Wednesday, March 10, 2010

blog chapter 9-Systemotically TTTHODAW, LCOTAW

This blog is about 3 things, the first is that things R much quieter since my visit 2 the local police station last week, as I knew they would B. Y is this, can I 'really' B imagining this, or making up such a wild tale, what would I ever possibly have 2 gain, BRAH?

2nd, locals here have told me that the driving habits seem 2 have altered, as also the weather, frrom its more usual norms, and seemingly following the precise timeing of my arrival here at Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG. Can an army of 1-5 K-peeps really B following me, or is it more built into a system, U know, the way the hypersphere itself works, thi ngs merely circulating around within a given infinite dimension, finite only that it lies inside of a larger infinite closed curve surrounding it at all and any points? Well, this is my belief, that none of this is really organized on human levels, just like the lower level concepts and ideas of man and EW and HW in general, with the invaders of the beyond not needing 2 take over anything in obvious or visible ways, I may not C the exact belief systems in the order that they do, but we do have a definite meeting of the minds, in so far as this. My belief is more a knowing and yes, an experiencing, but I cannot expect 2B taken seriously at face vavlue, i could b the pope or perhaps anyone else but the pope, and not expect 2 have anyone really take me seriously, huh Yahoo? So here we all R, hi 2 all of U, the 60 trillion light year circumference hypersphere, and all of the temporary circumstances that circulate around it endlessly until the same 2 things inside of it occured in precise duplication which given forever and ever, must have happened, this is math law at its highest value, and then we all now merely go round and round, never even aware of this, except 4 that quick occassional flash when magnetic energies 4 complex reasons make us feel the hole in the system and we get that Deja-Vu. Is this Y mister Krassle's mighty numerological system operates so frightenly accurately, it does U know, there is no doubt about this or miss Chillie and Lenny McKinnon of 1981. Just ask the LOC that refused 2 permit my naming a musical project in '97 after the Callio Family. Now I am major glad that they did, as they did with the 18 question of the New Jersey State Licensing security Officer's Test, sponsered by my ex-boss, the ex-governor, the kind and quite benevolent, John Wealthy Corzine. If U get me started EVER about New Jersey and its horiffic corruption, the subject would go on and on and just never stop until we all would get both angry and bored, simultaneously. Remember, in rote, how a PRIVATE COSMIC-CODED NUMBER or (PCN), is arrived at, 4 those who refuse 2 check it out and Google up the Gawnum and how 2 work it. It is made up of 81 roots from the base-9 system, and is predicated upon the order of the alphabet being used, in so much as the number of its appearance in the alpha, 4 example the English-alpha is A-Z, or 1-26. Letter Z is 26, and letter M is 13 and letter C is 3, and so on. The thing U wish 2 creat a PCN with can b an entire song, or just a title, an entire book, a phrase, a single letter, any number, any word, any group of words or sentences, anything that can b converted into math digits and these digits work simply. 2 arrive at the first of the 2 digits in the root, U count the TOTAL amount of letters, if just the word CAT is used, there R3 letters, so the first digit is a (3). If the entire book Mobie dick is needed, U have quite a task ahead of U just on the first of these 2 digits. Now the second digit is always the total value of the letters in their alpha-order, so as with cat, C=3, A=1, and T=20, and this total is 24. Now as with ALL numerological truth, only the digits from 1-9 R ever used, so all numbers larger than 9 or (>9) R added together until only one digit remains and its value being therefore between 1-9. So 4 the word (CAT), we have its root PCN of 36, as 3 needs not B slimmed down as most of us do, and then we slim down the 24 into a 6. The final and 3rd digit is always the larger digit minus the smaller digit, and if both digits R equal or the same, then the zero difference is the finalk and 3rd digit of the PCN. Julia White 4 example is PCN-110, because the root number 11 has equal value root digits, so digit 3 is always a zero. Whatever a person's name is, CHRISTIAN or first name, followed by SIR or last name, is the value of their true Earthly GAWNUM identity. In my case, MARK MOHR has the PCN-871. The Mighty Donald Trump has the PCN-231, and so forth. In another blog I will remind U all how 2 arrive at whether PCN's R compat matches or not. Then there is the even greater final thong called arriving at potential branch-codes. When this is learned and practiced, it WILL most definitely blow your freaking mind, as there realy is nothing U cannpot learmn, still a skill must B developed over time, in learning proper phrasing and making things fit and then using other querries with the same rules that fil B4 in all ready past and proven things.

B4 I totally am systemotically shot through the heart and lose more than all my worldly possessions, some even biolgical, let me just say that all the bad things that have been done 2 me were all part of a huge and fantastic game, and the reason 4this game is so that entities playing it with me can B distracted from a pain and an agony worse than any of U can even hope 2 come close 2 understanding while UR consciously awake in a physical body.

Later on we will get into other letter and order combinational things that R beyond fastenating. Right now, PCN's is not the issue, nor is all the stuff that was taken from me, or even the players in the Shakespearian Earthly arena in this horiffic game, of any real significance nor importance. This hypersphere is nothing all that different than any sinhgle atom withiun it, they both have a curve, and there is a ratio of the curve, both of the atom and the entire hypersphere containing the great Avagadro amount. It is in this curve that lies the sevret 2 the upline and downline, and things I would not datre tell U all, twisted sisters and Histers, and Beach Stacey plots and so much more, all not witrhstanding, not today, we will build further into all of these mysteries Sarah M, that U can take 2 Unk H's bank of Babylon, NY.

Arnold, I AM HERE, no Mister XZENON RADS PLEASE, disappearing Lack and Stacey's, YO.

End Transmission:

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