Saturday, August 1, 2009


Saturday MoUUUUUUrning, August 1, 2009 ADEG

2 things R happening, one is that I am speaking 2 the 1995-1997 part of my life journal where the Morianity Project, so 2 speak, left off and got a bit meshed and married together. The 2nd thing is that I am also up here in the year 2009 where all of UR also, but then all of UR back there as well, and none of U get it. U think I either whack or some kind of time traveler. I am not whack, and there is no such thing as a time traveler, not now and not ever, it is all science fiction 4 one huge reason, time is an illusion, no matter what ol’ Albert thought. Despite my saying that, people R indeed existing here and there, by existing in a truer way. This truer way is existence in more than length and width and depth of 3 space dimensions. When time and hyperspace R realized as 2 more dimensions, it all is so clear, but the few who think they know this or R getting this, still really R not, believe me. I tried 2 prove in a small experiment with the most open minded dude I ever knew in my current existence as me, in the future referenced 2 my journal back in the nineties, I go by an internet blogging name and psudenum of Michael Mountainpen, exactly what I am now discussing, and found out quickly where even his limited horizons instantly caused him 2 totally pooh-pooh the idea. I was going 2 show this dude the crap of his life, and he just would not go with it. This was a dude who knew 4 a fact that lightning was a real entity and totally sentient, and many other powerful things, yet when it came 2 a bit of playing around with hyperspace and phase 4, he cut me off like a speeding reckless road driver. I do not blame him and even totally understand what gives, and no, I am not running straight 4 the ETTOS-3. I am sure E-3 and E-4 play huge parts in everybody’s failures or miseries in this human life, but still not everything is just 100% thought transmission or thought omission by the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, all though I am equally positive that some kind of small degree and amounts of this R laying in all things and at all times and locations, on this plane of existence where we R always under them, in the rules of the game, lawtronically.

How many times I have wondered now over the past year or so, how a dude named Robert Riches from the great and mighty Rock Insurance Company, fits supernaturally into my existence, I am not really sure at all. I know it is many times and I need no strong winds 2 carry the message 2 me wither, tee-hee. Still, lots of messages work their way around things, and not at all as I believed the mechanical structures behind this anomaly 2B in the Haddonwood days where my Life Journal on cassettes was about 2 wind down and come 2 a screeching halt, while simultaneously MORIANITY PROJECT would begins, and then the 2 would sort of merge into one reality, wow, could Patterson do this good? Truth is not always stranger, it is more powerful than fiction, because fiction literally exists on a realm below physical life, in the IMAGINATIONS of actual LIVING ENTITIES, the living on the physical plane is known of Astrally as Phase 3, while Phase-4 beings R the unintentional creations of phase 2 beings, that never make it into our realm physically as doing so would violate LAWTRONICS. B4 going on in 2000 Mrs. ‘somehow knew ahead of time how this number was gonna B pronounced’ Marola, let me tell U that yesterday Friday was a splitpire, the Phillies managed 2 pull off a win which Ida bet a trillion bucks against and lost, and the Dow was up which except 4 one day if memory serves, was up all last week 4 another hot butt wipe gain 4 the evil streets of Manhattan. I do not hate money or capitalism or Wall Street, but there is an out of control monster loose and it has been explained so often that I would now B insulting your intelligence out there by dignifying this with more rotes and reiterations on the damn subject, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER SINCE THE TIME, AND IT IS ALL OFFICIAL GOOGLE, BLOGGER DOT COM LEGALLY DATED AND STAMPED, THE MOTORCYCLE AND PLANE CONVERGENCE ASSAULT ON ME ON THE WAY 2 WORK THAT SUNDAY AFTERNOON, THE BEAR MARKET ENDED. THEN WHEN I GOT A SMALL TURN BACK IN MY DIRECTION, THE FILTHY CHEATING WOMO ENEMIES OF THE BIG BUSINESS STREET, SLAMMED AND PUMMELED ME ALL OVER AGAIN, AND ALL OF U FOLLOWING THIS, KNOW WITH OR WITHOUT ROGER, AND HIS DUMB SYSTEMS, THAT THIS IS ALL REAL, WINDS OR NO WINDS, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Just how many times does this need 2 keep getting re-explained 4 the sake of the gods, BRA!!!!!!!?????????????????????????? 4 the nineties readers, or those really perhaps in the 2000 thirties or so, reading the original life journals in proper time order, C, no magic, no T.T., all parlor tricks as I said, but 4U dudes and dudesses, I am up here now, and am kind of in the habit when emotional about something or really pissed off, of copying Detective Ed Green on the Law And Order hit Television show, with the BR, and the BRA, and the BRO. I love the guy, he is my hero, there never will B another Ed Green, U rock blaster-man. Sorry, a World-Lab expression not used yet like Squooks. So what is all this about Robert Riches from the insurance company, and no time travel followed by the statement just made? UC, the bible does this as well, U know, the atheists that love 2 locate all of the so-called biblical contradictions. Sheeeeeeit, parlor tricks. No magic or time machine exists, but there is a powerful secret, and it is not new as far as my discussing it today, and in fact it will not B discussed with detail today, this is not what the blog is dedicated 4 today, but the term used is EXPLORATRONICS, and it is how all of this stuff is done and always was and will B done, and it is a parlor trick. Gene Roddenberry and his 2 fantastic and very enlightened associates, Pillar and Berman, knew or proved 2 me anyway, that they had 2 know about exploratronics, when they came up with the episode of Next Generation ST where the inhabitants of a planet visited the starship by remote control. Maybe they just did not have government permission 2 broadcast even fictionally, that the visitations R dreams, as this would or might, invoke UFOLOGICAL and other paranormal phenomenon researchers 2 suddenly Susan C, just what REALLY is going on, and the CATHOLIC CHURCH would freaking ass collapse over freaking night!!!!!!!!!! I said this B4 and I will say it lots more, U CANNOT MERGE THE PLANES of the Physical and the Astral, it is literally easier 2 put water and oil together. I also gave the intelligencia the exact reasons Y, and if U do not C the truth after reading my words, I know UR not really the intelligencia of this part of 4/5-D reality. U never “DREAM” in the dimension UR in, if U did, it would cause U2 break the light barrier. 70-220 pounds or the average adult weight on Earth in mass, meeting itself on equal charge atomically, wham, the SS Enterprise does not claim 2 contain that much M/AM MP ‘Mixed-Propulsion’ at any given burst. U dream in other dimensions. I do not mean the ones that I actually count as 6th is mind and so forth, but actual virtually limitless atomic vibration agreements that cause individual or single songs, “universes”. Multiverse comes from the words of Multiple verses or songs, and songs R frequency vibrations, and the lyrical content is the stellar communications, ask any astrophysicist if stars do not speak, in hyper ultra high radio frequencies. I do not invent what I am saying, it is all very real, check it out, ask your local university science labs, all though many will scratch their heads, but some R still on the right page. U tune out the particular world U interact with on a consciously awake level, and then U dream into hyperspace. Still, B4UR doing any of this, U exist astrally, and all of it is really a huge DREAM-DOWN. Still, U do indeed wake into one signature agreeing frequency and this is where UR when awake, and then while dreaming, all though it all is through the astral matter itself in ways much 2 complex 2 explore with U right now, U dream in other parts and realities, and U know I am right, think about your dreams. U seem 2B in your house, but something is always a bit off, a bit different, that is hyperspace. Some more distant parts of hyperspace can disagree with here in major and vast ways, this is all topic 4 other times when indeed I have more time. So how does all this now 4 example explain dreaming the future or dreaming the interactions with MC all throughout the 2008 year?, and nineties readers, hold onto your hats at C squared. Well, the exact same atoms based on precise equal choices and decisions by weather and humans and the entire structure actually exist in the 5th dimension, but R laying apart from each other in the arrangement of the intra-varying hypersphere, translation, apart from each other in time only, one may B the same exact universe only on Earth it is noon on May 3, 1975 in Chicago, while in another it is 3PM, or 3PM, 100 years ago or from now. The 5th dimension is what is traveled through, and never physically, only perceptually. Again, this entire reality around all of U is mere waves and particles and your own mind and its perception of them translated into your waking consciousness through basically 5 sensory jack ins, (senses). Now 4 Robert Riches, and then we will talk a little about Mayan Queen, Doctor Julia White. Actually, she and he fit smack dab together on one powerful issue, but the reasons 4 it still elude me and I never lie about knowing anything. When I know, I tell U boldly and quite loudly and audaciously that I KNOW. When I do NOT KNOW, I WILL TELL U, straight out up front, hay BRO, I DON’T KNOW. When I left 112 East 5th Avenue in Mantua, New Jersey, USAESMWG on April 30 of 1980 to drive into the recording studio where I worked at the time, RPL, I never returned 2 this address, not 2 live anyway, actually I went back twice 2 visit the people I sold the house 2, Twinbay, Queen of Young-age and Outspoken Accomplishments, but I moved into 1802 Robin Hill, which so many blogs have discussed, where after 5 weeks of being there, I had my major LOIS FOCA INTERACTION, and shortly after that met Gawky Gaukauk the magic panther, and was given some incredible phonographic records by the studio printer named Mike Walters. Oh shure I have been given the dual needle upon occasion and definitely have learned how 2 reflect it right back at my Earthly Brigger Cultist enemies out in Cali, but all that said, let me tell U about my car insurance and Mister Riches. Still I wonder who’s cheatin’ who in the country music world of God’s making of Oklahoma Russ Deflavia of northeast Philly, just as I wonder about Robert Riches, the man who came one night after mom and I made an appointment 2 switch companies 4 my car insurance. I had been a bit reckless and had speeded, I was young, and I had been placed into the high risk drivers pool. We also needed renters insurance, as I had purchased some stuff from the studio as well as an expensive open reel machine at MARTIN Audio/Video, in Manhattan, New York, and wanted 2 insure myself against theft and fire. We could not afford life insurance and know matter how hard he pressured mom and me, mom turned him down. He did not ever give up and in 1985, he was bound and determined 2 get me into a policy, which a few years after that, maybe 3-5 if memory is serving me at all correctly, I bought into a better one and made sure it had a cash surrender value. If this dude however had not insisted that I get life insurance, I would B DEAD right now. Wanna hear the bizarre story lads and lassies? First, it had a clause I never knew about, and that is if disabled as I indeed came 2B in 1994, my PITSY #4 year, and Harold C.’s Jubilee year, the insurance company picks up the premium 4 as long as I remained on disability. I thought I had no policy as I stopped paying once on disability. I even told them 2 cancel the policy. Some part of me even thinks the clause was added after I became disabled, and on top of that, I was kicked off it while at Griffin Pipe those 2 years as I was managing 2 work again on a full time basis, yet the policy stayed in force, and even though in 2005 after being off of disability for 2 or 3 years, and then ever since, have again been back on it and working part time 24 hours per week under the New Jersey Workability Program, all totally legal and above board, the point here is that during the off time, I made no premium payments, and yet the policy never died. Well, unfortunately, neither did I. One day in 2006 I got a notice about its value and that my address change 2 Hammonton was now updated by the mighty Rock. The point is that I was dead in the water and needed 2 pay some bills this past month of whoolio as South of the Borderers might call it, BRO. I filled out the surrender forms, and got a prompt check, and managed 2 climb out of a scary and deep hole. Governor Corzine put a knife in my back and killed the normal money I expected 2 get back on the rebate 4 renters, it is a larger amount 4 the disability people and always helps me pay bills around the time of the financial summer crunch. When the winter crunch hits, I get some federal income tax money refund 2 help out, and I count on these semiannual assists, not 2 go out and have a good time, just 2 pay my mother fucking bills, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I think Mister Riches, or the Catholics would think this, was some kind of Angel. I do not believe in the traditional religious hocus pocus yet my belief system based on actual witnessed and remembered knowledge, goes bar beyond their quite limited concepts of the miraculous and the world of the spiritual, or ASTRAL. U only heard an extremely compressed and abridged version of the total Robert Riches story, there is more connected up in all of this, just like all the MC interactions R really not about her at all, but her new toy who falls asleep each night from an upline jail cell and wreaks havoc on humanity, and has 4 basically 13,020 years now, right about 2 the very exact day, huh HARRY????????????? I do not get tormented anymore with regularity by these 2 lovely ‘people’, PTL, and basically the Shop-Rite Grocery Store purple highlighted hair interaction is where it stopped, only bits and pieces since, and not a lot real pleasant, Lakehouses and along this line, but more with the branches of her family more local 2 my area, and that I actually am living with, the gods help me. However B4 this major up-tick in the Dow, there was another one, and I did not discuss it on the internet, nor do I wish 2. It is real bad, and would not B a good idea 4 me 2 blog it, U know, those lines, not the chemtrails, all though recently they hurt me real bad, woke me up Friday with an awful ass sore throat and the nasty mess was all over yesterday and last night’s local skies, go check it all out, how they cause FLU-LIKE symptoms, the entire 27 foot ball of stinking rotten wax, BRO, Google up; contrail/chemtrail, and check out these 2 great websites, BRA: and and have a blast, yo.

Lightning has been wonderful 2 me lately, coming around me close with lovely bright colors and even let me feel her tingle my ankles out in the yard. I LOVE U MORE THAN WORDS CAN EVER HOPE 2 TELL U DIANA, my forever Teen-Queen. CU real soon at the waterfalls, get ready 4 love beyond your ‘dreams’ Baby-Blond.

Let me talk a little about the Lakehouse just mysteriously disappearing out of my proximity through living here with the Southern New Jersey Branch of TF-70. U never were told squat, and maybe I should tell U all a little bit, BRA. Joe King, Dawn King, and Elisa King, what a wild crew. U would not believe it if I told U a tenth of it, BRO. 4 sake of personal safety, I do not dare, anymore than I dare cross not only a recent line, but tell some other things that went on up in H-Bay a long time ago, greatest fishes and other things all notwithstanding, BRA. I need 2 first amend when I blogged about a face book person, Elaina King. No one tells me in this family, squat, and then they expect me 2 Google up shit and find it 4 them, none of this bunch is computer savvy, only Elaina is, and she uses the name Silva, as does her mom, Ann Silva. Jamie Silva is her husband, a wealthy property investor in Porto Rico if I am spelling the island correctly. I do not travel, I do not like it, I do not like trouble, taking risks, or making moves that involve any unknowns beyond those that life in general thrusts on all of us. I have just way 2 bad of either KARMA, magnetics, Huntington Curses, or whatever the motherfucking hell anyone wishes 2 call it. So I am not really great at spelling foreign shores. Anyway, Jamie left 4 the islands after Ann caught him cheating with another woman and would not have U know what with him. Men R dogs, and women know it. Yet good freaking men they treat like shit, go figure dudes, yo. I am a perfect gentleman with women and they treat me like a piece of toilet paper, well used. Anyway, do not check out Manhattan listings on King, it is under Silva, now they tell me, hay, it’s THAT-FAMILY, the whole clan is as dysfunctional as the most powerful branch of it. I just wanna find a way out of this, an escape, and what did SHE say in 1997 about that? Still think this blog is the work of a total freaking nut job, BRO? Finishing out the Lakehouse thing, Elisa, Joe King’s (sort of fiancé) loves 2 make trouble more than anyone I have ever met. Dawn told me that if she was not on probation she would literally have me one night take her over 2 the harbor and hide out near the house, and literally take her apart, sand Dawn can put 200 pound refrigerators over her head without breaking a sweat. On one particular day, she involved me in something and I admitted being under Stockholm Syndrome. As she works 4 Dyfiss and spell checker is worthless today and I know the word is misspelled, but it was a bad scene all around and I ended up as the horrible person, the family destroyer, I am the one who is trying 2 wreck this wonderful family, OK, sure, shore, shure, and phono records, whatever Oak Street Bob, when all I want is 2 ESCAPE this horrible clan and go back and live my own life. I am tired 2 death of South American music, constant Spanish around me when I barely know how 2 say tomorrow, flower, me, and count from one 2 ten, this and driving constantly and being screamed at and having no life at all 4 myself, is beyond being in maximum security prison, it is being in fiery fucking hell cubed, not squared, MC, CUBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read all this in 1996 and 1997, my readers, remember the pool, remember the entire nightmare at Haddonwood, am I really imagining all this shit? Where is Gerard Styles when I need him?, hell, maybe the ghost of Judah Zachary can’t even get me out of this one Stanley Oliver. Anyway, Collinwood and Haddonwood, forget Collingswood and fields and schools, but yo player, U really should C the way that property looks after all these years, just like the producers of DARK SHIT HOLES exploratronically saw all this stuff and made the show. As I said, moms boyfriend Dick LEVY shure wanted 2 get me out of the house on that one special day where that one episode aired where decades later I found out exactly Y. YO. Hay am I imagining Russ Thaxton at one in the morning, stuff like this is way beyond Patterson, come on, gimme a fucking break peeps, I don’t care if U spill milk on your diapers and never leave your crib, but Russ was over drunk as hell after he was molested at age 15 by Misses Goodfellow who was no fellow and certainly was no damn good Lex Luther, and he was over at my pad, in those days, and it was another 40 years back, heeda been over at my flop, huh City of Forever Kirk and Spok?????????????????????????? So how did Simon Baker and Callio’s huge municipal pipes get underneath the apartment? Ask whoever really lives in that part of freaking hyperspace, I was just a visiting exploratron, Cap Pick a Card. Rock and paper and scissors and what, MC? Tell me Rog, does your cuz agree or is she just fucking with me here. Does she in fact agree with my oh-7 blogs that say boldly and outright that indeed, my enemies R equal 2 Mary Carter and Martino Callio? I know then that I said that, and should have said McGuire-Callio, but is she agreeing or just playing games along with lovely Lester? U and your systems, please leave the mailbox game at an end-program. Either knock and meet your distant family or just go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TANKS. Now here is how the lakehouse was made 2 vanish along with opposite spinning parlor tricking rotisserie wheels, BRA. All I had 2 do was go online and tell the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL that I had a wonderful time at the barbecue, read the blog from May of this year on if it is not on any other site as I do not know how long many sites keep old blogs, but go there and read MAY BLOGS or Google search Mountainpen blogs with quotations and add in LAKEHOUSE or BARBECUE, BRA. I say what a fantastic and super great time I had, and WHAM, it poofs away, it is total magic, a parlor trick, and owned and controlled by the puppeteers of the HUNTINGTON CURSE OF BRAINTREE, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


END OF THE BLOG, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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