Tuesday, May 4, 2010

chapter 20

WL-SBT DATFILE: CHAPTER 0020----050410.449.555555
Beginning Transmission:

Life fucking totally sucks my huge fat throbbing cock ladies and gentlemen, times ten 2 the power of freaking 99. When I tried 2 post up my last document, or chapter #19 of WAWAWA-TEOHIV-billboards on 35th Street in Fort Pierce, Florida all not withstanding, I had a small ‘gang’ of African-American peeps, messing with me at the computer where I was supposed 2 use at the time it was reserved 4 me. The child who was between age 10 and 12 years tops, had put some stupid thing on the seat, and told me that ‘my’ machine was reserved. I do not argue with peeps, and instead, told the librarian boss what was happening, and showed her my reservation slip, or the official printout that I received from the reservation making machine. This ‘family’, the girl, as well as numerous peeps standing all around the area, along with a large male using the computer right next 2 the one I was trying 2 use and had authorization 2 do so, was about as spurious as the group in 1996 from Williamstown who I cannot ever prove, but absolutely feel and know deep down inside of me, SHOT ME, inside of a convenience store, called WAWA, on the Black Horse Pike, while with my friend one evening, and he was waiting in the car 4 me 2 come out with some sodas 4 us. Anyway, moving back 2 present times, all relative of course, they were TOLD that they were not using the library and the computer privileges that go along with membership in a proper way, and not 2 behave in this manner. When I went 2 use the machine, despite the new rebooting in-between users system that all the machines now R set 2 do, I could not make anything work once it had indeed properly rebooted, and the mouse roller was frozen, not allowing and enabling me 2 scroll down 2 the terms of agreement where a user must go 2 and click on B4 he or she is permitted 2 access the internet. I again, ran over 2 get the librarian. The peeps from the Spurious-Club (SC) YO, still were all right there at this point, and the younger peeps were told they had 2 go downstairs, that the upstairs computer section has minimum user age limits of 14 years, these kids were not 14. Later on when I eventually was un-hacked from whatever this group of piss eaters had planned and done 2 me while I was still creating my word document, it was 10 minutes or say after I had done what I had 2 do which was 2 CAP (Cut & Paste) my document blog work from the floppy disc, onto my 2 now used blog websites, www.blogger.com/ and www.soulcast.com/. As I got 2 the elevator, the only means of moving in-between the 1st and the 2nd levels of this library, THEY, the entire group of very savory and not all so small characters, had formed around me. Well, I believe that my Blogaudians all know me, and I am ready 4 just about everything and anything. I have something in my pocket that appears 2B a very benign and ordinary looking large 50 cent coin, let me just say it is not, and could have handled this entire bunch if need B. Fortunately, the need 2 use this did not arise, but I am quite prepared. Ron Wirtz Senior, of the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office in New Jersey, knows, from the nineteen-nineties, that I do not say these things in any empty bluff, so do not screw with me peeps. I know the ones that I wanna B reading this part, R indeed or soon will B at least, doing just freaking that, at C squared, or at any atomic velocities.

My miserable trash ass nabes R extremely annoying, and every day, I suffer through their loud mouth yakking, as well as their stupid Beagle Hound and its loud mouth yelping. Just this moUUUUUUUUUrning, B4I left the RV 2 come here and do this blogging text, they woke me up with their inconsiderate loudness and rudeness. Some ass holes just love hearing the sound of their voice, I have always known many peeps such as this, and try and stay as clear from them as is humanly possible.

Right B4 this group from fucking pucking hell moved in, I went 2 use my real good and non-curly headphone set, 2 watch a borrowed library CD movie, called, “17-Again”. And POW, they break 4 absolutely no reason whatsoever. They were not abused, damaged by me, used excessively loudly, or any other thing that possibly could have resulted in this being the result that followed. These phones cancelled out any outside noise tremendously, and were quite expensive. U could get really lost in a movie. I know they did not just break. Once they broke and I was forced 2 use cheap ear buds and dollar store phones that R of no comparison, this is when these fucking bastard noisy nabes moved right in, and now there is no way 4 me 2 enjoy my videos and block their fucking noise out. All my life, WOMO-UNITAWF ENEMIES do these non-coincidental things 2 me, things that probably U all would accept as random chance events, only I MOTHER FUCVKING KNOW BETTER. When somebody appears 2B make an entire persons life of nearly 55 and a half years now, totally miserable with these such events of so-called happenstance, I am not gonna B told 2 accept and believe that there is not some organized major fucking Julia Roberts/Mel Gibson conspiracy going on. When the movie first came out about a decade and a half back, my realtor, Karen, called me after she and her hubby had seen it at the theatre, and she could not wait 2 get me on the phone 2 tell me that I must C this show as soon as I can, and that, and I quote, “MARK, UR THE FREAKING TAXICAB DRIVER, IT IS U, NO QUESTION”.

How indeed, COSMOS SHOUTS, once UR totally TUNED-IN, and listening. Those still ‘trying’ 2 hear, R not really yet tuned in at all, if UR tuned in 4 real, U need not try, it is shouting at U from every book shelf, TV show, street corner, and event from hearing your bed partner snoring, right down 2 seeing a cloud formation that looks like an animal in the sky above U. In the case here where I now will cite the following example, it has 2 do with my coming here 2 this library where I use these machines 2 do and then post up my blogs, and then B4 leaving the building, looking at the movie section and the DVD and VHS discs and tapes, and many times, without even hardly glancing at them, just randomly picking 6 of each, the normal limit on one library card, and every time that I do this, and go home over the next days that follow, I cannot believe how the material in these newest borrowed movie tapes and discs, R so totally relevant and pertinent 2 my most recent discussions on my most recently written blogging. Let me tell all of U a total MORIANITY-FOUNDATION (MUST-C), and then what I will say now today, will jell us so perfectly, unless UR still climbing trees and making silly noises. The name escapes me precisely, but I think it is the 2-CD movie narration, called, “HOW JESUS BECAME A CHRIST”. I know something of history, and admit 2 never in any way being the huge history-buff of this subject, as were my 2, if U can call these gentlemen this, male-adult-friends, Jim Burr, and David Roth, yet I am knowledgeable on a basic normal level, and just not 2 the point of knowing all of the characters by facial recognition over the past half millennium. I will tell anyone of historical knowledge, and including knowledge of archived older parts of my blogs within the past 2 years, the blog of June 21, 2008 is the one now being compared with this conversation, but I will say that I got a mind blow just last evening while watching this Christ documentary thing. Let me tell U all just a tid-bit 4 right now about all of this:

Vasco de Gama, the late 15th century explorer in the same time circa as Christopher Columbus, is quite a character in history, him and his glary eyes. Fuck U buddy, I would know U anywhere, if U just cut off all the facial hair, the beard and mustache, etcetera, shown in your historical photographs or drawings, your glaring eyes especially, as this is just not something that I could ever miss, N-E-V-E-R. In that interaction where MC was showing me the ‘medical-office’ where I had soon come 2 find myself living in along with Ann King Silva and Dawn-Marie King, this man was right there behind MC, with his glaring eyes, not saying anything, and looking as though he wanted 2 do a reenactment with me in July of 1970, of putting me ‘2-sleep’, and then proceeding 2 cut out my lungs and turn them into red colored washcloths oozing with dripping horrific red blood, and squeezing these washcloths causing me 2 uncontrollably cough. These ‘dreams’ I experienced while staying at the home of the Molester of Children, on Cornwall Avenue in Ventnor, New Jersey from 24 June through 12 July, a total of 19 days, in the year of 1970, I had experienced a 3-6 night after night serial and repeating recurring dream, that continued, and those of which this dude was one of them even back then, all identified themselves 2 me, not directly, but somehow through a telepathic way, I came 2 know that simply they were “THAT-FAMILY”, IT WAS THE NIGHTMARE OF MY ENTIRE ADOLESCENCE, words will fail me 4 the rest of my mother pucking life on what these horrendous and despicable UFOLOGICALOLY connected peeps all had done 2 me, and just a year after using my genetics 2 add a new member 2 the clan in this world on the material and physical plane of existence, and this is not the first time that that was arranged either; only this must B kept 4 discussion at future times when there indeed is more available time in which I can properly detail it all and also build a good solid foundation into all of this with all of U, my readers. A little bit of legwork, and now my experience & interaction on 2008’s 1st day of summer-time, makes quite a bit more sense. Watch the Christ video and C what this monster did, especially sowing on the ‘dog-ear’ thing, as if the other prior stuff was not evil and wicked and awful and deplorable enough at C-SQUARED!!!!!!!!!

Now it is time 4 Mountainpen 2 say something that he was not planning on telling on any blogs, ‘it is time’, Barnabas Leviathan Stoddard Hawks!!!!!!!!!! I feel really lousy about telling this 4 several obvious reasons, the most being that it really is a s private a matter as any matter could possibly ever really get, it really is nobody’s damn business, and even more than these obvious things, it may not only serve 2 in various potential ways 2 undermine some of my credibility as I have come 2 learn that my one little white-lie did about seeing Sarah on the bus “THAT NIGHT on the 12th of JULY, and how she defended me, but at the same time, there is some sort of trans-dimensional hyperspace effect deal with all of this 4 those smart enough 2B in fact able in some way and on some level, 2 properly pick up on what now is gonna B said: I told this because I would have literally lost it forever, as between 1996 and 2000 or somewhere within this period inside of this more maxed out range, I was one millimeter from going completely insane with this quest and mighty search 2 locate my SARAH from the sixties. I said how she was on the bus and came 2 my defense when one of her girl-gang girlfriends said, not directly 2 me, but 2 another friend in the gang, all getting on the bus that I had just boarded and sat down, and they were all taking seats surrounding mine, when there indeed were plenty of other empty seats both behind as well as in front of my seat at the time that this ‘group’ of a half dozen teen-queen beauties all were boarding as well, at Arkansas Avenue and Baltic Avenue intersection in Atlantic City at just minutes past ten at night on July the 12ty, heading 4 Philadelphia, the local bus that ran along the White Horse Pike. All of this in great detail is all previously written down over the past 4 years or so of the BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN. There R no secrets in MORIANITY, I detest secrets. Secrets take people into areas of horror, they have led 2 the foulest events not 2 exclude vicious divorces, murder, family destruction, and the list could read on like a gas oven cooking humans during WWII. This topic is monstrous, unforgivable, and horrendous as it gets on this Earth, so my cited example and comparative illustrations, unfortunately, R quite apt here and totally fitting, I am only sorry that this story needs 2 even B typed into the world internet system, BUT PEEPS, IT DOES!!!!!!!!! Without a lot of further bull shit, let me tear my mother pucking heart out and cry at home later on, and 4 right now, tell the damn world Admiral Minutewhales, here it is all true and sad, and down and dirty, what a rotten shame that I have been put through something that is bigger than all of the AREA-51’s of the planet Earth could all B when combined up together, yet all of it pertains totally 2 my problems and miseries indeed, ain’t no doubt about any of this Miss Chillie cold, or maybe even hot Copyright Examiners of 1983, so let me go on with my beach sweeping and field trapping of the Ralph and Sandy crew of the Callio Gang of THAT-FAMILY-of 1970. The 21st century came in a little bit less bad than it could have, but within hardly any time, they had managed 2 kill both my doctor who I needed 2 write my very special medication that only works in a very special way 4 me, after what this enemy did 2 try and murder me on the 4th day of June in 1983. Then my medical records that proved that I had been faithfully on this drug 4 17 years, all disappeared, and it was my fault, and I was then totally cut off my needed meds, cold turkey, which will happen again if I do not go back 2 my own area and get out of Florida as I plan 2 do at the end of this month. Then after they offed my doctor, Frank Addiego of Westmont, basically my main doctor since I was 10 years old, in New Jersey, USAESMWG, they then offed and iced out my mother. Within 2 years 2 the very day, they iced out my best friend who knew and believed all of my problems, and knew I was a victim and a target and in no way, was I merely some insane deluded nut case, and this person was DAVID CHARLES ROTH. 3 people were all whacked, covertly and extremely cleverly, Frank Addiego, Grace Mohr, and David Roth, in that order, from late 1999 through early 2002. I HEARBY SWEAR THAT I BELIEVE THIS 2B A TRUE STATEMENT, THIS BLOG NOW DOUBLES AS A LEGAL SWORN TESTIMONY THAT CAN HOLD UP IN A COURT OF LAW, AND I HEREBY SWEAR UNDER A TOTAL PAIN AND PENALTY OF PURJURY SHOULD IB INTENTIONALLY MAKING UP ANY OF THIS, THIS IS THE DECLARATION OF A DYING MAN, THIS IS HIS LEGAL LAST UTTERANCE, AS I FEEL THAT I COULD B WHACKED AND ICED MYSELF AT ANY TIME.

I have no resources, I live like a twig on a forest path, old and brittle, the wrong person or animal can come along at any time and snap the very life out of me, keep right on walking, and nobody would ever B the pucking wiser. I have no family support. I have many wealthy 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cousins, and even multimillionaire 1st cousins. They R all a part of this unspeakable demonic conspiracy, and do not give a pucking crap should I live or die or suffer endlessly in torment and torture. My nightmare is not some ordinary “Woe with me” story, it is beyond any bible, any UFO Blue-book cover-up, or U name the shit lads, Labs, and lassies!!!!!!!! Now onto my early 21st century experience and how my search and quest 2 locate SSJK never ended, merely evolved into a totally absolutely unfathomable situation of quintessentially negative proportions, on a scale of human suffering of which the world and all of its many inhabitants all throughout our recorded history R totally as Ruffalo clueless about as all of the Atlantic Avenue antique shop dealers in Atlantic City as well as in Jebez-Hawks-Collinsport, Maine, and including all the kids, gone missing ones and those lucky enough not 2 ever have been McGuire/Lambrigger Cult targeted, in America, musical tunes of the early eighties all notwithstanding BRO!!!!!!!! Here is what happened when I lost my only real good non curly friend, Dave Roth, along with my mother, and how I managed 2 get along with my new situation, app puns definitely intended here, peeps!!!!!!!!!!! Let me open up a new paragraph and really tell U a story that when I am through and if U can possibly grasp it in even some rudimentary level, this day will take some of the pressure off my back by my telling this amazing thing that I had originally 2 break my own rules, and carry this secret off with me 2 my pucking grave, BRAHHHH!!!!!!!! Google up the FASCITAR, as in many of the blogs that I have written over the past 3-5 years somewhere, I do mention this topic. This is one of things and subjects that I ordered on an education tape, after my mother had brought home from her office in 1972-1974 time circa somewhere, something that a coworker in the same office, named Patricia Hollister, had ordered by accident, and had tossed into a shared trash can that my mom and she shared at work, at 3 Penn Center Plaza Building on the 18th Floor, called at the time, Lavino Shipping Company, an area landmark name 2 this very day 4 those hailing from or living in or nearby Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG, and it now after a major buy-out merger deal, is called INCHCAPE SHIPPING owned by a billion dollar British operation. May the Gods and Goddesses save the wonderful Queen. I did not mean 2 say that terrible thing, great QUEEN, in 1984, I was angry after Jim Burr “told me these things” that he said 2 me, and please forgive me.

So I used a powerful ancient secret that is known by so few on all planes of existence and all locales in 5th dimensional hyperspace, this power called the (FASCITAR), and B4I move this further along, I made a typo a few blogs back, calling the 5th dimension, the 6th dimension on several occasions, true MORIANS know I screwed up there, so sahwee, Elmer Fwudd, whaaaa!!!!!!!!!! All my life since I originally mastered the ability 2 go anywhere I want and remain on either this plane or move onto another plane, I was able within 2-5 consecutive nights of attempting 2 do this in a powerful self induced trance, I could visit anybody anywhere, and speak 2 them, and they would remember the experience as dreams, and if I should give them my telephone number 2 call me should they so desire 2 do so, they in fact always did, U know the Linda story from 1978, and others as well, if U know my blogging history. I stress again, that U can get a lot of the different stories told by me if U merely Google up the word, (FASCITAR). Now as many of U know quite well, I had unsuccessfully over a 3 or 4 year period, tried 2 reach and contact the girl from my teenaged days who had the so many special gifts and powers, not limited 2 coming into your sleep and dreams, and going beyond the ‘Fascitar’, actually removing objects from your residence, and later on I have come 2 believe, that things have been left, even messed with, changed and altered, and the list can read on in quite a lengthy fashion. Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle is not just “some girl that I met at the shore”, and the entire powers of this planet know all of this story entirely and only 2 well, especially the United States Copyright Office, Library of the Congress, in Washington, district of Columbia, USAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So early in this century and millennium, somewhere in time range of between early 2002 and late 2006, I would apply using the techniques of the mighty unknown Fascitar, 2 try and contact SARAH, wherever SHE really is, and who. Never had I failed B4 in using this ability with consistency and vigor. Still, years went by, and only silence followed. Then, I stopped, and began turning 2 my blogging. It was not soon thereafter, that I was indeed return contacted, by HER, am I right, peeps? This was just something that I agreed with myself never 2 actually put down on paper, record on a tape, or ever print out and up 2 the public on and via internet blogs. Today, I broke my rules that I had really written inside of all my own stones, it is time 4 all of U out here 2 freaking know. The Fascitar is the most powerful thing in the world. If this dies not prove just who Sarah is now, well, I know that should I go out and walk on top of the water, U would say that this also is some trick and coincidence or that I have U in and under some mass suggestion major hypnotic trance, those that refuse 2C the thongs that these 4+ years of blogs verify beyond doubt, my response then 2U is fine and OK, that is entirely your business, and your freedom, I would never ‘dream’ of taking that freedom away from any of U. Even Michelle Daniels from the RPL recording studios of Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG, said that I am entitled 2 my opinion. I was suppressing Y of course; I had such strong opinions on this topic that we had been discussing. Now I feel I have just about remembered all that is destined 2 ever become consciously remembered in this life as me, MOUNTAINPEN. I of course can B mistaken, huh Bruce Allen Pennock, of Barrington, New Jersey in the nineteen-seventies??????

How I secretly wondered Y with all my abilities through the usage of the mighty wild FASCITAR, I could never get Sarah 2 contact me. Now I know that indeed, she had gotten all of my calls out into the lands of quest and wonder, and indeed, had responded. Sarah, I never ever meant 2 hurt U, not on 10-SC Avenue, not in my car in the other city, and not by disobeying your command 4 me 2 join your club. I only wish that instead of all of this, things could have been different. We both know if U search deep inside of U, that all of this is not only total truth, but I know your awake mind is now ready 2 surface many of your truer astral memories. This business of humankind and his/her religions is tearing this poor world apart. U know this better than anyone else. What the World-Labs did up in 2296, was not a good thing, the project failed, the entire thing is a total mess. The pews R emptying, the churches R in disgrace and embarrassment as Billy’s 2000 music project is, and your game is just not funny at all anymore. Remember how U told me in eternity that “because I loved Diana, U were willing 2 spare this world 4 a while longer”? I have in my humble opinion at least figured out finally, the meaning 2 both this thing that U said 2 me, as well as finally and after nearly 30 years now 2 the day, the true meaning of your words “Love is 4 carpenters”. This can B saved 4 topic on the blogs of the tomorrows.

Arnie Cali Kali Callio Governor and mighty Terminator, I AM BACK, and I am EVERYWHERE. Forget Bach, Beethoven, Teleman, and all the rest of the great wonderful masters. How I will always remember the entire crew of employees dancing away 2 the song I wrote in 1988 called “Prophet of Nothing”, when they heard it playing through the order-taking speaker, as Dave had it turned up quite loud on the car stereo, and my tape was inside. He was so amused by it and if he had not brought it 2 my attention, I’d never have even known that it ever happened. This could open up huge new topics in an old subject now, called, Quantum-Dynamics. But it is time 2 sign off, and post this up 4 the world or whatever small part could care less about the real truth, from somebody directly descended from one of the most powerful V-Masters of ECKANKAR, JESUS. Speaking of employees, I would just B happy 2 again B one of these peeps, I could pay some of my bills again, thanks 4 ruining my entire life KING FAMILY, I knew when I stood in the snow at the bank in Blackwood, New Jersey, on January the 15th of 1978, 4 nothing, that this was only the start of the revenge of the kings and THAT FAMILY of WASHCLOTH LUNG cutters, and ruthless Portuguese explorers that visit me 2 this very day as of 2 years ago, in my nightmares. Well, I won’t say nightmares, I enjoyed being with my Teen-Queen and hearing her tell me all about how she enjoyed being who she is now, I am happy 4 U, MI, U GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U know Elmer and Evweebuddy Fwudd else out here, that Jennifer Washburn was my job coach at the New Jersey Atlanticare location called the Human Resources Advantage of the Providence House in south Atlantic City on 12 Providence Street, NJUSAESMWG. Her title of job coach was quite real, and still, MI knows quite well, that she in fact was a social worker. I hope soon 2B able 2C the movie U did, I know Mind-Of-Cosmos is loaded with things within it 4 me 2 C and learn something I need 2 learn from this, plus I get 2CU. U designed one heck of a terrific black shellfish shell pond. I did my best 2 try and keep that man with his 3 unruly children out of where they did not belong. By the way, sorry I forgot 2 wish U the happiest of birthdays, I forget about time a lot, I do not really live inside it the way that others do, but then as U would say 2 me that night of the New Shoes, “Oh yeah, right”. IWALU so take care of yourself, Brown Eyed Curly Girl. I am behind all that U ever do, no matter who or what ever may tell U otherwise. Just as U told me in that powerful interaction, switch it around, as U know that it works in both ways, MI.

End Transmission:

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