Tuesday, September 21, 2010

safe journal ch 0018D

all a public record, by way of internet blogging technology. Also in like manner, I never MADE ANY FUCKING BONES ABOUT, NOR DENIALS ABOUT, USING THIS SAME EXACT AND PRECISE METHOD OF COUNTERSTRIKING THESE ‘ENEMY-FORCES’ WITH MY USAGE OF THE {(UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE)} IN MY 1994 BOOK, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”, AS WELL AS THE LYRICAL CONTENT OF MUCH OF MY MUSICAL COMPILATIONS AND INDIVIDUALLY COPYRIGHTED SONGS THROUGHOUT 3 AND A HALF DECADES OF TIME. It is no different than many of the foreign opposition in the endless cold wars that do not seem all that ‘cold’ 2 me by the way through the years following World War TWO, in that when they, and no, I am in no way advocating or promoting any illegal activity and especially violence of any kind, but in making a point 4 sake of that point only, my thought here continues on, when these backward and less than superpower nations or organizations world-wide attack by driving explosive trucks into public locations and along this line, they R only striking back in the way that is optional 2 them, they have no thermonuclear capabilities or we all would B in some serious trouble. But if U can follow my simple point here, they can only do what they R able 2 do and they R only doing what THEY believe is just and a counter strike upon THEIR ENEMIES, I can totally relate here, not 2 this destructive and murderous behavior in itself, but merely in point and principle based on all of my personal fucking bullshit that I am involved somehow in, with some extremely omnipotent force and enemy that has been acting out aggressively and totally hostile against me since the day I was either born as the me that I am right now, or very close 2 birth somewhere in my dim memories. THIS IS SIMPLE FUCKING TRUTH, NO MATTER WHO ON THIS DISEASED PLANET MAY LIKE IT HEARD AND OR PRINTED IN A PUBLIC RECORD-----OR NOT, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John Henningsen could take the microphone from here, as his famous quotation is beyond the quintessential apropos, when he would say 2 me in the late nineteen hundred sixties, “Mark, it’s just that simple”.

Moving this all right along here, first, I fucked up on a prior blog and said the year 2009 when quite obviously I meant 2 type in

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