Saturday, June 13, 2009

title on document

“Now Serving Mountainpen, Soup Of The Day”
DATFILE: 051309.327.55555555555555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

Well, I am under the mother trucking guns again, the big ones. I may not claim 2 totally know who and what is really behind all of this mess, but someone or something is, Craptain James Enterprise-corrupt Kirk-off!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things were bad during the move and normal transition period as they always R, constant low and loud airplanes and stalking and much other freaking bull pit, but it quieted down 4 nearly a week after the chem attack that they sickened me with a week ago early this moUrning at work. But last night, POW, things got nasty ass freaking bad. I knew they would, it is only a matter of time when the EVIL EMPIRE gets 2 or more FULL SCORE DAYS as they did last week with the PHILLIES being totally crushed 4 the most part and the DOW JONES MARKETS forever racing up week after week and day after day, AND JUST AS I TOLD ALL OF U THAT THEY WOULD!!!!!!!!!!! I do not make this stuff up out of whole cloth or used auto parts, BRA, I tell the damn truth, and shit happens, just as I claim that it freaking will, BRO!!!!!!! Also, when kitty cat command gets ridiculous as well as MUZAK and tall/giant cats all over my hologram starts up, this is always the hellogram that starts up the heavy hyper time huge gun sieges, it never freaking fails and I gave lived as Mountainpen and under this awful trucking curse now 4 a very long period of freaking time, BR!!!!!!!!!!! After the loud in my face illegal motor cycle attack last night that I blogged as it went down in real dream-time, as I am totally awake and lucid 2 the fact that I am trapped in a monstrous and horrendous nightfreakingmare, more crazy and evil demonic shit started happening, one thing right after another, BRO!!!!!!!! First, a computer hack hit, nothing I could not handle, but I did not like it one bit. I plan 2 get my letters off 2 the NEW JERSEY ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE AS WELL AS THE UNITED STATES OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, AND OTHERS, 4 ALL THE GOOD IT WILL DO, and also 2 the Philadelphia branch of the freaking FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, (FBI). Ever since I said, “FBI” at 1802 Robin Hill, and that I was gonna have the neighbors below me investigated, basically the enemy began formulating a way 2 instantly begin altering my life 2 the hyper time negative in covert but absolutely real ways that can never B proven in any court of law, they R2 fucking smart 4 that, just as the taxi driver said 2 Julia Roberts in the fabulous ‘me-ripped-off movie’ of the nineties, called “Conspiracy Theory”. A licensed New Jersey Realtor NOT on Social Security Nutcase Disability even called me up after she saw this movie and could not wait 2 say 2 me and I quote, “Mark, you’re the taxi driver”. Yeah, I’m more than the freaking taxi driver, I am in some major freaking HELL-INTERACTIVE program or its basic equivalent, BRO, and with full memory erase switch set at the {OFF MODE}!!!!!!!!!!!! Just imagine waking up one morning, any of U out there reading this, and suddenly U find yourself in the same world U were in B4U went 2 sleep, and yet not in it. There is no way in pig slop 2 the power of ninety-nine, that things could B like this in the world that I must have originally died from and left it behind me forever, unable 2 wake up back in my 1986 bed in Cherry Hill, after that night in the Pine Barrens with David Roth, a subject discussed in detail on many other previously written blogging texts. These diseased fucking bastards R never happy unless they can pick the fuck on me 24/7/365.2422, and I am sick 2 death of it. Last night after the cycle attack and the computer hack, came 2 more nasty events, and then I was dogged by a private plane on my way home from work this morning, catching me in my driveway at 9 and a half minutes past seven. Where the fuck is the FBI, the STATE POLICE, and other well paid authorities, this is my only real question, and always has been, just never my REALE QUESTION. As 4 him, there is no question that this bastard pervert faggot was instrumental in ruining my entire life, as R the entire LAMBRIGG CULTISTS of the ASTRAL PLANE, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! When I was leaving 4 work, they got me with a ground assault. Some CIA paid off enemy in a loud car came roaring by, and threw out an entire pile of garbage all over, and down the street, even down onto the street leading 2 the light at the minimall where the gym and pizzeria and karate place is. Fucking next generation pugs, just as I said a fucking year ago, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing changes, nothing at all, people blow and suck!!!!!!!!! The wildest trick they pulled off was with the dog that Dawn bought from a lady in Seaville after moving in here. He suddenly turned on me and went ballistic. I did nothing other than post my blog and leave my room 2 go off 2 my legal job under the New Jersey mother fucking Workability system 4 those cursed people like me being fucked with and told they’re nuts when they’re not fucking nuts, and being placed on SSD. Yes I am very disappointed with the entire human race. Ed Himacane thinks he is some fucking Einstein with all the answers, oh yeah Ed, someone somewhere will read all this and believe enough, and want 2 try and help. B-U-L-L---S-H-I-T!!!!!! Yeah, everyone thinks that really smart people have all the answers, well I am here 2 tell U that Joe Ordinary Nutcase Mountainpen may not B any trucking genius or Terry-Harbor-Head, but I know what I know, CCC and CE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, with or without any karaoke lunch breaks at the Sorian-18 number redacted, GUARD HOUSE, Governor Corzine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember the magic 4 Astral World food groups that this evil cult that is responsible for 80% or more of all the gone missing young people over the past 50 plus years, uses against those they intend 2 major harm and eventually totally wreck and destroy. These have been blogged B4 and will again now B reiterated, BRA!!!! PEOPLE, WEATHER, ANIMALS, MACHINES. This is a powerful hidden truth, I am giving out gold here with these tid bits of knowledge and 99.,99999999& of U will take a dump all over what I say. Fine, someday, it just may B, YOUR LOSS, as it may B YOUR CHILD that becomes the next victim of the BRIGGER CULT, and the FBI and all of U can then go screw yourselves, as if U think someday down the dimly lit hallway, I will B willing 2 assist U when I am all worn out and ancient, you’ve got other thoughts coming your way, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These fucking scum can make animals do things, people, the weather, and absolutely compass Jessup Triangle machines. Let’s B real out there. Have U ever heard my stuff on the now defunked website I list throughout older blogs? If this was not totally under some powerful control, do U think my music would have stayed on shelves collecting dust? Am not a bragger, I am a blogger, but I speak truths. I am a fat short old ugly dude, not some 22 year old Disney hottie. On the other hand, I don’t write flip side music, and my stuff was good enough 2B stolen by 2 dozen name recognized major artists over a 30 plus year period, one song was even taken off the air as it was climbing fast on the hot 100 pop charts in the autumn of 1980, don’t dare tell me what is real, what I know, and how full of shit I am. When the truth is ugly, I will tell it loud and ugly. When there is a positive in the cloud of gloom somewhere, I will tell it as well. That is not bragging, it is being totally freaking honest with my blogging audience, gaveeeeesh there Tony Highvoice????????? There R many powerful people out there in this evil and ugly world know 100% that what I say is real and I am not a phony fake job, but will they lift a finger ever 2 help me get vindication and justice, NO WAY JOSIE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

None of U have a clue what is like being me and the powers against me that IU have, and never being able 2 ever get believed. I was believed once by one man, David Charles Roth, and as he went on in friendship with me and began witnessing corroborating things and events that would occur around us, or him when he was around me verses when he was either alone or with a different pal, such as his old buddy the systems analyst that today all of U comp geeks know as the mighty brain trust Wilbur MacAfee. Dave witnessed shit that other acquaintances pussy wussed out on me with fractional similar amounts, such as the theft and chopper attack on Robert Provenzono, Google him up, he is quite a fascinating guy, and I doubt that if U e-mailed him and asked him about Mountainpen, that he’d lie about it. Do it, prove I am telling the damn truth BRA!!!!

HELP ME FBI, HELP ME STATE POLICE OF NEW JERSEY, RU GOING 2 LET THIS EVIL FUCKING FAMILY GO ON KILLING ME FOREVER, AND THEIR EVIL BRANCHES ALL OVER?????????? All I had 2 do if U notice or in case it went by c’hall, was post a blog about the all mighty Mayor Levy and the mighty CALLIO FAMILY. BOOM, watch out Sharon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whooops, WAYV is gonna sue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B careful my asshole. U know, bad as my hell is, the young people in America today R totally clueless 2 what life was back in the day, the 60’s, I know, U all R totally like sicka hearin’ me say it over and over, tough beer gas man!!!!!!!! None of U will ever have a real clue how free we all were once B4 this PC and PC new age. They would tell me in their blissful ignorance, lost in their world of wonder and Flipper, that they would not trade this, they love living with a phone in their hand, and playing games and doing things as meaningless as screaming at the worm holes. Well, kiddies of 45 and under, in my day, if we could C your world, we would not have traded, know that if U ever knew how 2 text or belch. Y would I lie on the great internet? Chris Bennet put me onto being a blogger, but other powerful MAS entities set things up so that I could meet Chris. Reading between the lines, I managed 2 learn a secret from Chris that he does not know he revealed. He said only a little bit of something, but putting that in context and combination with other things told me by those his age and younger, during the time span of say 2 years hence forth, that there is a wild thing happening, and if any older person could dig this it would B me, as I am aware that things operate more effectively and efficiently on levels and layers that lay below the fully conscious and aware states of waking mind. I cannot tell U all of it, but it is where I got my idea 4 the MOTIVE-GOAL-Software program, or the MOGO, and other similar things that I know I mentioned back years ago. All the sci fi stuff was right, and yet off, sort of like tuning into a future radio broadcast and listening 2 the winning LOTTO NUMBER worth 100 million bucks. Only just as it is being said, the signal weakens and a nearby station bleeds in and makes it not clear, totally defeating your purpose. All the ideas of Twilight Zone and Outer Limits and Star Trek, and all of it and more, they R so close and yet as the great old song says, and yet so far. How will I go about making society understand that the real powerful things that control all the waking mind reality around us lays below in a subconscious state. Well, the answer was in my wind face all along Roger. All freaking along. I need 2 convince an entire panel of top psychiatrists, just as Amway and Tupperware people would relate 2 upline and downline, all this time, the Freudian connection has eluded me, if anyone is ever game 4 what I know and willing 2 listen at all, ever, it is the shrinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like DUHHHHHHHH. Like DERRRR. Magnesonic, open command with general order 7, all orders general and coded general, UR maxed out with all technologies applied on a crush destruct, singe destruct, total destruct, destruct, punishment sequencing system through an I to D, A/B Tone phasing system, scan with G-13, and G-14, and hear the A/B tones as the new equivalent of the prompt on the website of blogger dot com that says, post published successfully, and G-189, AND --- STOP!!!!!!!!!! Twisters, Hurricanes, Earthquakes,. Volcanoes, and more, floods, wildfires, and droughts, and more, you’ll B sorry YU fucked with Mountainpen, butt wipes!!!!!



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