Thursday, June 25, 2009


“Pawm Attack, Part 3”
DATE AND TIME FILE (datfile): 062509.417
Beginning Transmission:

That is, 2 whoever and whatever the real true honest sum total parts that I am indeed transmitting 2, I start this blogging broadcast. Eventually, it will B a mere daily quick tweet and then a hyperlink 2 a free website that I will get that permits streaming A/V. This will get good once my LINY family invests in this property and life can begin 2 alter 4 me. They all ready knew this would happen, and R now trying 2 drive me over the edge B4 the fruits of my long wait can B realized, via the tail end of the worm hole interaction with TF-70. If any of U that even understand what is happening 2 me on any small level, have a better explanation, I am listening. However, I still have not yet been able 2 get around 2 looking at posted comments on any blogging site I use, sorry, their never is enough free time. First, PAWM ATTACK is going 2B a small blog within a blog on this part-5 MORIANITY BLOG, that began with the Morianity Bible on the website called and continues there as well as 3 other locations even as I speak/type. Yo listen up, first things first, I never mean 2 insult, after all, when I say U cannot know this or not, hay man, how can U know, it is totally outside your circle of life’s events and possibilities 4 just about all of U, so I assume that this is merely true, it never means hay yo, I am smart and everyone else is dumb. First, all the things I have come 2 learn have been told 2 me and revealed 2 me by Astral Plane forces and entities. The reason that I have decided that time is now as correct as it is going 2 get 4 PAWM 2 get talked about in some serious length and detail, is berceuse this is about the most pertinent time based on my life experiences, not in the past, not because of any sum total of collected past events and memories or attitudes or what have U, it is more like the present time is the reason, BRO. Forget the damn Bellamy Brothers. There always is a reason, except at the maxed out larger picture where reason and the desire 2 achieve absolute wisdom is lawtronically replaced by APR, or as I call it, Adult Playground Rage. Adults R every bit and more, in an arena, or larger playground, than our kids in our yards or in a school recess yard or PAL or any social club formed 4 the youth. The big difference is that the youth is aware of their part in this ‘game’, and we grown up idiots, R blind and unaware of the true power and statement of the mighty William, Shakespeare. Speaking of him, as the name is just longer, it hit me like a bat out of hell while showering this moUrning and listening 2 the air siege outside, as it is indeed quite nasty and has been since around 7 or so on Tuesday evening as U all well know. Today, very nasty planes and chemtrails R abounding all around my proximity. Hence, my early day blog, BRA. Yes, those 2 dreams or ‘interactions’ that I had in 1997 at the Somerdale house of death as I have since leaving there termed it, both occurring on the same night by seeing the linear time illusion in the forward mortal and incorrect way, had a major significance and were both although viewed and misperceived by me as 2 separate experiences, were totally connected. Let me, or Uncle Neb permit me please, with camera in hand, 2 explain this 2 all of U, BRO. Remember and if U do not, refresh your awareness 2 this by seeking out prior blogs of the 2007 year and into 2008. The website was listed above earlier, where they would B on, should U choose 2 archive these blogs, and many blogs can B started with by simply Googling up, “THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN”, Remember how one interaction was when the PCH Prize Patrol was at my door and the truck was right out on Somerdale Avenue outside my home, and I was told that I was the grand prize winner, only this never got ‘dreamed’ into here, whatever here is, and as U World Series followers of both baseball and Mountainpen know quite well, this surreal phenomenon in fact seems 2B a frequent occurrence, just not this time. However, part 2 of this wild 1997 interaction 4 no real discernable Earthly reason, did in fact get ‘dreamed-in’ here in the wake a day world, BRO. This is the part where after all the business was done and I had the big check, and they snapped lots of photos and then were gone, I walked into the house and then remembered that I did not yet check my mailbox which here was right at the side of my door. So I went back out and into this very sunny and bright interaction, and there were a few things in the mail, a few bills and some junk mail, and mixed in within all of that, 2 letters from MC, and I do not mean the MILCO. I immediately took these letters and placed them at the foot of my bed with a letter opener and then proceeded 2 open them. When I did, they were absolutely blank. Nothing was in either one of them. This was not the point of this wild interaction. Shortly after this experience back in the waking world, I met both Frank Callio at the Atlantic City Police Station. I had all ready met Robert McGuire just shy of the time of this interaction, unless memory is dimming a bit on exact time references. I know there is a drawing of the Publishing Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, phony and illegal as I believe it 2B, but a drawing nonetheless, both around the time of the Superbowl as well as around the summer time somewhere. All I can swear 2 in court is that both of these things that happened all in one night of ‘dreaming’, was in this basic time circa. B4I go on, aerial siege is totally horrific, the clouds have covered, 4 right now, the chemtrails up, but the private piper/Cessna job is illegally stalking me FBI, and ACLU, major, and is totally in violation of THIS CITIZEN’S CIVIL, HUMAN, AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, BRO. 4 two straight days as well as the evening B4, this weeks assault and death siege was born Tuesday night, and is geometrically progressing and worsening as the passing hours move by. It is here at the residence at 13th Street in Berry, New Jersey, as well as all over the area, where ever I have been on Dawn’s and TF-70’s family errands. Back now on the original point and topic where we were. I just got home a while ago, and was all ready out twice. My final trip will B quite interesting, as I am taking a device that Ann King Silva recently was given as a gift 4 an overnight relative babysitting job over in the Harbor. She and I will B going on a small errand that will take perhaps 90 minutes, later on today. She showed me how 2 use this cell phone camera, and I will get some digital photo proof of these airplane stalkers, and plan 2 complain 2 the following authorities, even though it will not do me one mother fucking tiny bit of good, the FAA, the Hammonton Police, the State Police, my local Congressman the Honorable LoBiondo, and I have lots of blank CD’s and Ed Himacane programmed a shortcut so that I can get on my comp and make the needed copies 4 the aforementioned freaking authorities. I am seriously thinking of writing a personal letter, just as I did without effect but I tried, with William Clinton, 2 the current President of my country on this matter, Barrack Oboma. If he ever were 2 fully know the entire situation about me, and that surrounds me, he may B the one man in power in the history of this evil sin cursed Earth, that would B willing 2 entertain the idea seriously of trying 2 help me get this monstrous and illegal stuff stopped. He has 2 know what personal oppression and unfair genetic treatment is about, just in his own ancestral roots. Ever since Herbert Huntington, this simply is totally unfair. As things worsen, including the usage of PAWM and the individual sub-tool with the 1st part of PAWM, being most of the time, my personal tormenter and master of whom I am, a total captive and no one will lift a finger 2 help me, is Dawn King. Since last Friday night, the MILCO with a totally renewed vigor, has rekindled the PAWM-!-DK sub-tool, and has made her act up on me 4 simply breathing and being. I can do no right, no matter how hard I try or what I do, I am screamed at, and it is worse than many slaves endured in southern plantations 200 years ago, and I know, I was there, and as Franklin, had friends. Wanna know another very dependable tool in the army of the BRIGGBASE CULTISTS of the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, (MILCO)? “If it ain’t broke, don’t touch it let alone fix it, go with what works best every time, and copy success, take fast losses and stop doing things either having little effect on our enemies or it simply is an unacceptable risk 2 reward ratio 4 accomplishing our destructive mission and injuring an enemy verses chances 4 serious exposure and reprisal consequences. I know this mother fucking group of piss lickers better than the skin cells on the back of my hands, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! Also when an enemy strikes a major nerve or funny bone, make the knee jerk reaction work immediately 2 our advantage by placing a loaded pistol with a hair trigger on our knee, so if he hits it, he is the one that gets mother fucking shot and bleeds, as well as us. Case and point is right now. As this blog has progressed since morning, since I am blogging 2 counter attack their nasty ass air death hell siege on me, as I get closer 2 things in the TF-70 nightmare family and Atlantic City, and the interaction of 1997 from MC, her first one, shortly B4 her second one where she was singing a song 2 me called, “I Just Wanna Spend My Time”, and all of this has long been prior blogged, BRO, they have been continuously stepping up the persecution. The more closet doors I keep opening that they have secret skeleton in, the worse it gets. They get a soda 2 roll right out of a bag that Dawn placed in my back seat along with an entire bag of numerous drinks, 2 fall out and strike the pavement of the house driveway the second that I open the door. I take her 2 get the stuff, I take it out and place it all in exact parts of her kitchen. I am good enough 2B her slave, and this includes taking the blame 4 anything at all that does not go her way 1000 million fucklng percent, and get screamed at, but this is one isolated case, and since the air conditioning incident Friday night, it has been one thing after another,. U would C this as she is on a mental case roll. I’ve told y’all over and over again, that a disturbed 6th dimension receiving signal, or (MIND), such as hers, makes a perfect sub tool so that an enemy of the BRIGGERS, such as poor pathetic Mountainpen, can B targeted over and over and over. Friday night last week, she screams at me from outside my window 2 shut off my sir conditioner, after even telling me that I could run it as a fan 2 pull in the nice cool air. She will not allow a window open after 11 at night, she is a scared and paranoid nut case that all the professionals at Atlanticare have no hope of ever making better. She should B put away in a mental hospital where she cannot hurt innocent persons like me and wreck their entire lives, as she in fact has done, and this I will swear now as future minutes in any Grand Jury Testimony. I have 2 live in a sweat box yet am forced 2 pay all kinds of money 2 her 4 HER ELECTRITY CONSUMPTION. Think this is something, I could start here and now and type all day long and not tell half of the flicking injustices that I am forced 2 endure here as a totally trapped kidnapped Stockholm Syndrome innocent pathetic intimidated mentally disabled person on Social Security Disability. What does my government do with these wonderful; welfare rats? How do they reward them. Thousands of dollars of food stamps, tens of thousands of dollars of back retro monies in disability payments, every conceivable assistance 4 electricity and other utilities, while the husband illegally works and makes 3,000 dollars cash each month paying no taxes, at the pizzeria. I never met a family this diseased and twisted in all my million s of years of existence. If U think this ends the story, U need 2 talk with Al Jolson, BRA. They force me 2 put titles and insurances in my name, and I know in time they will send me 2 jail along with them. When it does happen, my lawyer will know all of this and have print outs of all my blogs as well. Also Karen and others will B called as witnesses, I have made secret tape recordings, and done whatever I can 2 fucking cover my damn ass, BRA!!!!!!!! So if this is not a little lesson on how PAWM is used by the mighty and evil MC, then I will B the great grand Aunt of an Aides infected baboon, at the speed of light cubed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kicker that really puts the shoe smack dab hard right onto my thriller crunchers is this one however. God is a phony fake, man’s entire version of this all mighty God aniwho. Dawn tells me how blessed she is and ho much ‘GOD’ is doing in her life, tons of blessings, and on and on. Well the reality is that she is no fucking liar, BRA!!!!!!! This sick demented fucking god of yours, Earthlings, has chosen 2 take a poor suffering all ready abused and totally screwed person that would measure on the Pathetic Scale from 1-20 at somewhere around a 33, used the ruination of my life, 2 bring Dawn the mighty TF-70 KING, all the material blessings in the world. She has this house in my name, furniture in my name, she has cars in my name, and has totally ruined my credit that I was attempting 2 slowly reestablish after the filing and later adjudication of my350 thousand dollar chapter 7 personal bankruptcy back earlier this century and millennium, when my ex-business partner, crooked Paul, shit all over me, took all I had, and when nothing was left, basically laughed and told me 2 go do it the fuck 2 myself. STUDIO PARK RECORDS, right out of the prophecies of the book written by me in 1994 called THE PERMISSION BARRIER, led 2 this bankruptcy. Paul Pedersen told me how all my previous partners were no good crook such as 70’s/80’s record promoter William Leonard McKinnon, and many others, Mark Marini, John Crowley, and they were filthy rotten diseased evil criminals and crooks, but who took me 4 the most money, BRO?????? DUHH sir, U did, U phony ass!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow he managed 2 turn 2 local area celebrities against me as well, U all know the mother fucking story lads and lassies, please don’t play dumb with this special edder, OK??????????? I blog facts, not fiction. Just because these facts sound so totally fictional and just not possible in the realm of factuality, that does not make any of this a lie nor a deception. This is truth and I swear that by your reference frame of an ALL MIGHTY GOD, what I know personally and have known and will know, FOREVER, as the great, SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE.

Despite all this hell, I am doing a multitasking job. I am blogging and playing the 1248-DCR ROULETTE SYSTEM on paper simultaneously, BRA!!!!!!! The first game was minus 15, and I quit. The next game was plus 12 and a half. Game 3 just ended with a 28 unit gain. I can live with that. What I cannot live with is HOW MANY TIMES the nightmare winds blow hell all throughout my life, thanx 2 TAWF and WOMO. As I said, out of the mouth of one of the clan, DK, God is blessing her. Well she is correct, and using the destruction of my entire life or what was left of the all ready in shambles life, in order so that this wild and sick twisted god can help that marvelous family.

Laugh at Gawky Gaukauk and his powerful systems 4 numerological shit all U wanna lads and lassies and Labradors. But retrieve this little piece of wisdom, BRO!!!!!!!!! I have learned so much about so many through its usage, that I now state this claim with authority, and even legal caveat warnings 2B held blameless 4 its misuse, privacy invasions, even suicides, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The GAWNUM, properly understood and properly applied cannot B properly described in verbal diction if UR the author of the greatest dictionary ever written. What it can permit a man a woman 2 learn is beyond uncanny, beyond surreal, and beyond preposterous. I can talk in mighty length and quite scientifically about phase 4 entities entering this waking world as fictional characters, how nothing can really ever B made up even if one stays awake trying, how the mind and hyperspace all revolve around the Lawtrons that dream out and away from the void, the great and unspeakable EWI. I can say this, and I can say that, and yes the other things as well, and really, it can B summed up in the word I use more often now in these blogs, and will B using, PAWM. All I ask any reader 2 do right this second is 2 perform one small quick mental exercise, and then tell me some time later in a comment or an e-mail, if the mighty sixth dimension (D-6) permits U2. If UR not one of the few that has some tiny grasp of what MORIANITY and MOUNTAINPEN has been blog-preaching now 4 going on 4 years, then forget it, but if U do, here is what I ask in fairness 2 me. I am not telling U that U can’t apply the rules of known psychology and even psychoanalyze the hell out of me from your reference points. I am just asking U 2 try being honest and fair with me as a fellow member of the human race, and by doing this, if U can. If U can’t, no matter what U may believe, it is the D-6 that is stopping U and making U a totally unwilling participant, and 4 no real rational reason that U know deep down in your heart of hearts that U could look me in the eye and give me in full candor. My story, my life, blogged now 4 well over 40 months time now, unlike any other written material, has magic in it that connects real time, real world events, and much else. All that however totally notwithstanding, I ask U2 watch the world and watch the EW, the Earthly counterpart of the LAMBRIGG CULT, the ‘Entertainment World’, and over time starting now or at any time back in the blogs, observe the unmistakable invisible yet extremely powerful connection between us, they cannot escape it, nor can I, it is written in the tablets of Stacey’s stones of Moses. Anyone interested in and wanting 2 play games, I mean really try new games, and new things; and play fairly by the rules of proper conduct, I.E. no cheating just when it may suit U2 do so, U will C just how first, no 30 Einstein’s could intentionally B doing any of this nor making this up, secondly, that no story over 40 years of time is so totally connected 2 every single present day, and thirdly, how it has no real difference, read in electronic or positronic mode, (backward or forward), it is all one basic simple total truth, yet the complexity lies out beyond the 5th dimensional hyperspace. The entire truth 2 everything is simpler than conscious mind is able 2 process, so it therefore never can and never will. As I type and speak around quarter past scum one, the MILITUFORCE is all over me like maggots on the fucking ass dead, crash level zenithing the house. No one else here has a clue it even is happening, nor can they discern how one day is so totally different from another day regarding this major aerial persecution and endless tortuous harassment. I Have not seen things this fucking totally major 4 a very long time. I never will understand, speaking of MAJOR, Y BRIGGERS always die in 3’s. First is our local sports anchor who I loved, he was one cool ass dude, Gary Papa. Then Mister Clearinghouse who helped 2 discover beautiful Brittney, and now just an hour ago, we must welcome another who has awakened from this dream, our angel Farah. What is this thing that the Hollywood gang has that always causes EW persons 2 all wake up in groups of threes? Subject 4 another discussion, along with the 4 winds that seemingly have all the answers, at least on one block in Suffolk County, Long Island.

GOOGLE ENGINE, SWIS, AND KSWL-2296, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmm and is copyrighted in 2009 THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN and MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. It is all the truth, absolutely with nothing false inside these words.


MAGNESONIC, I demand counter attack and action B taken against all enemies of your creator, total destruction, all orders and technologies, UR totally maxed out, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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