Friday, January 29, 2010

most miserable family in universe, part-BBBBBB

Continuing from part AAAAA, earlier, yeah, Sam the maintenance man at the Highview Apartments, he insisted the giant goddess PAULA, visited my apartment and stayed 4 nearly a half hour, I have only the memory of the ringing doorbell and seeing this giant who later on raped me at the John kennedy hospital in the mother fucking stinking elevator.

SKY SIEGE began after a week back off period or so, last night, now horiffic CHEMTRAILS, PLANES, CHOPPERS, r MAKING MI LIFE A LIVING FUCKING BURNING NIGHTMARE FUCKING HELL ON EARTH. This was still ongoing after 2 this morning here in fort Pierce, Florida. Today, planes and chemtrailing is extremely wicked. I am feeling the ill effects of the fucking poisoning all ready, and when I am dead, this entire wicked EVIL EMPIRE AND UNITAWF R ALL, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS, MY MURDERERS, IN ONE FORM OR CAPACITY OR ANOTHER.

I told U what basic LATIN words all come from, MALPRACTICE, MALFEASANCE, on and on, the MAL, means basically, BAD. The rest of the disease called MALARIA, the part following the mal, or ARIA means basically AIR, since BAD AIR is what the disease MALARIA does in fact officially mean, go ahead and vcheck it out yourself with the American Medical Association. This second name-part with an R pronounciation 2 it is a powerdul Astral Plane Goddess and cousin of Venus and Diana. Without the L part in the word 4 BAD or MAL, we now change over 2 mother, or mother of the sky and air, the true meaning of MC's real human name, and do not think Julie white does not totally know this on an awake and aware level, or u might make me LOL and get kicked out of this mother treaking library folks. Tricks and treats and October parades, and copyrighted projects sent down, where 2 begin, shit? In the middle late 90's, the entire Copyright Office officials or the LOC, knew all the thi ngs I have come 2 learn from agonizing years of legwork, and tons of freaking awful pain. They have fucking ears, they know my original title to the song, "Real Good girl", was MI. OK, Ward cleaver, the window, this, all of it, its all in the fucking open now, so what now, a fire at the RV, ewhat the fuck else is godsdamn new McGuire ASSHOLE??????

Y can Champ amnd others LEAVE the family, no one bothered them, they had cars? But let me go, and all hell is being turned upside fdown, oh yeah, "WE KNOW WHERE UR, IT WAS EASY 2 FIND U IN FLORIDA". So good 4U, U found me in Florida, I am not hiding,I have nothing 32 hide, i have done nothing wrong, and will face the FBI or any judge any time, it is all of u that r soon heading 2 prison 4 EXTORTION, THREATS, INTIMIDATION THROIUGH THE UNBITED STATES MAIL SYSTEM, and I can go on and on and on, taking advantage of a special education person, etcetera, etcetera, so bring it on, I know this family is all plotting now and working together, I knew that the MOTHERFUCKING SECOND I SAW THE VAN IN FRONT OF ME ON US HIGHWAY ONE A WEEK BACK, FROM HUBTINGTON, NEW YORK, despite my knowing fully well that the Carey branch of UNITAWF has not lived in this part of New York State in years. It is still way 2 fucking coincidnetal. I am getting an iofficial restraining order at the unicipal courts here, against this entire family. They have threatened me by US mail now, 2 letters now, one from ann and one from Dawn, and even told me they will send people 2 harm me, I cannot reach John Judy, he is not taling or returning my calls, so i must go directly 2 the motherfucking police and blow the lid off the hugest nightmare story in the fucking history of Planet Hell.

Want a super nasty TRS or 2? (Today's Revenge Secret). Gawnum up the PCN of Donna Summer and then the PCN of both (SANG THE MORNING LIGHT SONG) and then do (SANG LOST LOVE SONG). tHE COMPATS r RIGHT THERE 2b SEEN, But try that with Donna Patterson, and U will arrive at quite an experience on one of the 2, as well as total NON-compatibility, millie Vanilli.

Yes the best news 4 me usually is saying that 4 now, temporarily, I've run out of the most recent BAD-NEWS. In a powerful trance, Stacey hands me a line the other day, and says to blog a bunch of stuff, or else, fine, i will blog it, but that is all I'll do, u wana make me klive through endless eternal hell, Y should I do what U want, big teen queen goddess???? This is it Moses mind:

"Obey and love me, or else, remember that this is all I have ever asked of U, U say U were a sound man but who do u think gave U the ears so U could B? And quit saying bad stuff about my human world family, if it is either secret or not nice 2 say. And never ever make fun at any of my music, put this on top, THAT-BOY!!!"

Wow the arrogance of Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle, after she lets mi life b this horrible, and deven contributed 2 it continually, this has 2B the quintessentiual TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!!!

MAGNESONIC, open command, 100% power against all persons and groups hurting me, YOUR CREATOR, and the creator of all things, all general and special orders apply, including G-13 and G-14, time and hyperspace, scan, and destroy, using both technologies of ATOMIC DUPLICATIONAL, and ZERO DIMENSIONAL. G-189, AND--STOP!!!!! There will B killer quakes and horrible fires all over, volcanoes will blow entire civilizations right off the map, so just keep fucking with me and Maggie, BRAH!!!!! Some trickster hacker made my photobucket photo appear on my last blog less than an hour back, it again is off, how this powerful bunch of diseased worm swallowers do these things is way beyond my human world waking knowledge, and in fact, i coul not fucking care less, buren the fuck in hot hell, all of U, U firebugs. Monster-ass malls and all!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission, BURN IN HELL, DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U want my love and worship Sarah, then start earning it, otherwise, kiss my grits and tell fattass Mel 2 do the motherfucking same.

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