle on a roulette layout at Atlantic City’s Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino and told me, “Little boy, this is my number, my name-number, but it was not until the start of the following millennium that I knew Y, and this is that there are a total of 27 or 3 to the power of 3 total numbers in her combined Olympian name. Also, she was never permitted by Sarah-Stacey Krassle 2 tell me this nor many other things such as how Sarah was able to walk off the bus that night on the last time I ever encountered the ALL MIGHTY SCYLLA GODDESS, and was able along with her gang of VIQUEENS, Earth known in the 60’s and up until 1970 as the QUODDY MOCKERS, 2 vanish into the night. I went on to ride this bus into hell, getting off at Oakland Avenue in Oaklyn, NJ, walking straight down the dark block and literally right into the first gates of DOGTOWN. Later when I met the dude I mention on many a prior blog, by the name of Gary stone, the second gate of the great fiery hell was entered into and he was lawtronically, as I was, programmed 2B at this location in Berlin-Junction, NJUSAESEMWG, and he was also destined or LP to tell me about the universe going out and in forever, it doesn’t of course, it is the great illusion of the hyper sphere. His telling me of how the great sidewalk star-men came to him after he dozed off watching a “hi-C’ commercial on the boob tube, made full circle with me the other night, and I will tell more when time permits, after I safely get away to Brazil, FOREVER. I am just so relieved to know that Sarah made it safely off the Earth, and went back an entire season after saying goodbye to Nina and Paula and her gang of super beauty queen friends, and instead of coming here as a ten year old and leaving as a fifteen year old, decided to do another Jesus, and this time “get born” as the gender she really exists as upline, all though and again, in the great hyperspace equation, gender loses all of its impressive meaning. How much she remembers is known only to her, but the great Gawky Gaugauk from the Teck-Bay Mystery School near the Briggbase on the astral plane, has told me that many things would happen as soon as miserable April passes behind me on the mortal world, bringing the illusion of the month of May, in inverted digits and calendrical duplications, put in simpler English, 80 and 08 are inversions. Every 28 years, as 1980 +28 is indeed our present 2008 year, calendars have all of their 365 days fall on the precise equals days of the week, remember there are 4 years to a leap year jump and 7 days in the week, so take any calendar, and it perfectly reflects every year in 28 year increments both out ahead of it as well as back B4 it. The first full year of my life as Michael Mountainpen was 1954, as I came to dream here starting around half past nine in the morning of Saturday the 4th of December in ’54. So 1955 + 28 = 1983, when I met Diana or the Earth’s great lightning goddess, through a complexity of devices all hooked up perfectly and accidentally together. Stacey says I will meet her in the following cycle, and says a lot of Earth’s population may as well, 1955+28=28, or 1955 plus 56 years is 2011. Well, cycles R powerful, and if Stacey says it, well, I BELIOEVE IT, EX-BR. Say bye-bye to Hollywood’s greatest law show perdy soon, told you all, and I also told yall that the DOW JONES WILL KEEP RACING FOREVER UP AND UP AND UP and that the FLYERS WILL WIN AND WIN AND WIN, the fix is in this year for these filth bags!!!!!!! Even my search to find Sarah in 1996 and 1997n that occupied every waking second of my oppressed hellish sub-existence falls into the 28-year-cycle, just subtract the great black-even-28 guy, from 1995 and 1996 and 1997, just do it, good’ol’ 1968 and 1969 and 1970. I was blocking the fact of this great cycle in my mind, and much more exists in it, all though people into life cycles claim they run like electricity, in the 3 power cycle, of times 10 to the second, third, and fourth, taking major life cycles to ages 3, 9, 27, and 81. Well, you can have numbers and alpha-characters tell stories in their symbology until its dark at noon, but the real truth is in the knowing, and remembering, and I remember, and I know. The real amazement is that my 2 goddesses now have dream-starts a day apart; only the great Millionth Council could pull off a whopper like that.

My old friend from a quite a few years back while living near my present dream-sequencing’s ancestral roots were, named Plato, told me that if I could put my messages into music, they would B heard the loudest and remembered the longest. So what is my message? It is as simple as a drum of stenchy old urine my fiends and friends. First, I have been searching for a different person even longer that my search for Sarah began in the mid-nineties. I found her, and it is Y David Roth and I met in Woodbury Heights, NJUSAESMWG, and also Y my neighbor’s last name was what it was while renting the home from Jerry Pliner in Atco, NJUSAESMWG. I cracked up the day the bus did, sahwee, just love seeing enemies get crushed!!!!!!!

Well, George sir, thank you very much for the money mister President, I am going into serious hock even with this boost, but I bought a computer, and it will B all hooked up and on line through the great COMCAST system by the end of next week, should plans not as usual, go totally awry. It will take a thousand years to catch my MORIANS up, I am now just starting to deal with this incredible stuff, and I plan to tell details of how GAMES R no means the proper way to B in the unfortunate position of being an EXISTOR. OK, we exist, and that is that, games suck, and it is not the way to overcome the truth that nirvana is never obtainable, UR all wrong, all 6 billion + of U, and I know it, and plan to tell it and totally prove it, beyond a doubt. Get ready 4 the brain break of your life, readers, get ready!!!!

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