Sunday, June 7, 2009

title is on doc, br

“Judge, Jury, and Executioner”
DATE AND TIME FILE: 060809.045.55555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

This will not B a long blog lads and lassies and Labradors, at least not from this ol’ eternal Dalmatian. I Odeed the night I took my computer down and found myself in a strange cave with lots of jerks laughing only I could not C any faces. Then Joe and Andy from Haddonwood materialized, and said my hyperspace experiments cursed me and put Donna up in the future, and not the other way around. I never told them that I all ready figured that all out, always use the rule of reversal when looking 2 purchase a Hyundai car, like Derr!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no desk or chair yet, I am on a pillow on a floor and a cardboard box is where my mouse pad and keyboard R, and me ol’ back is killing me maitee’s, yar!!!!!!!!! Imagine it everybody, me accused by that astral world family, of being a family destroyer. Wow R the old German kessles calling each other blacker than midnight or what, like duhh?????????? With Donna up[ in 2301 using DDLT teck, what is the use of trying 2 off myself. She scans back and copies me and it goes right on again with a glitch, but let me tell U about the glitch of hyperspace this time my fiends and friends. I found myself in a universe where I am living somewhere else and have no memory of the last place or little, and only know what I am told and can gleam from reading and listening 2 life journal tapes and blogs. The memory of being called a “family destroyer” by THAT FAMILY however, is the only vivid memory from Judge Rasso’s medical house of Berryville, BRA!!!!!!!!! I do not even hardly remember any of the MC connected things, including the interactions, they happened or I would not have blogged them, I never lie. Someone totally destroyed the mailbox the day after we all moved into this new house, and a note was left on it saying, “Al Jolson says,…” Dawn freaked, but then she freaks over everything, and is extremely mentally disturbed. She was going 2 kill her mother right in front of her mom’s sister, Aunt Mary, it was a horrendous thing 2 witness. Long Island, New York can burn in hell, it is just as much behind all my adult life miseries as is Atlantic City. I know that but do not really know how I know it. My TV set is totally changed in the back in this universe I am in. U all C it the same as U read my blogs, I was not over here in this one, and that is what none of u can really understand. This time, Summer produced a major jump switch, not just a few rearranged atoms as with most retrace jobs.

I remember last Sunday afternoon, a week back, heading into work. Pussy was all over me like I am some young rock star, it is beyond absurd and nuts. I am so used 2 things making totally no sense whatsoever, it Charity Trask has no effect on me whatsoever, governor.

When the cable company6 called 2 say they were on their way out and would B over at the house in a half hour, right after Dawn hung up the phone, a super loud motor sickie cycle attack occurred. These diseased Wall Street gang biker wannabees R demented, and R all over the place like flies on freaking dog poop, BRA!!!!!!!! Last Sunday was even worse, the siege today was bad but last Sunday was off the scale horrific. However this week, the real kill was Saturday 4 me. They poisoned me with the Swine Flu Chemtrail around 1 or so in the mourning at my work site, hurting my lungs and throat, and giving me a horrendous bowel and diarrhea attack that stunk like a nuclear blast. Whether or snot the evil empire got their way with a Phillies sweep I do not know, I had things 2 take care of when they were starting the ninth inning and were leading. However, as I totally said and predicted GIANT GINA, the stock market has FLOWEN NOW ever since the death attack of scum bag Memorial Day, a waterloo of a holiday 4 me ever since Marola and 19 freaking 69, BR!!!!!!!!!! That school play is still part of my atomic signature, Michael birthday Dorn Warf!!!!!!!! don’t any freaking body try telling me what I am imagining and what I am not, Mister Smith!!!!!!!!!!!, blackboards and all, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ann and I were on the beach back on Thursday if memory serves me correctly. The dirt bag lifeguards told me I could swim. When Ann left 2 play the slots in Resorts Casino, I got whistled in, just as they played with me last September B4 the big parade Phillies Win INTERACTION, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is planning on speaking 2 a high up official shortly down there, someone she and ex-mayor Whalen know well, as I told y’all, Jim W. and Ann King Silva R old pals from way back. Y these fart sniffing dudes R giving me such a hard time is all connected up with one lousy day in 1975 when my mom and her cuz Ruth Gottwald were on Jones Beach, this much I know. As 4 the games of the gods and how the kids in the higher worlds sandbox sitch goes, the grand scheme is anyone’s best guess, and it would B the height of arrogance 2 think I can know more.

Do not ell me that the Briggbase and the cult is not real. Talk 2 anyone at the Dark shadows Fan club at PO Box 92, Maplewood, New Jersey, and if they R honest, they will tell u that they know damn well that what I am going through is real and not made up freaking fiction, they know, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I can live with the lifeguards being ass holes, just so long as I do not get stuck in Queens or up further on the island with Julia white. Russ, Russ, look at those freaking chemtrails while U sit there locked up in the loony bin, real funny, Deedee, real ass hole freaking funny.

So when do we get into the entire story of hyperspace, Dave Roth, Julia White hypnotizing me at my cousins place in Babylon in 1968 at the behest of Abraham and Sarah from a very long time ago, and even wilder things than any of U can possibly imagine? Not tonight, not with no chair or desk and a back that feels like I just got punched by my Gina from the nineties, BR!!!!!!! Do not underestimate THAT FAMILY or artists by the name of gold from Manhattan. I now know Y the KJ MCALLISTER Publishers Clearinghouse Prize Patrol did not get properly dreamed in, but as I said, the back, the chair, the desk, later, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get ready 4 the freaking mind blow of your blog reading lives.

GOOGLE ENGINE, SWIS, KSW LABS-2298, this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeee and blummmm. This is all registered and copyrighted material.

END TRANNY, me sweet ol’ pirate black hearted granny!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAR.


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