Wednesday, August 5, 2009

blog 10

11:47 am, Wednesday, August 5th, of 2009
Start of blog:

This summer is like no other, and the late nineteen-nineties only come close in comparative monstrous horrors that R surrounding me. I said close, but as the mighty smoker stick flinger of Tennessee Avenue might say when not creating Lawtronic Tablets, NO CIGAR. 4 the readers back in 1997, this is nothing up here that I can even hope 2 just get into and even with a smattering, attempt 2 say, OK, here’s what’s going the freak on. It just will not work. Please, I beg all of U, if U believe nothing else said in nearly 4 years of intense blogging that would tear the guts out of anyone else I no in the world, and certainly has torn mine out, then just believe that no nutshell and abridged version can catch the Haddonwood circa readers of this, up 2 where I am typing here in 2009. When I talk quite a lot recently, about puppets and puppeteers, this is never an excuse 4 anyone 2 say, “OK them it is cool if I happen 2 B Judas Iscariot, it ain’t my freaking fault”. Nothing could B closer 2 the epitome of a ton of mule shirt than assuming that, it utter bunk and total nonsense. He still was responsible 4 causing the death of myth ancestor a long time ago, and starting a family curse called by ME, the HUNTINGTON CURSE.

Last evening and all night long was hell. The Dow should manage 2 gain 200-600 points today and more than this by the end of this weeks’ session. This house here makes me long 2B back at the MARHOUSE. I did not have this drinking and monstrous behavior all around me every single week, and nearly on a daily basis. Dawn now believes what most of U out there do not as we all were taught the famous thing that if we C someone else jump off the I-Rule-The-Empire Building of Manhattan, that does not mean U should copy them. Dawn 4 quite a while is not in that mind set and no one can make her c the ridiculousness and folly of her ways. Every time her husband Chicky or Lewis Laines comes home a bit tipsy and feeling a bit 2 happy, she ‘punishes him’ by also running 2 a liquor store and from there, it escalates into a family equivalent of an international thermonuclear war. Since this began, my hell went from frying pan 3rd degree smack dab straight into an industrial furnace. No one likes being around out of control drunks, but this family is so bad that only supernatural powers R$ literally keeping it held together, just 4 the purpose of tormenting me, and making the stock market forever climb, their newest form of Mountainpen’s torture pinball box straight out of Dogtown. It seems that the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL and the great networked and linked up human families from the LAMBRIGGER CULT of the Astral Plane, have declared a never look back strategically war on me since the purple highlighted hair and MC in the Shoprite grocery store. The more I tell, 2 a limited tiny powerless audience that just basic ally thinks I am whack and fun 2 read, and that is all, is actually making my situation get worse. U could, or I could anyway, sort of ‘perceive’ this 2B a MWE, at the risk of exciting a silver Volvo driver from 1991 at Robin Hill in Voorhees Township, New Jersey, or this Roddenberry place called this. I may decide 2 let some of the puzzle lovers out here 2 figure out these abbreviated 3 letters. No. I just decided 2 tell U. It stands 4 and kiddingly so, but makes a very specific point IMHO, “Mafia Warning My point is that it is beyond coincidences and possibilities, provable mathematically in fact that these things R random occurrences. Just as it is not possible and this is powerful truth, 2 ever just have a real true random event occur. ALL RANDOM IS NOTHING BUT DISGUISED PATTERN. No one is running an intentional con job however. The sun 4 an example, is not trying 2 make us mere human 4 about 99+% of the time that humanity has been here in the world now, falsely believe that it revolves around us, up in the east and around and then down in the west. It could care less what we think about it or believe that it is doing. It is a nuclear life form and its job is part of hyper complex lawtronic systems that create through temperatures caused by fusion or hydrogen converted into helium abridged 2 an amateurish way of speaking on this topic, an element 2 come into being that has precise arrangements in it, and that this thing called humankind eventually gets around 2 knowing about and naming it CARBON. Still this is what a star like our sun is doing and is not involved at all in any subterfuge or con games with entities on some place 3 rocks downstream. Many things R seemingly set up as though they R almost there 2 intentionally fool us and run a huge carnie show on the human race, only none of this is even close 2 truth and reality. Randoms R not trying 2B randoms, nor R they trying 2 reveal their true patterns when totally and successfully unscrambled. As we all do, they merely exist, as they R, and doing whatever the hell it really is that they do. As Jim Rockford said 2 those 2 big dudes kicking his grass on that show “THE ROCKFORD FILES” from the early seventies, we can always get back 2 this, and as I will now say, and we will, but a bit later on.

Last evening I picked up Dawn in Egg Harbor City on Saint Lewis Avenue, not at Elisa and Joe King’s house on the other side, the northern side of the Route 30 White Horse Pike, and I was told 2 also take a minor child, 15 going on 40, back home with us. She supposedly had permission, but here I am the driver, the straight one of the bunch, Dawn is drunk, I have a pot smoking teenage girl in the back, and she stays here overnight smoking weed while Dawn drinks and more hell continues 2 break loose. This is beyond a dysfunctional family, it is a DFOS, just add “ON STEROIDS”. From now on, I am going 2 refer 2 and mention {THAT-FAMILY} as TF-70 or just DEEFOS, it is more pronounceable and U all know what I mean. This is a big teenager and I kept my door locked, and all night Dawn woke me banging on it, as she was trying 2 call the police on her drunken husband Chicky, as he had the truck out and she was worried he might get into a bad ax. Somehow the MILLINTH-COUNCIL did something 23 her telephone and all night long she could not get disconnected from the county 911 system, and when she would go 2 hang up, her phone would ring from them, and this went on 4 about 2 or 3 hours all through the early morning. All of Atlantic county Emergency Dispatch system must know about the KING family after today, what they do not know is what the media would freak over if I could ever prove it all. This leads me 2 ANOTHER BIG PERNT, ARCHIE QUEENS!!!!!!!! I OWE THE GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY, the Honorable John Corzine. I was told by those who I believed were in the know and had the proper authority 2 tell me accurately, that all rebate property checks were cancelled this year. They were reduced 20 or 25% but I can understand that with the collapse of the economy, on a state level. The Briggbase resident human waking world counterparts, or the Entertainment Worlders, all have a huge plan that I will touch on, and they need their Man Obama 2B president 4 a full 8 years, and this is Y so many things R being done, and smart people know 2 things, one, what they all R, and two, that it would B near suicide 4 me 2 get into specifics on this blog with this. THEY KNOW, that is what counts. I guess now, they know that so do I. So back 2 Governor Corzine, my apologies 4 saying what I said, I was given false and misleading information by top people in the banking world, and that I should not have fully trusted, and B4I wrote anything, I should have triple checked all my facts, please accept my deepest apology today, governor, and boss, as I am a licensed SORA SO. The economy never collapsed other than on individual state levels. The United States is not running a con game either. They R legitimately misinformed. Congress and Senate persons R politicians and not banker’s. They cannot B expected 2 know all the business and bankers ins and outs and secrets. They can only go with balls that R thrown at them, and this includes our top dog and all of his staff and cabinet, President BO. Still, I did try 2 tell all of U in my blogs how horrible this clan of min e is, this WOMO disease. Now U have nothing left, and merely basically filled and lined pockets of those that were all ready beyond overflowing, and gave huge sums and saved huge jobs of persons that could have just retired off of their savings and investments without any assistance at all, and lived like kings and reigning emperors with plenty left over 2 freaking spare. Until the global union fixed scale is broken and a total collapse of this run away nut job financial con game is accomplished somehow, we will head into times and soon, where all of us will B slaves and masters, forget skin color and all that crap, it all will B the days of the Surfs and the Nobles again, and the surfs R not going around saying “dude” and carrying long water-boards. I was hoping our Man in office would c the truth of all this, but the BRIGGERS have another motive and goal and plan, long B4 the PC automation and these advanced programs ever surface I into our waking worlds. This plan is 2 keep him as a shoe-in 4 a total 8 year term, and the reasons R not bloggable 4 concerns 2 my personal safety. Also in this PERNT of Archie, I will conclude this without harping any further on the need 2 start all over again at zero and rebuild as opposed 2 salvaging an all ready controlled and manipulated evil system on Wall Street, and merely say that the complicated inner workings of our world of big-business, 2 quote the dude at the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office from early in the nineties, is beyond anyone not in the club. U might B saying 2 yourself now after just reading that past sentence, “gee, like duhh”, OK fine, screw DUHH, listen up now, YO. I still am a cousin in the WOMO clan and they have chosen me 2B the one after Huntington offed himself up north 50 years ago, 2B the next carrier of this horrendous disease that is indeed passed into the DNA and the gene pool, quite literally, and by means and ways that no ordinary waking human being can ever B permitted 2B privy 2. I have surface scratched the subjects of phase-4, exploratronics, the upline and downline larger part of the 5th dimensional hyperspace, the mental realm of the 6th-D, and the EWI or VOID INFINITY, lawtronics, and how it all works and behaves, as best as I have come 2 perceive this, in my 45 years of dealings with the Queen Mayan JULIA WHITE. Much of the fantastic and most gargantuan things R not gonna B all that provable unless U deicide that U wish 2 experience seeing these truths by developing the necessary perceptions 2 in fact do exactly that. However, some smaller things that R provable, have been taken 2 varying people and agencies in our system of supposed justice over the past quarter century, and I was introduced 2 a not so nice fellow, definitely related 2 the Christian Church’s devil and Satan, who I have assigned the name of Brick Wall 2, Mister B. Wall is impenetrable, and if U insist a B 2 much on getting your way and getting heard and getting real justice accomplished, U learn quickly and in a sudden wake up call kind of a way, that your head is softer than Mister Wall’s heads is, and U end up with a migraine headache and blood all over your face, and plenty of hospital bills and pain and on and on. All serious UFO researchers know that if any MORIANITY teachings that they have read about has truth and validity, it is this one, as it is something as Ed Himacane would say so well, that is happening 2 them. How Jesus also was disappointed when doubt was always the strongest feeling and emotion and thought processes of those around him. Well, I can live with the Ed Himacane Syndrome, but I do have a question of my Blogaud 4 those back here in twenty oh nine Misses Marola. It is a simple question. If validity is somewhere here in MORIANITY, Y can it not B in other places as well? Julia White had a real self a long time ago. Now I know that this entire thing, at the risk of collapsing the entire faith systems of the religious community, not by my words but by what I can indeed prove if Brick Wall was not in my way with his powerful shield of rock, and that is that indeed, exploratronics is behind Julia White. But it is also behind the other side of this game, my peeps, the little cult that grew so big over the ling years and centuries, that U all know as Christianity, BRA. What I know and what I can prove R apart by thoughtlines. Measuring distance in thoughtlines is not like measuring it in say 4 example parsecs or light years. It literally has no measurement in any numbers because the distance is that great, it is beyond any and all possible numbers. Does that blow any minds out there Geeks? But I can prove some way out things that would alter the way humankind lives on this Earth literally overnight. This is YYYYYYY a dude is there 2 stop me, by the name of B. WALL. It is Lawtronic in fact, but back in the Miss Blake AT&T days of the spring of 1983, I had no one pop up and come back and tell me this. I was operating and going with who and what I was then. Now I am going with now. The nineties also, was then. No Miss Blake, no one is trying 2 drive me crazy, and U need not wonder “whether they R or not”, 2 quote U so perfectly, and any Copyright Office Examiner can pull the tapes right now today, but, only that they have accomplished this mission quite totally successfully, up here in close 2 twenty ten Misses Marola. “Oh the letter M is in my name, both first and last 2 haunt my soul. The evil letters of their game, they own our lands and we pay their toll”. THEY is not the Japanese by the way, it is the BRIGGBASE CULTISTS ON THE ASTRAL PLANE, one third of the AWA, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. Lyrics copyright 1983, ME. Thought U guys might dig the wartime sound EFX however, hoped U liked it, BRO, monster-ass huh. Please no fires, U lovely Alaskans. Jane Dirtwoods nailed me at one eleven this afternoon and also this moUUUUUUUUUUrning, BRA, just 2 show me a freaking digital representation of my endless HELL-FIRE. BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ready 4 the dog walking news pop-rots. Marcus and I were out the night B4 last walking Brownie, Dawn’s Yorkiepoo, and I noticed the mailbox across the street which is 4 our address, was slightly ajar, U know the part that opens, and yes, Colaman sent me a wild note. First Roger, I think UR the coolest dude in the world and I am neither mad at u or your we extremely talented cuz, BR. Thank U4 admitting the truth about the systems and that it was 2 show me major market moves, and no, I am not planning on day trading, not 4 a long time. All that is on my mind is going far off 2 the freaking FIJI islands where your cuz and her games cannot get at me anymore. Tell her THAT-BOY is not buying the shellfish thing, and I am not planning on being whale swallowed in the near future unless Jenny Johnson is planning one hell of another throw. Read my blog on what my hyperspace daughter gave me, it is really kicking butt, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Still, should I ever plan 2 re-attack the roulette tables dude, I will use the one long game play method. Right now, trading markets and playing casino games R about as far away from my mind as is becoming gay. Buddy, U hang in there, your cuz is doing real well with Lester and their new stuff, I do not keep up with any of it, and have given her cuz Dawn all the CD and music, I am out of this one, BRA. If the propulsion stuff is Y they R all so interested in me, tell them how I communicate with hyperspace and met my daughter and learned so much about many things. Still, I did not scratch a surface on blog 9 with the antigrav junk. There is stuff I have seen in the 24th century that people would go ape sugar 2 get their hands on now. Y would I wanna boost an economy that is trying 2 wipe me out and destroy me, ROG? BYE-BYE.

End of Blog:

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