Saturday, May 8, 2010

chapter 2 (HELP ME JOHN JUDY)

Chapter #2, World Labs-SBT-DATFILE: 050810.555.5555555555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

I am here at the library, having the most incredible mother fucking major computer HACK ATTACK, ever, in my entire 4+ year fucking blogging career. This is the 3rd time I have had 2 start over again, with a brand new blog on a different machine. This day is SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR. All days R super fucking BOTBAR here in FLORIDA, I knew I should have made my strategic fucking exit on the 2nd of May, and not remained here 4 this month, a very bad move there, BRO-GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “BAD-MOVE-BRO”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U all what happened. Obviously when I last posted up 2 the internet blogging sites, yesterday, one of these sites did not do a proper job of preventing hacking-worms 2B sent directly into my floppy disc that caused this mother fucking trouble. There is no stopping THEM, NEVER. The fucking diseased and desperately vile and wicked power monger kings known as the {MILLIONTH-COUNCIL} that is!!!!!!!! Even Pope Benedict XVI tried 2 combat these monsters from the SHADOW-CULT. He and the entire Vatican tried 2C what was behind THAT-FAMILY. A child can C this all happened, not only because of the local church that HE visited right behind the MARHOUSE at 65 Middle Road in Guatamayanville (Hammonton, New Jersey), back in the year of 4-BJWSC, (Before “mini-great” Jewelly White’s SECOND CALENDAR, but also because of the recent troubles that McGuire cunningly and very cleverly, got the poor guy into; and this is a secret that damn may get me eliminated TODAY, 4 telling the internet world about. HE, HIS Eminence, was taking this family seriously, and was DEALT WTH, by an even higher power than what and who HE thinks he is working 4, that being the powerful deadly dangerous evil MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, actually the one third of them that control an Astral Plane area-interaction, known by few living breathing mortals such as myself, as the BRIGGBASE, and the residents thereon, the LAMBRIGGER CULT OF THE ASTRAL PLANE, or the (SPIRIT WORLD). I will try and reconstruct now, the short other intro’s from blogs that got totally FUCKING WIPED OUT, as THEY knew what I jurist said, was all indeed, gonna get said, and posted up onto the fucking internet, TODAY!!!!!!!! There is no freedom in this evil world, ort in this evil empire. They proved their evil empire is indeed evil many years ago, right in our public school system. All real and true ‘believers’ in things beyond what 5 tiny senses perceive know this fact. We no longer salute our flag with the once great words of, “one nation (UNDER GOD), indivisible, and so forth. Take THAT out, take school recognition of the all mighty Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle out, and what has happened 2 society in instantaneous paralleling event?, but school violence, drug abuse in school increasing 100 fold, and on and on we could fucking go lads and lassies.

My blogs that all got wiped out when I began at point-555 millidays today originally, and had 2 keep switching machines, and eventually, asking the librarian 4 a BRAND NEW floppy disc once realizing the hack was on the old one, and that this was indeed the KEY 2 the problem, thank U4 your great wonderful wisdom, oh wise one, MELANIE!!!!!!! I got here 2 the library, and B4I told this, I said how the neighbors had been told not 2 park on my property, and immediately following this, my air conditioning system has broken. The negative energy seems 2 always traverse and endlessly move from situation and problem into a new situation and problem, U can escape the individual problems, but never the true source if the energies that R causing these problems 2B so horrible in the first mother fucking place. The Assistant 2 Congressman Robert Andrews during the summer time of 1998, who had become a personal friend of mine as well at the time 4 about a year or 2, from middle 1997 through middle 1999, named CLARENCE HARRIS, recognized this well, and on a very personal level. It seems that this was because he also had personally experienced things in his life that made him absolutely aware and cognizant of these facts as true and inescapable. This is all on distant prior blog texts from years ago in the middle first decade of this of this horrific 21st fucking century. This man was also a natural soul-traveler, as the ECKISTS religious followers label this, and yet he also was very down 2 Earth, a homeowner, a family man, and a veteran from the United States Marine Corps. He said that moving in a residence only stops the exact bad situation that UR hoping so much 2 escape from, but then a brand new one is always seemingly right there 2 almost instantly greet U at the next location that U move into. HE KNEW a powerful truth that some TARGETED PEEPS DO INDEED FACE THEIR ENTIRE MOTHER FUCKING LIVES, with no let up or mercy, from the wicked vile third of the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, known as the LAMBRIGGER CULTY OF THE ASTRAL PLANE, and run by the MCGUIRE/CALLIO/KING/LEVY/TILLEY clan of THAT FAMILY, and other names not 2 wise 2 blog herein right now while I am this attacked and weak and beaten the fuck down like an abused fucking dog. I know many dogs that live far better than I do, and peeps like me, that simply put, is another PROOF, that there is no LOVING FATHER BIBLE GOD. That, and things like Hitler and what he did and got away with, and on and on we can go, only we fucking won’t, not now today, lads and lassies. Any shrink that legitimately received a doctorate degree in psychology and or psychiatry, who ever read every word of the CHRISTIAN BIBLE NEW TESTIMENT, almost any translated version, can diagnose this teenage girl with half a dozen major conditions. In humans, patients like this would B locked away in safe rooms where they would not B a danger 2 themselves or 2 anyone else. Now imagine this patient Earthling, having unlimited power on top of this. Do not take my word 4 these things peeps, watch movies and narrations of things 4 example like, “CHARIOTS OF THE GODS”, stay vigilant and alert and awake, lest someday UB in my position and wish only 2 endlessly curse out your own mother 4 boring your damn ass, Admiral Kirkwhales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another major thing U need 2 hear today peeps, Pope, Morians, and all others in the cause of destroying evil and empires of them, is that just as with the movie from last year, 2009, called “17-Again”, the movie from 1991, called, and I do not know how 2 spell it so I will spell it the way it is pronounced, as spell-checker is worthless these days on so many things, RICK-O-SHAY, with the big dude who played in the Christmas show around the same time or a tad bit earlier in the ending of the nineteen-eighties, playing the President off the song-stealers toy company or BG-Toys, and later moving onto play in the show, “3rd rock from the sun”, there is a line in this show, one huge line, not ever meant 4 poor picked on MOUNTAINPEN 2 hear and learn about, and this is also Y “they” broke my AC unit when I tried watching this, a 2nd time. The first try at it, a knock at the door interrupted me, and I had 2 check out something personal. I can believe one interruption, but not 2, and I knew I had 2 at all costs, finish viewing this mother fucking movie, and I did, broken air conditioning and all. We will get 2 this ‘line’, and later on, the entire movie in more detail, on other upcoming blogging texts. BUT 4 RIGHT NOW, THIS POARALLEL HERE IN THIS WONDERFUL MOVIE, IS WHAT MCGUIRE AND THAT FAMILY AND ITS UNFATHOMABLE POWERS, DID 2 OUR GREAT AND WONDERFUL POPE, C the freaking pucking movie peeps, at ALL COSTS, C the damn ass movie, the hell the cosmos is communicating with this non-curly great fish, Leonard Nimoy of 1986!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then my MORIANS need 2 really learn how evil these powerful capitalists really R, by getting the marvelous NOVA documentary hour show from 2006, all about many things, one of them, the chemtrails and contrails, and how all I said on all of my blogs is not only true but a dangerous under rated and totally under exaggerated situation. It is called, “DIMIMG THE SUN”, it is a total absolute 100% MUST FREAKING C PEEPS!!!!!!! It seems the movie shelves in this very library, is all part of the shouting screaming cosmos, THE HELL I AM COMMUNICATING, SPOCK, just not with Humpback Whales, or with Vulcan mind melds from the REAL-GOOG YEAR of 1986, only it was not, girls and curls and Houston Humor all not withstanding here Superfreakingman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason I am being literally fucking massacred and pummeled so badly right now is so simple that a blind retarded child can C it with his or her self busy choking on Mama Cass’s ham sandwich, what a laugh, again, the fakes and lies, and phony told history stories, yuk-yuk-and fuck!!!!!!!! ‘THEY’ R ON THE POWER PLAY, ‘THEY’ R ON THE OFFENSIVE, THEIR FILTHY FLYERS R FUCKING KICKING ASS GAME AFTER GAME, AND HAVE THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF 2010 ALL READY IN THE MOTHERFUCKING BAG. ALSO, THEY HAVE MY MAGNETIC SOUND MACHINE SYSTEM SO TOTALLY HACKED UP, ALONG WITH ALL EARTHLY COMPUTERS THAT I ATTEMPT 2 CONNECT INTO AS WELL, U COULD FREAKING MEASURE IT IN TERRA-HELLS, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO ARE (THEY)? Who do U freaking PUCKING SNYDER THINK-STINK????? THEY R THE MIGHTY AND TOTALLY DISEASED M-I-L-L-I-O-N-T-H---C-O-U-N-C-I-L!!!! That is who, or the one third evil-part, the fucking miserable wicked vile BRIGGERS!!!!!!! If even the POPE is no match 4 these washcloth lung cutter outers, who the fuck am I, from 1969 and 1970, but peeps, there is so much more, speaking of mother-fucking movies and shows, and the one I just mentioned a while back on this blog by the name of “CHARIOTS OF THE GODS”. We all know what happened in the miserable late nineteen-sixties with me and THAT-FAMILY; so let us stop beating around the bush about it. Paula King and really just one of many human world ‘sleep-walker-think I’m awakwers’ of her full true total doppelganger higher self in the spirit realms as the mighty First Lieutenant Viqueen, MINI-GREAT JEWELLY NUWHITEKEY, listed OFFICIALLY on the GREAT-CITY REGISTRY, matching her CITY-PASS access card, letting her come and go in and out of the purgatories beyond and onto many other planes of existence as well, 2 play her games, along with her leader-now-daughter, SSJK. Her lover, who I knew in my Earthly dream from middle November of 1985 through early March of 2002, who dreamed down on this physical realm that he was David Charles Roth, along with other peeps who managed 2 magically swing events around so that things all ready preset 2 occur would then actually fall into the space-time place where they needed 2 slide into, all happened and all became a large part of my human dreaming ‘reality’. Still, none of these people, none of these events, NONE OF ANY OF THIS, is really real; in so much as it is independently happening with meaning and significance unto its own true self. This would make the phony misperception of some limited free will of all of us, a potential possibility, and it is not. The same matter is passing through the same space, over and over again, and there is not one thing we can do 2 change any of it. Only the gods so 2 speak have the marvelous ability 2 live through this, as us, and mix it all up in various differing combinations. Our misperceptions caused by our human consciousness and psyche, simply will never allow us 2 really ever B real. We can think and believe and insist that this that I tell U is all bull shit, and that UR real, and my blogs R all nuts and crazy. My response is that U have the right 2 do this, or think this, or both, or whatever, just as U have the right 2 believe that U have a billion bucks in the bank and a harem of whores at your beck and call waiting at home 4U, when in truth, UR sick and dying and broke in some ward in some hospital, and everything is miserable and UR in pain, and suffering greatly. I laugh at this metaphysics on the level peeps think of it in 2010, I laugh at that silly SECRET, from 5 years or so ago, I know better, I know the truth, I know enough truth that even the great POPE was interested enough 2 start checking it all out a while back after MC did her 2 late retaliation 4 my “Real Good Girl” song. What it is time now 4U2 do MC, is know the truth on an awake level. Energy is moving through all of this, and THEY R feeling the real pains and joys, we only think that we R, we’re all sort of like mirrors and reflectors, U have seemingly forgotten parts of your own games and your own rules, and Jewelly has as well. Otherwise, RGG would never have hurt your feelings; it never was meant 2 MI. This is all a huge illusion. I am disappointed that U do not as of yet realize that on a conscious level.

Let me show U, and all else out here, that I know more than U think I do. Donna and her hair, no I am not talking about her phony wig from the old days, I mean the show on Broadway. Try putting that short hair wig from that SHOP of your SSJK, or have Misses Explorarolatron from 1969 order U a good one, and roll up that real long voluminous hair of yours up underneath it. Now re-watch the CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, and CY the great frightened board of directors of Nabisco Crackers removed the mighty Sarah-Stacey from those commercials with my fave crackers, the Wheat-Thins. Blows your mind, huh? Remember that STACEY is a special name like SANDY, JERRY, here is a mom and daut team that is a perfect example of my point, and that fit into all of this along with Germany’s President back then in the middle 20th century, along with Iran’s Shaw. Forget the peace and love and happiness and drugs, Donna. The magic is in the TRINITRAIL. Y does the sun glow out a trinitrail ray when U put it onto a camera or C it on TV. Is it planning on picking up 6 different telephones great SKY??????? Each line is a day, and we all love 2 relax and sit back on the 7th, so this is Y no 7th line can ever exist on a real TRINITRAIL. Still, as 4 factories and stacks and keeping back the beams from the moonlight, and all of the 1986 music projects and compensating 4 power and capitalism by cooling down the heat factor, all this was planned, and not by the big (K), in any form. Paula, U will never escape me, UR my VIQUEEN, UR not going anywhere, and U will have 2 kill me 2 get rid of me. Thank U4 coming 2 me and stealing my chain with the long hair and not the short hair. But if U had come 2 me with the short hair, then would love still B4 carpenters? That is the secret that only your mighty daughter has the answers 2, or as Mel would say, and not the treasure hunter WHO DID, destroy my parents and my damn family, DAWN MARIE KING, but the other Mel, the one with the answers, when she gets the mighty key, huh Mister Dworkin????????????????? Hay, is the D workin’? Here is a strange D that is not working? I have not seen my flocks of DEEDEE buzzards 4 moths now, what is going on Sarah-Stacey, U lovely giant teenaged pipe runner U. Don’t die Copyright Office, this story is only starting, and Karen Love knows this only 2 darn well.

Governor, I’m back all right, and I am HERE, and I am not leaving, so get ready 4 the hugest mightiest natural disaster in the history of this planet, as it is right around the corner. They cannot block the beams from the moon, or the planes, or the curly haired daughters from me forever, peeps, U ALL KNOW THE SCORE UNLESS U HAVE BEEN HIDING IN CAVES every time that any small portions of brains R passed out.


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