Tuesday, May 18, 2010

mickflorida----chapter 009

SLEAZEWEEDS AM, also BJWSC—002 on Tuesday, 18 May, 2010
Beginning Transmission:

I welcome myself now 2 another super botbar day and every one has been a super botbar with a rare few exceptions now, ever since the arrival of my new neighbors from hell.

I have no way of knowing this and 2 this legally attest 2 and hereby solemnly swear 2 under a voluntarily taken oath with full attachments 2 punitation should it even B proved I am lying about this statement, and I predict that the PHILADELPHIA FLYERS HAVE SUCCESSFULLY SINCE THE MIDDLE NINETEEN-SEVENTIES, FINALLY MANAGE 2 WIN THE STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONSHIP 4 THE GAME OF HOCKEY. Also, THE DOW JONES I WILL WAGER IS AROUND 13-15 THOUSAND POINTS NOW SOMEWHERE, and as U may know and B aware. I simply am no longer following these events with any regularity any longer while residing here in South Florida. My day 2 day survival is on the line 2 the point where I cannot worry about this, even though, this is indeed the biggest concern in my entire life, and has been 4 a solid quarter of a century now, and most of my readership is darn aware of this.

What any person who just might ever care at all about me and my life needs 2 understand and C about all of this right now is this: There is a frightening tool that my enemy is using, and your enemy would B using as well on U should U ever believe any of this and try and help me, so Y kid around about this nastiness?, and many of U know its name, and that the mighty ASTRAL-PLANE ‘MILLIONTH-COUNCIL’ operates and controls this tool fully and without challenge 100% of the time. THIS TOOL IS CALLED, BY ME, the PAWM-PIE-ETTOS. This first4 letter abbreviation spells the word PAWM, but has nothing 2 do with any tropical trees being pronounced with a heavy foreign accent. It stands 4 a powerful reality called, PEOPLE—ANIMALS—WEATHER—MACHINES, AND THIS SIMPLY STATED, R AND ALWAYS WERE AND WILL B, the MAIN or the MAJOR 4 (FOOD-GROUPS) thought of by spiritual-world forces known as the Lambrigger-Cultists, and having absolutely nothing whatsoever 2 do with a locale on this planet known as Lambrigg, England. Searching the internet produces a strange Google-myth that this area has something 2 do with the paranormal and a cult, and if it does, I have no personal knowledge whatsoever of this, and what my blogs get into and quite specific about, R in no way connected with this other ‘thing’. Just today, it was used on me, and made some potential good peeps turn on me at just past eleven, and decide that they no longer want anything 2 do with me. No one is willing 2 entertain that MIND-CONTROL is not only in use on Planet Earth, and has been 4 many decades now, beginning shortly after the termination of the Second World War, and is presently far worse than in the days when this started growing roots. If ETTOS or (Electromagnetic Thought Transmission and Omission System) was not just used on me right here at this library, then the only other way it was done was direct contact, from THAT-FAMILY, threatening-off in some way, my peeps from completing major investigation 4 me about all of them. We can always get more back 2 this major event at a later time, huh, James Rockford, so leave a message after the tone, and I am not your dentist, so I cannot do much about your loose teeth, BRO.

When I was all done typing up the blog prior chapter on the word processor back late last Sunday afternoon right here, a huge mother pucking attack came on me with giant sluts. Some were 20-30 something’s, and they were not only gigantic in height, but had large well defined arm muscles. The teen girls were thin, but built solid. Any of them could have literally picked me up and snapped me in half like a mother pucking old twig in a rain forsaken forest. I would call 911, and have any of these freaks sent right off 2 County Jail, so I am not worried about any of this. I know it is all being done in a fantastically gargantuan super plot 2 drive me over the edge and wipe my life out forever, as if all of the other fucking bull shit was not bad enough last fucking stinking rotten godless and Christ less Sunday. Nothing was left out, even the ‘Outfar’-Clubs of South-Beach, that have now finally followed me from Jersey down here 2 good-ol’ South-ass Botflorida.

Early Monday morning, B4I fell asleep, I was in a very heavy self-induced trance, and was on my air-ship vessel, along with Lightning goddess Diana, and 30 of her best friends. Suddenly, Paula King after getting off, and who made herself about age 14 in the interaction, came back onto the vessel. The great SSJK pulled a very mean trick and game, and thought that I would fail 2 remember it, and the reason in my opinion that I did remember it despite the obvious belief by Paula and Sarah, that I would never B able 2 consciously retain this memory, was because while it all was happening, I was not taking it seriously, I knew these 2 Astral teen-female-entities, were in fact running game on me, but just pretended 2 go along with it and C what would ‘play out’. In this interaction, I was told that Diana never really loved me, and that I am sort of like her pet cat, even as my Astral-being-ness as Rictafarious. Then they both went onto tell me that they were going 2 take over the “ALL-KNOWER” device that runs my airship, and they did. They told me that the role of David Roth was more significant that I could imagine, remember, Jewels and he have a fling going out in the Bardo. I do not feel the entire thing that they said 2 me is ‘bloggable’, things R way 2 bad 4 me right now, and I do not need do anything that I al ready know perfectly well will only serve 2 increase quantitatively the persecution and evil that is being rained and poured down upon me on a daily hellish pucking basis. It had 2 do with Cuz Kathy Gottwald, and that trip I took with her and her boyfriend in early August of 1968 one evening, over 2 Fire Island, a shore resort in New York State. FIRE, hmm, it sure is difficult 2 escape powerful symbolism, is it not? They wondered YI was acting so strangely that day, but earlier if they had been flies on the wall in the master bedroom of the house, they would have nothing 2 wonder about. Many know what is getting said here, many do not, but the peeps that really matter that R reading this, know precisely what this is all about, huh Mister Thomas J. Molester Reale of Ventnor, New Jersey, USAESMWG?????? Not all peeps victimized by dominant exploratrons R cases of sleep walking, but many R, and sleep walking is not only not known much about still in 2K10, but is being power-ass covered up by the world order of things and secrets in general, 4 the so-called good, of course, of us, the populous. The Millionth-Council usually waits 4 a ‘potential-inhabitant’ 2B asleep and dreaming. If a dominant Exploratron does not quit the possession in time however, the person will wake under the spell so 2 speak of somnambulism. We can get back 2 more of this tooth loosening Jim Rockford stuff later on as well. I will tell U that seconds shy of yesterday’s Wall Street closing bell, or 30 seconds shy of 4 of the clock eastern daylight time, and just 10-15 hours after the interaction with Diana and her 30 friends and the airship vessel, Diana proved 2 me beyond any and all doubt, that she does love me, and I told her, I never doubted it 4 a second and knew these teens were just running game, but SHE struck her lovely lightning right at the MANATEE park, and instantly all power went off. 10 minutes or so later, the power utility truck came in and had 2 replace a transformer that she hit. This is Diana’s way of letting me know she loves me and is very carefully watching HER little boy even while asleep here and dreaming that I am freaking MOUNTAINPEN. Thank U my wonderful precious baby-blond 4 caring and coming over 2C me, I was watching all of your delicious colored lightning, bright red plasma bolts right over the RV, I LOVE U SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called Probie John Judie and left him a voicemail yesterday also, telling him I will B leaving Botbarida, very soon, things R so bad it cannot B put into pucking words. The AARP has been playing games with me, they have plenty of jobs and have been jerking me around, and the Harvest Center is checking into YYYYYY they have done this 2 me, but then, we here in Blogville know YYYYY this is all being done 2 me. Even Uncle Sam screwed me. I tried getting a job with the Census Bureau, and never ever heard back.

After the family that were messing with me against library policy that I blogged and told about, it was on the very next day that I blogged, that some other small female child was in a chair that she did not belong in, but did not force me as the AA girl did, 2 seek the assistance of the in-charge-librarian. She had the audacity 2 say I could not use the machine when it was my legitimate turn and had a valid time registration library slip. At least the little caulk child yielded my seat without making me get help. In this new PC world, U do not dare mess with a child, U just ask once, and then get a responsible adult involved in the matter. I know what goes on in this mother fucking world lads and fucking lassies.

DEEDEE, not my RV park maintenance man, but my big black bird buzzards, have totally vanished away like Harry Pucking Potter magic, 4 about 3 solid months now give or take. They’re just all gone, POOF, POW, YO!!!!!!! Where did the thousands of huge protecting birds all go, McGuire, out into one of your triangulation points just a bit 2 the freaking south-south-east???????????

Well, I told U mom, 2 stop pucking around with those damn solitaire playing cards. U did nit listen. No on ever wants 2 listen 2 what I have 2 say, fine, feed the freaking worms. Me, I know mans human religion is all a phony crock of fucking horse shit, and nobody gave it more of a powerful college try than I did 4 numerous decades. It is a fake and a hoax, and one with an awesome motive. The spirit world or light-matter-world is in fact quite real, but the churches and denominations R and always have been nothing more than a fucking SYSTEM 2 lighten the wallets and net worth’s of its congregants. A powerful awesome teenaged girl is behind this entire mess. She runs this show, not U Dawn, since U loved 2 scream that out so often back in New Jersey, at all of us living under YOUR FREAKING ROOF, without stuff on any railings at your cuzzes place!!!!

As U may or not know, roulette systems R not a huge part of my life right now, I do not live within a driving range of any legal gaming houses that offer this table game. My system that I thought 2B totally indestructible broke down, this is not new, and U all should B aware of that if following these blogs peeps. Recently however, I have gained all the lost units back, and then some, even despite these last 3-8 weeks of beyond major fucking terra-hell. The last few days I have averaged 3 units per game over house-vig profit. But this is not the big story back in Philadelphia’s Action News System on channel television number six. I have one quantum-carddeck now, or (QCD), number 0068, that is in a negative black-space antimatter range below the neutral 45-55% line now by more than 17%, at worst range, and dipping as far ass 22%, down all the way 2 an ART of 28%. ART, again, stands 4 (Accuracy Rating Test). This means I can quiz this deck of playing cards at a 50/50 odds level, and continually get wrong answers at about 20% more than the randomly expected 50/50. What a shame it is 4 me that I do not have any casino nearby. It is dangerous 2 ask the cards things that do not have a totally 50/50 chance of happening, as then U will obviously reduce the accuracy and defeat your purposes. I would love 2 ask if the nabes R gonna give me an extra bad day, as all day with this disease R bad days, yet still, unless I keep a record of (EXTRA-BAD) days 4 maybe 6 months or longer, and get a 50/50 or just about 50/50 graph measurement, it is not a 50/50 legitimate odds query 4 asking the cards, and the equation will have no choice but 2 get thrown off, and mess up what I am trying 2 accomplish, so that is out. Still, there R other ways of ‘playing’ with asking these kinds of queries 2 a QCD. U need not know it all, things involved R very complex. Also, using the mighty GAWNUM, shows so much it is almost scarier than a good freaking monster movie, as MI might put this, quite a few years ago. MAY, 2 thousand 10 was my first non-compat month in 2010, but on months that have good compat, say 50, 75, and 100%, matching compat weekdays along with total date compats such as April 4, two thousand ten, and if all 3 match out with some compatibility, and especially higher percentages, something big has a better chance of clicking into the works during that 24 hour period, 4 damn sure. Still I’ve come 2 learn, that big is not always nor is it necessarily GOOD-BIG or BAD-BIG, just BIG either way, YO!!!!!!

I am going 2 tell the park office at Manatee, that another person in a noisy blue auto, is living with these rotten nabes, not always there, but often enough 2 constitute breaking the overnight guest rule. I would get away with this shit 4 maybe 0 days if lucky, but then, those poor “raised-right-black-boys” that Lenny Briscoe is picking on, huh Mister Wolf. Yeah, Sunday I wore a huge wolf, not wold, sorry 4 the Pennock-typo, on my jersey, and it deterred the Lambrigg Cult Briggers goose eggs, known also Sir-PRINCE asZERO-000000000000000000000000000. Oh well, the Dark Shadows other stuff is so real, I guess Jebez Buzzardhawkes, being afraid of the big bad wooooooooolf, just did not make its way down into the waking world with the rest of the actions of the cult.

This is not a long blog today, I am saving that 4 real soon, I all ready know it will B needed, and believe me peeps, I have tonsashit to tit-tat-tell, MCMC and all other non MC’s, as I used 2 say so often in blogs in Marola-6 and Marola-7. Keep your codes coming PEE, I will find a way, just know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One simple program could B written on software, and with it, and my explanation of it, this world would never B the same in 48 hours, and none of U have the smallest kids in America Ruffalo antique dealer’s clue what I am talking about. Oh well, good, it will B a bigger punch and will contain a much larger shock value when it strikes later on B4 the eleven freaking year, BRR!!!!!!! Quit fucking with me grammatical shit wrecker, I know perfectly Pennock well what I am saying here, ya stick in the freaking south, huh bob FCC McDowell, U gotta luv it, huh, Robert McGuire, maybe she is right, no escape 4 me after 13 years, DUHH at any color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Governor, I AM HERE; and yes sir, I came BACH, just as U did, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission:

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