Friday, August 7, 2009

blog 12

2:24 PM on Friday, August 7th, 2K9
Start of blog:

This blog will pertain 2 anyone reading along from the original 1995 Morianity cassette taped project began at Highview Apartments in Williamstown New Jersey, by me, and while still in good terms with and in direct contact with Ron Wirtz, at the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office, and will pertain also 2 anyone right here and now on the internet reading the blogs of Mountainpen, all of them, where it ends up as a continuation of my life journal that began in 1983 around the first of February, and then later in the summer of 1997, was merged together with the Morianity-Project, so 2 speak, actually, it all just sort of got around 2 happening, BRA. There R a few persons with the sufficient amount of wisdom, B it whether they r in agreement or disagreement with me not being pertinent nor relevant 2 my present point, who I absolutely know that they now know that I totally know the full story of what is going on with my entire nearly 55 years of life here as the present waking life “me”. Last night someone or something that owns and totally controls the world that I know as 3 distant entities that R all under one reality, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, THE MAYAN WAKING WORLD BRIGGBASE COLONISTS, and the SUBTERRANIANS. Whenever U have a spinning hot spherical object that is filled with metallic atomic elemental structures, a reality in the realm of G-FORCE is all powerfully connected in more ways that ever could B spoken of in this one single tiny blogging work, let alone volumes of mighty encyclopedias. I have told how basically a BRIGGER PRODUCED TELEVISION MOVIE called the TRUMAN STORY admits that they all really know or at least fully suspect, that we all R indeed being watched and sort of as a late night powerful ASTRAL PLANE ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK, and all 4 the amusement of watching the little bugs crawling around and getting mind blowingly entertained. But there is a small addition that needs 2B isolated and elaborated upon, if I can possibly finds a way 2 so this, and despite being highly warned (MWE) by THEM, not 2 blog the details in any way of this true and beyond fantastic and outlandish story. This addition is small in the grand scheme of much larger totalities involved in what may thought of somewhat as cosmic quantities, (Mafia Warning Equivalent). In no way when I use the word mafia is this neat 2 bring in any nationality organized crime syndicates, nor meant as any disrespect 2 any of the families that the global authorities may in fact think of some of them as, but as merely a way 4 me 2 try so feebly 2 describe my necessary point herein. Hence I will B using the term of MWE.

B4 we do move on into this brand new territory of coming right out and telling what I now perceive 2B totally happening around me in present waking body and life over the past nearly 55 years now, I am going 2 speak in general about my week and also today, this [present Friday, present only in the now moment while I type this, and not if UR reading these words 3 years from now somewhere on a Wednesday evening. I am going 2B needing either a new mouse or a new mouse pad, or perhaps both over at the local Wal-Mart store next week, and if that does not stop this new problem that lately I am experiencing, then I will show this 2 our landlord when he comes later on this month, an active agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the FBI, BRO. When U know that U have done nothing wrong and thereby U have absolutely nothing 2 hide, it is a feeling that many cannot share ass they look over their shoulders 4 some officer or agency 2 get them on some criminal act, and I have committed none, and can breath easy and sleep well, or maybe I could if I ever can get my old mother fucping life back which is starting 2 appear now 2 me as a very dismal prospect, BRO. THEY GOT ME, no Military Police, but they got me, and the circa is more than symbolism, 2 me. Speaking of shirt like this, local town scumbag trash enemies have gone 2 somewhat major lengths recently 2 put many JIMMY dirt ball trucks all over town, parked in spots that they know with certainty that I am bound 2C in my mandatory drives with the KING CLAN every day. They got me on a recent prior blog and used PAEM-PIE tool number E-4 making me forget 2 end a sentence and tell U that another JIMMIE scum bag truck,. WUITH A DIRT BALL RTIRE on the back, got me again this week, and now 4 two solid weeks back 2 back, these mother fucping murk cough enemies R on a major roll right now 2 end my existence as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN/MARK MOHR, what the truck’s in a name anyway, Mizz Rose Shakespeare?????????????????????????? It is constant now, just driving over 2 Wal-Mart a while back where I ran into Joe King, Dawn’s brother, they R all over like flies on liquid excrement. This is also what JIMMY TRUCKS R, so as Dave Roth would say and I’ll freaking quote the late or maybe not so late dude, this is all merely “water seeking its own level”. How I fucping miss hearing him say that almost on a daily basis, BR!!!!!!!!! Joe is not doing 2 good, move over Joe, I’m not either, and that lovely family of yours is part of the equation in ways that my worst nightmares never even dared 2 go 2 until just the past couple of days and nights, and I will return here in a moment. Planes and chemtrails R bad, health attacks R bad, ground attacks and many motor trash cycles all over R bad, it is very bad and the siege on me by WOMO-TASWF is gargantuan. Somebody out there did not want me 2C the TV show “The Mentalist” last night, and went way out of their way 2 use numerous powerful technologies that once not all that long ago I would just marvel at like being at 50 Vegas magic acts all at the same time, but now ARDRA RODDENBERRY, I know better than 2C these filthy diseased trash as awesome gods, they R rotten power hungry infinitely bored epitome of shirt bags, BRO, and that’s all they R and ever were and will B, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly at 1 minute shy of ten last night, the power went off in different parts of the house, some stayed on, some flickered, some alternated, it was like nothing I bad ever seen in my life on this side of a Hollywood/Briggbase produced television screen, babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A utility crew got here at around 2 this morning and managed after an hour give or take, 2 restore the normal electrical system of the house. I was told that a neutral line from the street pole carrying Diana or (electricity), was dysfunctional as R those living in the house, and actually had turned white in the tree limbs, so they cut out some tree limbs, shut down power, strung a new wire 4 Diana’s flowing electrons 2 travel through leading2 out house transformer that coils down the power 2 usable Pat Robertson 100 or 200 amp service leading into the basement utility breaker box. Cool tapes Pat old buddy, I never forgot them, especially the ones where U ordered the hurricanes not 2 come through your Virginia Beach area, yo player, cool. The unenlightened C all this as normal wear and tear and me as some diseased lunatic with delusions of grandeur, HA, ‘dream on’ everybody, I know differently. The Dick Levy Mom’s Boyfriend Dark Shadows Forbidden Episode Syndrome, is indeed what kicked in here last night, or the (DLMBDSFES) BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When THEY don’t want U2C or know something, THEY WILL SRTOP U, and U can doubt this truth all U want out there, blind leading the blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the deaf can speak 2 each other without signing, then I will B open minded that I am the one that needs 2 reexamine things, and not until.

I will super abridge and nutshell this, and many following blogs will move it along at a pace that hopefully will B follow able by the readership and blogaud. Here goes. No youngster between 13 and 16 years of age, not in a million trillion, quintillion years, by his own self and without some wild intervention, would ever come up with the concept and idea as well as the detailed plans 4 actually accomplishing such a bizarre mission, of something that some of U loyal followers of this blogging on the website of know a little about all ready and perhaps R hungry 2 learn more about it and U will, and right now, my project called the “TIMELESS-SATELLITE”. More still, the plan of amassing and accumulating an extremely large sum of money 2 pull it off, and even a way 2 pull it off in the computer dark ages next 2 right now, the seventies and eighties, using tractor trailer sized mobile mainframes, and the longwinded all ready blogged plans 4 bringing this entire wild project into freaking fruition, BRO!!!!! Built into this was a way 2 cool and totally ass awesome plan 2 operate this through the 5th dimension, long B4I ever knew what the 5th dimension was outside of this really cool and luscious looking chick named Marilyn McCoo. I wanted the residents of TS, 2 come back through time itself and get me, and take me 2 my own creation, even though by doing this, how would I have created it 2 begin with, U know, the old fashioned and totally worn out sci-fi Mike Fox Back 2 The Future lamebrain syndrome of time travel effecting causality, and without knowledge of hyperspace and its effects on time and space itself, this would seemingly B a total impossibility. Mrs. Marola knew the entire story and when I told her, she was eager 2 learn more and more, back in 1969. She was fascinated the day she brought her friend Miss America 2 the school and I was not interested in meeting her and told her so. She told me it was time 2 act like a man and become attracted 2 women. I was all ready attracted 2 women and just did not outwardly display my emotions 2 persons in the world who I believed it was just none of their damn business about my personal life. I was not the open book me that I am, today, as now I’ll tell anyone whatever they wanna know about my nightmare circumstances and this beyond surreal nightmare life. She was however amazingly fascinated with my slogan that I had made up and said time and time again, about the year when the needed monies were 2B amassed and 2 years later, I would then have the project completed and B forever away from Earth, 1992. Well, the end of time and the starting of Timeless-Satellite, and the mighty Donna knows only 2 well, did not happen the way it was all meant 2, but baby-love, huger things than this happened, and indeed, the satellite was created, and by me, another me, many other me’s in fact, throughout hyperspace. But instead of coming back 2 help me get there, 50 million or so years from now, the residents, who long B4 that, installed an inner propulsion system, and moved it far out into intergalactic space, along with a fusion reactor used 4 their sun, and even a large meteor shaped and designed and also blasted out in as field travel wave, 2B its moon so the oceans would have tides, and other Earthly similarities would develop. This family of TS, the MAYAHNS that U all on this planet know about, did come back in many dimensions of the hyperspace, and in the one I was in here, they had mother plans 4 me. They also had many plans 4 others since the forties, and what Julia White did 2 me after hypnotizing me in Babylon, is not new by the technological standards of today, she made me do nothing against my will, every boy in puberty would desire 2 screw a lovely older woman, let’s get real here peeps, this is a real situation and it is not 4 the faint freaking hearted either BRO, and she had a freezer box the size of a wristwatch carry case, no puns intended byt oh those symbols do scream at times and very loudly, but this is the way it all went down. Other parts of me may B running around following episodes of her Paula King persona, but that is totally another topic. I wanted this powerful satellite, and the future residents of it when super advanced, 2 find me on Earth, and come back 4 me, but they had other plans. Perception? Yes, it is a powerful thing 2 develop properly,. And this is just the opening of stuff that is gonna turn this world on its ear, and I will find bigger ways than blogging on 4 internet sites, 2 get the truth of all of this out 2 the human race, bet on that one, ROG. I do not want 2 commandeer a vehicle and dissect it, U just want 2 find a vehicle and know they follow me around. What U need 2 do is tell all the clan that now UI am onto the entire thing, and have no intentions of playing games in hyperspace this fucping dangerous. As far as I am concerned right now, when we meet up in about 2 weeks, U can have the damn fly. It was your peeps that dropped it down on me ast the Wood anyway, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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