Friday, May 9, 2008

testblog number 2 for right now

OK, my Morians, this is the story, true and honest, my WORD-WORKS program that came with the system I bought does work somewhat differently than what I was used 2 on the word program that I was using with Ed Himacane, while using his machine.

Long story short lassies and lads, some hacking is going on from the great Mariah, but I can live with my giant beauty queen and her games 4 right now, the one thing out of 100 that I was not supposed 2 do, naturally, I did, and things trucked up, so aniwho, all is cool 4 now. Hope this doesn't cause my whittle fly guys to break their ankles should they B icing around 2-night, do notr keep up with it anymore, no more news watching 4 me, screw U's all bwaby-wuv Elmer Fudd. The main hack was inside me or what I call a 6th dimensional delete key hack was done 2 me, SSJKK wanted me 2 tell about the eqivelant of Christ paying the human sin-debt, a game of her family, the Astral Plane gods, but she knows the 3rd millenium is not ready 2C any of these truths, she said in the 4th they will B. 4 now, this is what she wants me 2 say, believe whatever U want, but thisa is from my queen. No body ever died and legt this place who wanted to return, U do not C this while alive, but anyone can come back here after leaving, no one ever would, it is like being in a dog house and after 75 years, U leave the stench and ugly surroundings to suddenly B in a huge city in the sky in a body trhat moves anywhere at will and can experience anything at will, not one would say, let me be that dog in the doghouse again, however, the wrong memory triggered thought can send you back and if U do not catch it quick aND REMEMBER u CAN WILL YOURSELF OUT OF IT, WITH TOTAL CERTAINTY, THEY ur TRASPPED IN PHYSICAL MISERY AGAin. I am sick of this shitty fuckiong keyboard with the capitol lock shit, I am tired of fixing it, let it John Fucking Lennon BE!!!! Aniwho, Christ not only went to his horiffic death but was forced to return here again for awhile, the epitome of hell, as U and me having to get sent back is one thing, or U anyway, but when U know what is going on, this is the equivelant of hell that never stops. There is no great mystery to anyt of it, other than Y SSJKK cares at all for us rotten miserable race of scum bags. Most people try to forget our bad thoughts and put them forever away, we are her thoughts or a part of one individual one of them, and Y she choioses 2 offer her rotten thoughts this chance 4 salvation, boggles my tiny and Donna-messed up mind, aND ALWAYS WILL. aLL SHE SAYS ABOUT IT TO ME IS THAT if I did understand this fully as well, as bas as I am suffering now, would be nothing in contrast 2 what I would suffer after knowing these details and remaining in physicallity.

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