Saturday, June 13, 2009

talking while a little calmer

“Talking While a Little Calmer”
Just shy of 9 this Saturday evening of 13 June
Start of Blog:

I think the authorities R watching over me again. I posted up and the normal Saturday annoying bull crap that normally surrounds sieges that begin on Friday or Friday night, all basically vanished. Still things need 2 get said, and will B told right now, without any need of a long winded blog. First, a giant girl at the grocery store last week was flirting with me at the checkout line, big time. I totally ignored her, she is an enemy. I all ready know that every single person trying 1 interact in any way with me is an enemy. I have accepted in totality this vicious evil and totally unfair curse that was thrust upon me in the late fifties after Herbert Huntington committed those atrocities in Braintree, Massachusetts. Part of this curse is never being listened 2 n or believed, and just scoffed at and treated like total shit by people in general, yes I am doomed 2 always B the crazy messed up nutcase fool mentally ill jag off, but the kicker is, then Y does no one want 2 ever help this poor mentally ill person? UC, like it or not, I have real honest tangible gripes that no one can say in good conscience cannot B aired and brought into the open by me day in and day out. Last night my take-2-work dinner was n a microwavable bowl, thin steak slivers in pasta and sauce. When I got 2 work, the entire bottom had a huge break in it, the leaking red pasta sauce stained my guard uniform and made me appear as though I had been shot. Not only was this extremely embarrassing, but I barely ate enough 2 keep a bird alive, and I have been working like a dog around here doing many errands and continuous favors 4 this wonderful and marvelous THAT-FAMILY, KING BRANCH. When I said something about this a while ago, I was treated like shit some more. When they need me and want 2 use me, they give me just enough 2 survive and keep me locked up as a slave. But if they do not need me, starve 4 all they care. I have lost 50 pounds total since living with this nightmare that this miserable family from hell. These sicko’s R nothing but evil stealing welfare rats that think the world literally owes them all not just a living, but a lavish one 2 boot. They live like rock stars. They have freezers filled with 500 dollars worth of meats, and buy every conceivable item they C when they go into Wal-Mart or any other store, while I scramble 2 pay my bills and thanks 2 them am now a full fucking month in the arrears. On 4 or more occasions they use my identification and New Jersey drivers license, 2 bail out their illegal Guatemalan friends when they get stopped driving drunk and without any legal paperwork and get their auto’s and trucks impounded. The cat and dog live far better than I do and want 4 nothing while I slave away at their endless beck and call. If I manage 2 but ons lousy hot dog at a Wawa store, I get screamed at by Dawn 4 being selfish and not offering 2 buy them all sorts of stuff. When I agreed 2 move in here3, none of this were the terms and conditions of things, and never was it said that I would B forced 2 get behind on my bills 2 help them, do things not totally above board, and live like a roach, walking endlessly on egg shells. Every little thing I do is complained about, they expect me 2 arrange my room, yet if I make the tiniest sound in doing so, I am yelled at or asked what I am doing. Cousin Den, if ICU tonight, we will talk B4I go on 2 work. This cannot go on more than 2 more months or I will B forced 2 run away 2 the Fiji Islands. I still disagree with what U all did 2 them back in the 70’s, but that is no excuse 4 them 2 exact this revenge on me all these years. Glad U will B staying at the nearby hotel, look 4 me at the time we spoke of, I will B parked near the motel side of the pool on the left away from the office section until IC your car pull up. If I cannot get my life back, then there just is no point in trying 2 live it anymore, I had huge problems B4 Carey ever started this bull shit with me 15 or so months ago. I do think what U said is most likely gonna B reality, I do not C how the police will not have 2 get into this B4 all is said and done, this family will not release me. This is a Stockholm Syndrome kidnapping of a mentally disturbed person. I had major fucking troubles long B4I ever ran into Chris Bennett and learned how 2 become a blogger, 4 all the freaking good that ever did, cuz. No, Rog has not sent me anything, nor do I use his or any of their systems any more. I am done with Roulette playing and casinos entirely. I know how 2 make money day trading with 50 stocks in narrow ranges, and can do just fine with this as well as the far less rent U will B charging me after your house settlement goes through shortly. U always told me right along, that MC did not mean me one bit of good and 2 maintain my distance as she is up 2 something. I have destroyed all anything that in any way relates 2 her, and never plan 2 involve myself with this wild family again, once U break me out of their local prison soon. Is Donnie still in Hawaii or did he come back 2 New York? Also I wanna know about Jimmie Dean, does he stay in touch with cuz Christine? CU in a few hours, if UR reading here at Blogger dot com and R up on the net with your laptop. I do know the motel has WIFI service. We need 2 talk, so look 4 me at the time I told U when I left the desk message, try not 2B late, as I cannot B late 4 my job, still need it until I am living in your place and day trading, and leaving all of this fucking nightmare behind me forever, praise Jehovah. As I type at 9:28 PM, a nasty right side death angel is buzzing in my ear, BRA!!!!!!!!! U can talk 2 cuz Don over in center city, I will come with U, but I doubt he wants 2 merge his multimillion dollar video business with your enterprise, he is funny with those things, I would do it in a second, because I know that these products R where U made your big money from, that and some well timed property turn flipping.

Well next week is the kicker man. If I get rid of this poison attack inside me, fine, but if not, I shoot off my mouth all about this world pandemic, chemtrails, and my recent poisoning, so U all better hope U& didn’t give me the Swine Flu, BRA!!!!!!!!!

Secrets of Judy, Julia, and Paula, both of them, will B told 2 a newspaper reporter friend of Roy Weiler’s as well, if things do not ease off me, this is where the road not only turns Diana, but bends straight downward into the hot and fiery pits of eternal hell. I am an easy going guy, but if I can gain credibility and vindication, and B able as a result 2 go after deep pockets 4 billions of dollars, and save countless children from fates not spoilable on the internet, then I indeed will certainly do my part against this horrific and satanic Lambrigg Cult. A very good pal of the main architect behind the design of the New York City Lincoln Tunnel, and who also sent his kids 2 my grand dad’s Camp Mequon, by the sea, on Long Beach Island, back in the thirties, is the great grandfather of a very aggressive partner that wants 2 build a large land management firm in the eastern New Jersey area, and is my cuz Den’s partner. They will B living in the main part of the house, and then the doors in both the front and rear, lead 2 their main part of the dwelling as well as 2 the opposite side, all closed in, where my very nice roomy place will B. When did all this go down some of my blogaud may BV wondering? Well, 3 months ago is a good average answer, U need not know more, it is me that is in this mess with MC, the MC, and 4 all I know, the entire 6th dimension. There is a way of accessing this ‘place’ all though it is not a place based on any frame of 3 and 4-D reference. I told all of my blogaud the details of this as well as the mighty Fascitar and how 2 practice it. If U choose 2 ignore it all and chalk it up 2 bunk and junk, fine, your funeral some day, as things R bad with me now, but U have no way of knowing how this REAL PANDEMIC plans 2 grow wings and spread around the globe and then the entire greater expansion of the hypersphere. 4 now, I will bid my blogaud ado!!!!

END OF BLOG, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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