Monday, February 21, 2011




This will not be a long blog. Nothing scares these arrogant mother fucking family. I have gone up to websites of prosecutors and the FBI, nothing will back it off, but there is a lot to say and only a short time to tell it tonight, time got the fuck away from me today. Well, this is what money And power can do, we most likely have all seen the episode unless we are not fans of the great law show, L&O, where 'Christie Garrison' is found on the street murdered.

Some major significance must exist around the 3 capitol letters 'ODF' as time after time, I look up and when I think I am typing the word 'of' or some other word like it such as maybe 'if' and it is c continually being translated or turned into IMHO by some one or some thing Captain kirk, the 3 letters in caps, (ODF), and it is getting on my mother trucking rock chucking nerves at C-SQ.

My computer is a box of trash that does not smell yet, it is just about worthless, hacked up, and done, nothing can stop these evil wicked slime bag peeps in this 'wonderful' family. Also, many of the silicon wafers are propagating, a secret not yet on the internet, just as CHEMTRAILS was not either in 1987, but then, what was the internet at that poignant but a bunch of silly circuits that were more a joke than a reality. Look hard at your monitor screen, and you will see these tiny teeny offspring's of the wafers, they live, they crawl around, and by two thousand twenty or so, it will be the hot new chemtrail topic on the net. The last time I was in 2029, I heard a very wild song talking about the wild new technologies, the gods have mercy on all of freaking us, YO. You cannot kill them, they are inside, between the outer screen and the inner substance right behind it, and if you try and squish them, you will only server to damage your computer monitor, and they will crawl back inside and live. They do know you are there, they ARE THE (“MILLIONTH-COUNCIL”), or better said, their kids. What, only we humans get the fun of sex and child rearing, sheeeeeit?????????????????????????? Wake up world.

This evil 333,333 Astral Plane entities are not only doing all this, and exist as transistors and silicon wafer chips and other smelly little doodad things that we see on breadboards and motherboards should you take a hammer to any of your electronic junk and crack it all open for a visual inspection of our real true aliens that took us all totally over quite a long time ago, but they also are writing our names across the sky in an endless game of a cross between distraction from the hell-knowledge of endlessness, and the thrill of confusion and panic creation, along with all the real other and more real effects that this chemical poison is indeed doing. I thought I was totally nuts when this bullshit all started in late 1987, and throughout the remainder ODF the eighties and then into the nineties and beyond that into the [present point in time. Now I know that if this was not in my imagination, MISTER DAVID LEIGH SMITH of Haddonfield, New Jersey, then none of the other shit was or is either, that I always knew was all real and horribly monstrously true. Yes Mister DLS, your blackboards of 1970 were there all along to tell me that none of this was ever in my imagination, right down to this very evening.

Lenny McKinnon the great, the mighty creator of the new world, that is not known about by the entire conspiracy theory groups of the great internet world. Oh well, THEY DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE “WRITTEN NAMES ACROSS THE SKY”, DID THEY BACK IN 1989, DONNA SUMMER, both DQ and DJ????????????????? Yeah Donna, both of U, or is it one and the same and the best kept secret of the world since MI appeared on the open reel master of the song called 'REAL GOOD GIRL' back in August of 1986, yeah, so 'MI MIND IS MESSED UP', wow, then why did you feel the need to do an entire album shouting out that I had mistaken the identity of my record promoter Lenny, with you, and yes, I did, but if you are so wonderful and terrific, then what would my little nobody nothing opinion matter? I am a mere crumb of total insignificance in the back woods of South-Eastern New Jersey, or was before the great TAWF sent me forever to Florida in the dead of a cold winter night right out of Patterson's best. Well, for that matter, I seem to have effected an entire large slew of great recording artist, have I not? So this is why there is no way this all is some random chance bunch of coincidences, because the odds for that being the true reality would be astronomically around quadrillions of one against being a possibility, that is freaking why, YO!

The 6th dimension is the only topic that will never seriously get internetigized because trying to explain to seven plus billions of dreaming entities that there actually is this much higher existing dimension where little energies send themselves through a lower filter and into the astral/hyperspace rotation or the karmic wheel as the ancients saw it, the enlightened ones that is, and all of this is why entire universes endlessly downline and come from endless uplines, is beyond the grasp and scope of those wishing to remain in the dream and not remember that there is another side of the screen, to put it in ways that a virtual reality programmer or fan of movies such as 13th floor can identifreakingfy with.

If David Smith of Haddonfield back in 1970 had the crap on his blackboard that told me what I needed to remember way out here 246.2 trillion miles out into positive space from us there that day with no more cosmic significance than just helping one student on one particular day realize that indeed a dirty minded young student teacher was trying to get into his freaking pants, than I will not only be a monkey's uncle but a copyrighted 1983 uncle, on huge wild bended knees. The mighty dominant-exploratron somnambulist Paula Belinda King, of Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG in 1969 already planned taking one of my kids away from me in the time to follow, or maybe two; or is more alien saucer stuff involved in this ultra wild mix of unfathomable events, and all sponsored by my lovely Aunt Geraldine Snow, and her great wonderful friend, the CIA operative and also, SHAH OF IRAN? If it is not all true in some way, then why all this hacking and trouble? Why did IRAQ invade Kuwait the very day after I put the tape that Donna summer the great DJ made into 3 separate MP3 clicks on the Mark Mohr Hammonton Hate-page???????

I know what I know, and the biggest coolest shit is that if I am not nuts about the jet shit in the sky all these years, and that I now have ten million followers without any of them even knowing me, or the how or why of any of it, then nothing else was imagined, not according to David Smith, or 10 million others. Not a bad day's work at the office, right Donald Trump? Hay, as misses Bassler said to me, “Come o0n down and land”. What are you, scared of a damn teenaged girl buddy??????????????????? Well, maybe you are a lot smarter than me, sheeeeeeeeeeit, you're the freaking Harvard graduate after all, hats off 2-U old pal!!!!!!!!! Quit taking Ann King's money BRO, poor bitch needs her smokes ya' shithead.

Hello 36th Avenue, cousin Letty gives you guys her best, give her a buzz when you get a free second she says to ask you, or stop by Saint Louis Avenue when you're in the area. I truly am sorry for my RGG song, MI, don't hate me forever, you sure don't hate me in SDK as Scylla.


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