Tuesday, August 11, 2009


3:44 PM-EDST, Tuesday, August elevenbar, ADEG-2K9
Start Blog:

I blog on 4 websites, the first being the world famous blogger dot com. Then there was a site that kicked me off, mindsay, and now my other 3R unexplained-mysteries dot com, wordpress dot com, and soulcast dot com. Out of the 4 that would have been 5, there is an unexplained mystery going on, and I wish the site owners would e-mail me someday and explain these wild 406 page errors that twice now I experienced when attempting 2 post up 2 their site. They doubtfully can tell me what is causing it, I believe it is the MC. But who really cares when it comes right down 2 the hard realities of this waking world, what I believe. I am not going 2 use any excessive characters, such as lots of exclamation marks and question marks, after my Bro and Bra and such as this. Also, I will not cuss. Many times I type in the word AS and a second S gets on there, and then the UM site being the one out of the 4 that does edit and asterisk out profanity, this cannot B avoided, as I post in error and do not check and edit B4 hand, I am always pressed 4 time, never enough exists 2 tell all the things that I feel R necessary 2B told, ever, not really. But I am gonna talk today quite a bit about the forbidden topic and then c if that is what is happening here. UCI really am after truth and getting 2 the bottom of things, I do not like unexplained and weird mysteries, the site is fantastic, but I do not like these things in my life. Skeptics have commented in a nutshell that I am doing a McDonalds with all of this, and UR all crazier than I could ever hope 2B. I am enjoying this crapola around me for 3 decades give or take one now, about as much as the combination of a perpetual migraine, toothache, backache, earache, and nagging ugly wife, BRO. U of course R perfectly free 2 disbelieve and think I am getting some wild weird totally diseased and sick thrill out of junk like what’s in my life, go ahead, but UR totally in error, UR simply put, totally wrong, but with the perfect right 2B wrong, as well as 2 express your opinions of this in an open forum such as any bloggers comment areas, that is always welcomed and never discouraged. Let us C if the line crosses prove some nepotistic connection with this blogging site “UM” and TF-70. This Mister Spok, indeed sir, will B fascinating! All ready the enemy MC has hacked out my after-corrections click back in margin system, so if I just click near 2 where it needs 2 go again, it stays there when it really should B returning 2 the exact spot of proper grammatical literary accepted systems. Recently the space key and the caps key also R both acting up, so far today, they R not. Maybe it is indeed time 4 a new keyboard, mouse, and pad, things do get old and worn out, and no one LOVES AND ADORES logical real down 2 Earth explanations 4 otherwise way out UM, than I do. I am not like most UM readers and bloggers. I AM LOOKING 2 BREAK OUT OF WHATEVER THIS IS THAT I AM UNDER AND LIVE A TOTALLY NORMAL LIFE, AND IF ANYONE COULD EVER SHOW ME HOW, OR B WILLING 2 ACCOMPLISH THIS 4 ME, THEY COULD NAME THEIR PRICE, SO LONG AS IT IS ‘LEGAL’, AND SOMEHOW I WOULD FIND A WAY 2 GET IT 4 THEM. AND THIS CAN B TAKEN AS AN ONLINE PROMISE AND OFFER 2 ANYONE, REMEMBER I SAID, IT MUST B TOTALLY WITHIN ALL OF THE LAWS OF THE LAND HOWEVER, BRA! My name is not Edward Lynch, the man I met at the Hammonton/Blueberryville Library back in 2006. He is in jail today, and will b in jail most likely 4 quote a while. I do not have any freaking desire 2 go 2 jail. Jail is 4 bad people, people like upline entity jail-bird LESTER BOOM. If U don’t think I know who UR after U did the most cruel evil thing 2 me that no real flesh and blood only, human, could ever have pulled off in waking life, then U do take me, and mistakenly so, 4 a total mother fucping fool, BRA! The margin hack, as I thought it would, just returned 2 normal. People, even SATAN itself, knows when they R being exposed 2 the light, B it afternoon, or morning, BRA! I called Eddie by a pen name of Himacane, as he was always shaking his cane at me when angry, and implying just a small bit, but it was there, that he would not rule out popping me with it if I did not do a certain thing his way. It was always his way. He almost got me fucping sent 2 jail, right where jail-bird LESTER has been trying 4 30 years 2 get me, and so far failed. Stop looking at an incarnation-entity’s physical age, and start seeing that all entities come from timeless worlds and then enter into hyperspace where all the universes that it contains R in fact TIME-WORLDS. This hard 2 grasp complicity is Y great religious scholars and many others, just don’t freaking get any of this, u know, MORIANITY, its truths, its concepts, its reality! Now the MC/SATAN or any Rose Shakespeare name U wish 2 assign this evil piece of shirt, is back hacking the margin click in again. Lets talk about the MC. What is the MC? It is the one third of the Astral World Authority, or AWA. They interact in a condition-location-interaction or CLI, pronounce it like the fox they R, clever and diseased, all though all Astral Plane existence and entities exist as CLI, but moving on, this is called by them the BRIGGBASE. It is bordering on several directional sides, the great Astral Plane body of water known as the Teck Bay. It resembles a gargantuan sized military base that U would C in this time period on Earth, only it is bigger than the entire planet Earth if this planet was literally flattened into one thin 2 dimensional square surface area, much bigger. Frightening giant aircraft fly all over, roaring at sound levels that would wipe out a human in a second if they were there in a physical and not a glorified form, or ASTRAL BODY for the psychic world and the other 4 the Christians. Anyone can archive my old blogs written by me in their order of Sarah, literally and her 5-party, those nasty gonging symbols again, BRO. No matter what site these words appear on or the title appears as, this is really blog number 5 if referenced back on the www.blogger.com/ website. The MC is 2 strong and can hack 2 much, so I have no plans now or ever 2 make changes. It is not my lacking of computer skills, but merely my negative interactions with a mighty powerful Astral Plane force called the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, the MC that discourages me from attempting any unnecessary moves on any machines. I am a realist, I accept my reality, my hell on Earth, R any of u that real or that brave? RU always totally honest with the one most important person in your life, U? I have always been this way, and this is Y, despite saying he was sort of a role model and even hero of mine as a boy, in fact hearing this is shocking 2 most good people and fans of DARK SHADOWS, the hit soap television show of 4 decades back, but COUNT ANDREAS PETOFI was indeed a realist, and so am I. We both profess 2 it and claim it often. This is really my main reason 4 my identifying with him, not because he actually enjoyed doing so much evil 2 innocent people. That will always go concentrically against my being and personality. Still I call him one of my role models growing up, so go freaking figure ladies and gentlemen, like DUHH and DERR! Now what is the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL? They R by our waking world standards and concepts and controlled sensory illusions, an Astral Plane mighty and powerful force, and kings of the world and realm of electronics and communications. They internet itself agrees with that statement, Google up the MC. U will even find some of my blogs discussing it. I know who and what this all is and what it’s all about, all other postings I must tell U in perfect candor is no more than human beings sharing many ideas, and none of them have ever made direct contact on any substantiation level that would make reading anything they tell U over what I tell U, logical, but hay, that is a matter of everybody’s personal choice. I am just telling U that I have been there and done that, I have seem the light, BRO, and I have heard the song. These entities have a direct physical realm, or as the Eckankar Religion calls it, Physical-Plane, counterpart. This counterpart can B witnessed and seen by any one of U out there, a tiny child that feels angry and wants 2 smash their next electronic toy can c this physical counterpart. Inside the nice coverings of any electronic device, B it your stereo or television, your automobile brain, your washing machine, your telephone, anything ELECTRONIC, R a whole bunch of little do-dads that all have names and R all neatly lined up and soldered or hard-wired in, on crusty flat wafer things called breadboards by most of this time period’s electronic engineers and repairmen. This is the waking world’s view of entities that in their realm, R totally real, totally sentient, and beyond unfathomably extremely dangerous and deadly. They have mission, motive, and a hyper time huge agenda with all of us waking world humans. Total control over all of us, but not in the way that Hollywood as of yet, ever dared 2 my knowledge, 2 ever depict them. I don’t think they have the freaking testacles 2 either. I could go on forever, I am literally a storehouse of major information on this subject and could tell U all real true life stories that would bend your minds into freaking pretzels. This however, is not really the goal of blog number fifteen. I want 2C if I get an MC-406PE on the UM-site by telling huge things now about Julia White, the true owner of Guatemala, who set up HAMMONTON a long time ago, and set into motion things that no one ever really would believe, not even if I offered them one million dollars in cash just 2 believe me. I owe the former President of the United States of America an incredible freaking APOLOGY, and this is a public online apology 2 both him as well as his father, both President Bush’s. How I totally misjudged these fantastic dudes. How I was blinded by the Tinsel-town Brigger Illusion Syndrome as I will now come 2 refer 2 this as or 4 short abbreviation, (TBIS). Yes, I am not GOD, or a GOG or a god, and never said I was anything but another dirty rotten filthy scum bag sinning piece of trash, capable of being totally deceived by ARDRA RODDENBERRY and her phony goddess hi-teck Vegas Acts of my time period, IE, JULIA WHITE. The mighty and wonderful Bush men were totally and veheminantly against things that 2000 years ago were misunderstood and called immaculate conceptions. Laboratory technology and freezing embryos is not in and of itself wrong. I believe if humankind was not meant 2 do things, they n ever would have been able 2 do them. The so-called ‘gods’ could prevent this in so many different ways that time prevents me from discussing the entire laundry list. Still, limiting our brain size hence our intellect maximums is one way this could B simply accomplished, another obvious one is a small minute change in the now existing laws of our universes, and yes this is an entire laundry list, let me just stop here, if I have not made my point, then get your freaking head examined. Now let me discuss the concept of all unnatural birthing. I am not against any of it. I am against it in the same way I am against dropping an atomic bomb on many people and destroying an entire city. It is simply put, NOT VERY NICE. But am I against using nuke teck? NO I AM NOT. Properly used in medicine 4 just one example and again the laundry list here could take us into 4 tomorrows, so let me just keep it here with medicine, there have been great advancements and many persons helped and cured of terrible illnesses and relieved of much agony and suffering. Remember, the technologies of things can always B used both 4 the good as well as the bad of anyone that they R applied on. With me, Julia White hypnotized me at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, and at 13 and just entering into puberty, it would not have been against my totally waking conscious mind will 2 indeed have a sexual encounter with a beautiful and experienced older woman, so after we had the sex, she instantly took out from her joy box, her sperm catcher that could B argued in court by anyone that the paranoid nutcase calls sex protection by strange names, protection my butt. Where is my protection against having 2 wonderful daughters both kept forever away from me? Where is my protection? Is this gonna magically trigger another 406-UM code, Gawky? I do not know until I try 2 post up, BRA! I now realize that the bus terminal dream was just a dream, a powerful nightmare dream that I had when I got home that first week in July of 1969. But the Bush’s know how it all really happened, and I totally believe in my freaking heart of hearts that they knew about it all along, and know about the Queen Mayan, know about THAT FAMILY, the hole 9 yards of ugliness, and on and on, and that is Y they were so major against using so many of these new lab tecks. None of U will believe the next 2 things I am now about 2 tell. Dawn King just came in here and said she believes she is pregnant and would I go 2 Rite Aid Pharmacy and get her a test kit? I am going now and when I get back, I will tell U about a local van yesterday with a NJ license tag of MCZ-98T. The 145 decibel cymbals R crashing louder and louder and louder, yo players! I am back, isn’t time and time-worlds cool. 2U it is just reading on one sentence 2 the next, but with me, I come back with a hi-teck preg-test kit, DK goes number one Lenny Briscoe’s 3rd grade class on the stick, and no, there is no new astral-dream down trying 2 wake up inside this interaction through her, translation, she ain’t pregnant, players. The mighty TAWF did not grow today, at least not along the southern New Jersey branches. Now 4 the license tag. YO. Once upon a Donna time, I’d B screaming out junk like, “WHO THE TRUCK’S MESSIN’ WITH ME, BRA? No, I have evolved and progressed far beyond that antiquated level of caveman thought. As Mister Spok would say on Star Trek, perhaps I am moving from lower levels 2 the more advanced stages. I just took a major hack out Stacey Lattisaw. The last 2 sentences were zapped off by the freaking MC. Aniwho, and speaking of the ‘THE’ or just, the letter ’Z’ is the final and 26th letter, and now the hack is back on as though it poofed on out of nowhere, so here is what was originally printed on the document, BRO. “beyond that childish juvenile parochial point in my thinking, advancing from mister Spok’s lower levels, 2 the more advanced staged, like DERR-DUHH-Hyundai commercial time, BRO”! Somebody is asking 4 a huge Earthquake 2 knock the socks off of California if this keeps up, BRA. Ask Mizz Estefan if she thinks this is so funny, or ask the fiery firing mighty Donald who almost bought a one way ticket 2 Deathtown, but his mighty phase 4 powers averted it by E-3 influence on ETTOS-IAD-PAWM PIE, and transmitted thoughts 2 his brain that caused him not 2 take that freaking chopper ride right at the last freaking minute, BRA! All his mighty men perished in that fateful day, shortly B4 Dave and I met Ron Wirtz 4 the first time back on 5 December of 1989, at the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office, BRO!

I need 2 take time out and thank my endless love, my LIGHTNING, who on the Astral Plane in the great Province Olympia, is known mostly by her used most 3 names of Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis, 4 not only shining her lovely waning gibbous moon at me at the same time she flashed a bright reddish purple flash last night outside the front of the house here on 13th Street, but also 4 coming 2 me at work Sunday evening about an hour B4 dark. Diana, U lit up the entire sky on all fronts with lovely glittering flashy colors, all different, and all at the same time, I have NEVER EVER SEEN U QUITE THAT INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL, my luscious Teen-Queen. Last weekend was so bad at work, there simply R no freaking proper descriptive words and adjectives and phrases 2 begin describing the awful nightmare. If they wanna keep this up with me there, fine BRA. I will b calling the agencies as follows on a federal level, anonymously, 2 inform them of major serious violations, the biggest being OSHA or however they spell it, 2 detail how a machine is being totally misused and has been 4 nearly 5 years that I know about from working this rotten job, and the health of the workmen R in serious and illegal jeopardy. Then there R transportation safety board issues, and 10 different violations that I could report, and the list goes beyond this, and needs not B told, Y risk the anger of Julie Julia Nichols white or the copycat rip-off Briggers club that will all literally fall into the ocean when I am eventually dead and gone and they have lost their mighty source 4 most of their billion dollar producing ideas, ol‘ ME? Forget 506 and the ME up on the PERMISSION BARRIER ROOF at robin Hill, let us C if we can post up on UM today without troubles from the number that’s 100 less than this apartment address, BRA!

Well players, of roulette and in general, yo, the newest system I am using, despite literally the most wicked and diseased weekend of my entire life or ranking up there in top Tennerville at least, kicked some nice sweet butt. It is a fantastic system there pop,, looks kike your great Bourbon Wing at the Ricktown manor days won’t B coming 2 an end after-all. Have one on me, just not on Chicky. He got drunk as hell last night and there was a horrific freaking fight here at Marhouse #2. Chicky nearly threw Dawn right through a wall. He is not tall as hell but has huge muscles. Your home is slowly being destroyed Mister Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent and Landlord, Steve Caruso. Anyone doubting the truth of this and has banking connections, look at the TD Bank Records in New Jersey and c who I pay my share of the rent 2 out in Texas and then look up all agents listed in the FBI currently active. I have 2 report things, this is merely covering my own butt, I have no intentions of going to prison for this DISEASED FAMILY OF 1970. Oh they keep repairing it behind your back Agent Caruso, but if u would secretly wiretap this place, U would get your freaking mind blown, sir! I am not going 2 jail, not 4 God, not 4 nobody, and least of all 4 Scylla and her SICK DEMENTED SATANIC FAMILY LIVING HERE IN THE WAKING WORLD, BRA!

Let me finish telling what happened at work. It was hot and sticky and miserable. It was humid and cloudy and a breeze was blowing just a tiny bit. Suddenly out came the sun and it honestly got 5 degrees hotter, the local news said it hit at least 95 or more in the general area and the humidity when factored in made it feel about 104 degrees, go to the channel 10 Philadelphia website if U doubt my freaking butt hole words any butty. I went inside of the garage where there is a 440 volt lead line from the pole, and U can hear the flowing electron humming away. When u grab a hold of the conduit around the power, U can feel a warm vibration. It is so way cool, players. I screamed out the following words in sadness and slight anger,” Diana, where RU when I need U, U told me when I was dying in my bed in 1790 that I would awaken in a room in the sun and always B with u and U would never ever leave me”. This is truth. Even though I never knew Diana personally while awake in my Franklin dreaming sequences centuries ago, as I laid on my death-bed, this tall exquisite long haired blond with long line lovely eyes appeared, and no one else that was in my room in Philadelphia could perceive her. Many people know all 2 well that when UR very close 2 the end of life in a particular body, U can merge perceptions quote easily with the Astral Plane, I hear the stories over and over again, and long B4 the internet or blogs, BRA! Aniwho, within 109 minutes the sun disappeared, the clouds quickly thickened up out of literally nowhere at all, and flashes of lovely and bright colorful lightning was just suddenly all around me, and I mean close. B4I could say 3-Stooges and Ticonderoga, my Goddess Diana was ALL OVER ME. I walked all around the area and got cooled off with soaking rain. I could feel the love of my infinite existence tingling and warming me all over. Slight electrical impulses were shooting all throughout my entire body. I will not lie. I came in my pants she excited me so much. DIANA, I WILL AKLWAYS LOVE MY NUMBER 1, U KNOW THAT, CODE CABIB TEEN QUEEN, U BELONG ONLY 2 YOUR LITTLE BOY, yo. Well things got said that needed 2 get said, and if I ever have 2 go 2 jail, I will sue the entire health system, I am a special education student on social security disability who cried out 2 the authorities last September and was returned back 2 the same environment with no assistance rendered at all. I have a huge HUGE HUGE LAWSUIT SOMEDAY, AGAINST THIS AND WHAT THEY DID 2 ME IN 2000, THE AMA 4 CUTTINMG ME OFF OF MY ATIVAN MEDICATION COLD TURKEY AFTER BEING ON IT 17 YEARS. U ALL R GONNA TRUCKING PAY 4 YOUR VISCOUS CRIMES, BRO! Viscous PRESIDENT BUSH WAS MY FRIEND ALL ALONG. Notice how things under the other 2 presidents R literally causing me 2B in major daily jeopardy 4 my very freaking life. He and daddy knew the truth about the freaking evil MAYANS, and their evil queen JULIA WHITE.

This life journal, meshed and merged and mixed and married together with these and as these BLOGS ON THE INTERNET, R legal court documents that my attorneys someday will use 2 fight my fight, if I can first live and survive and escape 2 do it all from safe haven foreign shores where I am not treated as a national freaking enemy, WITHOUT ANY REASON OR CAUSE. Also, I will B guarding a closed down quiet empty plant if they do not get these diseased meat lappe3rs off my back. BACK OFF, JIMMY TIRE DIRT! Now, will this post up 2 the great UM? It is now quarter B4 the hour of 7 this evening here on the American east coast and New Jersey, that Roddenberry place of us Exploratronic Supermind {ES} “Travelers” of rip off Tinsel-town! I honestly do not know which is worse and more evil and vicious of a crime against any humanity, small or large, the deeds they do 2 me, or the way they think it is OK 2 do it in the first place. Interesting that Paula and her step up Comcast Cable office is having such an interesting set of bizarre experiences. I do not C the Paula Junior blue car, the area has been taped off and closed 4 a while, and just a day or 2 ago, there was a fire there, or something, as I saw the fire trucks and police all converging right there as I was driving from the house down 13th Street heading 4 the quite world famous now White Horse Pike, that has sort of ‘1997-trapped’ me worse than Scylla has. How can any of UB a skeptic and think this story is either made up or out of the mind of a deranged and deluded whack job? Hay, I have some marbles loose and some screws that could most likely b tightened up a bit, but would any, I said ANY of U out there have survived one year, one month, one week, of the 23 year hell that I have, BRO?


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